-- Copyright © 2011 National Institute of Aerospace / Galois, Inc.

-- | Type-safe casting operators.

{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

module Copilot.Language.Operators.Cast
  ( cast, unsafeCast ) where

import qualified Copilot.Core.Operators as C
import Copilot.Core.Type
import Copilot.Language.Stream

import Data.Int
import Data.Word


class Cast a b where
  cast :: (Typed a, Typed b) => Stream a -> Stream b

class UnsafeCast a b where
  unsafeCast :: (Typed a, Typed b) => Stream a -> Stream b


castBool :: (Eq a, Num a, Typed a) => Stream Bool -> Stream a
castBool (Const bool) = Const $ if bool then 1 else 0
castBool x            = Op3 (C.Mux typeOf) x 1 0


instance Cast Bool Bool where
  cast = id
instance Cast Bool Word8 where
  cast = castBool
instance Cast Bool Word16 where
  cast = castBool
instance Cast Bool Word32 where
  cast = castBool
instance Cast Bool Word64 where
  cast = castBool

instance Cast Bool Int8 where
  cast = castBool
instance Cast Bool Int16 where
  cast = castBool
instance Cast Bool Int32 where
  cast = castBool
instance Cast Bool Int64 where
  cast = castBool


castIntegral :: (Integral a, Typed a, Num b, Typed b) => Stream a -> Stream b
castIntegral (Const x) = Const (fromIntegral x)
castIntegral x         = Op1 (C.Cast typeOf typeOf) x


instance Cast Word8 Word8 where
  cast = castIntegral
instance Cast Word8 Word16 where
  cast = castIntegral
instance Cast Word8 Word32 where
  cast = castIntegral
instance Cast Word8 Word64 where
  cast = castIntegral

instance Cast Word8 Int16 where
  cast = castIntegral
instance Cast Word8 Int32 where
  cast = castIntegral
instance Cast Word8 Int64 where
  cast = castIntegral


instance Cast Word16 Word16 where
  cast = castIntegral
instance Cast Word16 Word32 where
  cast = castIntegral
instance Cast Word16 Word64 where
  cast = castIntegral

instance Cast Word16 Int32 where
  cast = castIntegral
instance Cast Word16 Int64 where
  cast = castIntegral


instance Cast Word32 Word32 where
  cast = castIntegral
instance Cast Word32 Word64 where
  cast = castIntegral

instance Cast Word32 Int64 where
  cast = castIntegral


instance Cast Word64 Word64 where
  cast = castIntegral


instance Cast Int8 Int8 where
  cast = castIntegral
instance Cast Int8 Int16 where
  cast = castIntegral
instance Cast Int8 Int32 where
  cast = castIntegral
instance Cast Int8 Int64 where
  cast = castIntegral


instance Cast Int16 Int16 where
  cast = castIntegral
instance Cast Int16 Int32 where
  cast = castIntegral
instance Cast Int16 Int64 where
  cast = castIntegral


instance Cast Int32 Int32 where
  cast = castIntegral
instance Cast Int32 Int64 where
  cast = castIntegral


instance Cast Int64 Int64 where
  cast = castIntegral

-- | Unsafe downcasting to smaller sizes

instance UnsafeCast Word64 Word32 where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral
instance UnsafeCast Word64 Word16 where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral
instance UnsafeCast Word64 Word8 where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral
instance UnsafeCast Word32 Word16 where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral
instance UnsafeCast Word32 Word8 where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral
instance UnsafeCast Word16 Word8 where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral

instance UnsafeCast Int64 Int32 where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral
instance UnsafeCast Int64 Int16 where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral
instance UnsafeCast Int64 Int8 where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral
instance UnsafeCast Int32 Int16 where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral
instance UnsafeCast Int32 Int8 where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral
instance UnsafeCast Int16 Int8 where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral

-- | Unsafe unsigned and signed promotion to floating point values

instance UnsafeCast Int64 Float where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral
instance UnsafeCast Int32 Float where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral
instance UnsafeCast Int16 Float where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral
instance UnsafeCast Int8 Float where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral

instance UnsafeCast Int64 Double where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral
instance UnsafeCast Int32 Double where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral
instance UnsafeCast Int16 Double where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral
instance UnsafeCast Int8 Double where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral

instance UnsafeCast Word64 Float where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral
instance UnsafeCast Word32 Float where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral
instance UnsafeCast Word16 Float where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral
instance UnsafeCast Word8 Float where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral

instance UnsafeCast Word64 Double where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral
instance UnsafeCast Word32 Double where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral
instance UnsafeCast Word16 Double where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral
instance UnsafeCast Word8 Double where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral

-- | Signed to unsigned and vice versa

instance UnsafeCast Word64 Int64 where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral
instance UnsafeCast Word32 Int32 where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral
instance UnsafeCast Word16 Int16 where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral
instance UnsafeCast Word8 Int8 where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral

instance UnsafeCast Int64 Word64 where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral
instance UnsafeCast Int32 Word32 where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral
instance UnsafeCast Int16 Word16 where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral
instance UnsafeCast Int8 Word8 where
  unsafeCast = castIntegral