module System.Console.Internal where

import           Data.Map (Map)
import qualified System.Console.GetOpt  as GetOpt

-- | An @Action m@ is an action (in the monad @m@), which may take arguments
-- (\"non-options\") and options from the command line.
data Action m
  = Action
    run             :: [String] -> Map Identifier (Maybe String) -> m ()
  , nonOptions      :: [String]
  , options         :: [GetOpt.OptDescr (Identifier,Maybe String)]
  , ignoringOptions :: [GetOpt.OptDescr (Identifier,Maybe String)]

data Identifier = Short Char | Long String
  deriving (Eq,Ord)

-- | A value of type @Option a@ describes an option, that delivers a value
-- to the program of type @a@.
data Option a = Option
  (GetOpt.OptDescr (Identifier,Maybe String))
  (Maybe String -> Either String a)

-- | A @Command m@ is an action (in the monad @m@), together with some
-- descriptive information.
data Command m
  = Command
      -- | This determines which command is executed.
      name :: String
      -- | For usage info.
    , description :: String
      -- | The actual action performed by this command.
    , action :: Action m