-- | Header section

module CsoundExpr.Base.Header 
     (Header, SignalInit,
      gSr, gKr, gKsmps, gNchnls, g0dbfs,
      massign, pgmassign, instrOrder,
      initA, initK, initI,
      seed, ctrlinit, ftgen

import CsoundExpr.Translator.Cs.CsTree (int, argIn, Rate(..))
import CsoundExpr.Translator.Types
import CsoundExpr.Base.UserDefined

-- | Header section
type Header = [SignalInit]

gSr, gKr, gKsmps, gNchnls, g0dbfs :: Irate

gSr       = argIn SetupRate "sr"
gKr       = argIn SetupRate "kr"
gKsmps    = argIn SetupRate "ksmps"
gNchnls   = argIn SetupRate "nchnls"
g0dbfs    = argIn SetupRate "0dbfs"

massign :: [Int]        -- ^ ireset 
	-> Int          -- ^ ichnl
	-> SignalOut    -- ^ midi instrument
	-> SignalInit  
massign = Massign

pgmassign :: [Int]      -- ^ ichn 
	-> Int          -- ^ ipgm
	-> SignalOut    -- ^ midi instrument
	-> SignalInit  
pgmassign = Pgmassign

-- | 'instrOrder' defines relative order of instruments in orchestra
-- Instrument is a mapping from note-interface to 'SignalOut'. If two SignalOut's 
-- have equal expression-tree structure they are rendered to the same instrument. 
-- Value in list refers to expresion-tree structure of instrument.
-- Example :
-- > header = [
-- >    gSr     44100,
-- >    gKr      4410,        
-- >    gKsmps     10,
-- >    gNchnls     1, 
-- >    instrOrder [instr1 (0, 0), instr2 ""]
-- > ]
-- > instr1 :: (Irate, Irate) -> SignalOut
-- > instr1 (amp, cps) = out $ oscilA [] amp cps 
-- > instr2 :: String -> SignalOut
-- > instr2 file  = out $ moA1 $ diskin2 [] file (num 1) 

instrOrder :: [SignalOut] -> SignalInit  
instrOrder = InstrOrder

-- | header's initialization statements, like global variables initialization, seed, ctrlinit, fltk, etc.
-- Example :
-- > instr0 [
-- >     gar "sig0"  <=> initA 0,
-- >     gar "sig1"  <=> initA 0,
-- >     gir "fn"    <=> ftgen 0 16384 10 [1],
-- >     seed 0
-- > ]    

instr0 :: [SignalOut] -> SignalInit
instr0 = Instr0 . outList 

init' :: X a => Irate -> a
init' x = opcode "init" [to x]

-- | Puts the value of the i-time expression into a a-rate variable. 

initA :: Irate -> Arate
initA = init'

-- | Puts the value of the i-time expression into a k-rate variable. 

initK :: Irate -> Krate
initK = init'

-- | Puts the value of the i-time expression into a i-rate variable. 

initI :: Irate -> Irate
initI = init'

-- | Sets the global seed value for all x-class noise generators, as well as other opcodes that use a random call, such as grain. 
-- > seed ival

seed :: Irate -> SignalOut
seed = outOpcode "seed" . return . to

-- | Sets the initial values for a set of MIDI controllers. 
-- > ctrlinit ichnl, ictlno1, ival1 [, ictlno2] [, ival2] [, ictlno3] \
-- >      [, ival3] [,...ival32]

ctrlinit :: Irate -> [Irate] -> SignalOut
ctrlinit ichnl ivals = outOpcode "ctrlinit" args
    where args = to ichnl : map to ivals

-- | Generate a score function table from within the orchestra.
-- > gir ftgen ifn, itime, isize, igen, iarga [, iargb ] [...] 
-- @ifn@ - is set to zero
-- > ftgen itime isize igen [iargs]

ftgen :: Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> [Irate] -> Irate
ftgen itime isize igen inits = opcode "ftgen" args
    where args = [int 0, to itime, to isize, to igen] ++ map to inits