{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O0 #-}
module Clash.Annotations.BitRepresentation.Deriving
, deriveBitPack
, deriveDefaultAnnotation
, derivePackedAnnotation
, derivePackedMaybeAnnotation
, deriveBlueSpecAnnotation
, defaultDerivator
, blueSpecDerivator
, packedDerivator
, packedMaybeDerivator
, simpleDerivator
, dontApplyInHDL
, ConstructorType(..)
, FieldsType(..)
, Derivator
, DataReprAnnExp
) where
import Clash.Annotations.BitRepresentation
(DataReprAnn(..), ConstrRepr(..), BitMask, Value, Size, liftQ)
import Clash.Annotations.BitRepresentation.Internal
(dataReprAnnToDataRepr', constrReprToConstrRepr', DataRepr'(..))
import Clash.Annotations.BitRepresentation.Util
(bitOrigins, bitOrigins', BitOrigin(..), bitRanges, Bit)
import qualified Clash.Annotations.BitRepresentation.Util
as Util
import Clash.Annotations.Primitive (hasBlackBox)
import Clash.Class.BitPack
(BitPack, BitSize, pack, packXWith, unpack)
import Clash.Class.Resize (resize)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Compat (mkTySynInstD)
import Clash.Sized.BitVector (BitVector, low, (++#))
import Clash.Sized.Internal.BitVector (undefined#)
import Control.Applicative (liftA3)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Control.Monad (forM)
import Data.Bits
(shiftL, shiftR, complement, (.&.), (.|.), zeroBits, popCount, bit, testBit,
Bits, setBit)
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Containers.ListUtils (nubOrd)
import Data.List
(mapAccumL, zipWith4, sortOn, partition, uncons)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import GHC.Exts (Int(I#))
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import GHC.Integer.Logarithms (integerLog2#)
import GHC.TypeLits (natVal)
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Language.Haskell.TH.Datatype (resolveTypeSynonyms)
data BitMaskOrigin
= External
| Embedded BitMask Value
deriving (Show, Data, Typeable, Lift)
isExternal :: BitMaskOrigin -> Bool
isExternal External = True
isExternal _ = False
type ReprAnnCache = Map.Map Type DataReprAnn
type NameMap = Map.Map Name Type
type DataReprAnnExp = Exp
type Derivator = Type -> Q DataReprAnnExp
data ConstructorType
= Binary
| OneHot
data FieldsType
= OverlapL
| OverlapR
| Wide
msb :: Integer -> Int
msb 0 = error $ "Most significant bit does not exist for zero."
msb 1 = 0
msb n = 1 + msb (shiftR n 1)
mkReprAnnCache :: [DataReprAnn] -> ReprAnnCache
mkReprAnnCache anns =
Map.fromList [(typ, rAnn) | rAnn@(DataReprAnn typ _ _) <- anns]
integerLog2Ceil :: Integer -> Int
integerLog2Ceil n =
let nlog2 = fromIntegral $ I# (integerLog2# n) in
if n > 2^nlog2 then nlog2 + 1 else nlog2
bitsNeeded :: Integer -> Int
bitsNeeded = integerLog2Ceil
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,17,0)
tyVarBndrName :: TyVarBndr f -> Name
tyVarBndrName (PlainTV n _f) = n
tyVarBndrName (KindedTV n _f _k) = n
tyVarBndrName :: TyVarBndr -> Name
tyVarBndrName (PlainTV n) = n
tyVarBndrName (KindedTV n _k) = n
resolve :: NameMap -> Type -> Type
resolve nmap (VarT n) = nmap Map.! n
resolve nmap (AppT t1 t2) = AppT (resolve nmap t1) (resolve nmap t2)
resolve _nmap t@(ConT _) = t
resolve _nmap t@(LitT _) = t
resolve _nmap t@(TupleT _) = t
resolve _nmap t = error $ "Unexpected type: " ++ show t
resolveCon :: NameMap -> Con -> Con
resolveCon nmap (NormalC t (unzip -> (bangs, fTypes))) =
NormalC t $ zip bangs $ map (resolve nmap) fTypes
resolveCon nmap (RecC t (unzip3 -> (name, bangs, fTypes))) =
RecC t $ zip3 name bangs $ map (resolve nmap) fTypes
resolveCon nmap (InfixC (leftB, leftTy) t (rightB, rightTy)) =
InfixC (leftB, resolve nmap leftTy) t (rightB, resolve nmap rightTy)
resolveCon _name constr =
error $ "Unexpected constructor: " ++ show constr
collectTypeArgs :: Type -> (Type, [Type])
collectTypeArgs t@(ConT _name) = (t, [])
collectTypeArgs (AppT t1 t2) =
let (base, args) = collectTypeArgs t1 in
(base, args ++ [t2])
collectTypeArgs t =
error $ "Unexpected type: " ++ show t
typeSize :: Type -> Q Exp
typeSize typ = do
bitSizeInstances <- reifyInstances ''BitSize [typ]
case bitSizeInstances of
[] ->
fail $ unwords [
"Could not find custom bit representation nor BitSize instance"
, "for", show typ ++ "." ]
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,15,0)
[TySynInstD (TySynEqn _ _ (LitT (NumTyLit n)))] ->
[TySynInstD _ (TySynEqn _ (LitT (NumTyLit n)))] ->
[| n |]
[_impl] ->
[| fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (BitSize $(return typ))) |]
unexp ->
fail $ "Unexpected result from reifyInstances: " ++ show unexp
:: Int
-> Int
-> Integer
bitmask _start 0 = 0
bitmask start size
| start < 0 = error $ "Start cannot be <0. Was: " ++ show start
| size < 0 = error $ "Size cannot be <0. Was: " ++ show size
| start + 1 < size = error $ "Start + 1 (" ++ show start ++ " - 1) cannot be smaller than size (" ++ show size ++ ")."
| otherwise = shiftL (2^(toInteger size) - 1) (start - (size - 1))
fieldTypes :: Con -> [Type]
fieldTypes (NormalC _nm bTys) =
[ty | (_, ty) <- bTys]
fieldTypes (RecC _nm bTys) =
[ty | (_, _, ty) <- bTys]
fieldTypes (InfixC (_, ty1) _nm (_, ty2)) =
[ty1, ty2]
fieldTypes con =
error $ "Unexpected constructor type: " ++ show con
conName :: Con -> Name
conName c = case c of
NormalC nm _ -> nm
RecC nm _ -> nm
InfixC _ nm _ -> nm
_ -> error $ "No GADT support"
mkLet :: String -> Q Exp -> (Q Dec, Q Exp)
mkLet nm qe = do
let nm' = mkName nm
(valD (varP nm') (normalB qe) [], varE nm')
fieldSizeLets :: [[Type]] -> ([Q Dec], [[Q Exp]])
fieldSizeLets fieldtypess = (fieldSizeDecls, fieldSizessExps)
nums = map show [(0 :: Int)..]
uqFieldTypes = nubOrd (concat fieldtypess)
uqFieldSizes = map typeSize uqFieldTypes
(fieldSizeDecls, szVars) = unzip $ zipWith
(\i sz -> mkLet ("_f" ++ i) sz)
tySizeMap = Map.fromList (zip uqFieldTypes szVars)
fieldSizessExps = map (map (tySizeMap Map.!)) fieldtypess
complementInteger :: Int -> Integer -> Integer
complementInteger 0 _i = 0
complementInteger size i =
let size' = size - 1 in
if testBit i size' then
complementInteger size' i
(.|.) (bit size') (complementInteger size' i)
deriveAnnotation :: Derivator -> Q Type -> Q [Dec]
deriveAnnotation deriv typ =
return <$> pragAnnD ModuleAnnotation (deriv =<< typ)
:: Q Exp
-> Name
-> [Q Exp]
-> BitMask
-> Value
-> Q Exp
buildConstrRepr dataSize constrName fieldAnns constrMask constrValue = [|
$(listE fieldAnns)
mask = [| shiftL constrMask ($dataSize)|]
value = [| shiftL constrValue ($dataSize)|]
countConstructor :: [Int] -> [(BitMask, Value)]
countConstructor ns = zip (repeat mask) (map toInteger ns)
maskSize = bitsNeeded $ toInteger $ maximum ns + 1
mask = 2^maskSize - 1
oneHotConstructor :: [Int] -> [(BitMask, Value)]
oneHotConstructor ns = zip values values
values = [shiftL 1 n | n <- ns]
overlapFieldAnnsL :: [[Q Exp]] -> ([Q Dec], [[Q Exp]])
overlapFieldAnnsL fieldSizess = ([maxDecl], resExp)
(maxDecl, maxExp) = mkLet "_maxf" maxConstrSize
resExp = map go fieldSizess
fieldSizess' = listE $ map listE fieldSizess
constructorSizes = [| map (sum @[] @Int) $fieldSizess' |]
maxConstrSize = [| maximum $constructorSizes - 1 |]
go fieldsizes =
snd $
(\start size -> ([| $start - $size |], [| bitmask $start $size |]))
overlapFieldAnnsR :: [[Q Exp]] -> ([Q Dec], [[Q Exp]])
overlapFieldAnnsR fieldSizess = (sumFieldDecl, resExp)
resExp = zipWith go fieldSizess sumFieldExp
nums = map show [(0 :: Int) ..]
(sumFieldDecl, sumFieldExp)
= unzip $ zipWith
(\fs i -> mkLet ("_sumf" ++ i) [|sum @[] @Int $(listE fs)|])
go fieldSizes sumFieldsSize =
snd $
(\start size -> ([| $start - $size |], [| bitmask $start $size |]))
[| $sumFieldsSize - 1 |]
wideFieldAnns :: [[Q Exp]] -> ([Q Dec], [[Q Exp]])
wideFieldAnns fieldSizess = (decs, resExp)
decs = (dataSizeDec:constrSizeDecs) ++ constrOffsetDecs
resExp = zipWith id (map go constrOffsetsExps) fieldSizess
nums = map show [(0 :: Int) ..]
constrSizeExps :: [Q Exp]
(constrSizeDecs, constrSizeExps)
= unzip $ zipWith
(\fs i -> mkLet ("_sumf" ++ i) [|sum @[] @Int $(listE fs)|])
constrOffsetsExps :: [Q Exp]
(last -> constrOffsetDecs, constrOffsetsExps) =
unzip $ init $ scanl
(\(ds, offset) (size, i) ->
let e = [| $offset + $size |]
(d, ve) = mkLet ("_constroffset" ++ i) e
in (d:ds, ve)
([], [| 0 |])
(zip constrSizeExps nums)
dataSizeExp :: Q Exp
(dataSizeDec, dataSizeExp)
= mkLet "_widedatasize" [| sum @[] @Int $(listE constrSizeExps) - 1 |]
go :: Q Exp -> [Q Exp] -> [Q Exp]
go offset fieldSizes =
snd $
(\start size -> ([| $start - $size |], [| bitmask $start $size |]))
[| $dataSizeExp - $offset |]
:: ([Int] -> [(BitMask, Value)])
-> ([[Q Exp]] -> ([Q Dec], [[Q Exp]]) )
-> Derivator
deriveDataRepr constrDerivator fieldsDerivator typ = do
let (fun, typeArgs) = collectTypeArgs typ
tyConstrName = case fun of
ConT t -> t
_ -> error ("deriveDataRep: expecting type constructor, but got: " <> show fun)
info <- reify tyConstrName
case info of
(TyConI (DataD [] _constrName vars _kind dConstructors _clauses)) ->
let varMap = Map.fromList $ zip (map tyVarBndrName vars) typeArgs in
let resolvedConstructors = map (resolveCon varMap) dConstructors in do
let nums = map show [(0 :: Int)..]
let fieldtypess = map fieldTypes resolvedConstructors
let (fieldSzDecs, fieldSizess) = fieldSizeLets fieldtypess
let constrNames = map conName resolvedConstructors
(constrMasks, constrValues) =
unzip $ constrDerivator [0..length dConstructors - 1]
let constrSize = 1 + (msb $ maximum @[] @Integer constrMasks)
let (fieldDecs, fieldAnns) = fieldsDerivator fieldSizess
let mkAnnDecl i j an = mkLet ("_fa" ++ i ++ "_" ++ j) an
fieldAnnTup =
zipWith (\i -> zipWith (mkAnnDecl i) nums) nums fieldAnns
(fieldAnnDecs, fieldAnnVars) =
(concat $ map (map fst) fieldAnnTup, map (map snd) fieldAnnTup)
let fieldAnnsFlat = listE $ concat fieldAnnVars
let dataSize | null $ concat fieldAnns = [| 0 |]
| otherwise = [| 1 + (msb $ maximum @[] @Integer $ $fieldAnnsFlat) |]
let (dataSizeDec, dataSizeExp) = mkLet "_datasize" dataSize
let decls = (dataSizeDec:fieldSzDecs) ++ fieldDecs ++ fieldAnnDecs
let constrReprs = zipWith4
(buildConstrRepr dataSizeExp)
resolvedType <- resolveTypeSynonyms typ
letE decls [| DataReprAnn
$(liftQ $ return resolvedType)
($dataSizeExp + constrSize)
$(listE constrReprs) |]
_ ->
fail $ "Could not derive dataRepr for: " ++ show info
simpleDerivator :: ConstructorType -> FieldsType -> Derivator
simpleDerivator ctype ftype = deriveDataRepr constrDerivator fieldsDerivator
constrDerivator =
case ctype of
Binary -> countConstructor
OneHot -> oneHotConstructor
fieldsDerivator =
case ftype of
OverlapL -> overlapFieldAnnsL
OverlapR -> overlapFieldAnnsR
Wide -> wideFieldAnns
defaultDerivator :: Derivator
defaultDerivator = simpleDerivator Binary OverlapL
blueSpecDerivator :: Derivator
blueSpecDerivator = simpleDerivator Binary OverlapR
deriveDefaultAnnotation :: Q Type -> Q [Dec]
deriveDefaultAnnotation = deriveAnnotation defaultDerivator
deriveBlueSpecAnnotation :: Q Type -> Q [Dec]
deriveBlueSpecAnnotation = deriveAnnotation blueSpecDerivator
:: Bits a
=> Size
-> a
-> [Bit']
toBits' 0 _ = []
toBits' size bits = bit' : toBits' (size - 1) bits
where bit' = if testBit bits (size - 1) then H else L
bitsToInteger' :: (Bit' -> Bool) -> [Bit'] -> Integer
bitsToInteger' predFunc bits = foldl setBit 0 toSet
toSet = [n | (n, b) <- zip [0..] (reverse bits), predFunc b]
bitsToInteger :: [Bit'] -> Integer
bitsToInteger = bitsToInteger' (==H)
bitsToMask :: [Bit'] -> Integer
bitsToMask = bitsToInteger' (\b -> b == H || b == L)
data Bit'
= X
| L
| H
| U
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData)
:: Size
-> [[Bit']]
-> [[Bit']]
complementValues 0 _ = []
complementValues 1 xs
| X `elem` xs' = []
| H `elem` xs' && L `elem` xs' = []
| H `elem` xs' = [[L]]
| otherwise = [[H]]
xs' = map (maybe (error "complementValues: expected at least 1 bit") fst . uncons) xs
complementValues size [] = [replicate size U]
complementValues size values =
if | all (maybe False ((==U) . fst) . uncons) values' -> map (U:) (recc (map (drop 1) values'))
| any (maybe False ((==X) . fst) . uncons) values' -> map (X:) (recc (map (drop 1) values'))
| otherwise ->
(map (L:) (recc (map (drop 1) lows))) ++
(map (H:) (recc (map (drop 1) highs')))
values' = filter (any (/= U)) values
recc = complementValues (size - 1)
(highs, lows) = partition (maybe False ((== H) . fst) . uncons) values'
highs' = highs ++ filter (maybe False ((`elem` [X, U]) . fst) . uncons) values'
:: ReprAnnCache
-> Type
-> Size
-> Q [[Bit']]
possibleValues typeMap typ size =
let typeName = case fst (collectTypeArgs typ) of
ConT t -> t
fun -> error ("possibleValues: expected a type constructor, but got" <> show fun)
in case Map.lookup typ typeMap of
Nothing -> do
info <- reify typeName
case info of
(TyConI (DataD [] _constrName _vars _kind dConstructors _clauses)) ->
let nConstrBits = bitsNeeded (toInteger $ length dConstructors) in
let fieldBits = replicate (size - nConstrBits) X in
let constrBits = [toBits' nConstrBits n | n <- [0..length dConstructors - 1]] in
return $ zipWith (++) constrBits (repeat fieldBits)
_ ->
return [replicate size X]
Just (dataReprAnnToDataRepr' -> dataRepr) ->
let (DataRepr' _name _size constrs) = dataRepr in
forM constrs $ \constr -> do
return $
(\case { Lit [Util.H] -> H;
Lit [Util.L] -> L;
Lit [Util.U] -> U;
Field _ _ _ -> X;
c -> error $ "possibleValues (2): unexpected: " ++ show c; })
(bitOrigins' dataRepr constr)
packedMaybe :: Size -> Type -> Q (Maybe DataReprAnn)
packedMaybe size typ = do
cache <- mkReprAnnCache <$> collectDataReprs
values <- possibleValues cache typ size
return $ case complementValues size values of
(value:_) ->
Just $ DataReprAnn
(AppT (ConT ''Maybe) typ)
[ ConstrRepr
(bitsToMask value)
(bitsToInteger value)
, ConstrRepr
[bitmask (size - 1) size] ]
[] ->
packedMaybeDerivator :: DataReprAnn -> Derivator
packedMaybeDerivator (DataReprAnn _ size _) typ =
case maybeCon of
ConT nm ->
if nm == ''Maybe then do
let err = unwords [ "Could not derive packed maybe for:", show typ
, ";", "Does its subtype have any space left to store"
, "the constructor in?" ]
packedM <- packedMaybe (size - 1)
(maybe (error "Maybe type without argument") fst (uncons maybeTyps))
(fromMaybe (fail err) . fmap lift) packedM
fail $ unwords [ "You can only pass Maybe types to packedMaybeDerivator,"
, "not", show nm]
unexpected ->
fail $ "packedMaybeDerivator: unexpected constructor: " ++ show unexpected
(maybeCon, maybeTyps) = collectTypeArgs typ
derivePackedMaybeAnnotation :: DataReprAnn -> Q [Dec]
derivePackedMaybeAnnotation defaultDataRepr@(DataReprAnn typ _ _) = do
deriveAnnotation (packedMaybeDerivator defaultDataRepr) (return typ)
:: Int
-> Int
-> Int
-> [(BitMaskOrigin, ConstrRepr)]
-> [ConstrRepr]
packedConstrRepr _ _ _ [] = []
packedConstrRepr dataWidth constrWidth n ((External, ConstrRepr name _ _ anns) : constrs) =
constr : packedConstrRepr dataWidth constrWidth (n+1) constrs
constr =
(shiftL (2^constrWidth - 1) dataWidth)
(shiftL (toInteger n) dataWidth)
packedConstrRepr dataWidth constrWidth n ((Embedded mask value, ConstrRepr name _ _ anns) : constrs) =
constr : packedConstrRepr dataWidth constrWidth n constrs
constr =
:: Type
-> Size
-> [(BitMaskOrigin, ConstrRepr)]
-> DataReprAnn
packedDataRepr typ dataWidth constrs =
(dataWidth + constrWidth)
(packedConstrRepr dataWidth constrWidth 0 constrs)
external = filter isExternal (map fst constrs)
constrWidth = bitsNeeded $ toInteger $ min (length external + 1) (length constrs)
:: Int
-> BitMask
-> [BitMask]
-> [BitMaskOrigin]
storeInFields _dataWidth _additionalMask [] = []
storeInFields _dataWidth _additionalMask [_] =
[Embedded 0 0]
storeInFields dataWidth additionalMask constrs@(constr:constrRest) =
if commonMask == fullMask then
External : storeInFields dataWidth additionalMask constrRest
maskOrigins ++ (storeInFields dataWidth additionalMask' (drop storeSize constrs))
headMask = constr
commonMask = (.|.) headMask additionalMask
storeMask = complementInteger dataWidth commonMask
additionalMask' = (.|.) additionalMask storeMask
storeSize = 2^(popCount storeMask) - 1
maskOrigins = [Embedded storeMask (toInteger n) | n <- [1..storeSize]]
fullMask = 2^dataWidth - 1
derivePackedAnnotation' :: DataReprAnn -> DataReprAnn
derivePackedAnnotation' (DataReprAnn typ size constrs) =
constrWidth = bitsNeeded $ toInteger $ length constrs
dataWidth = size - constrWidth
fieldMasks = [foldl (.|.) zeroBits anns | ConstrRepr _ _ _ anns <- constrs]
sortedMasks = reverse $ sortOn fst $ zip fieldMasks constrs
origins = storeInFields dataWidth zeroBits (map fst sortedMasks)
constrs' = zip origins $ map snd sortedMasks
dataRepr = packedDataRepr typ dataWidth constrs'
packedDerivator :: Derivator
packedDerivator typ =
[| derivePackedAnnotation' $(defaultDerivator typ ) |]
derivePackedAnnotation :: Q Type -> Q [Dec]
derivePackedAnnotation = deriveAnnotation packedDerivator
collectDataReprs :: Q [DataReprAnn]
collectDataReprs = do
thisMod <- thisModule
unresolved <- go [thisMod] Set.empty []
mapM resolveTyps unresolved
resolveTyps (DataReprAnn t s c)
= liftA3 DataReprAnn (resolveTypeSynonyms t) (pure s) (pure c)
go [] _visited acc = return acc
go (x:xs) visited acc
| x `Set.member` visited = go xs visited acc
| otherwise = do
ModuleInfo newMods <- reifyModule x
newAnns <- reifyAnnotations $ AnnLookupModule x
go (newMods ++ xs) (x `Set.insert` visited) (newAnns ++ acc)
group :: [Bit] -> [(Int, Bit)]
group [] = []
group bs@(b:_) = (length head', b) : rest
tail' = dropWhile (==b) bs
head' = takeWhile (==b) bs
rest = group tail'
bitToExpr' :: (Int, Bit) -> Q Exp
bitToExpr' (0, _) = fail $ "Unexpected group length: 0"
bitToExpr' (numTyLit' -> n, Util.H) =
[| complement (resize (pack low) :: BitVector $n) |]
bitToExpr' (numTyLit' -> n, Util.L) =
[| resize (pack low) :: BitVector $n |]
bitToExpr' (numTyLit' -> n, _) =
[| undefined# :: BitVector $n |]
bitsToExpr :: [Bit] -> Q Exp
bitsToExpr [] = fail $ "Unexpected empty bit list"
bitsToExpr bits =
(\v1 v2 -> [| $v1 ++# $v2 |])
(map bitToExpr' $ group bits)
numTyLit' :: Integral a => a -> Q Type
numTyLit' n = LitT <$> (numTyLit $ toInteger n)
:: Exp
-> [(Int, Int)]
-> Q Exp
select' _vec [] =
fail $ "Unexpected empty list of intervals"
select' vec ranges =
foldl1 (\v1 v2 -> [| $v1 ++# $v2 |]) $ map (return . select'') ranges
select'' :: (Int, Int) -> Exp
select'' (from, downto) =
let size = from - downto + 1 in
| downto == 0 =
| otherwise =
(AppE (VarE 'shiftR) vec)
(LitE $ IntegerL $ toInteger downto) in
(AppE (VarE 'resize) shifted)
(AppT (ConT ''BitVector) (LitT $ NumTyLit $ toInteger size))
:: [Exp]
-> BitOrigin
-> Q Exp
select _fields (Lit []) =
fail $ "Unexpected empty literal."
select _fields (Lit lits) = do
let size = length lits
vec <- bitsToExpr lits
return $ SigE
(AppT (ConT ''BitVector) (LitT $ NumTyLit $ toInteger size))
select fields (Field fieldn from downto) =
select' (fields !! fieldn) [(from, downto)]
:: DataReprAnn
-> ConstrRepr
-> Q Match
buildPackMatch dataRepr cRepr@(ConstrRepr name _ _ fieldanns) = do
fieldNames <-
mapM (\n -> newName $ "field" ++ show n) [0..length fieldanns-1]
fieldPackedNames <-
mapM (\n -> newName $ "fieldPacked" ++ show n) [0..length fieldanns-1]
let packed fName = AppE (VarE 'pack) (VarE fName)
let pack' pName fName = ValD (VarP pName) (NormalB $ packed fName) []
let fieldPackedDecls = zipWith pack' fieldPackedNames fieldNames
let origins = bitOrigins
(dataReprAnnToDataRepr' dataRepr)
(constrReprToConstrRepr' undefined cRepr)
vec <- foldl1
(\v1 v2 -> [| $v1 ++# $v2 |])
(map (select $ map VarE fieldPackedNames) origins)
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,18,0)
return $ Match (ConP name [] (VarP <$> fieldNames)) (NormalB vec) fieldPackedDecls
return $ Match (ConP name (VarP <$> fieldNames)) (NormalB vec) fieldPackedDecls
:: DataReprAnn
-> Q [Dec]
buildPack dataRepr@(DataReprAnn _name _size constrs) = do
argNameIn <- newName "toBePackedIn"
argName <- newName "toBePacked"
constrs' <- mapM (buildPackMatch dataRepr) constrs
let packBody = CaseE (VarE argName) constrs'
let packLambda = LamE [VarP argName] packBody
let packApplied = (VarE 'dontApplyInHDL) `AppE` (VarE 'packXWith `AppE` packLambda) `AppE` (VarE argNameIn)
let func = FunD 'pack [Clause [VarP argNameIn] (NormalB packApplied) []]
return [func]
dontApplyInHDL :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
dontApplyInHDL f a = f a
{-# CLASH_OPAQUE dontApplyInHDL #-}
{-# ANN dontApplyInHDL hasBlackBox #-}
:: Name
-> Integer
-> Q Exp
buildUnpackField valueName mask =
let ranges = bitRanges mask in
let vec = select' (VarE valueName) ranges in
[| unpack $vec |]
:: Name
-> ConstrRepr
-> Q (Guard, Exp)
buildUnpackIfE valueName (ConstrRepr name mask value fieldanns) = do
let valueName' = return $ VarE valueName
guard <- NormalG <$> [| ((.&.) $valueName' mask) == value |]
fields <- mapM (buildUnpackField valueName) fieldanns
return (guard, foldl AppE (ConE name) fields)
:: DataReprAnn
-> Q [Dec]
buildUnpack (DataReprAnn _name _size constrs) = do
argNameIn <- newName "toBeUnpackedIn"
argName <- newName "toBeUnpacked"
matches <- mapM (buildUnpackIfE argName) constrs
let fallThroughLast [] = []
fallThroughLast [(_,e)] = [(NormalG (ConE 'True), e)]
fallThroughLast (x:xs) = x:fallThroughLast xs
let unpackBody = MultiIfE (fallThroughLast matches)
let unpackLambda = LamE [VarP argName] unpackBody
let unpackApplied = (VarE 'dontApplyInHDL) `AppE` unpackLambda `AppE` (VarE argNameIn)
let func = FunD 'unpack [Clause [VarP argNameIn] (NormalB unpackApplied) []]
return [func]
deriveBitPack :: Q Type -> Q [Dec]
deriveBitPack typQ = do
anns <- collectDataReprs
typ <- typQ
rTyp <- resolveTypeSynonyms typ
ann <- case filter (\(DataReprAnn t _ _) -> t == rTyp) anns of
[a] -> return a
[] -> fail "No custom bit annotation found."
_ -> fail "Overlapping bit annotations found."
packFunc <- buildPack ann
unpackFunc <- buildUnpack ann
let (DataReprAnn _name dataSize _constrs) = ann
let bitSizeInst = mkTySynInstD ''BitSize [typ] (LitT (NumTyLit $ toInteger dataSize))
let bpInst = [ InstanceD
(Just Overlapping)
(AppT (ConT ''BitPack) typ)
(bitSizeInst : packFunc ++ unpackFunc)
alreadyIsInstance <- isInstance ''BitPack [typ]
if alreadyIsInstance then
fail $ show typ ++ " already has a BitPack instance."
return bpInst