# codeforces-cli Command line interface to interact with Codeforces. ![demo](https://github.com/farbodsz/codeforces-cli/blob/master/docs/demo.gif?raw=true) ## Features - View/filter contests and problems - Watch contest standings and submissions - Calculate rating after a virtual contest - List rating changes for each contest - And much more! ## Installation The pre-compiled binary file can be found [on the releases page](https://github.com/farbodsz/codeforces-cli/releases). Download it and place it in a directory in your `PATH`. For example, `~/.local/bin/cf`. ## Usage ``` Codeforces CLI v0.1.0 Usage: cf COMMAND Available options: -h,--help Show this help text Available commands: agenda Upcoming contests. Alias for contests --upcoming contests List of contests info Show the problems and your problem results of a contest friends List your friends (must be authenticated) open Open a contest in the browser problems View and filter problem sets ratings Rating changes of a user setup Setup your configuration file standings Standings table of a contest status Recent submissions of a user user Information about a user virtual Calculate your rating after a virtual contest, to find what it would be if you competed live ```