----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : FileFormat.TSPLIB -- Copyright : (c) Richard Senington 2011 -- License : GPL-style -- -- Maintainer : Richard Senington -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable -- -- Partial loading routines for the TSPLIB file format. -- The format itself has a large number of variations, -- and this has only been designed to load the @tsp@ and -- @atsp@ variants. It has been tried on all the files -- from the repository in these classes and it parses -- them at least. -- -- Relies upon the @CombinatorialOptimisation.TSP@ library. -- -- Currently this does not use the Haskell parsing -- libraries, nor ByteString, just some custom built -- routines. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module FileFormat.TSPLIB( loadTSPFile )where import CombinatorialOptimisation.TSP import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Array as A import Data.List {- | Simple 2d Euclidian. -} euclidianDistance :: (Float,Float)->(Float,Float)->Float euclidianDistance (a,b) (c,d) = sqrt ((a-c)*(a-c)+(b-d)*(b-d)) {- | Always rounded up euclidian. -} euclidianDistanceCeil :: (Float,Float)->(Float,Float)->Float euclidianDistanceCeil a b = fromIntegral . ceiling $ euclidianDistance a b {- | For only two types of file. Basically a form of rounded euclidian. -} pseudoEuclideanDistance :: (Float,Float)->(Float,Float)->Float pseudoEuclideanDistance (a,b) (c,d) = let e = sqrt (((a-c)*(a-c)+(b-d)*(b-d)) /10 ) f = fromIntegral (floor e) in if f(Float,Float)->Float geoDistance (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = encodeFloat (floor dij) 0 where q1 = cos (lon1 - lon2) q2 = cos (lat1 - lat2) q3 = cos (lat1 + lat2) lon1 = degConvert y1 lon2 = degConvert y2 lat1 = degConvert x1 lat2 = degConvert x2 dij = 6378.388 * (acos( 0.5*((1.0+q1)*q2 - ((1.0-q1)*q3) )) ) + 1.0 degConvert m = let deg = encodeFloat (floor m) 0 miN = m - deg in 3.141592 * (deg + (5.0 * miN/3.0))/180.0 {- | A data type for representing bits of the specification section of a file. Assumed to be used later as a list of Specifications. -} data Specification = IGNORE String | USEFUL String String | ENDSPEC String | FAIL String deriving Show {- | Test for filtering specification lines, so we only get data we might want to use. Could be got rid of as most of the time I do dictionary lookups on the output of the specification reading routines. -} isUsefulSpec (USEFUL _ _) = True isUsefulSpec _ = False {- | Helper routine for @readSpecification@. Reads a single line (assumes that input is already line by line). -} readSpecificationLine :: String->Specification readSpecificationLine s | likeString "NAME" s = IGNORE s | likeString "TYPE" s = USEFUL "Type" (trim s) | likeString "NODE_COORD_SECTION" s = ENDSPEC "NODE COORD" | likeString "EDGE_WEIGHT_SECTION" s = ENDSPEC "EDGE WEIGHT" | likeString "COMMENT" s = IGNORE s | likeString "DIMENSION" s = USEFUL "Dimension" (trim s) | likeString "DISPLAY_DATA_TYPE" s = IGNORE s | likeString "EDGE_WEIGHT_TYPE" s = USEFUL "EdgeWeightType" (trim s) | likeString "EDGE_WEIGHT_FORMAT" s = USEFUL "EdgeWeightFormat" (trim s) | otherwise = FAIL $ "unrecognised field in specification : "++s where likeString q s = take (length q) s == q trim s = let s' = (dropWhile (==' ')) . (drop 1) . (dropWhile (/=':')) $ s in reverse . (dropWhile (==' ')) . reverse $ s' {- | Helper routine for @loadTSPFile@. Reads the specification section of a file. -} readSpecification :: [String]->([Specification],[String]) readSpecification [] = ([FAIL "seem to have run out of data, without ending the specification phase"],[]) readSpecification (s:ss) = let p = readSpecificationLine s (rs,es) = readSpecification ss in case p of ENDSPEC k -> ([USEFUL "DATA PART TYPE" k],ss) IGNORE _ -> (p:rs,es) FAIL _ -> (p:rs,es) USEFUL _ _ -> (p:rs,es) {- | Loads a TSPLIB style file. The first parameter is the internal storage type from @CombinatorialProblems.TSP@. It allows for full matrix, triangular matrix and full recalculation. If the requested internal storage cannot be used with the file, this will throw an error (e.g. recomputation where you are given a full matrix in the file). The second parameter is the file path. -} loadTSPFile :: InternalStorage->FilePath->IO TSPProblem loadTSPFile storageType fName = do rawContents<-readFile fName let (spec,remainder) = readSpecification $ lines rawContents -- mapM_ print spec -- print "" let specList = map (\(USEFUL a b)->(a,b)) . filter isUsefulSpec $ spec -- print specList let dataPart = fromJust $ lookup "DATA PART TYPE" specList let numNodes = read $ fromJust $ lookup "Dimension" specList case dataPart of "NODE COORD" -> return $ loadFromNodePositions storageType numNodes specList (takeWhile (/="EOF") remainder) "EDGE WEIGHT" -> return $ loadFromMatrix storageType numNodes specList (takeWhile (/="EOF") remainder) _ -> error "Unsupported data section" {- | Helper routine for @loadTSPFile@. This assumes the input is just points and the distances must be calculated. -} loadFromNodePositions :: InternalStorage->Int->[(String,String)]->[String]->TSPProblem loadFromNodePositions storageType numCities spec d = let d' = map ((\[a,b]->(a,b)) . (map readF) . (drop 1) . words) d posArr = A.listArray (0 , numCities-1) d' cities = [0 ..(numCities-1)] explicit = A.listArray (0,numCities*numCities-1) [distFunc (posArr A.! a) (posArr A.! b) | a<-cities,b<-cities] triangular = A.listArray (0,sum [0..numCities]) [distFunc (posArr A.! a) (posArr A.! b) | a<-cities,b<-[0..a]] p = case storageType of ExplicitMatrix -> \x y->explicit A.! (x * numCities + y) TriangularMatrix -> (\x y->let x' = min x y; y' = max x y in triangular A.! (div (y'*y'+y') 2 + x')) Recomputation -> \a b->distFunc (posArr A.! a) (posArr A.! b) in TSPProblem 0 M.empty p numCities M.empty M.empty where readF = read :: (String->Float) distanceFunctionSpec = fromJust $ lookup "EdgeWeightType" spec distFunc = case distanceFunctionSpec of "GEO" -> geoDistance "EUC_2D" -> euclidianDistance "ATT" -> pseudoEuclideanDistance "CEIL_2D"-> euclidianDistanceCeil _ -> error $ "unsupported distance function : "++distanceFunctionSpec {- | Helper routine for @loadTSPFile@. This assumes the input data is a matrix of some form, and loads it. -} loadFromMatrix :: InternalStorage->Int->[(String,String)]->[String]->TSPProblem loadFromMatrix Recomputation _ _ _ = error "Cannot load matrix and store in recomputation form" loadFromMatrix storageType numCities spec d | distanceFunctionSpec /= "EXPLICIT" = error "loading from non explicit matrix? (does not make sense)" | storageType == TriangularMatrix = TSPProblem 0 M.empty (\x y->let x' = min x y; y' = max x y in triangularArray A.! (div (y'*y'+y') 2 + x')) numCities M.empty M.empty | storageType == ExplicitMatrix = TSPProblem 0 M.empty (\x y->explicitArray A.! (y * numCities + x)) numCities M.empty M.empty where readF = read :: (String->Float) distanceFunctionSpec = fromJust $ lookup "EdgeWeightType" spec inputNumberSequence = concatMap ((map readF) . words) d -- not entirely trusting line breaks in file format, so turning into list of numbers, and putting in coords later cities = [0 ..(numCities-1)] blankMatrix = foldl' (\m d->M.insert (d,d) 0 m) M.empty cities fillPair m ((a,b),c) = M.insert (b,a) c $ (M.insert (a,b) c m) makeFromTri = foldl' fillPair blankMatrix loadedMap = case fromJust $ lookup "EdgeWeightFormat" spec of "FULL_MATRIX" -> foldl' (\m (d,c)->M.insert d c m) M.empty (zip [(a,b) | a<-cities,b<-cities] inputNumberSequence) "UPPER_ROW" -> makeFromTri $ zip [(a,b) | a<-cities,b<-[a..(numCities - 1)],a/=b] inputNumberSequence "LOWER_ROW" -> makeFromTri $ zip [(a,b) | a<-cities,b<-[0..a],a/=b] inputNumberSequence "UPPER_DIAG_ROW" -> makeFromTri $ zip [(a,b) | a<-cities,b<-[a..(numCities - 1)]] inputNumberSequence "LOWER_DIAG_ROW" -> makeFromTri $ zip [(a,b) | a<-cities,b<-[0..a]] inputNumberSequence "UPPER_COL" -> makeFromTri $ zip [(b,a) | a<-cities,b<-[a..(numCities - 1)],a/=b] inputNumberSequence "LOWER_COL" -> makeFromTri $ zip [(b,a) | a<-cities,b<-[0..a],a/=b] inputNumberSequence "UPPER_DIAG_COL" -> makeFromTri $ zip [(b,a) | a<-cities,b<-[a..(numCities - 1)]] inputNumberSequence "LOWER_DIAG_COL" -> makeFromTri $ zip [(b,a) | a<-cities,b<-[0..a]] inputNumberSequence explicitArray = A.listArray (0,numCities*numCities-1) [loadedMap M.! (a,b) | a<-cities,b<-cities] triangularArray = A.listArray (0,sum [0..numCities]) [loadedMap M.! (a,b) | a<-cities,b<-[0..a]]