cabal-version: 1.12 -- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.31.2. -- -- see: -- -- hash: 1ecc108258e91fab1cf40b3e7a3dbb217465d2d0d4b32b76560469f2cf1ca543 name: cobot-io version: synopsis: Biological data file formats and IO description: Please see the README on GitHub at category: Bio homepage: bug-reports: author: Pavel Yakovlev, Bogdan Neterebskii, Alexander Sadovnikov maintainer: copyright: 2018-2019, Less Wrong Bio license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE build-type: Simple extra-source-files: source-repository head type: git location: library exposed-modules: Bio.ABI Bio.ABI.Clean Bio.ABI.Decode Bio.FASTA Bio.FASTA.Parser Bio.FASTA.Type Bio.FASTA.Writer Bio.GB Bio.GB.Parser Bio.GB.Type Bio.GB.Writer Bio.MAE Bio.MAE.Parser Bio.MAE.Type Bio.MMTF Bio.MMTF.Decode Bio.MMTF.Decode.Codec Bio.MMTF.Decode.MessagePack Bio.MMTF.MessagePack Bio.MMTF.Type Bio.PDB Bio.PDB.Parser Bio.PDB.Reader Bio.PDB.Type Bio.Sequence Bio.Sequence.Basecalled Bio.Sequence.Basecalled.Type Bio.Sequence.Class Bio.Sequence.Functions.Marking Bio.Sequence.Functions.Sequence Bio.Sequence.Functions.Weight Bio.Sequence.Utilities Bio.Structure Bio.Uniprot Bio.Uniprot.Parser Bio.Uniprot.Type other-modules: Paths_cobot_io hs-source-dirs: src default-extensions: DeriveGeneric DeriveFunctor DeriveFoldable DeriveAnyClass FlexibleInstances InstanceSigs MultiParamTypeClasses RecordWildCards ScopedTypeVariables OverloadedStrings TypeApplications TypeFamilies DataKinds ConstraintKinds TypeOperators TemplateHaskell FlexibleContexts build-depends: array >=0.5 && <0.6 , attoparsec >=0.10 && <0.14 , base >=4.7 && <5 , binary >= && <1.0 , bytestring >= && <0.11 , containers >= && <0.7 , data-msgpack >=0.0.9 && <0.1 , deepseq >=1.4 && <1.5 , http-conduit >=2.3 && <2.4 , hyraxAbif >= && < , lens >=4.16 && <5.0 , linear >=1.20 && <1.21 , mtl >=2.2.1 && <2.3.0 , split , text >= && <1.3 , vector default-language: Haskell2010 test-suite cobot-io-test type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: Spec.hs other-modules: ABISpec FastaParserSpec FASTASpec FastaWriterSpec GBParserSpec GBWriterSpec MAEParserSpec MAESpec MMTFSpec PDBSpec SequenceSpec UniprotSpec Paths_cobot_io hs-source-dirs: test default-extensions: OverloadedStrings TypeFamilies ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N build-depends: QuickCheck >=2.9.2 && <2.14 , array >=0.5 && <0.6 , attoparsec >=0.10 && <0.14 , base >=4.7 && <5 , binary >= && <1.0 , bytestring >= && <0.11 , cobot-io , containers >= && <0.7 , data-msgpack >=0.0.9 && <0.1 , deepseq >=1.4 && <1.5 , directory , hspec >=2.4.1 && <2.8 , http-conduit >=2.3 && <2.4 , hyraxAbif >= && < , lens >=4.16 && <5.0 , linear >=1.20 && <1.21 , mtl >=2.2.1 && <2.3.0 , neat-interpolation >=0.3 , split , text >= && <1.3 , vector default-language: Haskell2010