{-| Copyright : (C) 2013-2016, University of Twente, 2017-2022, Google Inc. 2019 , Myrtle Software Ltd, 2021-2023, QBayLogic B.V. License : BSD2 (see the file LICENSE) Maintainer : QBayLogic B.V. <devops@qbaylogic.com> -} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE Unsafe #-} {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=GHC.TypeLits.Normalise #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=GHC.TypeLits.KnownNat.Solver #-} module Clash.Explicit.Testbench ( -- * Testbench functions for circuits assert , assertBitVector , ignoreFor , stimuliGenerator , tbClockGen , tbEnableGen , tbSystemClockGen , clockToDiffClock , outputVerifier , outputVerifier' , outputVerifierBitVector , outputVerifierBitVector' , biTbClockGen , unsafeSimSynchronizer , outputVerifierWith ) where import Control.Exception (catch, evaluate) import Debug.Trace (trace) import GHC.TypeLits (KnownNat, type (+), type (<=)) import Prelude hiding ((!!), length) import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeDupablePerformIO) import Clash.Annotations.Primitive (hasBlackBox) import Clash.Class.Num (satSucc, SaturationMode(SatBound)) import Clash.Promoted.Nat (SNat(..)) import Clash.Promoted.Symbol (SSymbol(..)) import Clash.Explicit.Signal (Clock, Reset, System, Signal, toEnable, fromList, register, unbundle, unsafeSynchronizer) import Clash.Signal.Internal (ClockN (..), DiffClock (..), Reset (..), tbClockGen) import Clash.Signal (mux, KnownDomain, Enable) import Clash.Sized.Index (Index) import Clash.Sized.Internal.BitVector (BitVector, isLike#) import Clash.Sized.Vector (Vec, (!!), length) import Clash.XException (ShowX (..), XException) -- Note that outputVerifier' is used in $setup, while the examples mention -- outputVerifier. This is fine, as the examples have explicit type -- signatures, turning 'outputVerifier' into 'outputVerifier''. {- $setup >>> :set -XTemplateHaskell -XDataKinds -XTypeFamilies >>> import Clash.Explicit.Prelude >>> let testInput clk rst = stimuliGenerator clk rst $(listToVecTH [(1::Int),3..21]) >>> let expectedOutput clk rst = outputVerifier' clk rst $(listToVecTH ([70,99,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10]::[Int])) -} -- | Compares the first two 'Signal's for equality and logs a warning when they -- are not equal. The second 'Signal' is considered the expected value. This -- function simply returns the third 'Signal' unaltered as its result. This -- function is used by 'outputVerifier'. -- -- === Usage in @clashi@ #assert-clashi# -- -- __NB__: When simulating a component that uses 'assert' in @clashi@, usually, -- the warnings are only logged the first time the component is simulated. -- Issuing @:reload@ in @clashi@ will discard the cached result of the -- computation, and warnings will once again be emitted. -- -- __NB__: This function /can/ be used in synthesizable designs. assert :: (KnownDomain dom, Eq a, ShowX a) => Clock dom -> Reset dom -> String -- ^ Additional message -> Signal dom a -- ^ Checked value -> Signal dom a -- ^ Expected value -> Signal dom b -- ^ Return value -> Signal dom b assert clk (Reset _) msg checked expected returned = (\c e cnt r -> if eqX c e then r else trace (concat [ "\ncycle(" ++ show clk ++ "): " , show cnt , ", " , msg , "\nexpected value: " , showX e , ", not equal to actual value: " , showX c ]) r) <$> checked <*> expected <*> fromList [(0::Integer)..] <*> returned where eqX a b = unsafeDupablePerformIO (catch (evaluate (a == b)) (\(_ :: XException) -> return False)) -- See: https://github.com/clash-lang/clash-compiler/pull/2511 {-# CLASH_OPAQUE assert #-} {-# ANN assert hasBlackBox #-} -- | The same as 'assert', but can handle don't care bits in its expected value. assertBitVector :: (KnownDomain dom, KnownNat n) => Clock dom -> Reset dom -> String -- ^ Additional message -> Signal dom (BitVector n) -- ^ Checked value -> Signal dom (BitVector n) -- ^ Expected value -> Signal dom b -- ^ Return value -> Signal dom b assertBitVector clk (Reset _) msg checked expected returned = (\c e cnt r -> if eqX c e then r else trace (concat [ "\ncycle(" ++ show clk ++ "): " , show cnt , ", " , msg , "\nexpected value: " , showX e , ", not equal to actual value: " , showX c ]) r) <$> checked <*> expected <*> fromList [(0::Integer)..] <*> returned where eqX a b = unsafeDupablePerformIO (catch (evaluate (a `isLike#` b)) (\(_ :: XException) -> return False)) -- See: https://github.com/clash-lang/clash-compiler/pull/2511 {-# CLASH_OPAQUE assertBitVector #-} {-# ANN assertBitVector hasBlackBox #-} -- | -- -- Example: -- -- @ -- testInput -- :: KnownDomain dom -- => Clock dom -- -> Reset dom -- -> 'Signal' dom Int -- testInput clk rst = 'stimuliGenerator' clk rst $('Clash.Sized.Vector.listToVecTH' [(1::Int),3..21]) -- @ -- -- >>> sampleN 14 (testInput systemClockGen resetGen) -- [1,1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,21,21] stimuliGenerator :: forall l dom a . ( KnownNat l , KnownDomain dom ) => Clock dom -- ^ Clock to which to synchronize the output signal -> Reset dom -> Vec l a -- ^ Samples to generate -> Signal dom a -- ^ Signal of given samples stimuliGenerator clk rst samples = let (r,o) = unbundle (genT <$> register clk rst (toEnable (pure True)) 0 r) in o where genT :: Index l -> (Index l,a) genT s = (s',samples !! s) where maxI = toEnum (length samples - 1) s' = if s < maxI then s + 1 else s {-# INLINABLE stimuliGenerator #-} -- | Same as 'outputVerifier' but used in cases where the test bench domain and -- the domain of the circuit under test are the same. outputVerifier' :: forall l a dom . ( KnownNat l , KnownDomain dom , Eq a , ShowX a , 1 <= l ) => Clock dom -- ^ Clock to which the test bench is synchronized -> Reset dom -- ^ Reset line of test bench -> Vec l a -- ^ Samples to compare with -> Signal dom a -- ^ Signal to verify -> Signal dom Bool -- ^ Indicator that all samples are verified outputVerifier' clk = outputVerifier @l @a clk clk {-# INLINE outputVerifier' #-} -- | Compare a signal (coming from a circuit) to a vector of samples. If a -- sample from the signal is not equal to the corresponding sample in the -- vector, print to stderr and continue testing. This function is -- synthesizable in the sense that HDL simulators will run it. If @testDom@ and -- @circuitDom@ refer to the same domain, it can also be synthesized into -- hardware. -- -- __NB__: This function uses 'assert'. When simulating this function in -- @clashi@, read the [note](#assert-clashi). -- -- Example: -- -- @ -- expectedOutput -- :: Clock dom -> Reset dom -- -> 'Signal' dom Int -> 'Signal' dom Bool -- expectedOutput clk rst = 'outputVerifier' clk rst $('Clash.Sized.Vector.listToVecTH' ([70,99,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10]::[Int])) -- @ -- -- >>> import qualified Data.List as List -- >>> sampleN 12 (expectedOutput systemClockGen resetGen (fromList (0:[0..10] List.++ [10,10,10]))) -- <BLANKLINE> -- cycle(<Clock: System>): 0, outputVerifier -- expected value: 70, not equal to actual value: 0 -- [False -- cycle(<Clock: System>): 1, outputVerifier -- expected value: 70, not equal to actual value: 0 -- ,False -- cycle(<Clock: System>): 2, outputVerifier -- expected value: 99, not equal to actual value: 1 -- ,False,False,False,False,False -- cycle(<Clock: System>): 7, outputVerifier -- expected value: 7, not equal to actual value: 6 -- ,False -- cycle(<Clock: System>): 8, outputVerifier -- expected value: 8, not equal to actual value: 7 -- ,False -- cycle(<Clock: System>): 9, outputVerifier -- expected value: 9, not equal to actual value: 8 -- ,False -- cycle(<Clock: System>): 10, outputVerifier -- expected value: 10, not equal to actual value: 9 -- ,False,True] -- -- If you're working with 'BitVector's containing don't care bits you should -- use 'outputVerifierBitVector'. outputVerifier :: forall l a testDom circuitDom . ( KnownNat l , KnownDomain testDom , KnownDomain circuitDom , Eq a , ShowX a , 1 <= l ) => Clock testDom -- ^ Clock to which the test bench is synchronized (but not necessarily -- the circuit under test) -> Clock circuitDom -- ^ Clock to which the circuit under test is synchronized -> Reset testDom -- ^ Reset line of test bench -> Vec l a -- ^ Samples to compare with -> Signal circuitDom a -- ^ Signal to verify -> Signal testDom Bool -- ^ True if all samples are verified outputVerifier = outputVerifierWith (\clk rst -> assert clk rst "outputVerifier") {-# INLINE outputVerifier #-} -- | Same as 'outputVerifier'', but can handle don't care bits in its expected -- values. outputVerifierBitVector' :: forall l n dom . ( KnownNat l , KnownNat n , KnownDomain dom , 1 <= l ) => Clock dom -- ^ Clock to which the input signal is synchronized -> Reset dom -> Vec l (BitVector n) -- ^ Samples to compare with -> Signal dom (BitVector n) -- ^ Signal to verify -> Signal dom Bool -- ^ Indicator that all samples are verified outputVerifierBitVector' clk = outputVerifierBitVector @l @n clk clk {-# INLINE outputVerifierBitVector' #-} -- | Same as 'outputVerifier', but can handle don't care bits in its -- expected values. outputVerifierBitVector :: forall l n testDom circuitDom . ( KnownNat l , KnownNat n , KnownDomain testDom , KnownDomain circuitDom , 1 <= l ) => Clock testDom -- ^ Clock to which the test bench is synchronized (but not necessarily -- the circuit under test) -> Clock circuitDom -- ^ Clock to which the circuit under test is synchronized -> Reset testDom -- ^ Reset line of test bench -> Vec l (BitVector n) -- ^ Samples to compare with -> Signal circuitDom (BitVector n) -- ^ Signal to verify -> Signal testDom Bool -- ^ Indicator that all samples are verified outputVerifierBitVector = outputVerifierWith (\clk rst -> assertBitVector clk rst "outputVerifierBitVector") {-# INLINE outputVerifierBitVector #-} outputVerifierWith :: forall l a testDom circuitDom . ( KnownNat l , KnownDomain testDom , KnownDomain circuitDom , Eq a , ShowX a , 1 <= l ) => ( Clock testDom -> Reset testDom -> Signal testDom a -> Signal testDom a -> Signal testDom Bool -> Signal testDom Bool ) -- ^ The @assert@ function to use -> Clock testDom -- ^ Clock to which the test bench is synchronized (but not necessarily -- the circuit under test) -> Clock circuitDom -- ^ Clock to which the circuit under test is synchronized -> Reset testDom -- ^ Reset line of test bench -> Vec l a -- ^ Samples to compare with -> Signal circuitDom a -- ^ Signal to verify -> Signal testDom Bool -- ^ True if all samples are verified outputVerifierWith assertF clkTest clkCircuit rst samples i0 = let i1 = unsafeSimSynchronizer clkCircuit clkTest i0 en = toEnable (pure True) (s,o) = unbundle (genT <$> register clkTest rst en 0 s) (e,f) = unbundle o f' = register clkTest rst en False f -- Only assert while not finished in mux f' f' $ assertF clkTest rst i1 e f' where genT :: Index l -> (Index l,(a,Bool)) genT s = (s',(samples !! s,finished)) where s' = satSucc SatBound s finished = s == maxBound {-# INLINABLE outputVerifierWith #-} -- | Ignore signal for a number of cycles, while outputting a static value. ignoreFor :: forall dom n a . KnownDomain dom => Clock dom -> Reset dom -> Enable dom -> SNat n -- ^ Number of cycles to ignore incoming signal -> a -- ^ Value function produces when ignoring signal -> Signal dom a -- ^ Incoming signal -> Signal dom a -- ^ Either a passthrough of the incoming signal, or the static value -- provided as the second argument. ignoreFor clk rst en SNat a i = mux ((==) <$> counter <*> (pure maxBound)) i (pure a) where counter :: Signal dom (Index (n+1)) counter = register clk rst en 0 (satSucc SatBound <$> counter) -- | Same as 'tbClockGen', but returns two clocks on potentially different -- domains. To be used in situations where the test circuit potentially operates -- on a different clock than the device under test. biTbClockGen :: forall testDom circuitDom . ( KnownDomain testDom , KnownDomain circuitDom ) => Signal testDom Bool -> (Clock testDom, Clock circuitDom) biTbClockGen done = (testClk, circuitClk) where testClk = tbClockGen done circuitClk = tbClockGen (unsafeSynchronizer testClk circuitClk done) -- | Enable signal that's always enabled. Because it has a blackbox definition -- this enable signal is opaque to other blackboxes. It will therefore never -- be optimized away. tbEnableGen :: Enable tag tbEnableGen = toEnable (pure True) -- See: https://github.com/clash-lang/clash-compiler/pull/2511 {-# CLASH_OPAQUE tbEnableGen #-} {-# ANN tbEnableGen hasBlackBox #-} -- | Clock generator for the 'System' clock domain. -- -- __NB__: can be used in the /testBench/ function -- -- === __Example__ -- -- @ -- topEntity :: Vec 2 (Vec 3 (Unsigned 8)) -> Vec 6 (Unsigned 8) -- topEntity = concat -- -- testBench :: Signal System Bool -- testBench = done -- where -- testInput = pure ((1 :> 2 :> 3 :> Nil) :> (4 :> 5 :> 6 :> Nil) :> Nil) -- expectedOutput = outputVerifier' ((1:>2:>3:>4:>5:>6:>Nil):>Nil) -- done = exposeClockResetEnable (expectedOutput (topEntity <$> testInput)) clk rst -- clk = 'tbSystemClockGen' (not <\$\> done) -- rst = systemResetGen -- @ tbSystemClockGen :: Signal System Bool -> Clock System tbSystemClockGen = tbClockGen -- | Convert a single-ended clock to a differential clock -- -- The 'tbClockGen' function generates a single-ended clock. This function will -- output the two phases of a differential clock corresponding to that -- single-ended clock. -- -- This function is only meant to be used in the /testBench/ function, not to -- create a differential output in hardware. -- -- Example: -- -- @ -- clk = clockToDiffClock $ tbClockGen (not \<\$\> done) -- @ clockToDiffClock :: KnownDomain dom => -- | Single-ended input Clock dom -> -- | Differential output DiffClock dom clockToDiffClock clk = DiffClock clk (ClockN SSymbol) -- See: https://github.com/clash-lang/clash-compiler/pull/2511 {-# CLASH_OPAQUE clockToDiffClock #-} {-# ANN clockToDiffClock hasBlackBox #-} -- | Cross clock domains in a way that is unsuitable for hardware but good -- enough for simulation. -- -- It's equal to 'unsafeSynchronizer' but will warn when used outside of a test -- bench. 'outputVerifier' uses this function when it needs to cross between -- clock domains, which will render it unsuitable for synthesis, but good enough -- for simulating the generated HDL. unsafeSimSynchronizer :: forall dom1 dom2 a . ( KnownDomain dom1 , KnownDomain dom2 ) => Clock dom1 -- ^ 'Clock' of the incoming signal -> Clock dom2 -- ^ 'Clock' of the outgoing signal -> Signal dom1 a -> Signal dom2 a unsafeSimSynchronizer = unsafeSynchronizer -- See: https://github.com/clash-lang/clash-compiler/pull/2511 {-# CLASH_OPAQUE unsafeSimSynchronizer #-} {-# ANN unsafeSimSynchronizer hasBlackBox #-}