{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Clr.Inline.Quoter where import Clr.Host.DriverEntryPoints (unsafeGetPointerToMethod) import Clr.Host.Method (GetMethodStubDelegate, makeGetMethodStubDelegate) import Clr.Host.BStr import Clr.Host.Delegate import Clr.Host.GCHandle import Clr.Marshal import Clr.MarshalF import Clr.Inline.State import Clr.Inline.Types import Clr.Inline.Types.Parse import Clr.Inline.Types.Quote import Clr.Inline.Utils.Embed import Control.Lens import Control.Monad import Data.Char import Data.List import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe import Data.Typeable import Foreign.Ptr import GHC.TypeLits import Language.Haskell.TH import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax import System.IO.Unsafe import Text.Printf data ArgDetails name a = Value { _quotedType :: a} | Delegate { _delegateName :: name , _quotedArgs :: [a] , _quotedReturn :: Maybe a} makeLenses ''ArgDetails makePrisms ''ArgDetails quotes :: Traversal (ArgDetails name a) (ArgDetails name a') a a' quotes f (Value q) = Value <$> f q quotes f (Delegate n aa r) = Delegate n <$> traverse f aa <*> traverse f r parseArgDetails :: ClrType -> ArgDetails () String parseArgDetails (Fun [Unit] Unit) = Delegate () [] Nothing parseArgDetails (Fun [Unit] a) = Delegate () [] (Just $ renderClrType a) parseArgDetails (Fun args Unit) = Delegate () (map renderClrType args) Nothing parseArgDetails (Fun args res ) = Delegate () (map renderClrType args) (Just $ renderClrType res) parseArgDetails other = Value (renderClrType other) data ClrInlinedExpDetails (language :: Symbol) argType = ClrInlinedExpDetails { language :: Proxy language , unitId :: Int , stubName :: Name , body :: String , args :: Map String (ArgDetails Name argType) , loc :: Loc , returnType :: String } data ClrInlinedUnit (language :: Symbol) argType = ClrInlinedExp (ClrInlinedExpDetails language argType) | ClrInlinedDec (Proxy language) String makePrisms ''ClrInlinedUnit makeLensesFor [("args","_args")] ''ClrInlinedExpDetails data ClrInlinedGroup language = ClrInlinedGroup { mod :: Module , units :: [ClrInlinedUnit language ClrTypeSymbol] } getNamespace :: Module -> String getNamespace (Module (PkgName pkg) _) = printf "Clr.Inline.%s" (mapMaybe escape pkg) where escape '-' = Just '_' escape '.' = Just '_' escape x | isAlpha x = Just x | otherwise = Nothing getMethodName :: KnownSymbol language => ClrInlinedExpDetails language a -> String getMethodName ClrInlinedExpDetails{..} = printf "%s_quote_%d" (symbolVal language) unitId getClassName :: Module -> String getClassName (Module _ (ModName n)) = map escape n where escape '.' = '_' escape x = x getAssemblyName, getFullClassName :: KnownSymbol language => Proxy language -> Module -> String getAssemblyName language (Module (PkgName p) (ModName m)) = printf "%s_%s_%s" p m (symbolVal language) getFullClassName language mod = printf "%s.%s, %s, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" (getNamespace mod) (getClassName mod) (getAssemblyName language mod) toClrArg :: String -> String toClrArg x = "arg_" ++ x getValueName :: String -> Q Name getValueName a = fromMaybe (error $ "Identifier not in scope: " ++ a) <$> lookupValueName a generateFFIStub :: KnownSymbol language => ClrInlinedExpDetails language String -> Q [Dec] generateFFIStub ClrInlinedExpDetails{..} = do let resTy = [t| IO $(lookupQuotableMarshalType returnType)|] argTy (Value q) = lookupQuotableMarshalType q -- The representation of a delegate is GCHandle Int argTy Delegate{} = [t| GCHandle Int |] mkFunTy = foldrOf folded (\t u -> arrowT `appT` argTy t `appT` u) -- This is what we'd like to write: -- [d| foreign import ccall "dynamic" $stubName :: $([t|FunPtr $funTy -> $funTy|]) |] -- Unfort. splicing languages into foreign import decl is not supported, so we have to write: -- TODO Convert every type to its Marshalled counterpart ffiStub <- let funTy = mkFunTy resTy args in ForeignD . ImportF CCall Safe "dynamic" stubName <$> [t|FunPtr $funTy -> $funTy|] delegateStubs <- forM (toListOf (folded._Delegate) args) $ \(stubName, argTys, resTy) -> let funTy = lookupDelegateMarshalType argTys (maybe [t|()|] lookupQuotableMarshalType resTy) in ForeignD . ImportF CCall Safe "wrapper" stubName <$> [t| $funTy -> IO(FunPtr $funTy) |] return $ ffiStub : delegateStubs getMethodStubRaw :: (GetMethodStubDelegate a) getMethodStubRaw = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ makeGetMethodStubDelegate <$> unsafeGetPointerToMethod "GetMethodStub" invoke :: String -> String -> FunPtr a invoke c m = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ marshal c $ \c -> marshal m $ \m -> return $ getMethodStubRaw c m (BStr nullPtr) createDelegate :: String -> [String] -> (f -> IO (FunPtr f)) -> IO (f -> IO (GCHandle Int)) createDelegate name types = getDelegateConstructorStub clrtype where clrtype | null types = name | otherwise = printf "%s`%d[%s]" name (length types) (intercalate "," types) generateClrCall :: KnownSymbol language => Module -> ClrInlinedExpDetails language String -> ExpQ generateClrCall mod exp@ClrInlinedExpDetails{..} = do argsWithDelegates <- iforMOf (itraversed <. _Delegate) args $ \n (stubN,args,res) -> do delName <- newName (printf "delegate_%s" n) argClrTypes <- mapM (fmap getClrTypeSymbol . lookupQuotableClrType) args resClrType <- traverse (fmap getClrTypeSymbol . lookupQuotableClrType) res let argCount = case args of ["unit"] -> 0 ; other -> genericLength other DoE (init -> stmts) <- [| do wrapper <- case resClrType of Nothing -> createDelegate "System.Action" argClrTypes $(varE stubN) Just ty -> createDelegate "System.Func" (argClrTypes ++ [ty]) $(varE stubN) $(varP delName) <- wrapper $ marshalF' (Proxy :: $([t| Proxy $(litT$ numTyLit argCount)|])) $(varE =<< getValueName n) return () |] return ((delName, stmts), args, res) let argExps = [ case argDetails of Value{} -> [| marshal $(varE =<< getValueName a)|] Delegate{_delegateName = (d,_stmts)} -> [| \k -> k $(varE d) |] | (a, argDetails) <- Map.toList argsWithDelegates ] roll m f = [|$m . ($f .)|] delegateStmts = concatOf (folded._Delegate._1._2) argsWithDelegates DoE (splitAt 3 -> (part1, part2)) <- [| do unembedBytecode let stub = invoke $(liftString $ getFullClassName language mod) $(liftString $ getMethodName exp) let stub_f = $(varE stubName) stub result <- $(foldr roll [|id|] argExps) stub_f unmarshal result :: IO $(lookupQuotableUnmarshalType returnType) |] return $ DoE (part1 ++ delegateStmts ++ part2) marshalF' :: forall (n::Nat) from to . MarshalF n from to => Proxy n -> from -> to marshalF' Proxy = marshalF @n -- | Runs after the whole module has been loaded and is responsible for generating: -- - A clr assembly with all the inline code, embedding it into the module. clrGenerator :: forall language . KnownSymbol language => Proxy language -> Module -> (ClrInlinedGroup language -> IO ClrBytecode) -> Q () clrGenerator language hsmod compile = do FinalizerState {wrappers} <- getFinalizerState @(ClrInlinedUnit language String) typedWrappers <- mapMOf (traversed . _ClrInlinedExp . _args) (fmap (Map.mapKeysMonotonic toClrArg) . traverseOf (traverse.quotes) lookupQuotableClrType) wrappers let mod = ClrInlinedGroup hsmod typedWrappers -- Embed the bytecodes embedBytecode (symbolVal language) =<< runIO (compile mod) -- | Quasiquoter for expressions. Responsible for: -- - Installing a finalizer to generate the bytecodes -- - Generating the foreign import wrapper. -- - Splicing in the computation that loads the bytecodes, gets a function pointer through the keyhole, and calls it. clrQuoteExp :: forall language. KnownSymbol language => Proxy language -> (ClrInlinedGroup language -> IO ClrBytecode) -> String -> Q Exp clrQuoteExp language clrCompile body = do count <- getFinalizerCount @(ClrInlinedUnit language String) mod <- thisModule let stubString = printf "%s_stub_%d" (symbolVal language) count stubName <- newName stubString loc <- location let ParseResult parsedBody resultType antis = parse toClrArg body argDetails <- iforM antis $ \i x -> traverseOf (_Delegate._1) (\_ -> newName $ printf "%s_%s" stubString i) (parseArgDetails x) let inlinedUnit = ClrInlinedExpDetails language count stubName (normaliseLineEndings parsedBody) argDetails loc resultType pushWrapperGen (clrGenerator language mod clrCompile) $ return (ClrInlinedExp inlinedUnit :: ClrInlinedUnit language String) -- -- splice in a proxy datatype for the late bound class, used to delay the type checking of the stub call addTopDecls =<< generateFFIStub inlinedUnit -- -- splice in the bytecode load and call to the stub generateClrCall mod inlinedUnit -- | Quasi quoter for declaration in the clr language. -- Does not splice anything onto the Haskell source. clrQuoteDec :: forall language . KnownSymbol language => Proxy language -> (ClrInlinedGroup language -> IO ClrBytecode) -> String -> Q [Dec] clrQuoteDec language clrCompile body = do mod <- thisModule pushWrapperGen (clrGenerator language mod clrCompile) $ do let nbody = normaliseLineEndings body ws = [ (white, line) | l <- lines nbody , let (white, line) = span isSpace l , not (null line) ] allEqual (x:y:xx) = x == y && allEqual (y : xx) allEqual _ = True body' = if allEqual (map fst ws) then unlines (map snd ws) else nbody return (ClrInlinedDec language body' :: ClrInlinedUnit language String) return mempty