{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators #-} -- | -- Module : Criterion.Plot -- Copyright : (c) 2009, 2010 Bryan O'Sullivan -- -- License : BSD-style -- Maintainer : bos@serpentine.com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : GHC -- -- Plotting functions. module Criterion.Plot ( plotKDE , plotTiming , plotWith ) where import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO) import Criterion.Config import Criterion.Monad (Criterion, getConfigItem) import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U import Data.Char (isSpace, toLower) import Data.Foldable (forM_) import Data.List (group, intersperse) import Statistics.KernelDensity (Points, fromPoints) import Statistics.Function (indexed) import Statistics.Types (Sample) import System.FilePath (pathSeparator) import System.IO (IOMode(..), Handle, hPutStr, withBinaryFile) import Text.Printf (printf) import qualified Criterion.MultiMap as M import Criterion.IO (printError) #ifdef HAVE_CHART import Data.Accessor ((^=)) import Graphics.Rendering.Chart hiding (Plot,c) #ifdef HAVE_GTK import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Gtk (renderableToWindow) #endif #endif plotWith :: Plot -> (PlotOutput -> IO ()) -> Criterion () plotWith p plot = getConfigItem (M.lookup p . cfgPlot) >>= maybe (return ()) (liftIO . flip forM_ plot) -- | Plot timing data. plotTiming :: PlotOutput -- ^ The kind of output desired. -> String -- ^ Benchmark name. -> Sample -- ^ Timing data. -> IO () plotTiming CSV desc times = do writeTo (mangle $ printf "%s timings.csv" desc) $ \h -> do putRow h ["sample", "execution time"] forM_ (U.toList $ indexed times) $ \(x,y) -> putRow h [show x, show y] #ifdef HAVE_CHART plotTiming (PDF x y) desc times = renderableToPDFFile (renderTiming desc times) x y (mangle $ printf "%s timings %dx%d.pdf" desc x y) plotTiming (PNG x y) desc times = renderableToPNGFile (renderTiming desc times) x y (mangle $ printf "%s timings %dx%d.png" desc x y) plotTiming (SVG x y) desc times = renderableToSVGFile (renderTiming desc times) x y (mangle $ printf "%s timings %dx%d.svg" desc x y) #ifdef HAVE_GTK plotTiming (Window x y) desc times = renderableToWindow (renderTiming desc times) x y #endif #endif plotTiming output _desc _times = printError "ERROR: output type %s not supported on this platform\n" (show output) -- | Plot kernel density estimate. plotKDE :: PlotOutput -- ^ The kind of output desired. -> String -- ^ Benchmark name. -> Maybe (Double, Double) -- ^ Range of x-axis -> Points -- ^ Points at which KDE was computed. -> U.Vector Double -- ^ Kernel density estimates. -> IO () plotKDE CSV desc _exs points pdf = do writeTo (mangle $ printf "%s densities.csv" desc) $ \h -> do putRow h ["execution time", "probability"] forM_ (zip (U.toList pdf) (U.toList (fromPoints points))) $ \(x, y) -> putRow h [show x, show y] #ifdef HAVE_CHART plotKDE (PDF x y) desc exs points pdf = renderableToPDFFile (renderKDE desc exs points pdf) x y (mangle $ printf "%s densities %dx%d.pdf" desc x y) plotKDE (PNG x y) desc exs points pdf = renderableToPNGFile (renderKDE desc exs points pdf) x y (mangle $ printf "%s densities %dx%d.png" desc x y) plotKDE (SVG x y) desc exs points pdf = renderableToSVGFile (renderKDE desc exs points pdf) x y (mangle $ printf "%s densities %dx%d.svg" desc x y) #ifdef HAVE_GTK plotKDE (Window x y) desc exs points pdf = renderableToWindow (renderKDE desc exs points pdf) x y #endif #endif plotKDE output _desc _exs _points _pdf = printError "ERROR: output type %s not supported on this platform\n" (show output) #ifdef HAVE_CHART renderTiming :: String -> Sample -> Renderable () renderTiming desc times = toRenderable layout where layout = layout1_title ^= "Execution times for \"" ++ desc ++ "\"" $ layout1_plots ^= [ Left (plotBars bars) ] $ layout1_left_axis ^= leftAxis $ layout1_bottom_axis ^= bottomAxis $ defaultLayout1 :: Layout1 Double Double leftAxis = laxis_generate ^= autoScaledAxis secAxis $ laxis_title ^= "execution time" $ defaultLayoutAxis bottomAxis = laxis_title ^= "number of samples" $ defaultLayoutAxis bars = plot_bars_values ^= (zip [0.5,1.5..] . map (:[]) . U.toList $ times) $ plot_bars_item_styles ^= [ (solidFillStyle c, Nothing) | c <- defaultColorSeq ] $ plot_bars_spacing ^= BarsFixGap 0 2 $ defaultPlotBars renderKDE :: String -> Maybe (Double, Double) -> Points -> U.Vector Double -> Renderable () renderKDE desc exs points pdf = toRenderable layout where layout = layout1_title ^= "Densities of execution times for \"" ++ desc ++ "\"" $ layout1_plots ^= [ Left (toPlot info) ] $ layout1_left_axis ^= leftAxis $ layout1_bottom_axis ^= bottomAxis $ defaultLayout1 :: Layout1 Double Double leftAxis = laxis_title ^= "estimate of probability density" $ defaultLayoutAxis bottomAxis = laxis_generate ^= semiAutoScaledAxis secAxis $ laxis_title ^= "execution time" $ defaultLayoutAxis semiAutoScaledAxis opts ps = autoScaledAxis opts (extremities ++ ps) extremities = maybe [] (\(lo, hi) -> [lo, hi]) exs info = plot_lines_values ^= [zip (U.toList (fromPoints points)) (U.toList spdf)] $ defaultPlotLines -- Normalise the PDF estimates into a semi-sane range. spdf = U.map (/ U.sum pdf) pdf -- | An axis whose labels display as seconds (or fractions thereof). secAxis :: LinearAxisParams Double secAxis = la_labelf ^= secs $ defaultLinearAxis -- | Try to render meaningful time-axis labels. -- -- /FIXME/: Trouble is, we need to know the range of times for this to -- work properly, so that we don't accidentally display consecutive -- values that appear identical (e.g. \"43 ms, 43 ms\"). secs :: Double -> String secs k | k < 0 = '-' : secs (-k) | k >= 1e9 = (k/1e9) `with` "Gs" | k >= 1e6 = (k/1e6) `with` "Ms" | k >= 1e4 = (k/1e3) `with` "Ks" | k >= 1 = k `with` "s" | k >= 1e-3 = (k*1e3) `with` "ms" | k >= 1e-6 = (k*1e6) `with` "us" | k >= 1e-9 = (k*1e9) `with` "ns" | k >= 1e-12 = (k*1e12) `with` "ps" | otherwise = printf "%g s" k where with (t :: Double) (u :: String) | t >= 1e9 = printf "%.4g %s" t u | t >= 1e6 = printf "%.0f %s" t u | t >= 1e5 = printf "%.0f %s" t u | t >= 1e4 = printf "%.0f %s" t u | t >= 1e3 = printf "%.0f %s" t u | t >= 1e2 = printf "%.0f %s" t u | t >= 1e1 = printf "%.1f %s" t u | otherwise = printf "%.2f %s" t u #endif writeTo :: FilePath -> (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a writeTo path = withBinaryFile path WriteMode escapeCSV :: String -> String escapeCSV xs | any (`elem`xs) escapes = '"' : concatMap esc xs ++ "\"" | otherwise = xs where esc '"' = "\"\"" esc c = [c] escapes = "\"\r\n," putRow :: Handle -> [String] -> IO () putRow h s = hPutStr h (concat (intersperse "," (map escapeCSV s)) ++ "\r\n") -- | Get rid of spaces and other potentially troublesome characters -- from output. mangle :: String -> FilePath mangle = concatMap (replace ((==) '-' . head) "-") . group . map (replace isSpace '-' . replace (==pathSeparator) '-' . toLower) where replace p r c | p c = r | otherwise = c