(herald "Print Test" (comment "See if read forms look like printed ones")) (comment "CPSA 4.4.1") (comment "All input read from tst/print.scm") (defprotocol print-test basic (defrole role (vars (a b akey) (f g skey) (x y data)) (trace (recv (cat a b f g x y))) (comment "Check the order in which variables are printed")) (defgenrule neqRl_indx (forall ((x indx)) (implies (fact neq x x) (false)))) (defgenrule neqRl_strd (forall ((x strd)) (implies (fact neq x x) (false)))) (defgenrule neqRl_mesg (forall ((x mesg)) (implies (fact neq x x) (false))))) (defskeleton print-test (vars (x y data) (f g skey) (a b akey)) (defstrand role 1 (x x) (y y) (f f) (g g) (a a) (b b)) (comment "Check the order in which variables are printed") (traces ((recv (cat a b f g x y)))) (label 0) (realized) (shape) (maps ((0) ((a a) (b b) (f f) (g g) (x x) (y y)))) (origs)) (comment "Nothing left to do")