{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}

{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

{- |
   Module      :   Cookbook.Essential.Continuous
   Copyright   :   (c) 2014 by Nate Pisarski
   License     :   BSD3
   Maintainer  :   nathanpisarski@gmail.com
   Stability   :   Unstable
   Portability :   Portable (Cookbook)

Library for overloading functions across lists and singular items, as well as tupples.
Somewhat abuses FlexibleInstance and Typeclasses.
module Cookbook.Essential.Continuous where

import qualified Cookbook.Essential.Common             as Cm
import qualified Cookbook.Ingredients.Functional.Break as Br
import qualified Cookbook.Ingredients.Lists.Access     as Ac

-- | Classifies items that can be modified by either a list or item.
class Continuous list part where
  -- | Returns all elements after part.
  after :: list -> part -> list
  -- | Returns all elements after part.
  before :: list -> part -> list
  -- | Removes part from the list.
  delete :: list -> part -> list

instance (Eq a) => Continuous [a] a where
  after x c   = tail $ Br.removeBreak (/=c) x
  before x c  = Br.filterBreak        (/=c) x
  delete x c  = filter                (/=c) x
instance (Eq a) => Continuous [a] [a] where
  after [] _ = []
  after x c  = if Ac.isBefore x c then Cm.sub x (length c) else after (tail x) c

  before [] _ = []
  before x c  = if Ac.isBefore x c then [] else (head x) : before (tail x) c

  delete [] _ = []
  delete x c  = if not (x `Ac.contains` c) then x else  (before x c) ++ delete (after x c) c

-- | Classifies information which can be split by a tupple.
class Splicable a b where
  -- | Removes everything between the tupple's parameters, including the parameters themselves.
  splice :: a -> b -> a

instance (Eq a) => Splicable [a] (a,a) where
  splice ls (a,b) = before ls a ++ Cm.fromLast ((flip before) b) ls

instance (Eq a) => Splicable [a] ([a],[a]) where
  splice ls (a,b)  = before ls a ++ after (after ls a) b

-- | Classifies data which can be replaced.
class Replacable list repls where
  -- | Replaces part of list.
  replace  :: list -> repls -> list
instance (Eq a) => Replacable [a] (a,a) where
  replace lst (on,tw) = map (\c -> if c == on then tw else c) lst
instance (Eq a) => Replacable [a] [(a,a)] where
  replace x c = Cm.apply (map (flip replace) c) x
instance (Eq a) => Replacable [a] ([a],[a]) where
  replace [] _ = []
  replace lst (on,tw) 
    | (take (length on) lst) == on = tw ++ replace (Cm.sub lst (length on)) (on,tw)
    | otherwise = (head lst) : replace (tail lst) (on,tw)

instance (Eq a) => Replacable [a] [([a],[a])] where
  replace x c = Cm.apply (map (flip replace) c) x

-- | Classifies data which can be removed from a list.
class Removable list toRm where
  -- | Remove data from a list.
  remove :: list -> toRm -> list

instance (Eq a) => Removable [a] a where
  remove x c = [y | y <- x, y /= c]

instance (Eq a) => Removable [a] [a] where
  remove [] _       = []
  remove x@(a:b) c  = if take (length c) x == c then remove (restart x) c else a : remove b c
    where restart d = Cm.sub d (length c)