-- | Bases in the cohomology of the spaces appearing in the computations.
-- We have three different spaces: 
-- * @Q^n = P^1 x P^1 x ... x P^1@ (@n@ times; @m = length lambda@)
-- * @Q^m = P^1 x P^1 x ... x P^1 x P^1@ (@m@ times, @m = sum lambda >= n@)
-- * @P^m = P(Sym^m C^2)@
-- Furthermore, we have @GL2@ acting naturally on these spaces.

      BangPatterns, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, DeriveFunctor, 
      ScopedTypeVariables, Rank2Types 
module Math.RootLoci.Geometry.Cohomology where


import Data.List
import Data.Monoid

import Math.Combinat.Numbers

import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set

import qualified Math.RootLoci.Algebra.FreeMod as ZMod
import Math.RootLoci.Algebra.FreeMod ( ZMod , FreeMod(..) , unFreeMod )

import Math.RootLoci.Algebra.SymmPoly 
import Math.RootLoci.Misc.Pretty

-- * The non-equivariant case

-- | a (ring) generator of @H^*(Q^n)@ (note that @u_i^2 = 0@)
newtype U = U Int deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

-- | (a ring) generator of @H^*(Q^m)@ (note that @h_i^2 = 0@)
newtype H = H Int deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

-- | the generator of @H^*(P^n)@ (with @g^(n+1) = 0@)
newtype G = G Int deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

-- | A monomial in @u_i@ (encoded as a subset of @[1..n]@, as @u_i^2=0@)
newtype US = US [U] deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

-- | A monomial in @h_i@ (encoded as a subset of @[1..m]@, as @h_i^2=0@)
newtype HS = HS [H] deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)


instance Monoid US where
  mempty = US []
  (US us1) `mappend` (US us2) = 
    if nub us3 == us3
      then US us3
      else error "[U]/monoid: duplicate indices"
      us3 = sort (us1 ++ us2)

instance Monoid HS where
  mempty = HS []
  (HS hs1) `mappend` (HS hs2) = 
    if nub hs3 == hs3
      then HS hs3
      else error "[H]/monoid: duplicate indices"
      hs3 = sort (hs1 ++ hs2)

instance Monoid G where
  mempty = G 0
  (G e) `mappend` (G f) = G (e+f)

instance Pretty G where
  pretty (G e) = "g^" ++ show e

instance Pretty H where
  pretty (H i) = "h" ++ show i

instance Pretty U where
  pretty (U i) = "u" ++ show i

instance Pretty HS where
  pretty (HS []) = ""
  pretty (HS hs) = intercalate "*" (map pretty hs)

instance Pretty US where
  pretty (US []) = ""
  pretty (US us) = intercalate "*" (map pretty us)


instance Graded U where grade _ = 1
instance Graded H where grade _ = 1
instance Graded G where grade (G g) = g
instance Graded HS where grade (HS js) = length js
instance Graded US where grade (US js) = length js

instance Graded ab => Graded (Omega ab) where grade (Omega us ab) = length us + grade ab
instance Graded ab => Graded (Eta   ab) where grade (Eta   hs ab) = length hs + grade ab
instance Graded ab => Graded (Gam   ab) where grade (Gam   g  ab) = g + grade ab

-- * The equivariant case

-- | A monomial generator of @Z[alpha,beta;u1,u2,...,u_nd]/(...)@, 
-- the cohomology ring of @Q^n@. 
-- The encoding is that the list is the list of indices of @u@ which appear.
data Omega ab = Omega ![Int] !ab deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Functor)

-- | A monomial generator of @Z[alpha,beta;eta1,eta2...eta_m]/(...)@,
-- he cohomology ring of @Q^m@. 
-- The encoding is that the list is the list of indices of @eta@ which appear.
data Eta ab = Eta ![Int] !ab deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Functor)

-- | A monomial generator of @Z[alpha,beta;gamma]/(...)@,
-- the cohomology ring of @P^m@. 
data Gam ab = Gam !Int !ab deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Functor)


-- | Class of monomial bases which form modules over the @H^*(BGL2)@
class Functor f => Equivariant f where 
  injectMonom  :: x -> f x
  projectMonom :: f x -> x

instance Equivariant Omega where 
  injectMonom = Omega [] 
  projectMonom (Omega _ ab) = ab

instance Equivariant Eta where 
  injectMonom = Eta [] 
  projectMonom (Eta _ ab) = ab

instance Equivariant Gam where  
  injectMonom = Gam 0  
  projectMonom (Gam _ ab) = ab

injectZMod :: (Equivariant f, ChernBase base, Ord (f base)) => ZMod base -> ZMod (f base)
injectZMod = ZMod.mapBase injectMonom

forgetGamma :: Ord base => ZMod (Gam base) -> ZMod base 
forgetGamma = ZMod.filterBase f where
  f (Gam k ab) = case k of
    0 -> Just ab
    _ -> Nothing

forgetEquiv :: ChernBase base => ZMod (Gam base) -> ZMod G
forgetEquiv = ZMod.filterBase f where
  f (Gam k ab) = if (ab == mempty) 
    then Just (G k)
    else Nothing

-- * Conversion between different bases

  :: (Ord ab, Ord cd)
  => (ZMod ab -> ZMod cd) 
  -> ZMod (Omega ab) -> ZMod (Omega cd)
convertOmega = convertEach f g Omega where
  f (Omega xs _ ) = xs
  g (Omega _  ab) = ab

  :: (Ord ab, Ord cd)
  => (ZMod ab -> ZMod cd) 
  -> ZMod (Eta ab) -> ZMod (Eta cd)
convertEta = convertEach f g Eta where
  f (Eta xs _ ) = xs
  g (Eta _  ab) = ab

  :: (Ord ab, Ord cd)
  => (ZMod ab -> ZMod cd) 
  -> ZMod (Gam ab) -> ZMod (Gam cd)
convertGam = convertEach f g Gam where
  f (Gam k _ ) = k
  g (Gam _ ab) = ab

-- | A generic function which can convert the @GL2@ representations
  :: forall f x y ab cd. (Functor f, Ord ab, Ord cd, Ord (f ab), Ord (f cd), Ord x) 
  => (forall y. f y -> x)
  -> (forall y. f y -> y)
  -> (forall y. x -> y -> f y)
  -> (ZMod    ab  -> ZMod    cd )
  ->  ZMod (f ab) -> ZMod (f cd)
convertEach selx sely build convert src = tgt where
  tgt    = ZMod.sum [ worker layer | layer <- layers ]
  layers = Set.toList $ Set.map selx $ Map.keysSet $ unFreeMod src :: [x]
  worker layer 
    = FreeMod
    $ Map.mapKeys (build layer)
    $ unFreeMod
    $ convert
    $ FreeMod
    $ Map.mapKeys sely 
    $ Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> selx k == layer) 
    $ unFreeMod src


-- | This is a hack to reuse the same pushforward code
unsafeEtaToOmega :: Ord ab => FreeMod coeff (Eta ab) -> FreeMod coeff (Omega ab)
unsafeEtaToOmega = ZMod.mapBase f where
  f (Eta js ab) = Omega js ab

unsafeOmegaToEta :: Ord ab => FreeMod coeff (Omega ab) -> FreeMod coeff (Eta ab)
unsafeOmegaToEta = ZMod.mapBase f where
  f (Omega js ab) = Eta js ab


instance Monoid ab => Monoid (Omega ab) where
  mempty = Omega [] mempty
  (Omega as ab1) `mappend` (Omega bs ab2) = 
    if nub cs == cs
      then Omega cs (ab1 <> ab2)
      else error "Omega/monoid: duplicate indices"
      cs = sort (as ++ bs)

instance Monoid ab => Monoid (Eta ab) where
  mempty = Eta [] mempty
  (Eta fs ab1) `mappend` (Eta gs ab2) = 
    if nub hs == hs
      then Eta hs (ab1 <> ab2)
      else error "Eta/monoid: duplicate indices"
      hs = sort (fs ++ gs)

instance Monoid ab => Monoid (Gam ab) where
  mempty = Gam 0 mempty
  (Gam e ab1) `mappend` (Gam f ab2) = Gam (e+f) (ab1 <> ab2)


instance (Pretty ab, Monoid ab, Eq ab) => Pretty (Gam ab) where
  pretty (Gam 0 ab) = pretty ab
  pretty (Gam g ab)
    | ab == mempty  = "g^" ++ show g
    | otherwise     = "g^" ++ show g ++ "*" ++ pretty ab

instance (Pretty ab, Monoid ab, Eq ab) => Pretty (Eta ab) where
  pretty eta = 
    case eta of
      (Eta [] ab)       -> pretty ab 
      (Eta is ab)   
        | ab == mempty  -> hs is
        | otherwise     -> hs is ++ "*" ++ pretty ab 
      hs is = case is of
        [] -> ""
        _  -> intercalate "*" [ "h" ++ show i | i<-is ]

instance (Pretty ab, Monoid ab, Eq ab) => Pretty (Omega ab) where
  pretty omega = 
    case omega of
      (Omega [] ab)       -> pretty ab 
      (Omega is ab)    
        | ab == mempty    -> us is
        | otherwise       -> us is ++ "*" ++ pretty ab 
      us is = case is of
        [] -> ""
        _  -> intercalate "*" [ "u" ++ show i | i<-is ]
