Copyright  :  (C) 2017, Google Inc
                  2019, Myrtle Software Ltd
License    :  BSD2 (see the file LICENSE)
Maintainer :  Christiaan Baaij <christiaan.baaij@gmail.com>

We simulate DDR signal by using 'Signal's which have exactly half the period
(or double the speed) of our normal 'Signal's.

The primitives in this module can be used to produce or consume DDR signals.

DDR signals are not meant to be used internally in a design,
but only to communicate with the outside world.

In some cases hardware specific DDR IN registers can be inferred by synthesis
tools from these generic primitives. But to be sure your design will synthesize
to dedicated hardware resources use the functions from "Clash.Intel.DDR"
or "Clash.Xilinx.DDR".

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

module Clash.Explicit.DDR
  ( ddrIn
  , ddrOut
    -- * Internal
  , ddrIn#
  , ddrOut#

import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack, withFrozenCallStack)

import Clash.Annotations.Primitive    (hasBlackBox)
import Clash.Explicit.Prelude
import Clash.Signal.Internal

{- $setup
>>> :set -XNoImplicitPrelude -XTypeFamilies -XFlexibleInstances
>>> import Clash.Explicit.Prelude
>>> import Clash.Explicit.DDR
>>> :{
instance KnownDomain "Fast" where
  type KnownConf "Fast" = 'DomainConfiguration "Fast" 5000 'Rising 'Asynchronous 'Defined 'ActiveHigh
  knownDomain = SDomainConfiguration SSymbol SNat SRising SAsynchronous SDefined SActiveHigh


-- | DDR input primitive
-- Consumes a DDR input signal and produces a regular signal containing a pair
-- of values.
-- >>> printX $ sampleN 5 $ ddrIn systemClockGen systemResetGen enableGen (-1,-2,-3) (fromList [0..10] :: Signal "Fast" Int)
-- [(-1,-2),(-1,-2),(-3,2),(3,4),(5,6)]
  :: ( HasCallStack
     , NFDataX a
     , KnownConfiguration fast ('DomainConfiguration fast fPeriod edge reset init polarity)
     , KnownConfiguration slow ('DomainConfiguration slow (2*fPeriod) edge reset init polarity) )
  => Clock slow
  -- ^ clock
  -> Reset slow
  -- ^ reset
  -> Enable slow
  -> (a, a, a)
  -- ^ reset values
  -> Signal fast a
  -- ^ DDR input signal
  -> Signal slow (a, a)
  -- ^ normal speed output pairs
ddrIn clk rst en (i0,i1,i2) =
  withFrozenCallStack $ ddrIn# clk rst en i0 i1 i2

-- For details about all the seq's en seqX's
-- see the [Note: register strictness annotations] in Clash.Signal.Internal
  :: forall a slow fast fPeriod polarity edge reset init
   . ( HasCallStack
     , NFDataX a
     , KnownConfiguration fast ('DomainConfiguration fast fPeriod edge reset init polarity)
     , KnownConfiguration slow ('DomainConfiguration slow (2*fPeriod) edge reset init polarity) )
  => Clock slow
  -> Reset slow
  -> Enable slow
  -> a
  -> a
  -> a
  -> Signal fast a
  -> Signal slow (a,a)
ddrIn# (Clock _) (unsafeToHighPolarity -> hRst) (fromEnable -> ena) i0 i1 i2 =
  case resetKind @fast of
    SAsynchronous ->
        ( deepErrorX "ddrIn: initial value 0 undefined"
        , deepErrorX "ddrIn: initial value 1 undefined"
        , deepErrorX "ddrIn: initial value 2 undefined" )
    SSynchronous ->
        ( deepErrorX "ddrIn: initial value 0 undefined"
        , deepErrorX "ddrIn: initial value 1 undefined"
        , deepErrorX "ddrIn: initial value 2 undefined" )
      :: (a, a, a)
      -> Signal slow Bool
      -> Signal slow Bool
      -> Signal fast a
      -> Signal slow (a,a)
    goSync (o0,o1,o2) rt@(~(r :- rs)) ~(e :- es) as@(~(x0 :- x1 :- xs)) =
      let (o0',o1',o2') = if r then (i0,i1,i2) else (o2,x0,x1)
      in o0 `seqX` o1 `seqX` (o0,o1)
           :- (rt `seq` as `seq` if e then goSync (o0',o1',o2') rs es xs
                                      else goSync (o0 ,o1 ,o2)  rs es xs)

      :: (a, a, a)
      -> Signal slow Bool
      -> Signal slow Bool
      -> Signal fast a
      -> Signal slow (a, a)
    goAsync (o0,o1,o2) ~(r :- rs) ~(e :- es) as@(~(x0 :- x1 :- xs)) =
      let (o0',o1',o2',o3',o4') = if r then (i0,i1,i0,i1,i2) else (o0,o1,o2,x0,x1)
      in o0' `seqX` o1' `seqX` (o0',o1')
           :- (as `seq` if e then goAsync (o2',o3',o4') rs es xs
                             else goAsync (o0',o1',o2') rs es xs)

{-# NOINLINE ddrIn# #-}
{-# ANN ddrIn# hasBlackBox #-}

-- | DDR output primitive
-- Produces a DDR output signal from a normal signal of pairs of input.
-- >>> sampleN 7 (ddrOut systemClockGen systemResetGen enableGen (-1) (fromList [(0,1),(2,3),(4,5)]) :: Signal "Fast" Int)
-- [-1,-1,-1,2,3,4,5]
  :: ( HasCallStack
     , NFDataX a
     , KnownConfiguration fast ('DomainConfiguration fast fPeriod edge reset init polarity)
     , KnownConfiguration slow ('DomainConfiguration slow (2*fPeriod) edge reset init polarity) )
  => Clock slow
  -> Reset slow
  -> Enable slow
  -> a
  -- ^ reset value
  -> Signal slow (a, a)
  -- ^ Normal speed input pairs
  -> Signal fast a
  -- ^ DDR output signal
ddrOut clk rst en i0 =
  uncurry (withFrozenCallStack $ ddrOut# clk rst en i0) . unbundle

  :: ( HasCallStack
     , NFDataX a
     , KnownConfiguration fast ('DomainConfiguration fast fPeriod edge reset init polarity)
     , KnownConfiguration slow ('DomainConfiguration slow (2*fPeriod) edge reset init polarity) )
  => Clock slow
  -> Reset slow
  -> Enable slow
  -> a
  -> Signal slow a
  -> Signal slow a
  -> Signal fast a
ddrOut# clk rst en i0 xs ys =
    -- We only observe one reset value, because when the mux switches on the
    -- next clock level, the second register will already be outputting its
    -- first input.
    -- That is why we drop the first value of the stream.
    let (_ :- out) = zipSig xs' ys' in out
    xs' = register# clk rst en (errorX "ddrOut: unreachable error") i0 xs
    ys' = register# clk rst en (deepErrorX "ddrOut: initial value undefined") i0 ys
    zipSig (a :- as) (b :- bs) = a :- b :- zipSig as bs
{-# NOINLINE ddrOut# #-}
{-# ANN ddrOut# hasBlackBox #-}