{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, DataKinds, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, LiberalTypeSynonyms #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, OverlappingInstances, PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables, StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans -fno-warn-type-defaults #-} module Algebra.Ring.Polynomial ( Polynomial, Monomial, MonomialOrder, EliminationType, EliminationOrder , WeightedEliminationOrder, eliminationOrder, weightedEliminationOrder , lex, revlex, graded, grlex, grevlex, productOrder, productOrder' , transformMonomial, WeightProxy(..), weightOrder, totalDegree, totalDegree' , IsPolynomial, coeff, lcmMonomial, sPolynomial, polynomial , castMonomial, castPolynomial, toPolynomial, changeOrder, changeOrderProxy , scastMonomial, scastPolynomial, OrderedPolynomial, showPolynomialWithVars, showPolynomialWith, showRational , normalize, injectCoeff, varX, var, getTerms, shiftR, orderedBy , divs, tryDiv, fromList, Coefficient(..),ToWeightVector(..) , leadingTerm, leadingMonomial, leadingOrderedMonomial, leadingCoeff, genVars, sArity , OrderedMonomial(..), OrderedMonomial'(..), Grevlex(..) , Revlex(..), Lex(..), Grlex(..), Graded(..) , ProductOrder (..), WeightOrder(..) , IsOrder(..), IsMonomialOrder) where import Algebra.Internal import Algebra.Ring.Noetherian import Control.Arrow import Control.Lens import Data.Function import Data.List (intercalate) import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import Data.Ord import Data.Ratio import Data.Type.Monomorphic import Data.Type.Natural hiding (max, one, promote, zero) import Data.Vector.Sized (Vector (..)) import qualified Data.Vector.Sized as V import Numeric.Algebra hiding (Order (..), sum) import Prelude hiding (lex, negate, recip, (*), (+), (-), (^), (^^)) import qualified Prelude as P -- | N-ary Monomial. IntMap contains degrees for each x_i. type Monomial (n :: Nat) = Vector Int n -- | Monomorphic representation for monomial. newtype OrderedMonomial' ord = OM' { getMonomial' :: [Int] } deriving (Read, Show, Eq) instance Monomorphicable (OrderedMonomial ord) where type MonomorphicRep (OrderedMonomial ord) = OrderedMonomial' ord promote (OM' xs) = case promote xs of Monomorphic m -> Monomorphic $ OrderedMonomial m demote (Monomorphic (OrderedMonomial m)) = OM' (demote (Monomorphic m)) instance IsMonomialOrder ord => Ord (OrderedMonomial' ord) where compare = cmpMonomial' (Proxy :: Proxy ord) `on` getMonomial' instance Monomorphicable (Vector Int) where type MonomorphicRep (Vector Int) = [Int] promote [] = Monomorphic Nil promote (n : ns) = case promote ns of Monomorphic ns' -> Monomorphic (n :- ns') demote (Monomorphic Nil) = [] demote (Monomorphic (n :- ns)) = n : demote (Monomorphic ns) -- | convert NAry list into Monomial. fromList :: SNat n -> [Int] -> Monomial n fromList SZ _ = Nil fromList (SS n) [] = 0 :- fromList n [] fromList (SS n) (x : xs) = x :- fromList n xs -- | apply monomial ordering to monomorphic monomials. cmpMonomial' :: IsMonomialOrder ord => Proxy ord -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Ordering cmpMonomial' pxy xs ys = withPolymorhic (P.max (length xs) (length ys)) $ \n -> cmpMonomial pxy (fromList n xs) (fromList n ys) -- | Monomial order (of degree n). This should satisfy following laws: -- (1) Totality: forall a, b (a < b || a == b || b < a) -- (2) Additivity: a <= b ==> a + c <= b + c -- (3) Non-negative: forall a, 0 <= a type MonomialOrder = forall n. Monomial n -> Monomial n -> Ordering totalDegree :: Monomial n -> Int totalDegree = V.foldl (+) 0 {-# INLINE totalDegree #-} totalDegree' :: OrderedPolynomial k ord n -> Int totalDegree' = maximum . (0:) . map (totalDegree . snd) . getTerms -- | Lexicographical order. This *is* a monomial order. lex :: MonomialOrder lex Nil Nil = EQ lex (x :- xs) (y :- ys) = x `compare` y <> xs `lex` ys lex _ _ = error "cannot happen" -- | Reversed lexicographical order. This is *not* a monomial order. revlex :: Monomial n -> Monomial n -> Ordering revlex (x :- xs) (y :- ys) = xs `revlex` ys <> y `compare` x revlex Nil Nil = EQ revlex _ _ = error "cannot happen!" -- | Convert ordering into graded one. graded :: (Monomial n -> Monomial n -> Ordering) -> (Monomial n -> Monomial n -> Ordering) graded cmp xs ys = comparing totalDegree xs ys <> cmp xs ys {-# INLINE graded #-} {-# RULES "graded/grevlex" graded grevlex = grevlex "graded/grlex" graded grlex = grlex #-} -- | Graded lexicographical order. This *is* a monomial order. grlex :: MonomialOrder grlex = graded lex {-# INLINE grlex #-} -- | Graded reversed lexicographical order. This *is* a monomial order. grevlex :: MonomialOrder grevlex = graded revlex {-# INLINE grevlex #-} -- | A wrapper for monomials with a certain (monomial) order. newtype OrderedMonomial (ordering :: *) n = OrderedMonomial { getMonomial :: Monomial n } deriving instance (Eq (Monomial n)) => Eq (OrderedMonomial ordering n) instance Wrapped (Monomial n) (Monomial m) (OrderedMonomial o n) (OrderedMonomial o' m) where wrapped = iso OrderedMonomial getMonomial -- | Class to lookup ordering from its (type-level) name. class IsOrder (ordering :: *) where cmpMonomial :: Proxy ordering -> MonomialOrder -- * Names for orderings. -- We didn't choose to define one single type for ordering names for the extensibility. -- | Lexicographical order data Lex = Lex deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- | Reversed lexicographical order data Revlex = Revlex deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- | Graded reversed lexicographical order. Same as @Graded Revlex@. data Grevlex = Grevlex deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- | Graded lexicographical order. Same as @Graded Lex@. data Grlex = Grlex deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- | Graded order from another monomial order. data Graded ord = Graded ord deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord) instance IsOrder ord => IsOrder (Graded ord) where cmpMonomial Proxy = graded (cmpMonomial (Proxy :: Proxy ord)) instance IsMonomialOrder ord => IsMonomialOrder (Graded ord) data ProductOrder (n :: Nat) (a :: *) (b :: *) where ProductOrder :: SNat n -> ord -> ord' -> ProductOrder n ord ord' productOrder :: forall ord ord' n m. (IsOrder ord, IsOrder ord', SingRep n) => Proxy (ProductOrder n ord ord') -> Monomial m -> Monomial m -> Ordering productOrder _ m m' = case sing :: SNat n of n -> case (V.splitAtMost n m, V.splitAtMost n m') of ((xs, xs'), (ys, ys')) -> cmpMonomial (Proxy :: Proxy ord) xs ys <> cmpMonomial (Proxy :: Proxy ord') xs' ys' productOrder' :: forall n ord ord' m.(IsOrder ord, IsOrder ord') => SNat n -> ord -> ord' -> Monomial m -> Monomial m -> Ordering productOrder' n ord ord' = case singInstance n of SingInstance -> productOrder (toProxy $ ProductOrder n ord ord') -- | Data.Proxy provides kind-polymorphic 'Proxy' data-type, but due to bug of GHC 7.4.1, -- It canot be used as kind-polymorphic. So I define another type here. data WeightProxy (v :: [Nat]) where NilWeight :: WeightProxy '[] ConsWeight :: SNat n -> WeightProxy v -> WeightProxy (n ': v) data WeightOrder (v :: [Nat]) (ord :: *) where WeightOrder :: WeightProxy (v :: [Nat]) -> ord -> WeightOrder v ord data Proxy' (vs :: [Nat]) = Proxy' class ToWeightVector (vs :: [Nat]) where calcOrderWeight :: Proxy' vs -> Vector Int n -> Int instance ToWeightVector '[] where calcOrderWeight Proxy' _ = 0 instance (SingRep n, ToWeightVector ns) => ToWeightVector (n ': ns) where calcOrderWeight Proxy' Nil = 0 calcOrderWeight Proxy' (x :- xs) = x * sNatToInt (sing :: SNat n) + calcOrderWeight (Proxy' :: Proxy' ns) xs weightOrder :: forall ns ord m. (ToWeightVector ns, IsOrder ord) => Proxy (WeightOrder ns ord) -> Monomial m -> Monomial m -> Ordering weightOrder Proxy m m' = comparing (calcOrderWeight (Proxy' :: Proxy' ns)) m m' <> cmpMonomial (Proxy :: Proxy ord) m m' instance (ToWeightVector ws, IsOrder ord) => IsOrder (WeightOrder ws ord) where cmpMonomial p = weightOrder p instance (IsOrder ord, IsOrder ord', SingRep n) => IsOrder (ProductOrder n ord ord') where cmpMonomial p = productOrder p -- They're all total orderings. instance IsOrder Grevlex where cmpMonomial _ = grevlex instance IsOrder Revlex where cmpMonomial _ = revlex instance IsOrder Lex where cmpMonomial _ = lex instance IsOrder Grlex where cmpMonomial _ = grlex -- | Class for Monomial orders. class IsOrder name => IsMonomialOrder name where -- Note that Revlex is not a monomial order. -- This distinction is important when we calculate a quotient or Groebner basis. instance IsMonomialOrder Grlex instance IsMonomialOrder Grevlex instance IsMonomialOrder Lex instance (SingRep n, IsMonomialOrder o, IsMonomialOrder o') => IsMonomialOrder (ProductOrder n o o') instance (ToWeightVector ws, IsMonomialOrder ord) => IsMonomialOrder (WeightOrder ws ord) -- | Monomial order which can be use to calculate n-th elimination ideal. -- This should judge it as bigger that contains variables to eliminate. class (IsMonomialOrder ord, SingRep n) => EliminationType n ord instance SingRep n => EliminationType n Lex instance (SingRep n, IsMonomialOrder ord, IsMonomialOrder ord') => EliminationType n (ProductOrder n ord ord') instance (IsMonomialOrder ord) => EliminationType Z (WeightOrder '[] ord) instance (IsMonomialOrder ord, ToWeightVector ns, EliminationType n (WeightOrder ns ord)) => EliminationType (S n) (WeightOrder (One ': ns) ord) type EliminationOrder n = ProductOrder n Grevlex Grevlex eliminationOrder :: SNat n -> EliminationOrder n eliminationOrder n = case singInstance n of SingInstance -> ProductOrder n Grevlex Grevlex weightedEliminationOrder :: SNat n -> WeightedEliminationOrder n Grevlex weightedEliminationOrder n = WEOrder n (Proxy :: Proxy Grevlex) type family EWeight (n :: Nat) :: [Nat] type instance EWeight Z = '[] type instance EWeight (S n) = One ': EWeight n data WeightedEliminationOrder (n :: Nat) (ord :: *) where WEOrder :: SNat n -> Proxy ord -> WeightedEliminationOrder n ord instance (SingRep n, IsMonomialOrder ord) => IsOrder (WeightedEliminationOrder n ord) where cmpMonomial Proxy m m' = comparing (calc (sing :: SNat n)) m m' <> cmpMonomial (Proxy :: Proxy ord) m m' where calc :: SNat l -> Vector Int m -> Int calc (SS _) Nil = 0 calc SZ _ = 0 calc (SS l) (x :- xs)= x + calc l xs instance (SingRep n, IsMonomialOrder ord) => IsMonomialOrder (WeightedEliminationOrder n ord) instance (SingRep n, IsMonomialOrder ord) => EliminationType n (WeightedEliminationOrder n ord) where -- | Special ordering for ordered-monomials. instance (Eq (Monomial n), IsOrder name) => Ord (OrderedMonomial name n) where OrderedMonomial m `compare` OrderedMonomial n = cmpMonomial (Proxy :: Proxy name) m n -- | For simplicity, we choose grevlex for the default monomial ordering (for the sake of efficiency). instance (Eq (Monomial n)) => Ord (Monomial n) where compare = grevlex -- | n-ary polynomial ring over some noetherian ring R. newtype OrderedPolynomial r order n = Polynomial { terms :: Map (OrderedMonomial order n) r } type Polynomial r = OrderedPolynomial r Grevlex -- | Type-level constraint to check whether it forms polynomial ring or not. type IsPolynomial r n = (NoetherianRing r, SingRep n, Eq r) -- | coefficient for a degree. coeff :: (IsOrder order, IsPolynomial r n) => Monomial n -> OrderedPolynomial r order n -> r coeff d = M.findWithDefault zero (OrderedMonomial d) . terms instance Wrapped (Map (OrderedMonomial order n) r) (Map (OrderedMonomial order' m) q) (OrderedPolynomial r order n) (OrderedPolynomial q order' m) where wrapped = iso Polynomial terms castMonomial :: (IsOrder o, IsOrder o', SingRep m, n :<= m) => OrderedMonomial o n -> OrderedMonomial o' m castMonomial = unwrapped %~ fromList sing . V.toList scastMonomial :: (n :<= m) => SNat m -> OrderedMonomial o n -> OrderedMonomial o m scastMonomial sdim = unwrapped %~ fromList sdim . V.toList castPolynomial :: (IsPolynomial r n, IsPolynomial r m, SingRep m, IsOrder o, IsOrder o', n :<= m) => OrderedPolynomial r o n -> OrderedPolynomial r o' m castPolynomial = unwrapped %~ M.mapKeys castMonomial scastPolynomial :: (IsOrder o, IsOrder o', IsPolynomial r n, IsPolynomial r m, n :<= m, SingRep m) => SNat m -> OrderedPolynomial r o n -> OrderedPolynomial r o' m scastPolynomial _ = castPolynomial normalize :: (Eq r, IsOrder order, IsPolynomial r n) => OrderedPolynomial r order n -> OrderedPolynomial r order n normalize = unwrapped %~ M.insertWith (+) (OrderedMonomial $ fromList sing []) zero . M.filter (/= zero) instance (Eq r, IsOrder order, IsPolynomial r n) => Eq (OrderedPolynomial r order n) where Polynomial f == Polynomial g = f == g injectCoeff :: (IsPolynomial r n) => r -> OrderedPolynomial r order n injectCoeff r = Polynomial $ M.singleton (OrderedMonomial $ fromList sing []) r -- | By Hilbert's finite basis theorem, a polynomial ring over a noetherian ring is also a noetherian ring. instance (IsOrder order, IsPolynomial r n) => NoetherianRing (OrderedPolynomial r order n) where instance (IsOrder order, IsPolynomial r n) => Ring (OrderedPolynomial r order n) where instance (IsOrder order, IsPolynomial r n) => Rig (OrderedPolynomial r order n) where instance (IsOrder order, IsPolynomial r n) => Group (OrderedPolynomial r order n) where negate (Polynomial dic) = Polynomial $ fmap negate dic instance (IsOrder order, IsPolynomial r n) => LeftModule Integer (OrderedPolynomial r order n) where n .* Polynomial dic = Polynomial $ fmap (n .*) dic instance (IsOrder order, IsPolynomial r n) => RightModule Integer (OrderedPolynomial r order n) where (*.) = flip (.*) instance (IsOrder order, IsPolynomial r n) => Additive (OrderedPolynomial r order n) where (Polynomial f) + (Polynomial g) = normalize $ Polynomial $ M.unionWith (+) f g instance (IsOrder order, IsPolynomial r n) => Monoidal (OrderedPolynomial r order n) where zero = injectCoeff zero instance (IsOrder order, IsPolynomial r n) => LeftModule Natural (OrderedPolynomial r order n) where n .* Polynomial dic = Polynomial $ fmap (n .*) dic instance (IsOrder order, IsPolynomial r n) => RightModule Natural (OrderedPolynomial r order n) where (*.) = flip (.*) instance (IsOrder order, IsPolynomial r n) => Unital (OrderedPolynomial r order n) where one = injectCoeff one instance (IsOrder order, IsPolynomial r n) => Multiplicative (OrderedPolynomial r order n) where Polynomial (M.toList -> d1) * Polynomial (M.toList -> d2) = let dic = [ (OrderedMonomial $ V.zipWithSame (+) a b, r * r') | (getMonomial -> a, r) <- d1, (getMonomial -> b, r') <- d2 ] in normalize $ Polynomial $ M.fromListWith (+) dic instance (IsOrder order, IsPolynomial r n) => Semiring (OrderedPolynomial r order n) where instance (IsOrder order, IsPolynomial r n) => Commutative (OrderedPolynomial r order n) where instance (IsOrder order, IsPolynomial r n) => Abelian (OrderedPolynomial r order n) where instance (Eq r, IsPolynomial r n, IsOrder order, Show r) => Show (OrderedPolynomial r order n) where show = showPolynomialWithVars [(n, "X_"++ show n) | n <- [1..]] instance (SingRep n, IsOrder order) => Show (OrderedPolynomial Rational order n) where show = showPolynomialWith [(n, "X_"++ show n) | n <- [1..]] showRational showPolynomialWithVars :: (Eq a, Show a, SingRep n, NoetherianRing a, IsOrder ordering) => [(Int, String)] -> OrderedPolynomial a ordering n -> String showPolynomialWithVars dic p0@(Polynomial d) | p0 == zero = "0" | otherwise = intercalate " + " $ mapMaybe showTerm $ M.toDescList d where showTerm (getMonomial -> deg, c) | c == zero = Nothing | otherwise = let cstr = if (c == zero - one) then if any (/= zero) (V.toList deg) then "-" else "-1" else if (c /= one || isConstantMonomial deg) then show c ++ " " else "" in Just $ cstr ++ unwords (mapMaybe showDeg (zip [1..] $ V.toList deg)) showDeg (n, p) | p == 0 = Nothing | p == 1 = Just $ showVar n | otherwise = Just $ showVar n ++ "^" ++ show p showVar n = fromMaybe ("X_" ++ show n) $ lookup n dic data Coefficient = Zero | Negative String | Positive String | Eps deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) showRational :: (Integral a, Show a) => Ratio a -> Coefficient showRational r | r == 0 = Zero | r > 0 = Positive $ formatRat r | otherwise = Negative $ formatRat $ abs r where formatRat q | denominator q == 1 = show $ numerator q | otherwise = show (numerator q) ++ "/" ++ show (denominator q) ++ " " showPolynomialWith :: (Eq a, Show a, SingRep n, NoetherianRing a, IsOrder ordering) => [(Int, String)] -> (a -> Coefficient) -> OrderedPolynomial a ordering n -> String showPolynomialWith vDic showCoeff p0@(Polynomial d) | p0 == zero = "0" | otherwise = catTerms $ mapMaybe procTerm $ M.toDescList d where catTerms [] = "0" catTerms (x:xs) = concat $ showTerm True x : map (showTerm False) xs showTerm isLeading (Zero, _) = if isLeading then "0" else "" showTerm isLeading (Positive s, deg) = if isLeading then s ++ deg else " + " ++ s ++ deg showTerm isLeading (Negative s, deg) = if isLeading then '-' : s ++ deg else " - " ++ s ++ deg showTerm isLeading (Eps, deg) = if isLeading then deg else " + " ++ deg procTerm (getMonomial -> deg, c) | c == zero = Nothing | otherwise = let cKind = showCoeff c cff | isConstantMonomial deg && c == one = Positive "1" | isConstantMonomial deg && c == negate one = Negative "1" | c == one = Positive "" | c == negate one = Negative "" | otherwise = cKind in Just $ (cff, unwords (mapMaybe showDeg (zip [1..] $ V.toList deg))) showDeg (n, p) | p == 0 = Nothing | p == 1 = Just $ showVar n | otherwise = Just $ showVar n ++ "^" ++ show p showVar n = fromMaybe ("X_" ++ show n) $ lookup n vDic isConstantMonomial :: (Eq a, Num a) => Vector a n -> Bool isConstantMonomial v = all (== 0) $ V.toList v -- | We provide Num instance to use trivial injection R into R[X]. -- Do not use signum or abs. instance (IsMonomialOrder order, IsPolynomial r n, Num r) => Num (OrderedPolynomial r order n) where (+) = (Numeric.Algebra.+) (*) = (Numeric.Algebra.*) fromInteger = injectCoeff . P.fromInteger signum f = if f == zero then zero else injectCoeff 1 abs = id negate = ((P.negate 1 :: Integer) .*) varX :: (NoetherianRing r, SingRep n, One :<= n) => OrderedPolynomial r order n varX = Polynomial $ M.singleton (OrderedMonomial $ fromList sing [1]) one var :: (NoetherianRing r, SingRep m, S n :<= m) => SNat (S n) -> OrderedPolynomial r order m var vIndex = Polynomial $ M.singleton (OrderedMonomial $ fromList sing (buildIndex vIndex)) one toPolynomial :: (IsOrder order, IsPolynomial r n) => (r, Monomial n) -> OrderedPolynomial r order n toPolynomial (c, deg) = Polynomial $ M.singleton (OrderedMonomial deg) c polynomial :: (SingRep n, Eq r, NoetherianRing r, IsOrder order) => Map (OrderedMonomial order n) r -> OrderedPolynomial r order n polynomial dic = normalize $ Polynomial dic buildIndex :: SNat (S n) -> [Int] buildIndex (SS SZ) = [1] buildIndex (SS (SS n)) = 0 : buildIndex (SS n) leadingTerm :: (IsOrder order, IsPolynomial r n) => OrderedPolynomial r order n -> (r, Monomial n) leadingTerm (Polynomial d) = case M.maxViewWithKey d of Just ((deg, c), _) -> (c, getMonomial deg) Nothing -> (zero, fromList sing []) leadingMonomial :: (IsOrder order, IsPolynomial r n) => OrderedPolynomial r order n -> Monomial n leadingMonomial = snd . leadingTerm leadingOrderedMonomial :: (IsOrder order, IsPolynomial r n) => OrderedPolynomial r order n -> OrderedMonomial order n leadingOrderedMonomial = OrderedMonomial . leadingMonomial leadingCoeff :: (IsOrder order, IsPolynomial r n) => OrderedPolynomial r order n -> r leadingCoeff = fst . leadingTerm divs :: Monomial n -> Monomial n -> Bool xs `divs` ys = and $ V.toList $ V.zipWith (<=) xs ys tryDiv :: Field r => (r, Monomial n) -> (r, Monomial n) -> (r, Monomial n) tryDiv (a, f) (b, g) | g `divs` f = (a * recip b, V.zipWithSame (-) f g) | otherwise = error "cannot divide." lcmMonomial :: Monomial n -> Monomial n -> Monomial n lcmMonomial = V.zipWithSame max sPolynomial :: (IsPolynomial k n, Field k, IsOrder order) => OrderedPolynomial k order n -> OrderedPolynomial k order n -> OrderedPolynomial k order n sPolynomial f g = let h = (one, lcmMonomial (leadingMonomial f) (leadingMonomial g)) in toPolynomial (h `tryDiv` leadingTerm f) * f - toPolynomial (h `tryDiv` leadingTerm g) * g changeOrder :: (Eq (Monomial n), IsOrder o, IsOrder o', SingRep n) => o' -> OrderedPolynomial k o n -> OrderedPolynomial k o' n changeOrder _ = unwrapped %~ M.mapKeys (OrderedMonomial . getMonomial) changeOrderProxy :: (Eq (Monomial n), IsOrder o, IsOrder o', SingRep n) => Proxy o' -> OrderedPolynomial k o n -> OrderedPolynomial k o' n changeOrderProxy _ = unwrapped %~ M.mapKeys (OrderedMonomial . getMonomial) getTerms :: OrderedPolynomial k order n -> [(k, Monomial n)] getTerms = map (snd &&& getMonomial . fst) . M.toDescList . terms transformMonomial :: (IsOrder o, IsPolynomial k n, IsPolynomial k m) => (Monomial n -> Monomial m) -> OrderedPolynomial k o n -> OrderedPolynomial k o m transformMonomial trans (Polynomial d) = Polynomial $ M.mapKeys (OrderedMonomial . trans . getMonomial) d orderedBy :: IsOrder o => OrderedPolynomial k o n -> o -> OrderedPolynomial k o n p `orderedBy` _ = p shiftR :: forall k r n ord. (Field r, IsPolynomial r n, IsPolynomial r (k :+: n), IsOrder ord) => SNat k -> OrderedPolynomial r ord n -> OrderedPolynomial r ord (k :+: n) shiftR k = case singInstance k of SingInstance -> transformMonomial (V.append (fromList k [])) genVars :: forall k o n. (IsPolynomial k (S n), IsOrder o) => SNat (S n) -> [OrderedPolynomial k o (S n)] genVars sn = let n = sNatToInt sn seed = cycle $ 1 : replicate (n - 1) 0 in map (\m -> Polynomial $ M.singleton (OrderedMonomial $ fromList sn $ take n (drop (n-m) seed)) one) [0..n-1] sArity :: OrderedPolynomial k ord n -> SNat n sArity (Polynomial dic) = V.sLength $ getMonomial $ fst $ M.findMin dic {-# RULES "sArity/zero" forall (v :: OrderedPolynomial k ord Z). sArity v = SZ "sArity/one" forall (v :: OrderedPolynomial k ord (S Z)). sArity v = SS SZ "sArity/two" forall (v :: OrderedPolynomial k ord (S (S Z))). sArity v = SS (SS SZ) "sArity/three" forall (v :: OrderedPolynomial k ord (S (S (S Z)))). sArity v = SS (SS (sS SZ)) "sArity/four" forall (v :: OrderedPolynomial k ord (S (S (S (S Z))))). sArity v = SS (SS (SS (SS SZ))) "sArity/five" forall (v :: OrderedPolynomial k ord (S (S (S (S (S Z)))))). sArity v = SS (SS (SS (SS (SS SZ)))) "sArity/sing" forall (v :: SingRep n => OrderedPolynomial k ord n). sArity (v :: OrderedPolynomial k ord n) = sing :: SNat n #-}