{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# Language 
        FlexibleInstances #-}
module Csound.Typed.Types.Tuple(
    -- ** Tuple
    Tuple(..), TupleMethods, makeTupleMethods, 
    fromTuple, toTuple, tupleArity, tupleRates, defTuple,

    -- ** Outs
    Sigs, outArity, 

    -- *** Multiple outs
    ar1, ar2, ar4, ar6, ar8,

    -- ** Arguments
    Arg, arg, toNote, argArity, toArg,

    -- ** Logic functions
    ifTuple, guardedTuple, caseTuple,
    ifArg, guardedArg, caseArg,

    -- ** Constructors
    pureTuple, dirtyTuple
) where

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Data.Default
import Data.Boolean

import Csound.Dynamic
import Csound.Typed.Types.Prim
import Csound.Typed.GlobalState
import Csound.Typed.Types.TupleHelpers

-- | A tuple of Csound values.
class Tuple a where
    tupleMethods :: TupleMethods a

data TupleMethods a = TupleMethods
    { fromTuple_  :: a -> GE [E]
    , toTuple_    :: GE [E] -> a
    , tupleArity_ :: a -> Int
    , tupleRates_ :: a -> [Rate]
    , defTuple_   :: a }

fromTuple :: Tuple a => a -> GE [E] 
fromTuple = fromTuple_ tupleMethods

toTuple :: Tuple a => GE [E] -> a
toTuple = toTuple_ tupleMethods

tupleArity :: Tuple a => a -> Int
tupleArity = tupleArity_ tupleMethods

tupleRates :: Tuple a => a -> [Rate]
tupleRates = tupleRates_ tupleMethods

defTuple :: Tuple a => a
defTuple = defTuple_ tupleMethods

-- | Defines instance of type class 'Tuple' for a new type in terms of an already defined one.
makeTupleMethods :: (Tuple a) => (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> TupleMethods b
makeTupleMethods to from = TupleMethods 
    { fromTuple_  = fromTuple . from
    , toTuple_    = to . toTuple 
    , tupleArity_ = const $ tupleArity $ proxy to
    , tupleRates_ = tupleRates . from
    , defTuple_   = to defTuple }
    where proxy :: (a -> b) -> a
          proxy = undefined

-- Tuple instances

primTupleMethods :: (Val a, Default a) => Rate -> TupleMethods a
primTupleMethods rate = TupleMethods 
        { fromTuple_ = fmap return . toGE
        , toTuple_ = fromGE . fmap head
        , tupleArity_ = const 1
        , tupleRates_ = const [rate]
        , defTuple_   = def }

instance Tuple Unit where
    tupleMethods = TupleMethods 
        { fromTuple_  = \x -> unUnit x >> (return [])
        , toTuple_    = \es -> Unit $ es >> return ()
        , tupleArity_ = const 0
        , tupleRates_ = const []
        , defTuple_   = Unit $ return () }

instance Tuple Sig   where tupleMethods = primTupleMethods Ar        
instance Tuple D     where tupleMethods = primTupleMethods Kr
instance Tuple Tab   where tupleMethods = primTupleMethods Kr
instance Tuple Str   where tupleMethods = primTupleMethods Sr
instance Tuple Spec  where tupleMethods = primTupleMethods Fr

instance (Tuple a, Tuple b) => Tuple (a, b) where    
    tupleMethods = TupleMethods fromTuple' toTuple' tupleArity' tupleRates' defTuple'
            fromTuple' (a, b) = liftA2 (++) (fromTuple a) (fromTuple b)
            tupleArity' x = let (a, b) = proxy x in tupleArity a + tupleArity b
                where proxy :: (a, b) -> (a, b)
                      proxy = const (undefined, undefined)  
            toTuple' xs = (a, b)
                where a = toTuple $ fmap (take (tupleArity a)) xs
                      xsb = fmap (drop (tupleArity a)) xs  
                      b = toTuple $ fmap (take (tupleArity b)) xsb

            tupleRates' (a, b) = tupleRates a ++ tupleRates b
            defTuple' = (defTuple, defTuple)

instance (Tuple a, Tuple b, Tuple c) => Tuple (a, b, c) where tupleMethods = makeTupleMethods cons3 split3
instance (Tuple a, Tuple b, Tuple c, Tuple d) => Tuple (a, b, c, d) where tupleMethods = makeTupleMethods cons4 split4
instance (Tuple a, Tuple b, Tuple c, Tuple d, Tuple e) => Tuple (a, b, c, d, e) where tupleMethods = makeTupleMethods cons5 split5
instance (Tuple a, Tuple b, Tuple c, Tuple d, Tuple e, Tuple f) => Tuple (a, b, c, d, e, f) where tupleMethods = makeTupleMethods cons6 split6
instance (Tuple a, Tuple b, Tuple c, Tuple d, Tuple e, Tuple f, Tuple g) => Tuple (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) where tupleMethods = makeTupleMethods cons7 split7
instance (Tuple a, Tuple b, Tuple c, Tuple d, Tuple e, Tuple f, Tuple g, Tuple h) => Tuple (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) where tupleMethods = makeTupleMethods cons8 split8

-- multiple outs

multiOuts :: Tuple a => E -> a
multiOuts expr = res
    where res = toTuple $ return $ mo (tupleArity res) expr

ar1 :: Sig -> Sig
ar2 :: (Sig, Sig) -> (Sig, Sig)
ar4 :: (Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig) -> (Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig)
ar6 :: (Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig) -> (Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig)
ar8 :: (Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig) -> (Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig)

ar1 = id;   ar2 = id;   ar4 = id;   ar6 = id;   ar8 = id   

-- out instances

-- | The tuples of signals.
class (Tuple a, Num a) => Sigs a where

instance Sigs Sig
instance Sigs (Sig, Sig)
instance Sigs (Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig)
instance Sigs (Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig)
instance Sigs (Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig)
instance Sigs ( (Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig)
              , (Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig) )

instance Sigs ( (Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig)
              , (Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig)
              , (Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig)
              , (Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig) )
outArity :: Tuple a => SE a -> Int
outArity = tupleArity . proxy
        proxy :: SE a -> a
        proxy = const undefined

-- Arguments

class (Tuple a) => Arg a where

instance Arg Unit
instance Arg D
instance Arg Str
instance Arg Tab

instance (Arg a, Arg b) => Arg (a, b)
instance (Arg a, Arg b, Arg c) => Arg (a, b, c)
instance (Arg a, Arg b, Arg c, Arg d) => Arg (a, b, c, d)
instance (Arg a, Arg b, Arg c, Arg d, Arg e) => Arg (a, b, c, d, e)
instance (Arg a, Arg b, Arg c, Arg d, Arg e, Arg f) => Arg (a, b, c, d, e, f)
instance (Arg a, Arg b, Arg c, Arg d, Arg e, Arg f, Arg h) => Arg (a, b, c, d, e, f, h)
instance (Arg a, Arg b, Arg c, Arg d, Arg e, Arg f, Arg h, Arg g) => Arg (a, b, c, d, e, f, h, g)

arg :: Arg a => Int -> a
arg n = toTuple $ return $ fmap pn [n ..]

toArg :: Arg a => a
toArg = arg 4

argArity :: Arg a => a -> Int
argArity = tupleArity

toNote :: Arg a => a -> GE [E]
toNote a = zipWithM phi (tupleRates a) =<< fromTuple a
        phi rate x = case rate of            
            Sr -> saveStr $ getStringUnsafe x
            _  -> return x
        getStringUnsafe x = case getPrimUnsafe x of
            PrimString y    -> y
            _               -> error "Arg(Str):getStringUnsafe value is not a string"

-- logic functions

-- tuples

newtype BoolTuple = BoolTuple { unBoolTuple :: GE [E] }

toBoolTuple :: Tuple a => a -> BoolTuple
toBoolTuple   = BoolTuple . fromTuple

fromBoolTuple :: Tuple a => BoolTuple -> a
fromBoolTuple = toTuple . unBoolTuple

type instance BooleanOf BoolTuple = BoolSig

instance IfB BoolTuple where
    ifB mp (BoolTuple mas) (BoolTuple mbs) = BoolTuple $ 
        liftA3 (\p as bs -> zipWith (ifB p) as bs) (toGE mp) mas mbs

-- | @ifB@ for tuples of csound values.
ifTuple :: (Tuple a) => BoolSig -> a -> a -> a
ifTuple p a b = fromBoolTuple $ ifB p (toBoolTuple a) (toBoolTuple b)

-- | @guardedB@ for tuples of csound values.
guardedTuple :: (Tuple b) => [(BoolSig, b)] -> b -> b
guardedTuple bs b = fromBoolTuple $ guardedB undefined (fmap (second toBoolTuple) bs) (toBoolTuple b)

-- | @caseB@ for tuples of csound values.
caseTuple :: (Tuple b) => a -> [(a -> BoolSig, b)] -> b -> b
caseTuple a bs other = fromBoolTuple $ caseB a (fmap (second toBoolTuple) bs) (toBoolTuple other)

-- arguments

newtype BoolArg = BoolArg { unBoolArg :: GE [E] }

toBoolArg :: (Arg a, Tuple a) => a -> BoolArg
toBoolArg   = BoolArg . fromTuple

fromBoolArg :: (Arg a, Tuple a) => BoolArg -> a
fromBoolArg = toTuple . unBoolArg

type instance BooleanOf BoolArg = BoolD

instance IfB BoolArg where
    ifB mp (BoolArg mas) (BoolArg mbs) = BoolArg $ 
        liftA3 (\p as bs -> zipWith (ifB p) as bs) (toGE mp) mas mbs

-- | @ifB@ for constants.
ifArg :: (Arg a, Tuple a) => BoolD -> a -> a -> a
ifArg p a b = fromBoolArg $ ifB p (toBoolArg a) (toBoolArg b)

-- | @guardedB@ for constants.
guardedArg :: (Tuple b, Arg b) => [(BoolD, b)] -> b -> b
guardedArg bs b = fromBoolArg $ guardedB undefined (fmap (second toBoolArg) bs) (toBoolArg b)

-- | @caseB@ for constants.
caseArg :: (Tuple b, Arg b) => a -> [(a -> BoolD, b)] -> b -> b
caseArg a bs other = fromBoolArg $ caseB a (fmap (second toBoolArg) bs) (toBoolArg other)

-- tuple constructors

pureTuple :: Tuple a => GE (MultiOut [E]) -> a
pureTuple a = res
    where res = toTuple $ fmap ($ tupleArity res) a

dirtyTuple :: Tuple a => GE (MultiOut [E]) -> SE a
dirtyTuple a = res
        res = fmap (toTuple . return) $ SE 
                $ mapM depT =<< (lift $ fmap ($ (tupleArity $ proxy res)) a)

        proxy :: SE a -> a
        proxy = const undefined