{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Comp.Dag.AG
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2014 Patrick Bahr, Emil Axelsson
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Patrick Bahr <paba@di.ku.dk>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable (GHC Extensions)
-- This module implements the recursion schemes from module
-- "Data.Comp.AG" on 'Dag's. In order to deal with the sharing present
-- in 'Dag's, the recursion schemes additionally take an argument of
-- type @d -> d -> d@ that resolves clashing inherited attribute
-- values.

module Data.Comp.Dag.AG
    ( runAG
    , runRewrite
    , module I
    ) where

import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Comp.AG.Internal
import qualified Data.Comp.AG.Internal as I hiding (explicit)
import Data.Comp.Dag
import Data.Comp.Dag.Internal
import Data.Comp.Mapping as I
import Data.Comp.Projection as I
import Data.Comp.Term
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import Data.Maybe
import Data.STRef
import qualified Data.Traversable as Traversable
import Data.Vector (Vector,MVector)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vec
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as MVec

-- | This function runs an attribute grammar on a dag. The result is
-- the (combined) synthesised attribute at the root of the dag.

runAG :: forall f d u .Traversable f
    => (d -> d -> d)   -- ^ resolution function for inherited attributes
    -> Syn' f (u,d) u  -- ^ semantic function of synthesised attributes
    -> Inh' f (u,d) d  -- ^ semantic function of inherited attributes
    -> (u -> d)        -- ^ initialisation of inherited attributes
    -> Dag f           -- ^ input dag
    -> u
runAG res syn inh dinit Dag {edges,root,nodeCount} = uFin where
    uFin = runST runM
    dFin = dinit uFin
    runM :: forall s . ST s u
    runM = mdo
      -- construct empty mapping from nodes to inherited attribute values
      dmap <- MVec.new nodeCount
      MVec.set dmap Nothing
      -- allocate mapping from nodes to synthesised attribute values
      umap <- MVec.new nodeCount
      -- allocate counter for numbering child nodes
      count <- newSTRef 0
      let -- Runs the AG on an edge with the given input inherited
          -- attribute value and produces the output synthesised
          -- attribute value.
          run :: d -> f (Context f Node) -> ST s u
          run d t = mdo
             -- apply the semantic functions
             let u = explicit syn (u,d) unNumbered result
                 m = explicit inh (u,d) unNumbered result
                 -- recurses into the child nodes and numbers them
                 run' :: Context f Node -> ST s (Numbered (u,d))
                 run' s = do i <- readSTRef count
                             writeSTRef count $! (i+1)
                             let d' = lookupNumMap d i m
                             u' <- runF d' s -- recurse
                             return (Numbered i (u',d'))
             writeSTRef count 0  -- re-initialize counter
             result <- Traversable.mapM run' t
             return u
          -- recurses through the tree structure
          runF :: d -> Context f Node -> ST s u
          runF d (Hole x) = do
             -- we found a node: update the mapping for inherited
             -- attribute values
             old <- MVec.unsafeRead dmap x
             let new = case old of
                         Just o -> res o d
                         _      -> d
             MVec.unsafeWrite dmap x (Just new)
             return (umapFin Vec.! x)
          runF d (Term t)  = run d t
          -- This function is applied to each edge
          iter (n, t) = do
            u <- run (fromJust $ dmapFin Vec.! n) t
            MVec.unsafeWrite umap n u
      -- first apply to the root
      u <- run dFin root
      -- then apply to the edges
      mapM_ iter (IntMap.toList edges)
      -- finalise the mappings for attribute values
      dmapFin <- Vec.unsafeFreeze dmap
      umapFin <- Vec.unsafeFreeze umap
      return u

-- | This function runs an attribute grammar with rewrite function on
-- a dag. The result is the (combined) synthesised attribute at the
-- root of the dag and the rewritten dag.

runRewrite :: forall f g d u .(Traversable f, Traversable g)
    => (d -> d -> d)       -- ^ resolution function for inherited attributes
    -> Syn' f (u,d) u      -- ^ semantic function of synthesised attributes
    -> Inh' f (u,d) d      -- ^ semantic function of inherited attributes
    -> Rewrite f (u, d) g  -- ^ initialisation of inherited attributes
    -> (u -> d)            -- ^ input term
    -> Dag f
    -> (u, Dag g)
runRewrite res syn inh rewr dinit Dag {edges,root,nodeCount} = result where
    result@(uFin,_) = runST runM
    dFin = dinit uFin
    runM :: forall s . ST s (u, Dag g)
    runM = mdo
      -- construct empty mapping from nodes to inherited attribute values
      dmap <- MVec.new nodeCount
      MVec.set dmap Nothing
      -- allocate mapping from nodes to synthesised attribute values
      umap <- MVec.new nodeCount
      -- allocate counter for numbering child nodes
      count <- newSTRef 0
      -- allocate vector to represent edges of the target DAG
      allEdges <- MVec.new nodeCount
      let -- This function is applied to each edge
          iter (node,s) = do
             let d = fromJust $ dmapFin Vec.! node
             (u,t) <- run d s
             MVec.unsafeWrite umap node u
             MVec.unsafeWrite allEdges node t
          -- Runs the AG on an edge with the given input inherited
          -- attribute value and produces the output synthesised
          -- attribute value along with the rewritten subtree.
          run :: d -> f (Context f Node) -> ST s (u, Context g Node)
          run d t = mdo
             -- apply the semantic functions
             let u = explicit syn (u,d) (fst . unNumbered) result
                 m = explicit inh (u,d) (fst . unNumbered) result
                 -- recurses into the child nodes and numbers them
                 run' :: Context f Node -> ST s (Numbered ((u,d), Context g Node))
                 run' s = do i <- readSTRef count
                             writeSTRef count $! (i+1)
                             let d' = lookupNumMap d i m
                             (u',t) <- runF d' s
                             return (Numbered i ((u',d'), t))
             writeSTRef count 0
             result <- Traversable.mapM run' t
             let t' = join $ fmap (snd . unNumbered) $ explicit rewr (u,d) (fst . unNumbered) result
             return (u, t')
          -- recurses through the tree structure
          runF d (Term t) = run d t
          runF d (Hole x) = do
             -- we found a node: update the mapping for inherited
             -- attribute values
             old <- MVec.unsafeRead dmap x
             let new = case old of
                         Just o -> res o d
                         _      -> d
             MVec.unsafeWrite dmap x (Just new)
             return (umapFin Vec.! x, Hole x)
      -- first apply to the root
      (u,interRoot) <- run dFin root
      -- then apply to the edges
      mapM_ iter $ IntMap.toList edges
      -- finalise the mappings for attribute values and target DAG
      dmapFin <- Vec.unsafeFreeze dmap
      umapFin <- Vec.unsafeFreeze umap
      allEdgesFin <- Vec.unsafeFreeze allEdges
      return (u, relabelNodes interRoot allEdgesFin nodeCount)

-- | This function relabels the nodes of the given dag. Parts that are
-- unreachable from the root are discarded. Instead of an 'IntMap',
-- edges are represented by a 'Vector'.
relabelNodes :: forall f . Traversable f 
             => Context f Node
             -> Vector (Cxt Hole f Int) 
             -> Int 
             -> Dag f
relabelNodes root edges nodeCount = runST run where
    run :: ST s (Dag f)
    run = do
      -- allocate counter for generating nodes
      curNode <- newSTRef 0
      newEdges <- newSTRef IntMap.empty  -- the new graph
      -- construct empty mapping for mapping old nodes to new nodes
      newNodes :: MVector s (Maybe Int) <- MVec.new nodeCount
      MVec.set newNodes Nothing
      let -- Replaces node in the old graph with a node in the new
          -- graph. This function is applied to all nodes reachable
          -- from the given node as well.
          build :: Node -> ST s Node
          build node = do
            -- check whether we have already constructed a new node
            -- for the given node
             mnewNode <- MVec.unsafeRead newNodes node
             case mnewNode of
               Just newNode -> return newNode
               Nothing -> 
                   case edges Vec.! node of
                     Hole n -> do
                       -- We found an edge that just maps to another
                       -- node. We shortcut this edge.
                       newNode <- build n
                       MVec.unsafeWrite newNodes node (Just newNode)
                       return newNode
                     Term f -> do
                        -- Create a new node and call build recursively
                       newNode <- readSTRef curNode
                       writeSTRef curNode $! (newNode+1)
                       MVec.unsafeWrite newNodes node (Just newNode)
                       f' <- Traversable.mapM (Traversable.mapM build) f
                       modifySTRef newEdges (IntMap.insert newNode f')
                       return newNode
          -- This function is only used for the root. If the root is
          -- only a node, we lookup the mapping for that
          -- node. In any case we apply build to all nodes.
          build' :: Context f Node -> ST s (f (Context f Node))
          build' (Hole n) = do
                         n' <- build n
                         e <- readSTRef newEdges
                         return (e IntMap.! n')
          build' (Term f) = Traversable.mapM (Traversable.mapM build) f
      -- start relabelling from the root
      root' <- build' root
      -- collect the final edges mapping and node count
      edges' <- readSTRef newEdges
      nodeCount' <- readSTRef curNode
      return Dag {edges = edges', root = root', nodeCount = nodeCount'}