{- |
   Module      :   Cookbook.Recipes.Algorithm
   Copyright   :   (c) 2014 by Nate Pisarski
   License     :   BSD3
   Maintainer  :   nathanpisarski@gmail.com
   Stability   :   Stable
   Portability :   Portable (Cookbook)
Library for interacting with high-evel data structures found in Cookbook.Recipes.DataStructures (Ds). It also implements some data types that would have just been type synonyms if implemented in Ds.

module Cookbook.Recipes.Algorithm where

import Cookbook.Recipes.DataStructures
import Cookbook.Ingredients.Lists.Modify

-- | Get every node of a tree, put it into a list.
climb :: (Tree a) -> [a]
climb x = case x of (Empty) -> [];(Branch a (Empty) b) -> a : climb b;
                    (Branch a b (Empty)) -> a : climb b;
                    (Branch a b d) -> a : climb b ++ climb d 

-- | Apply a function to every node in a tree.
treeMap :: (Tree a) -> (a -> a) -> (Tree a)
treeMap tr f = case tr of Empty -> Empty;
                          (Branch a (Empty) z@(Branch c _ _)) -> (Branch (f c) (treeMap z f) (Empty));
                          (Branch a z@(Branch b _ _) (Empty)) -> (Branch (f b) (Empty) (treeMap z f))

-- | Collectively nullify nodes on a tree.
treeFilter :: (Tree a) -> (a -> Bool) -> (Tree a)
treeFilter Empty f = Empty
treeFilter (Branch a (Empty) z@(Branch b _ _)) f = if (f a) then (Branch a (Empty) (treeFilter z f)) else Empty
treeFilter (Branch a z@(Branch b _ _) (Empty)) f = if (f a) then (Branch a (treeFilter z f) (Empty)) else Empty

-- | Generates a list of points, with the specified null data in the snd of the tupples.
genMatrix :: (Int,Int) -> a -> [((Int,Int),a)]
genMatrix (a,b) c = helper (0,0)
  where helper (d,e)
          | d == a = []
          | e == b = ((d,e),c) : helper (d+1,0)
          | otherwise = ((d,e),c) : helper (d,e+1)