{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wmissing-export-lists #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wmissing-import-lists #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-name-shadowing #-} {- | crdt-event-fold package tests. -} module Main ( main, ) where import Data.CRDT.EventFold (Event(Output, State, apply), EventResult(Pure), UpdateResult(urEventFold, urNeedsPropagation, urOutputs), EventFold, acknowledge, bottomEid, diffMerge, disassociate, divergent, event, events, fullMerge, infimumValue, new, participate) import Test.Hspec (describe, hspec, it, shouldBe, shouldNotBe) import qualified Data.Map as Map data Ops = Inc | Dec deriving (Eq, Show) instance Event Ops where type State Ops = Int type Output Ops = Int apply Inc state = Pure state (succ state) apply Dec state = Pure state (pred state) main :: IO () main = hspec $ do describe "EventFold" $ it "works in a specific contrived scenario" $ do {- New crdt with the participant 'a'. -} let a = new 0 'a' :: EventFold Int Char Ops show a `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = BottomEid, participants = fromList \"a\", stateValue = 0}, psEvents = fromList []}}" infimumValue a `shouldBe` 0 {- 'b' starts participating. -} let (_eid, r) = participate 'a' 'b' a let a = urEventFold r let b = urEventFold r show a `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = BottomEid, participants = fromList \"a\", stateValue = 0}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 0 'a',(Identity (Join 'b'),fromList \"a\"))]}}" show b `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = BottomEid, participants = fromList \"a\", stateValue = 0}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 0 'a',(Identity (Join 'b'),fromList \"a\"))]}}" let r = acknowledge 'b' b let b = urEventFold r let Right r = diffMerge 'a' a (events 'a' b) let a = urEventFold r show a `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 0 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = 0}, psEvents = fromList []}}" show b `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 0 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = 0}, psEvents = fromList []}}" urOutputs r `shouldBe` mempty urNeedsPropagation r `shouldBe` True show (divergent a) `shouldBe` "fromList []" show (divergent b) `shouldBe` "fromList []" {- 'a' decrements. -} let (o, _, r) = event 'a' Dec a let a = urEventFold r show a `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 0 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = 0}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 1 'a',(Identity (Event Dec),fromList \"a\"))]}}" show b `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 0 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = 0}, psEvents = fromList []}}" o `shouldBe` 0 urOutputs r `shouldBe` mempty urNeedsPropagation r `shouldBe` True show (divergent a) `shouldBe` "fromList [('b',Eid 0 'a')]" show (divergent b) `shouldBe` "fromList []" {- 'a' decrements again. -} let (o, _, r) = event 'a' Dec a let a = urEventFold r show a `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 0 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = 0}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 1 'a',(Identity (Event Dec),fromList \"a\")),(Eid 2 'a',(Identity (Event Dec),fromList \"a\"))]}}" show b `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 0 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = 0}, psEvents = fromList []}}" o `shouldBe` negate 1 urOutputs r `shouldBe` mempty urNeedsPropagation r `shouldBe` True show (divergent a) `shouldBe` "fromList [('b',Eid 0 'a')]" show (divergent b) `shouldBe` "fromList []" {- 'b' decrements. -} let (o, _, r) = event 'b' Dec b let b = urEventFold r show a `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 0 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = 0}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 1 'a',(Identity (Event Dec),fromList \"a\")),(Eid 2 'a',(Identity (Event Dec),fromList \"a\"))]}}" show b `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 0 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = 0}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 1 'b',(Identity (Event Dec),fromList \"b\"))]}}" o `shouldBe` 0 urOutputs r `shouldBe` mempty urNeedsPropagation r `shouldBe` True show (divergent a) `shouldBe` "fromList [('b',Eid 0 'a')]" show (divergent b) `shouldBe` "fromList [('a',Eid 0 'a')]" {- | 'b' sends update to 'a'. -} let Right r = diffMerge 'a' a (events 'a' b) let a = urEventFold r show a `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 0 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = 0}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 1 'a',(Identity (Event Dec),fromList \"a\")),(Eid 1 'b',(Identity (Event Dec),fromList \"ab\")),(Eid 2 'a',(Identity (Event Dec),fromList \"a\"))]}}" show b `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 0 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = 0}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 1 'b',(Identity (Event Dec),fromList \"b\"))]}}" urOutputs r `shouldBe` mempty urNeedsPropagation r `shouldBe` True show (divergent a) `shouldBe` "fromList [('b',Eid 1 'b')]" show (divergent b) `shouldBe` "fromList [('a',Eid 0 'a')]" {- | 'a' sends update to 'b'. -} let Right r = diffMerge 'b' b (events 'b' a) let b = urEventFold r show a `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 0 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = 0}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 1 'a',(Identity (Event Dec),fromList \"a\")),(Eid 1 'b',(Identity (Event Dec),fromList \"ab\")),(Eid 2 'a',(Identity (Event Dec),fromList \"a\"))]}}" show b `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 2 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = -3}, psEvents = fromList []}}" show (urOutputs r) `shouldBe` "fromList [(Eid 1 'a',0),(Eid 1 'b',-1),(Eid 2 'a',-2)]" urNeedsPropagation r `shouldBe` True show (divergent a) `shouldBe` "fromList [('b',Eid 1 'b')]" show (divergent b) `shouldBe` "fromList []" {- | 'b' sends update to 'a'. -} let Right r = diffMerge 'a' a (events 'a' b) let a = urEventFold r show a `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 2 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = -3}, psEvents = fromList []}}" show b `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 2 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = -3}, psEvents = fromList []}}" show (urOutputs r) `shouldBe` "fromList [(Eid 1 'a',0),(Eid 1 'b',-1),(Eid 2 'a',-2)]" urNeedsPropagation r `shouldBe` True show (divergent a) `shouldBe` "fromList []" show (divergent b) `shouldBe` "fromList []" show a `shouldBe` show b {- | 'b' sends update to 'a' (again). -} let Right r = diffMerge 'a' a (events 'a' b) let a = urEventFold r show a `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 2 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = -3}, psEvents = fromList []}}" show b `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 2 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = -3}, psEvents = fromList []}}" show (urOutputs r) `shouldBe` "fromList []" urNeedsPropagation r `shouldBe` False show (divergent a) `shouldBe` "fromList []" show (divergent b) `shouldBe` "fromList []" show a `shouldBe` show b {- 'a' increments. -} let (o, _, r) = event 'a' Inc a let a = urEventFold r show a `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 2 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = -3}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 3 'a',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"a\"))]}}" show b `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 2 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = -3}, psEvents = fromList []}}" o `shouldBe` negate 3 urOutputs r `shouldBe` mempty urNeedsPropagation r `shouldBe` True show (divergent a) `shouldBe` "fromList [('b',Eid 2 'a')]" show (divergent b) `shouldBe` "fromList []" {- 'b' increments. -} let (o, _, r) = event 'b' Inc b let b = urEventFold r show a `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 2 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = -3}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 3 'a',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"a\"))]}}" show b `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 2 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = -3}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 3 'b',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"b\"))]}}" o `shouldBe` negate 3 urOutputs r `shouldBe` mempty urNeedsPropagation r `shouldBe` True show (divergent a) `shouldBe` "fromList [('b',Eid 2 'a')]" show (divergent b) `shouldBe` "fromList [('a',Eid 2 'a')]" {- 'c' joins on 'a' -} let (_eid, r) = participate 'a' 'c' a let a = urEventFold r let r = acknowledge 'c' a let a = urEventFold r let c = urEventFold r show a `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 2 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = -3}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 3 'a',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ac\")),(Eid 4 'a',(Identity (Join 'c'),fromList \"ac\"))]}}" show b `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 2 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = -3}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 3 'b',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"b\"))]}}" show c `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 2 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = -3}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 3 'a',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ac\")),(Eid 4 'a',(Identity (Join 'c'),fromList \"ac\"))]}}" a `shouldBe` c urOutputs r `shouldBe` mempty urNeedsPropagation r `shouldBe` True show (divergent a) `shouldBe` "fromList [('b',Eid 2 'a')]" show (divergent b) `shouldBe` "fromList [('a',Eid 2 'a')]" show (divergent c) `shouldBe` "fromList [('b',Eid 2 'a')]" {- 'a' increments. -} let (o, _, r) = event 'a' Inc a let a = urEventFold r show a `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 2 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = -3}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 3 'a',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ac\")),(Eid 4 'a',(Identity (Join 'c'),fromList \"ac\")),(Eid 5 'a',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"a\"))]}}" show b `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 2 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = -3}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 3 'b',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"b\"))]}}" show c `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 2 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = -3}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 3 'a',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ac\")),(Eid 4 'a',(Identity (Join 'c'),fromList \"ac\"))]}}" o `shouldBe` negate 2 urOutputs r `shouldBe` mempty urNeedsPropagation r `shouldBe` True show (divergent a) `shouldBe` "fromList [('b',Eid 2 'a'),('c',Eid 4 'a')]" show (divergent b) `shouldBe` "fromList [('a',Eid 2 'a')]" show (divergent c) `shouldBe` "fromList [('b',Eid 2 'a')]" {- 'b' increments. -} let (o, _, r) = event 'b' Inc b let b = urEventFold r show a `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 2 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = -3}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 3 'a',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ac\")),(Eid 4 'a',(Identity (Join 'c'),fromList \"ac\")),(Eid 5 'a',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"a\"))]}}" show b `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 2 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = -3}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 3 'b',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"b\")),(Eid 4 'b',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"b\"))]}}" show c `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 2 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = -3}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 3 'a',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ac\")),(Eid 4 'a',(Identity (Join 'c'),fromList \"ac\"))]}}" o `shouldBe` negate 2 urOutputs r `shouldBe` mempty urNeedsPropagation r `shouldBe` True show (divergent a) `shouldBe` "fromList [('b',Eid 2 'a'),('c',Eid 4 'a')]" show (divergent b) `shouldBe` "fromList [('a',Eid 2 'a')]" show (divergent c) `shouldBe` "fromList [('b',Eid 2 'a')]" {- | 'b' sends update to 'a'. -} let Right r = diffMerge 'a' a (events 'a' b) let a = urEventFold r show a `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 2 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = -3}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 3 'a',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ac\")),(Eid 3 'b',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ab\")),(Eid 4 'a',(Identity (Join 'c'),fromList \"ac\")),(Eid 4 'b',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ab\")),(Eid 5 'a',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"a\"))]}}" show b `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 2 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = -3}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 3 'b',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"b\")),(Eid 4 'b',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"b\"))]}}" show c `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 2 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = -3}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 3 'a',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ac\")),(Eid 4 'a',(Identity (Join 'c'),fromList \"ac\"))]}}" show (urOutputs r) `shouldBe` "fromList []" urNeedsPropagation r `shouldBe` True show (divergent a) `shouldBe` "fromList [('b',Eid 4 'b'),('c',Eid 4 'a')]" show (divergent b) `shouldBe` "fromList [('a',Eid 2 'a')]" show (divergent c) `shouldBe` "fromList [('b',Eid 2 'a')]" do {- A world where c leaves. -} let (_eid, r) = disassociate 'c' c show (urEventFold r) `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 2 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = -3}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 3 'a',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ac\")),(Eid 4 'a',(Identity (Join 'c'),fromList \"ac\")),(Eid 5 'c',(Identity (UnJoin 'c'),fromList \"c\"))]}}" {- | 'a' sends update to 'b'. -} let Right r = diffMerge 'b' b (events 'b' a) let b = urEventFold r show a `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 2 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = -3}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 3 'a',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ac\")),(Eid 3 'b',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ab\")),(Eid 4 'a',(Identity (Join 'c'),fromList \"ac\")),(Eid 4 'b',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ab\")),(Eid 5 'a',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"a\"))]}}" show b `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 4 'a', participants = fromList \"abc\", stateValue = -1}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 4 'b',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ab\")),(Eid 5 'a',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ab\"))]}}" show c `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 2 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = -3}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 3 'a',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ac\")),(Eid 4 'a',(Identity (Join 'c'),fromList \"ac\"))]}}" show (urOutputs r) `shouldBe` "fromList [(Eid 3 'a',-3),(Eid 3 'b',-2)]" urNeedsPropagation r `shouldBe` True show (divergent a) `shouldBe` "fromList [('b',Eid 4 'b'),('c',Eid 4 'a')]" show (divergent b) `shouldBe` "fromList [('c',Eid 4 'a')]" show (divergent c) `shouldBe` "fromList [('b',Eid 2 'a')]" {- | 'b' sends update to 'a'. -} let Right r = diffMerge 'a' a (events 'a' b) let a = urEventFold r show a `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 4 'a', participants = fromList \"abc\", stateValue = -1}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 4 'b',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ab\")),(Eid 5 'a',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ab\"))]}}" show b `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 4 'a', participants = fromList \"abc\", stateValue = -1}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 4 'b',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ab\")),(Eid 5 'a',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ab\"))]}}" show c `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 2 'a', participants = fromList \"ab\", stateValue = -3}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 3 'a',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ac\")),(Eid 4 'a',(Identity (Join 'c'),fromList \"ac\"))]}}" show (urOutputs r) `shouldBe` "fromList [(Eid 3 'a',-3),(Eid 3 'b',-2)]" urNeedsPropagation r `shouldBe` True show (divergent a) `shouldBe` "fromList [('c',Eid 4 'a')]" show (divergent b) `shouldBe` "fromList [('c',Eid 4 'a')]" show (divergent c) `shouldBe` "fromList [('b',Eid 2 'a')]" show a `shouldBe` show b infimumValue a `shouldBe` negate 1 do {- World 1, b erroneously sends an update to c using diffMerge, dropping (Eid 3 'a') (because b's Diff infimum is (Eid 4 'a')). -} {- TODO I think we can detect this condition and throw an exception instead of just doing the wrong thing. -} {- | 'b' sends update to 'c'. -} let Right r = diffMerge 'c' c (events 'c' b) let c = urEventFold r show a `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 4 'a', participants = fromList \"abc\", stateValue = -1}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 4 'b',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ab\")),(Eid 5 'a',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ab\"))]}}" show b `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 4 'a', participants = fromList \"abc\", stateValue = -1}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 4 'b',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ab\")),(Eid 5 'a',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ab\"))]}}" show c `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 5 'a', participants = fromList \"abc\", stateValue = 0}, psEvents = fromList []}}" show (urOutputs r) `shouldBe` "fromList [(Eid 3 'a',-3),(Eid 4 'b',-2),(Eid 5 'a',-1)]" urNeedsPropagation r `shouldBe` True show (divergent a) `shouldBe` "fromList [('c',Eid 4 'a')]" show (divergent b) `shouldBe` "fromList [('c',Eid 4 'a')]" show (divergent c) `shouldBe` "fromList []" {- | 'c' sends update to 'a'. -} let Right r = diffMerge 'a' a (events 'a' c) let a = urEventFold r show a `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 5 'a', participants = fromList \"abc\", stateValue = 1}, psEvents = fromList []}}" show b `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 4 'a', participants = fromList \"abc\", stateValue = -1}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 4 'b',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ab\")),(Eid 5 'a',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ab\"))]}}" show c `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 5 'a', participants = fromList \"abc\", stateValue = 0}, psEvents = fromList []}}" show (urOutputs r) `shouldBe` "fromList [(Eid 4 'b',-1),(Eid 5 'a',0)]" urNeedsPropagation r `shouldBe` True show (divergent a) `shouldBe` "fromList []" show (divergent b) `shouldBe` "fromList [('c',Eid 4 'a')]" show (divergent c) `shouldBe` "fromList []" {- | 'a' sends update to 'b'. -} let Right r = diffMerge 'b' b (events 'b' a) let b = urEventFold r show a `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 5 'a', participants = fromList \"abc\", stateValue = 1}, psEvents = fromList []}}" show b `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 5 'a', participants = fromList \"abc\", stateValue = 1}, psEvents = fromList []}}" show c `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 5 'a', participants = fromList \"abc\", stateValue = 0}, psEvents = fromList []}}" show (urOutputs r) `shouldBe` "fromList [(Eid 4 'b',-1),(Eid 5 'a',0)]" urNeedsPropagation r `shouldBe` True show (divergent a) `shouldBe` "fromList []" show (divergent b) `shouldBe` "fromList []" show (divergent c) `shouldBe` "fromList []" show a `shouldBe` show b show a `shouldNotBe` show c do {- World 2, b does the right thing and updates c using fullMerge. -} {- | 'b' sends update to 'c'. -} let Right r = fullMerge 'c' c b let c = urEventFold r show a `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 4 'a', participants = fromList \"abc\", stateValue = -1}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 4 'b',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ab\")),(Eid 5 'a',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ab\"))]}}" show b `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 4 'a', participants = fromList \"abc\", stateValue = -1}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 4 'b',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ab\")),(Eid 5 'a',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ab\"))]}}" show c `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 5 'a', participants = fromList \"abc\", stateValue = 1}, psEvents = fromList []}}" show (urOutputs r) `shouldBe` "fromList [(Eid 4 'b',-1),(Eid 5 'a',0)]" urNeedsPropagation r `shouldBe` True show (divergent a) `shouldBe` "fromList [('c',Eid 4 'a')]" show (divergent b) `shouldBe` "fromList [('c',Eid 4 'a')]" show (divergent c) `shouldBe` "fromList []" {- | 'c' sends update to 'a'. -} let Right r = diffMerge 'a' a (events 'a' c) let a = urEventFold r show a `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 5 'a', participants = fromList \"abc\", stateValue = 1}, psEvents = fromList []}}" show b `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 4 'a', participants = fromList \"abc\", stateValue = -1}, psEvents = fromList [(Eid 4 'b',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ab\")),(Eid 5 'a',(Identity (Event Inc),fromList \"ab\"))]}}" show c `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 5 'a', participants = fromList \"abc\", stateValue = 1}, psEvents = fromList []}}" show (urOutputs r) `shouldBe` "fromList [(Eid 4 'b',-1),(Eid 5 'a',0)]" urNeedsPropagation r `shouldBe` True show (divergent a) `shouldBe` "fromList []" show (divergent b) `shouldBe` "fromList [('c',Eid 4 'a')]" show (divergent c) `shouldBe` "fromList []" {- | 'a' sends update to 'b'. -} let Right r = diffMerge 'b' b (events 'b' a) let b = urEventFold r show a `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 5 'a', participants = fromList \"abc\", stateValue = 1}, psEvents = fromList []}}" show b `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 5 'a', participants = fromList \"abc\", stateValue = 1}, psEvents = fromList []}}" show c `shouldBe` "EventFold {unEventFold = EventFoldF {psOrigin = 0, psInfimum = Infimum {eventId = Eid 5 'a', participants = fromList \"abc\", stateValue = 1}, psEvents = fromList []}}" show (urOutputs r) `shouldBe` "fromList [(Eid 4 'b',-1),(Eid 5 'a',0)]" urNeedsPropagation r `shouldBe` True show (divergent a) `shouldBe` "fromList []" show (divergent b) `shouldBe` "fromList []" show (divergent c) `shouldBe` "fromList []" show a `shouldBe` show b show a `shouldBe` show c describe "divergent" $ do it "marks an unacked join as divergent" $ do let a = new 0 'a' :: EventFold Int Char Ops b = urEventFold . snd . participate 'a' 'b' $ a divergent b `shouldBe` Map.fromList [('b', bottomEid)] it "does not mark an acked join as divergent" $ do let a = new 0 'a' :: EventFold Int Char Ops b = urEventFold . snd . participate 'a' 'b' $ a c = urEventFold . snd . participate 'a' 'c' $ b d = urEventFold . acknowledge 'c' $ c divergent d `shouldBe` Map.fromList [('b', bottomEid)]