module Csound.Typed.GlobalState.GE(
    GE, Dep, History(..), withOptions, withHistory, getOptions, evalGE, execGE,
    getHistory, putHistory,
    -- * Globals
    -- * Midi
    MidiAssign(..), Msg(..), renderMidiAssign, saveMidi, saveToMidiInstr, 
    MidiCtrl(..), saveMidiCtrl, renderMidiCtrl,
    -- * Instruments
    saveAlwaysOnInstr, onInstr, saveUserInstr0, getSysExpr,
    -- * Total duration
    TotalDur(..), pureGetTotalDurForF0, getTotalDurForTerminator, 
    setDurationForce, setDuration, setDurationToInfinite,
    -- * Notes
    -- * GEN routines
    saveGen, getNextGlobalGenId,
    -- * Sf2
    saveSf, sfTable,
    -- * Band-limited waves
    -- * Strings
    -- * Guis
    newGuiHandle, saveGuiRoot, saveDefKeybdPanel, appendToGui, 
    newGuiVar, getPanels, guiHandleToVar,
    listenKeyEvt, Key(..), KeyEvt(..), Guis(..),
) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Boolean
import Data.Default
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import qualified Data.Map    as M

import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader

import Csound.Dynamic 

import Csound.Typed.GlobalState.Options
import Csound.Typed.GlobalState.Elements
import Csound.Typed.Constants(infiniteDur)

import Csound.Typed.Gui.Gui(Panel(..), Win(..), GuiNode, GuiHandle(..), restoreTree, guiMap, mapGuiOnPanel, defText)

type Dep a = DepT GE a

-- global side effects
newtype GE a = GE { unGE :: ReaderT Options (StateT History IO) a }

runGE :: GE a -> Options -> History -> IO (a, History)
runGE (GE f) opt hist = runStateT (runReaderT f opt) hist

evalGE :: Options -> GE a -> IO a
evalGE options a = fmap fst $ runGE a options def

execGE :: Options -> GE a -> IO History
execGE options a = fmap snd $ runGE a options def

instance Functor GE where
    fmap f = GE . fmap f . unGE

instance Applicative GE where
    pure = return
    (<*>) = ap

instance Monad GE where
    return = GE . return
    ma >>= mf = GE $ unGE ma >>= unGE . mf

instance MonadIO GE where
    liftIO = GE . liftIO . liftIO
data History = History
    { genMap            :: GenMap
    , globalGenCounter  :: Int
    , stringMap         :: StringMap
    , sfMap             :: SfMap
    , midiMap           :: MidiMap GE
    , globals           :: Globals
    , instrs            :: Instrs
    , midis             :: [MidiAssign]
    , midiCtrls         :: [MidiCtrl]
    , totalDur          :: Maybe TotalDur
    , alwaysOnInstrs    :: [InstrId]
    , notes             :: [(InstrId, CsdEvent)]
    , userInstr0        :: Dep ()
    , bandLimitedMap    :: BandLimitedMap    
    , guis              :: Guis }

instance Default History where
    def = History def def def def def def def def def def def def (return ()) def def

data Msg = Msg
data MidiAssign = MidiAssign MidiType Channel InstrId
data MidiCtrl   = MidiCtrl E E E

renderMidiAssign :: Monad m => MidiAssign -> DepT m ()
renderMidiAssign (MidiAssign ty chn instrId) = case ty of
    Massign         -> massign chn instrId
    Pgmassign mn    -> pgmassign chn instrId mn
        massign n instr = depT_ $ opcs "massign" [(Xr, [Ir,Ir])] [int n, prim $ PrimInstrId instr]
        pgmassign pgm instr mchn = depT_ $ opcs "pgmassign" [(Xr, [Ir,Ir,Ir])] ([int pgm, prim $ PrimInstrId instr] ++ maybe [] (return . int) mchn)

renderMidiCtrl :: Monad m => MidiCtrl -> DepT m ()
renderMidiCtrl (MidiCtrl chno ctrlno val) = initc7 chno ctrlno val
        initc7 :: Monad m => E -> E -> E -> DepT m ()
        initc7 a b c = depT_ $ opcs "initc7" [(Xr, [Ir, Ir, Ir])] [a, b, c]

data TotalDur = ExpDur E | InfiniteDur

getTotalDurForTerminator :: GE E
getTotalDurForTerminator = fmap (getTotalDurForTerminator' . totalDur) getHistory

pureGetTotalDurForF0 :: Maybe TotalDur -> Double
pureGetTotalDurForF0 = toDouble . maybe InfiniteDur id  
        toDouble x = case x of            
            _           -> infiniteDur
getTotalDurForTerminator' :: Maybe TotalDur -> E
getTotalDurForTerminator' = toExpr . maybe InfiniteDur id
        toExpr x = case x of            
            InfiniteDur -> infiniteDur
            ExpDur e    -> e            

setDurationToInfinite :: GE ()
setDurationToInfinite = setTotalDur InfiniteDur

setDuration :: E -> GE ()
setDuration = setTotalDur . ExpDur

setDurationForce :: E -> GE ()
setDurationForce = setTotalDur . ExpDur 

saveStr :: String -> GE E
saveStr = fmap prim . onStringMap . newString
    where onStringMap = onHistory stringMap (\val h -> h{ stringMap = val })

getNextGlobalGenId :: GE Int
getNextGlobalGenId = onHistory globalGenCounter (\a h -> h{ globalGenCounter = a }) nextGlobalGenCounter

saveGen :: Gen -> GE E
saveGen = onGenMap . newGen
    where onGenMap = onHistory genMap (\val h -> h{ genMap = val })

onSfMap :: State SfMap a -> GE a
onSfMap = onHistory sfMap (\val h -> h{ sfMap = val })

saveSf :: SfSpec -> GE Int
saveSf = onSfMap . newSf 

sfTable :: History -> [(SfSpec, Int)]
sfTable = M.toList . idMapContent . sfMap

saveBandLimitedWave :: BandLimited -> GE Int
saveBandLimitedWave = onBandLimitedMap . saveBandLimited
    where onBandLimitedMap = onHistory 
                (\a -> (genMap a, bandLimitedMap a)) 
                (\(gm, blm) h -> h { genMap = gm, bandLimitedMap = blm})
setTotalDur :: TotalDur -> GE ()
setTotalDur = onTotalDur . modify . const . Just
    where onTotalDur = onHistory totalDur (\a h -> h { totalDur = a })

saveMidi :: MidiAssign -> GE ()
saveMidi ma = onMidis $ modify (ma: )
    where onMidis = onHistory midis (\a h -> h { midis = a })

saveToMidiInstr :: MidiType -> Channel -> (InstrId -> Dep ()) -> GE ()
saveToMidiInstr ty chn expr = onMidiMap (saveMidiInstr ty chn expr)
    where onMidiMap = modifyHistoryField midiMap (\a h -> h { midiMap = a })

saveMidiCtrl :: MidiCtrl -> GE ()
saveMidiCtrl ma = onMidis $ modify (ma: )
    where onMidis = onHistory midiCtrls (\a h -> h { midiCtrls = a })

saveUserInstr0 :: Dep () -> GE ()
saveUserInstr0 expr = onUserInstr0 $ modify ( >> expr)
    where onUserInstr0 = onHistory userInstr0 (\a h -> h { userInstr0 = a })

getSysExpr :: InstrId -> GE (Dep ())
getSysExpr terminatorInstrId = do
    e1 <- withHistory $ clearGlobals . globals
    dt <- getTotalDurForTerminator
    let e2 = event_i $ Event terminatorInstrId dt 0.01 [] 
    return $ e1 >> e2
    where clearGlobals = snd . renderGlobals

saveAlwaysOnInstr :: InstrId -> GE ()
saveAlwaysOnInstr instrId = onAlwaysOnInstrs $ modify (instrId : )
    where onAlwaysOnInstrs = onHistory alwaysOnInstrs (\a h -> h { alwaysOnInstrs = a })

addNote :: InstrId -> CsdEvent -> GE ()
addNote instrId evt = modifyHistory $ \h -> h { notes = (instrId, evt) : notes h }

setMasterInstrId :: InstrId -> GE ()
setMasterInstrId masterId = onMasterInstrId $ put masterId
    where onMasterInstrId = onHistory masterInstrId (\a h -> h { masterInstrId = a })
-- state modifiers

withOptions :: (Options -> a) -> GE a
withOptions f = GE $ asks f

getOptions :: GE Options
getOptions = withOptions id

getHistory :: GE History
getHistory = GE $ lift get

putHistory :: History -> GE ()
putHistory h = GE $ lift $ put h

withHistory :: (History -> a) -> GE a
withHistory f = GE $ lift $ fmap f get

modifyHistory :: (History -> History) -> GE ()
modifyHistory = GE . lift . modify

modifyHistoryField :: (History -> a) -> (a -> History -> History) -> (a -> a) -> GE ()
modifyHistoryField getter setter f = modifyHistory (\h -> setter (f $ getter h) h)

modifyWithHistory :: (History -> (a, History)) -> GE a
modifyWithHistory f = GE $ lift $ state f

-- update fields

onHistory :: (History -> a) -> (a -> History -> History) -> State a b -> GE b
onHistory getter setter st = GE $ ReaderT $ \_ -> StateT $ \history -> 
    let (res, s1) = runState st (getter history)
    in  return (res, setter s1 history) 

type UpdField a b = State a b -> GE b

onInstr :: UpdField Instrs a
onInstr = onHistory instrs (\a h -> h { instrs = a })

onGlobals :: UpdField Globals a
onGlobals = onHistory globals (\a h -> h { globals = a })

-- guis

data Guis = Guis
    { guiStateNewId     :: Int
    , guiStateInstr     :: DepT GE ()
    , guiStateToDraw    :: [GuiNode] 
    , guiStateRoots     :: [Panel]
    , guiKeyEvents      :: KeyCodeMap }

-- it maps integer key codes to global variables 
-- that acts like sensors.
type KeyCodeMap = IM.IntMap Var

instance Default Guis where 
    def = Guis 0 (return ()) [] [] def

newGuiHandle :: GE GuiHandle 
newGuiHandle = modifyWithHistory $ \h -> 
    let (n, g') = bumpGuiStateId $ guis h
    in  (GuiHandle n, h{ guis = g' })

guiHandleToVar :: GuiHandle -> Var
guiHandleToVar (GuiHandle n) = Var GlobalVar Ir ('h' : show n)

newGuiVar :: GE (Var, GuiHandle)
newGuiVar = liftA2 (,) (onGlobals $ newPersistentGlobalVar Kr 0) newGuiHandle

modifyGuis :: (Guis -> Guis) -> GE ()
modifyGuis f = modifyHistory $ \h -> h{ guis = f $ guis h }

appendToGui :: GuiNode -> DepT GE () -> GE ()
appendToGui gui act = modifyGuis $ \st -> st
    { guiStateToDraw = gui : guiStateToDraw st
    , guiStateInstr  = guiStateInstr st >> act }

saveGuiRoot :: Panel -> GE ()
saveGuiRoot g = modifyGuis $ \st -> 
    st { guiStateRoots = g : guiStateRoots st }

saveDefKeybdPanel :: GE ()
saveDefKeybdPanel = saveGuiRoot $ Single (Win "" Nothing g) isKeybd
        g = defText "keyboard listener"
        isKeybd = True

bumpGuiStateId :: Guis -> (Int, Guis)
bumpGuiStateId s = (guiStateNewId s, s{ guiStateNewId = succ $ guiStateNewId s })

getPanels :: History -> [Panel]
getPanels h = fmap (mapGuiOnPanel (restoreTree m)) $ guiStateRoots $ guis h 
    where m = guiMap $ guiStateToDraw $ guis h

-- have to be executed after all instruments
guiInstrExp :: GE (DepT GE ())
guiInstrExp = withHistory (guiStateInstr . guis) 

-- key codes

-- | Keyboard events.
data KeyEvt = Press Key | Release Key
    deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Keys.
data Key 
    = CharKey Char
    | F1 | F2 | F3 | F4 | F5 | F6 | F7 | F8 | F9 | F10 | F11 | F12 | Scroll
    | CapsLook | LeftShift | RightShift | LeftCtrl | RightCtrl | Enter | LeftAlt | RightAlt | LeftWinKey | RightWinKey 
    | Backspace | ArrowUp | ArrowLeft | ArrowRight | ArrowDown 
    | Insert | Home | PgUp | Delete | End | PgDown
    | NumLock | NumDiv | NumMul | NumSub | NumHome | NumArrowUp 
    | NumPgUp | NumArrowLeft | NumSpace | NumArrowRight | NumEnd 
    | NumArrowDown | NumPgDown | NumIns | NumDel | NumEnter | NumPlus 
    | Num7 | Num8 | Num9 | Num4 | Num5 | Num6 | Num1 | Num2 | Num3 | Num0 | NumDot 
    deriving (Show, Eq)

keyToCode :: Key -> Int
keyToCode x = case x of
    CharKey a -> fromEnum a
    F1 -> 446
    F2 -> 447
    F3 -> 448 
    F4 -> 449
    F5 -> 450
    F6 -> 451
    F7 -> 452
    F8 -> 453
    F9 -> 454
    F10 -> 456
    F11 -> 457
    F12 -> 458
    Scroll-> 276
    CapsLook -> 485 
    LeftShift -> 481
    RightShift -> 482
    LeftCtrl -> 483
    RightCtrl -> 484
    Enter -> 269
    LeftAlt -> 489
    RightAlt -> 490
    LeftWinKey -> 491
    RightWinKey -> 492
    Backspace -> 264 
    ArrowUp -> 338
    ArrowLeft -> 337
    ArrowRight -> 339
    ArrowDown -> 340
    Insert -> 355
    Home -> 336
    PgUp -> 341
    Delete -> 511
    End -> 343
    PgDown -> 342

    NumLock -> 383
    NumDiv -> 431
    NumMul -> 426
    NumSub -> 429
    NumHome -> 436
    NumArrowUp -> 438
    NumPgUp -> 341
    NumArrowLeft -> 337
    NumSpace -> 267
    NumArrowRight -> 339
    NumEnd -> 343
    NumArrowDown -> 340
    NumPgDown -> 342
    NumIns -> 355
    NumDel -> 511
    NumEnter -> 397
    NumPlus -> 427

    Num7 -> 439
    Num8 -> 440
    Num9 -> 441
    Num4 -> 436
    Num5 -> 437
    Num6 -> 438
    Num1 -> 433
    Num2 -> 434
    Num3 -> 435
    Num0 -> 432
    NumDot -> 430

keyEvtToCode :: KeyEvt -> Int
keyEvtToCode x = case x of
    Press k   -> keyToCode k
    Release k -> negate $ keyToCode k

listenKeyEvt :: KeyEvt -> GE Var
listenKeyEvt evt = do
    hist <- getHistory
    let g      = guis hist
        keyMap = guiKeyEvents g
        code   = keyEvtToCode evt

    case IM.lookup code keyMap of
        Just var -> return var
        Nothing  -> do
            var <- onGlobals $ newClearableGlobalVar Kr 0
            hist2 <- getHistory
            let newKeyMap = IM.insert code var keyMap 
                newG      = g { guiKeyEvents = newKeyMap }
                hist3     = hist2 { guis = newG }
            putHistory hist3
            return var

-- assumes that first instrument id is 18 and 17 is free to use.
keyEventInstrId :: InstrId
keyEventInstrId = intInstrId 17

keyEventInstrBody :: KeyCodeMap -> GE InstrBody
keyEventInstrBody keyMap = execDepT $ do
    let keys     = flKeyIn
        isChange = changed keys ==* 1
    when1 isChange $ do
        whens (fmap (uncurry $ listenEvt keys) events) doNothing
        doNothing = return ()

        listenEvt keySig keyCode var = (keySig ==* int keyCode, writeVar var 1)

        events = IM.toList keyMap

        flKeyIn :: E
        flKeyIn = opcs "FLkeyIn" [(Kr, [])] []

getKeyEventListener :: GE (Maybe Instr)
getKeyEventListener = do
    h <- getHistory
    if (IM.null $ guiKeyEvents $ guis h) 
        then return Nothing
        else do
            saveAlwaysOnInstr keyEventInstrId
            body <- keyEventInstrBody $ guiKeyEvents $ guis h
            return $ Just (Instr keyEventInstrId body)