-- |
-- Module      :  ALife.Creatur.Task
-- Copyright   :  (c) Amy de Buitléir 2012-2015
-- License     :  BSD-style
-- Maintainer  :  amy@nualeargais.ie
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- Provides tasks that you can use with a daemon. These tasks handle
-- reading and writing agents, and various other housekeeping chores,
-- which reduces the amount of code you need to write.
-- It’s also easy to write your own tasks, using these as a guide.)
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts #-}

module ALife.Creatur.Task
 ) where

import ALife.Creatur.Daemon (Job(..))
import qualified ALife.Creatur.Daemon as D
import ALife.Creatur.Universe (Universe, Agent, AgentProgram,
  AgentsProgram, writeToLog, lineup, refreshLineup, markDone, endOfRound,
  withAgent, withAgents, incTime, popSize)
import Control.Conditional (whenM)
import Control.Exception (SomeException)
import Control.Monad (when)
import qualified Control.Monad.Catch as C
import Control.Monad.State (StateT, execStateT, evalStateT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Data.Serialize (Serialize)

simpleJob :: Universe u => Job u
simpleJob = Job
    onStartup = startupHandler,
    onShutdown = shutdownHandler,
    onException = exceptionHandler,
    task = undefined,
    sleepTime = 100

startupHandler :: Universe u => u -> IO u
startupHandler = execStateT (writeToLog $ "Starting")

shutdownHandler :: Universe u => u -> IO ()
shutdownHandler u = evalStateT (writeToLog "Shutdown requested") u

exceptionHandler :: Universe u => u -> SomeException -> IO u
exceptionHandler u x = execStateT (writeToLog ("WARNING: " ++ show x)) u

-- | Can be used as a startupHandler, shutdownHandler,
--   startRoundProgram, or endRoundProgram
doNothing :: Monad m => m ()
doNothing = return ()

  :: (Universe u, Serialize (Agent u))
    => AgentProgram u -> StateT u IO () -> StateT u IO ()
      -> StateT u IO ()
runNoninteractingAgents agentProgram startRoundProgram
    endRoundProgram = do
  atStartOfRound startRoundProgram
  as <- lineup
  when (not . null $ as) $ do
    let a = head as
      (withAgent agentProgram a)
      (writeToLog "Continuing after exception")
    markDone a
    atEndOfRound endRoundProgram

--   The input parameter is a list of agents. The first agent in the
--   list is the agent whose turn it is to use the CPU. The rest of
--   the list contains agents it could interact with. For example, if
--   agents reproduce sexually, the program might check if the first
--   agent in the list is female, and the second one is male, and if so,
--   mate them to produce offspring. The input list is generated in a
--   way that guarantees that every possible sequence of agents has an
--   equal chance of occurring.

  :: (Universe u, Serialize (Agent u))
    => AgentsProgram u -> StateT u IO () -> StateT u IO ()
      -> StateT u IO ()
runInteractingAgents agentsProgram startRoundProgram
    endRoundProgram = do
  atStartOfRound startRoundProgram
  as <- lineup
    (withAgents agentsProgram as)
    (writeToLog "Continuing after exception")
  markDone (head as)
  atEndOfRound endRoundProgram

checkPopSize :: Universe u => (Int, Int) -> StateT u IO ()
checkPopSize (minAgents, maxAgents) = do
  n <- popSize
  writeToLog $ "Pop. size=" ++ show n
  when (n < minAgents) $ requestShutdown "population too small"
  when (n > maxAgents) $ requestShutdown "population too big"

requestShutdown :: Universe u => String -> StateT u IO ()
requestShutdown s = do
  writeToLog $ "Requesting shutdown: " ++ s
  lift D.requestShutdown

atStartOfRound :: Universe u => StateT u IO () -> StateT u IO ()
atStartOfRound program = do
  whenM endOfRound $ do
    writeToLog "Beginning of round"

atEndOfRound :: Universe u => StateT u IO () -> StateT u IO ()
atEndOfRound program = do
  whenM endOfRound $ do
    writeToLog "End of round"

-- nothing :: StateT u IO ()
-- nothing = return ()

-- Note: There's no reason for the checklist type to be a parameter of
-- the Universe type. Users don't interact directly with it, so they
-- won't have any reason to want to use a different checklist
-- implementation.