{- |
   Module      :   Cookbook.Essential.IO
   Copyright   :   (c) 2014 by Nate Pisarski
   License     :   BSD3
   Maintainer  :   nathanpisarski@gmail.com
   Stability   :   Stable
   Portability :   Non-Portable (Cookbook, Strict, Environment)

Library for completing common IO tasks, integrating with files and UNIX functions.

module Cookbook.Essential.IO where

import qualified System.IO                         as LIO
import qualified System.IO.Strict                  as SIO
import qualified Cookbook.Essential.Common         as Cm
import qualified Cookbook.Essential.Continuous     as Ct
import qualified Cookbook.Ingredients.Lists.Modify as Md

import System.Environment       
import System.Directory

-- | Return the lines of a file as a list of Strings.
filelines :: String -> IO [String]
filelines x = fmap lines $ LIO.openFile x LIO.ReadMode >>= SIO.hGetContents

-- | Prompts the user for keyboard input
prompt :: String -> IO String
prompt x = do
    putStr x
    LIO.hFlush LIO.stdout

-- | Returns the path of a file in the user's home directory. 
inhome :: String -> LIO.IOMode -> IO LIO.Handle
inhome x c = fmap ((++x).(++"/")) getHomeDirectory >>= flip LIO.openFile c

-- | Pure. Returns the file name with the directory truncated.
filename :: String -> String
filename = Cm.fromLast (`Ct.before` '/')

-- | Pure. Returns the module name. That is, path to the file with the file cut off.
modulename :: String -> String
modulename = Cm.fromLast (`Ct.after` '/')