{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards,
    ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- |
-- Module:      Data.Configurator
-- Copyright:   (c) 2011 MailRank, Inc.
-- License:     BSD3
-- Maintainer:  Bryan O'Sullivan <bos@mailrank.com>
-- Stability:   experimental
-- Portability: portable
-- A simple (yet powerful) library for working with configuration
-- files.

module Data.Configurator
    -- * Configuration file format
    -- $format

    -- ** Binding a name to a value
    -- $binding

    -- *** Value types
    -- $types

    -- *** String interpolation
    -- $interp

    -- ** Grouping directives
    -- $group

    -- ** Importing files
    -- $import

    -- * Types
    -- * Loading configuration data
    , autoReload
    , autoConfig
    , empty
    -- * Lookup functions
    , lookup
    , lookupDefault
    , require
    -- * Notification of configuration changes
    -- $notify
    , prefix
    , exact
    , subscribe
    -- * Low-level loading functions
    , load
    , reload
    -- * Helper functions
    , display
    , getMap
    ) where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId, forkIO, threadDelay)
import Control.Exception (SomeException, catch, evaluate, handle, throwIO, try)
import Control.Monad (foldM, forM, forM_, join, when)
import Data.Configurator.Instances ()
import Data.Configurator.Parser (interp, topLevel)
import Data.Configurator.Types.Internal
import Data.IORef (atomicModifyIORef, newIORef, readIORef)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe, isJust)
import Data.Monoid (mconcat)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (fromString, fromText, toLazyText)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Int (decimal)
import Prelude hiding (catch, lookup)
import System.Environment (getEnv)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import System.Posix.Types (EpochTime, FileOffset)
import System.PosixCompat.Files (fileSize, getFileStatus, modificationTime)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as T
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as H
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as L

loadFiles :: [Worth Path] -> IO (H.HashMap (Worth Path) [Directive])
loadFiles = foldM go H.empty
   go seen path = do
     let rewrap n = const n <$> path
         wpath = worth path
     path' <- rewrap <$> interpolate wpath H.empty
     ds <- loadOne (T.unpack <$> path')
     let !seen'    = H.insert path ds seen
         notSeen n = not . isJust . H.lookup n $ seen
     foldM go seen' . filter notSeen . importsOf $ ds
-- | Create a 'Config' from the contents of the named files. Throws an
-- exception on error, such as if files do not exist or contain errors.
-- File names have any environment variables expanded prior to the
-- first time they are opened, so you can specify a file name such as
-- @\"$(HOME)/myapp.cfg\"@.
load :: [Worth FilePath] -> IO Config
load = load' Nothing

load' :: Maybe AutoConfig -> [Worth FilePath] -> IO Config
load' auto paths0 = do
  let paths = map (fmap T.pack) paths0
  ds <- loadFiles paths
  m <- newIORef =<< flatten paths ds
  s <- newIORef H.empty
  return Config {
                cfgAuto = auto
              , cfgPaths = H.keys ds
              , cfgMap = m
              , cfgSubs = s

-- | Forcibly reload a 'Config'. Throws an exception on error, such as
-- if files no longer exist or contain errors.
reload :: Config -> IO ()
reload cfg@Config{..} = do
  m' <- flatten cfgPaths =<< loadFiles cfgPaths
  m <- atomicModifyIORef cfgMap $ \m -> (m', m)
  notifySubscribers cfg m m' =<< readIORef cfgSubs

-- | Defaults for automatic 'Config' reloading when using
-- 'autoReload'.  The 'interval' is one second, while the 'onError'
-- action ignores its argument and does nothing.
autoConfig :: AutoConfig
autoConfig = AutoConfig {
               interval = 1
             , onError = const $ return ()

-- | Load a 'Config' from the given 'FilePath's, and start a reload
-- thread.
-- At intervals, a thread checks for modifications to both the
-- original files and any files they refer to in @import@ directives,
-- and reloads the 'Config' if any files have been modified.
-- If the initial attempt to load the configuration files fails, an
-- exception is thrown.  If the initial load succeeds, but a
-- subsequent attempt fails, the 'onError' handler is invoked.
-- File names have any environment variables expanded prior to the
-- first time they are opened, so you can specify a file name such as
-- @\"$(HOME)/myapp.cfg\"@.
autoReload :: AutoConfig
           -- ^ Directions for when to reload and how to handle
           -- errors.
           -> [Worth FilePath]
           -- ^ Configuration files to load.
           -> IO (Config, ThreadId)
autoReload AutoConfig{..} _
    | interval < 1 = error "autoReload: negative interval"
autoReload _ []    = error "autoReload: no paths to load"
autoReload auto@AutoConfig{..} paths = do
  cfg <- load' (Just auto) paths
  let loop meta = do
        threadDelay (max interval 1 * 1000000)
        meta' <- getMeta paths
        if meta' == meta
          then loop meta
          else (reload cfg `catch` onError) >> loop meta'
  tid <- forkIO $ loop =<< getMeta paths
  return (cfg, tid)
-- | Save both a file's size and its last modification date, so we
-- have a better chance of detecting a modification on a crappy
-- filesystem with timestamp resolution of 1 second or worse.
type Meta = (FileOffset, EpochTime)

getMeta :: [Worth FilePath] -> IO [Maybe Meta]
getMeta paths = forM paths $ \path ->
   handle (\(_::SomeException) -> return Nothing) . fmap Just $ do
     st <- getFileStatus (worth path)
     return (fileSize st, modificationTime st)

-- | Look up a name in the given 'Config'.  If a binding exists, and
-- the value can be 'convert'ed to the desired type, return the
-- converted value, otherwise 'Nothing'.
lookup :: Configured a => Config -> Name -> IO (Maybe a)
lookup Config{..} name =
    (join . fmap convert . H.lookup name) <$> readIORef cfgMap

-- | Look up a name in the given 'Config'.  If a binding exists, and
-- the value can be 'convert'ed to the desired type, return the
-- converted value, otherwise throw a 'KeyError'.
require :: Configured a => Config -> Name -> IO a
require Config{..} name = do
  val <- (join . fmap convert . H.lookup name) <$> readIORef cfgMap
  case val of
    Just v -> return v
    _      -> throwIO . KeyError $ name

-- | Look up a name in the given 'Config'.  If a binding exists, and
-- the value can be converted to the desired type, return it,
-- otherwise return the default value.
lookupDefault :: Configured a =>
              -- ^ Default value to return if 'lookup' or 'convert'
              -- fails.
              -> Config -> Name -> IO a
lookupDefault def cfg name = fromMaybe def <$> lookup cfg name

-- | Perform a simple dump of a 'Config' to @stdout@.
display :: Config -> IO ()
display Config{..} = print =<< readIORef cfgMap

-- | Fetch the 'H.HashMap' that maps names to values.
getMap :: Config -> IO (H.HashMap Name Value)
getMap = readIORef . cfgMap

flatten :: [Worth Path] -> H.HashMap (Worth Path) [Directive] -> IO (H.HashMap Name Value)
flatten roots files = foldM (directive "") H.empty .
                      concat . catMaybes . map (`H.lookup` files) $ roots
  directive pfx m (Bind name (String value)) = do
      v <- interpolate value m
      return $! H.insert (T.append pfx name) (String v) m
  directive pfx m (Bind name value) =
      return $! H.insert (T.append pfx name) value m
  directive pfx m (Group name xs) = foldM (directive pfx') m xs
      where pfx' = T.concat [pfx, name, "."]
  directive pfx m (Import path) =
      case H.lookup (Required path) files of
        Just ds -> foldM (directive pfx) m ds
        _       -> return m

interpolate :: T.Text -> H.HashMap Name Value -> IO T.Text
interpolate s env
    | "$" `T.isInfixOf` s =
      case T.parseOnly interp s of
        Left err   -> throwIO $ ParseError "" err
        Right xs -> (L.toStrict . toLazyText . mconcat) <$> mapM interpret xs
    | otherwise = return s
  interpret (Literal x)   = return (fromText x)
  interpret (Interpolate name) =
      case H.lookup name env of
        Just (String x) -> return (fromText x)
        Just (Number n) -> return (decimal n)
        Just _          -> error "type error"
        _ -> do
          e <- try . getEnv . T.unpack $ name
          case e of
            Left (_::SomeException) ->
                throwIO . ParseError "" $ "no such variable " ++ show name
            Right x -> return (fromString x)

importsOf :: [Directive] -> [Worth Path]
importsOf (Import path : xs) = Required path : importsOf xs
importsOf (Group _ ys : xs)  = importsOf ys ++ importsOf xs
importsOf (_ : xs)           = importsOf xs
importsOf _                  = []

loadOne :: Worth FilePath -> IO [Directive]
loadOne path = do
  es <- try . L.readFile . worth $ path
  case es of
    Left (err::SomeException) -> case path of
                                   Required _ -> throwIO err
                                   _          -> return []
    Right s -> do
            p <- evaluate (L.eitherResult $ L.parse topLevel s)
                 `catch` \(e::ConfigError) ->
                 throwIO $ case e of
                             ParseError _ err -> ParseError (worth path) err
            case p of
              Left err -> throwIO (ParseError (worth path) err)
              Right ds -> return ds

-- | Subscribe for notifications.  The given action will be invoked
-- when any change occurs to a configuration property matching the
-- supplied pattern.
subscribe :: Config -> Pattern -> ChangeHandler -> IO ()
subscribe Config{..} pat act = do
  m' <- atomicModifyIORef cfgSubs $ \m ->
        let m' = H.insertWith (++) pat [act] m in (m', m')
  evaluate m' >> return ()

notifySubscribers :: Config -> H.HashMap Name Value -> H.HashMap Name Value
                  -> H.HashMap Pattern [ChangeHandler] -> IO ()
notifySubscribers Config{..} m m' subs = H.foldrWithKey go (return ()) subs
  changedOrGone = H.foldrWithKey check [] m
      where check n v nvs = case H.lookup n m' of
                              Just v' | v /= v'   -> (n,Just v'):nvs
                                      | otherwise -> nvs
                              _                   -> (n,Nothing):nvs
  new = H.foldrWithKey check [] m'
      where check n v nvs = case H.lookup n m of
                              Nothing -> (n,v):nvs
                              _       -> nvs
  notify p n v a = a n v `catch` maybe report onError cfgAuto
    where report e = hPutStrLn stderr $
                     "*** a ChangeHandler threw an exception for " ++
                     show (p,n) ++ ": " ++ show e
  go p@(Exact n) acts next = (const next =<<) $ do
    let v' = H.lookup n m'
    when (H.lookup n m /= v') . mapM_ (notify p n v') $ acts
  go p@(Prefix n) acts next = (const next =<<) $ do
    let matching = filter (T.isPrefixOf n . fst)
    forM_ (matching new) $ \(n',v) -> mapM_ (notify p n' (Just v)) acts
    forM_ (matching changedOrGone) $ \(n',v) -> mapM_ (notify p n' v) acts

-- | A completely empty configuration.
empty :: Config
empty = unsafePerformIO $ do
          m <- newIORef H.empty
          s <- newIORef H.empty
          return Config {
                       cfgAuto = Nothing
                     , cfgPaths = []
                     , cfgMap = m
                     , cfgSubs = s
{-# NOINLINE empty #-}

-- $format
-- A configuration file consists of a series of directives and
-- comments, encoded in UTF-8.  A comment begins with a \"@#@\"
-- character, and continues to the end of a line.
-- Files and directives are processed from first to last, top to
-- bottom.

-- $binding
-- A binding associates a name with a value.
-- > my_string = "hi mom! \u2603"
-- > your-int-33 = 33
-- > his_bool = on
-- > HerList = [1, "foo", off]
-- A name must begin with a Unicode letter, which is followed by zero
-- or more of a Unicode alphanumeric code point, hyphen \"@-@\", or
-- underscore \"@_@\".
-- Bindings are created or overwritten in the order in which they are
-- encountered.  It is legitimate for a name to be bound multiple
-- times, in which case the last value wins.
-- > a = 1
-- > a = true
-- > # value of a is now true, not 1

-- $types
-- The configuration file format supports the following data types:
-- * Booleans, represented as @on@ or @off@, @true@ or @false@.  These
--   are case sensitive, so do not try to use @True@ instead of
--   @true@!
-- * Integers, represented in base 10.
-- * Unicode strings, represented as text (possibly containing escape
--   sequences) surrounded by double quotes.
-- * Heterogeneous lists of values, represented as an opening square
--   bracket \"@[@\", followed by a series of comma-separated values,
--   ending with a closing square bracket \"@]@\".
-- The following escape sequences are recognised in a text string:
-- * @\\n@ - newline
-- * @\\r@ - carriage return
-- * @\\t@ - horizontal tab
-- * @\\\\@ - backslash
-- * @\\\"@ - double quote
-- * @\\u@/xxxx/ - Unicode character from the basic multilingual
--   plane, encoded as four hexadecimal digits
-- * @\\u@/xxxx/@\\u@/xxxx/ - Unicode character from an astral plane,
--   as two hexadecimal-encoded UTF-16 surrogates

-- $interp
-- Strings support interpolation, so that you can dynamically
-- construct a string based on data in your configuration or the OS
-- environment.
-- If a string value contains the special sequence \"@$(foo)@\" (for
-- any name @foo@), then the name @foo@ will be looked up in the
-- configuration data and its value substituted.  If that name cannot
-- be found, it will be looked up in the OS environment.
-- For security reasons, it is an error for a string interpolation
-- fragment to contain a name that cannot be found in either the
-- current configuration or the environment.
-- To represent a single literal \"@$@\" character in a string, double
-- it: \"@$$@\".

-- $group
-- It is possible to group a number of directives together under a
-- single prefix:
-- > my-group
-- > {
-- >   a = 1
-- >
-- >   # groups support nesting
-- >   nested {
-- >     b = "yay!"
-- >   }
-- > }
-- The name of a group is used as a prefix for the items in the
-- group. For instance, the value of \"@a@\" above can be retrieved
-- using 'lookup' by supplying the name \"@my-group.a@\", and \"@b@\"
-- will be named \"@my-group.nested.b@\".

-- $import
-- To import the contents of another configuration file, use the
-- @import@ directive.
-- > import "$(HOME)/etc/myapp.cfg"
-- It is an error for an @import@ directive to name a file that does
-- not exist, cannot be read, or contains errors.
-- If an @import@ appears inside a group, the group's naming prefix
-- will be applied to all of the names imported from the given
-- configuration file.
-- Supposing we have a file named \"@foo.cfg@\":
-- > bar = 1
-- And another file that imports it into a group:
-- > hi {
-- >   import "foo.cfg"
-- > }
-- This will result in a value named \"@hi.bar@\".

-- $notify
-- To more efficiently support an application's need to dynamically
-- reconfigure, a subsystem may ask to be notified when a
-- configuration property is changed as a result of a reload, using
-- the 'subscribe' action.