-- | Timbres module Csound.Catalog.Wave( -- * Woodwind instruments flute, bassClarinet, frenchHorn, sheng, hulusi, dizi, -- * Michael Gogins gallery pulseWidth, xanadu1, xanadu2, stringPad, toneWheel, guitar, harpsichord, xing, fmMod, filteredChorus, plainString, fmTubularBell, delayedString, melody, rhodes, -- * Amsterdam catalog instruments tibetan, -- * Bay at night -- | Instruments from the piece \"Bay at night\" by JL Diaz. nightPad, -- * Vestige of time -- | Instruments from the piece \"Vestige of time\" by Matthew Mariano. filteredSaw, filteredSawRising, filteredSawFalling, filteredNoise, resonInstr, simpleResonInstr, resonVibrato, delaySaw, femaleVowel, amBell, -- * Desrted -- | Instruments from the piece \"Desrted\" by Jen Scaturro. simpleMarimba, marimbaWave, phasingSynth, noiz, wind, -- * The Heartbeat -- | Instruments from the piece \"The Heartbeat\" by Julie Friedman. heartbeat, monoPluck, chorusel, -- * Trapped in convert -- | Instruments from the piece \"Trapped in convert\" by Richard Boulanger ivory, blue, black, blackMarimba, -- * Modes -- | Percussive instruments defined with modal synthesis -- (see the functions 'Csound.Air.modes' and 'Csound.Catalog.Reson.modesInstr'). All instruments take in a frequency and produce the output signal with percussive envelope. dahina, banyan, xylophone, tibetanBowl180, spinelSphere, potLid, redCedarWoodPlate, tubularBell, redwoodPlate, douglasFirWoodPlate, uniformWoodenBar, uniformAluminumBar, vibraphone1, vibraphone2, chalandiPlates, tibetanBowl152, tibetanBowl140, wineGlass, smallHandbell, albertClockBellBelfast, woodBlock, -- * Vowel -- -- | An emulation of the singing of the vowels with granular synthesis (fof-opcode in the Csound) -- It's best to use these functions with vibrato. -- -- > vibrato 0.12 5 $ oneVowel maleA 330 vowels, loopVowels, oneVowel, Vowel, -- ** Vowels maleA, maleE, maleIY, maleO, maleOO, maleU, maleER, maleUH, femaleA, femaleE, femaleIY, femaleO, femaleOO, -- * Sean Costello RissetBellSpec(..), rissetBell, timpani, timpaniSpec, noiseBell, noiseBellSpec, snowCrackle, fmDrone, fmDrones, tenorOsc, sopranoOsc, -- * Flavio amFlavio, fmFlavio, simpleSust, simpleFading, -- * Thor cathedralOrgan, cathedralOrganFx, hammondOrgan, amPiano, pwBass, pwHarpsichord, pwEnsemble, simpleBass, EpianoOsc(..), epiano, noisyChoir, thorWind, mildWind, boom, windWall, razorPad, razorLead, -- * Bitwig pwPad, triPad, triPadFx, Accordeon(..), accordeon, accordeonFx, -- * Pads polySynthFx, polySynth, dreamPad, underwaterPad, lightIsTooBrightPad, whaleSongPad, -- * Other instruments okComputer, deepBass ) where import Csound.Base import Csound.Catalog.Wave.Ac import Csound.Catalog.Wave.Amsterdam import Csound.Catalog.Wave.VestigeOfTime import Csound.Catalog.Wave.Vowel import Csound.Catalog.Wave.Woodwind import Csound.Catalog.Wave.Deserted import Csound.Catalog.Wave.TheHeartbeat import Csound.Catalog.Wave.TrappedInConvert import Csound.Catalog.Wave.Sean import Csound.Catalog.Wave.Flavio import Csound.Catalog.Wave.Thor import Csound.Catalog.Wave.Bitwig import Csound.Catalog.Wave.Misc import Csound.Catalog.Reson -- | -- > nightPad fadeInTime cps nightPad :: D -> Sig -> Sig nightPad dt = (fadeIn dt * ) . stringPad 1 -- modal synthesis dahina, banyan, xylophone, tibetanBowl180, spinelSphere, potLid, redCedarWoodPlate, tubularBell, redwoodPlate, douglasFirWoodPlate, uniformWoodenBar, uniformAluminumBar, vibraphone1, vibraphone2, chalandiPlates, tibetanBowl152, tibetanBowl140, wineGlass, smallHandbell, albertClockBellBelfast, woodBlock :: Sig -> Sig dahina = strikeModes dahinaModes banyan = strikeModes banyanModes xylophone = strikeModes xylophoneModes tibetanBowl180 = strikeModes tibetanBowlModes180 spinelSphere = strikeModes spinelSphereModes potLid = strikeModes potLidModes redCedarWoodPlate = strikeModes redCedarWoodPlateModes tubularBell = strikeModes tubularBellModes redwoodPlate = strikeModes redwoodPlateModes douglasFirWoodPlate = strikeModes douglasFirWoodPlateModes uniformWoodenBar = strikeModes uniformWoodenBarModes uniformAluminumBar = strikeModes uniformAluminumBarModes vibraphone1 = strikeModes vibraphoneModes1 vibraphone2 = strikeModes vibraphoneModes2 chalandiPlates = strikeModes chalandiPlatesModes tibetanBowl152 = strikeModes tibetanBowlModes152 tibetanBowl140 = strikeModes tibetanBowlModes140 wineGlass = strikeModes wineGlassModes smallHandbell = strikeModes smallHandbellModes albertClockBellBelfast = strikeModes albertClockBellBelfastModes woodBlock = strikeModes woodBlockModes