{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- | The Dispatch module : does all the IO, and offers an unified interface to both
-- the interpreter and the compiler.
-- Also communicates with GCC in order to compile the C code, and then transmits
-- the results of the execution of that C code.  This functionnality is mostly
-- used to check automatically the equivalence between the interpreter and the
-- compiler.  The Dispatch module only parses the command-line arguments before
-- calling that module.
module Language.Copilot.Dispatch 
  (dispatch, BackEnd(..), AtomToC(..), Interpreted(..), Iterations, Verbose(..)) where

import Language.Copilot.Core
import Language.Copilot.Analyser
import Language.Copilot.Interpreter
import Language.Copilot.AtomToC
import Language.Copilot.Compiler
import Language.Copilot.PrettyPrinter ()

import qualified Language.Atom as A
import qualified Data.Map as M

import System.Directory 
import System.Process
import System.IO
import Control.Monad

data AtomToC = AtomToC 
    { cName :: Name -- ^ Name of the C file to generate
    , gccOpts :: String -- ^ Options to pass to the compiler
    , getPeriod :: Maybe Period -- ^ The optional period
    , interpreted :: Interpreted -- ^ Interpret the program or not
    , outputDir :: String -- ^ Where to put the executable
    , compiler :: String -- ^ Which compiler to use
    , prePostCode :: Maybe (String, String) -- ^ Code to replace the default initialization and main
    -- , triggers :: [(Var, String)] -- ^ A list of Copilot variable C function
    --                               -- name pairs.  The C funciton is called if
    --                               -- the Copilot stream becomes True.  The
    --                               -- Stream must be of Booleans and the C
    --                               -- function must be of type void @foo(void)@.
    , arrDecs :: [(String, Int)] -- ^ When generating C programs to test, we
                                 -- don't know how large external arrays are, so
                                 -- we cannot declare them.  Passing in pairs
                                 -- containing the name of the array and it's
                                 -- size allows them to be declared."
    , clock :: Maybe A.Clock     -- Use the hardware clock to drive the timing
                                 -- of the program.

data BackEnd = Opts AtomToC 
             | Interpreter

data Interpreted = Interpreted | NotInterpreted
type Iterations = Int
data Verbose = OnlyErrors | DefaultVerbose | Verbose deriving Eq

-- | This function is the core of /Copilot/ :
-- it glues together analyser, interpreter and compiler, and does all the IO.
-- It can be called either from interface (which justs decodes the command-line argument)
-- or directly from the interactive prompt in ghci.
-- @streams@ is a specification, 
-- @inputExts@ allows the user to give at runtime values for
--      the monitored variables. Useful for testing on randomly generated values and specifications,
--      or for the interpreted version.
-- @be@ chooses between compilation or interpretation,
--      and if compilation is chosen (AtomToC) holds a few additionnal informations.
--      see description of @'BackEnd'@
-- @iterations@ just gives the number of periods the specification must be executed.
--      If you would rather execute it by hand, then just choose AtomToC for backEnd and 0 for iterations
-- @verbose@ determines what is output.
dispatch :: LangElems -> Vars -> BackEnd -> Iterations -> Verbose -> IO ()
dispatch elems inputExts backEnd iterations verbose =
        hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
        mapM_ putStrLn preludeText 
        isValid <-
            case check (strms elems) of
                Just x -> putStrLn (show x) >> return False
                Nothing -> return True
        when isValid $
            -- because haskell is lazy, will only get computed if later used
            let interpretedLines = showVars (interpretStreams (strms elems) trueInputExts) 
            in case backEnd of
                Interpreter -> 
                        when (not allInputsPresents) $ error errMsg
                        mapM_ putStrLn interpretedLines
                Opts opts ->
                    let isInterpreted =
                            case (interpreted opts) of
                                Interpreted -> True
                                NotInterpreted -> False
                        dirName = outputDir opts
                    in do
                        putStrLn $ "Trying to create the directory " ++ dirName 
                                     ++  " (if missing)  ..."
                        createDirectoryIfMissing False dirName
                        copilotToC elems allExts trueInputExts opts isVerbose
                        let copy ext = copyFile (cName opts ++ ext) 
                                        (dirName ++ cName opts ++ ext)
                        let delete ext = do 
                              f0 <- canonicalizePath (cName opts ++ ext) 
                              f1 <- canonicalizePath (dirName ++ cName opts ++ ext)
                              if f0 == f1 then return ()
                                else removeFile (cName opts ++ ext)
                        putStrLn $ "Moving " ++ cName opts ++ ".c and " ++ cName opts 
                                        ++ ".h to " ++ dirName ++ "  ..."
                        copy ".c"
                        copy ".h"
                        delete ".c"
                        delete ".h"
                        when (prePostCode opts == Nothing) $ gccCall (Opts opts)
                        when ((isInterpreted || isExecuted) && not allInputsPresents) $ 
                            error errMsg
                        when isExecuted $ execute (strms elems) (dirName ++ cName opts) 
                                             trueInputExts isInterpreted 
                            interpretedLines iterations isSilent
        errMsg = "The interpreter does not have values for some of the external variables."
        isVerbose = verbose == Verbose
        isSilent = verbose == OnlyErrors
        isExecuted = iterations /= 0
        allExts = getExternalVars (strms elems)
        (trueInputExts, allInputsPresents) = filterStreamableMaps inputExts allExts

copilotToC :: LangElems -> [(A.Type, Var, ExtVars)] -> Vars -> AtomToC -> Bool -> IO ()
copilotToC elems allExts trueInputExts opts isVerbose =
    let (p', program) = copilotToAtom elems (getPeriod opts)
        cFileName = cName opts
        (preCode, postCode) = 
            case (prePostCode opts) of
                Nothing ->  
                  getPrePostCode cFileName (strms elems) allExts 
                                 (arrDecs opts) trueInputExts p'
                Just (pre, post) -> (pre, post)
        atomConfig = A.defaults 
            { A.cCode = \_ _ _ -> (preCode, postCode)
            , A.cRuleCoverage = False
            , A.cAssert = False
            , A.hardwareClock = clock opts
            , A.cStateName = "copilotState" ++ cFileName
    in do
        putStrLn $ "Compiling Copilot specs to C  ..."
        (sched, _, _, _, _) <- A.compile cFileName atomConfig program
        if isVerbose
            then putStrLn $ A.reportSchedule sched
            else return ()
        putStrLn $ "Generated " ++ cFileName ++ ".c and " ++ cFileName ++ ".h"

gccCall :: BackEnd -> IO ()
gccCall backend = 
  case backend of
    Interpreter -> error "Impossible: gccCall called with Interpreter."
    Opts opts   -> 
      let dirName = outputDir opts
          programName = cName opts
          let command = (compiler opts) ++ " " ++ dirName ++ cName opts ++ ".c" ++ " -o " 
                        ++ dirName ++ programName ++ " " ++ gccOpts opts
          putStrLn "Calling the C compiler  ..."
          putStrLn command
          _ <- system command
          return ()

execute :: StreamableMaps Spec -> String -> Vars -> Bool -> [String] -> Iterations -> Bool -> IO ()
execute streams programName trueInputExts isInterpreted interpretedLines iterations isSilent =
    do  (Just hin, Just hout, _, _) <- createProcess processConfig
        hSetBuffering hout LineBuffering
        hSetBuffering hin LineBuffering

        when isInterpreted 
                 (do putStrLn "\n *** Checking the randomly-generated Copilot specification: ***\n"
                     putStrLn $ show streams)
        let inputVar v (val:vals) ioVars =
                    hPutStr hin (showAsC val ++ " \n")
                    hFlush hin
                    vars <- ioVars
                    return $ updateSubMap (\m -> M.insert v vals m) vars
            inputVar _ [] _ = error "Impossible : empty inputVar"
            executePeriod _ [] 0 = putStrLn "Execution complete." 
            executePeriod _ [] _ = error "Impossible : empty ExecutePeriod"
            executePeriod inputExts (inLine:inLines) n =
                when (n > 0) $ 
                        nextInputExts <- foldStreamableMaps inputVar inputExts (return emptySM)
                        line <- hGetLine hout
                        let nextPeriod = 
                                (when (not isSilent) $ putStrLn line) >> 
                                    executePeriod nextInputExts inLines (n - 1)
                        -- Checking the compiler and interpreter.
                        if isInterpreted
                            then if inLine == line
                                       then nextPeriod
                                       else error $ unlines 
                                              [ "Failure: interpreter /= compiler"
                                              , "  program name: " ++ programName
                                              , "  interpreter: " ++ inLine
                                              , "  compiler: "    ++ line
                            else nextPeriod
        -- useful for initializing the sampling temporary variables
        firstInputExts <- foldStreamableMaps inputVar trueInputExts (return emptySM)
        executePeriod firstInputExts interpretedLines iterations
        processConfig = 
            (shell $ programName ++ " " ++ show iterations)
            {std_in = CreatePipe, std_out = CreatePipe, std_err = UseHandle stdout}

showVars :: Vars -> Int-> [String]
showVars interpretedVars n =
    showVarsLine interpretedVars 0
        showVarsLine inVs i =
            if i == n 
                then []
                    let (string, inVs') = foldStreamableMaps prettyShow inVs ("", emptySM) 
                        endString = showVarsLine inVs' (i + 1) 
                        beginString = "period: " ++ show i ++ "   " ++ string 
        prettyShow v l (s, vs) =
            let s' = v ++ ": " ++ showAsC (head l) ++ "   " ++ s
                vs' = updateSubMap (\ m -> M.insert v (tail l) m) vs in
            (s', vs')
preludeText :: [String]
preludeText = 
    [ ""
    , "========================================================================="
    , "  CoPilot, a stream language for generating hard real-time C monitors.  "
    , "========================================================================="
    , "Copyright, Galois, Inc. 2010"
    , "BSD3 License" 
    , "Website: http://leepike.github.com/Copilot/"
    , "Maintainer: Lee Pike <leepike--at--gmail.com> (remove dashes)."
    , "Usage: > help"
    , "========================================================================="
    , ""