{-| Copyright : (C) 2013-2016, University of Twente, 2016-2017, Myrtle Software Ltd 2022-2024, QBayLogic B.V. License : BSD2 (see the file LICENSE) Maintainer : QBayLogic B.V. -} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module Clash.GHC.LoadInterfaceFiles ( loadExternalExprs , loadExternalBinders , getUnresolvedPrimitives , LoadedBinders(..) ) where -- External Modules import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..)) import Control.Monad (forM_, join) import Control.Monad.State.Strict (StateT, gets, MonadState (get), MonadTrans (lift), execStateT) import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (modify) import Control.Monad.Extra (unlessM) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as BLU import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Data.Sequence (Seq) import Data.Either (partitionEithers) #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,20,0) import Data.Foldable (foldl') #endif import Data.List (elemIndex) import qualified Data.Text as Text import Data.Maybe (isNothing, mapMaybe, catMaybes) import Data.Map.Strict (Map) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Word (Word8) -- GHC #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,8,0) import GHC.Types.Error (defaultOpts) import GHC.Iface.Errors.Ppr (missingInterfaceErrorDiagnostic) #endif #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,4,0) import GHC.Driver.Env.KnotVars (emptyKnotVars) #endif #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,0,0) import GHC.Types.Annotations (Annotation(..)) import qualified GHC.Types.Annotations as Annotations import qualified GHC.Core.Class as Class import qualified GHC.Core.FVs as CoreFVs import qualified GHC.Core as CoreSyn import qualified GHC.Types.Demand as Demand import qualified GHC import qualified GHC.Types.Id as Id import qualified GHC.Types.Id.Info as IdInfo import qualified GHC.Iface.Syntax as IfaceSyn import qualified GHC.Iface.Load as LoadIface import qualified GHC.Data.Maybe as Maybes import qualified GHC.Core.Make as MkCore import qualified GHC.Unit.Module as Module import qualified GHC.Unit.Module.Env as ModuleEnv import qualified GHC.Utils.Monad as MonadUtils import qualified GHC.Types.Name as Name import qualified GHC.Types.Name.Env as NameEnv import GHC.Utils.Outputable as Outputable (text) import qualified GHC.Plugins as GhcPlugins (deserializeWithData, fromSerialized) import qualified GHC.IfaceToCore as TcIface import qualified GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad as TcRnMonad import qualified GHC.Tc.Types as TcRnTypes import qualified GHC.Types.Unique.FM as UniqFM import qualified GHC.Types.Var as Var import qualified GHC.Unit.Types as UnitTypes #else import Annotations (Annotation(..), getAnnTargetName_maybe) import qualified Annotations import qualified Class import qualified CoreFVs import qualified CoreSyn import qualified Demand import qualified GHC import qualified Id import qualified IdInfo import qualified IfaceSyn import qualified LoadIface import qualified Maybes import qualified MkCore import qualified Module import qualified MonadUtils import qualified Name import Outputable (text) import qualified GhcPlugins (deserializeWithData, fromSerialized) import qualified TcIface import qualified TcRnMonad import qualified TcRnTypes import qualified UniqFM import qualified Var #endif -- Internal Modules import Clash.Annotations.BitRepresentation.Internal (DataRepr', dataReprAnnToDataRepr') import Clash.Annotations.Primitive import Clash.Annotations.BitRepresentation (DataReprAnn) import Clash.Debug (traceIf) import Clash.Primitives.Types (UnresolvedPrimitive, name) import Clash.Primitives.Util (decodeOrErrJson, decodeOrErrYaml) import Clash.GHC.GHC2Core (qualifiedNameString') import Clash.Util (curLoc) import qualified Clash.Util.Interpolate as I import Clash.GHC.Util -- | Data structure tracking loaded binders (and their related data) data LoadedBinders = LoadedBinders { lbBinders :: !(Map CoreSyn.CoreBndr CoreSyn.CoreExpr) -- ^ Binder + expression it's binding , lbClassOps :: !(Map CoreSyn.CoreBndr Int) -- ^ Type class dict projection functions , lbUnlocatable :: !(Set CoreSyn.CoreBndr) -- ^ Binders with missing unfoldings , lbPrims :: !(Seq (Either UnresolvedPrimitive FilePath)) -- ^ Primitives; either an primitive data structure or a path to a directory -- containing json files , lbReprs :: !(Seq DataRepr') -- ^ Custom data representations , lbCache :: !DeclCache -- ^ Loaded module cache } type LoadedBinderT m a = StateT LoadedBinders m a -- | Stores modules with easy binder lookup type DeclCache = Map GHC.Module (Maybe (Map GHC.Name IfaceSyn.IfaceDecl)) -- | Collects free variables in an expression, and splits them into "normal" -- free variables and class ops. bndrsInExpr :: CoreSyn.CoreExpr -> ([CoreSyn.CoreBndr], [(CoreSyn.CoreBndr, Int)]) bndrsInExpr e = partitionEithers (map go freeVars) where freeVars = CoreFVs.exprSomeFreeVarsList isInteresting e isInteresting v = Var.isId v && isNothing (Id.isDataConId_maybe v) go :: Var.Var -> Either Var.Id (CoreSyn.CoreBndr, Int) go v = case Id.isClassOpId_maybe v of Just cls -> Right (v, goClsOp v cls) Nothing -> Left v goClsOp :: Var.Var -> GHC.Class -> Int goClsOp v c = case elemIndex v (Class.classAllSelIds c) of Nothing -> error [I.i| Internal error: couldn't find class method #{showPprUnsafe v} in class #{showPprUnsafe c} |] Just n -> n -- | Add a binder to the appropriate fields of 'LoadedBinders', and recursively -- load binders found in the optionally supplied expression. addBndrM :: GHC.GhcMonad m => HDL -> CoreSyn.CoreBndr -> Maybe CoreSyn.CoreExpr -> LoadedBinderT m () addBndrM hdl bndr exprM = case exprM of Nothing -> modify $ \lb@LoadedBinders{..} -> lb{lbUnlocatable=Set.insert bndr lbUnlocatable} Just expr -> do -- Add current expression and its class ops let (fvs, clsOps) = bndrsInExpr expr modify $ \lb@LoadedBinders{..} -> lb { lbBinders=Map.insert bndr expr lbBinders , lbClassOps=mapInsertAll lbClassOps clsOps } -- Load all free variables - if not yet loaded forM_ fvs $ \v -> unlessM (isLoadedBinderM v) (loadExprFromIface hdl v) where -- Insert a list of keys and values into a 'Map' mapInsertAll :: Ord k => Map k a -> [(k, a)] -> Map k a mapInsertAll = foldl' (\m (k, v) -> Map.insert k v m) isLoadedBinderM :: Monad m => CoreSyn.CoreBndr -> LoadedBinderT m Bool isLoadedBinderM bndr = gets $ \LoadedBinders{..} -> Map.member bndr lbBinders || Map.member bndr lbClassOps || Set.member bndr lbUnlocatable emptyLb :: LoadedBinders emptyLb = LoadedBinders { lbBinders = mempty , lbClassOps = mempty , lbUnlocatable = mempty , lbPrims = mempty , lbReprs = mempty , lbCache = mempty } #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,0,0) notBoot :: UnitTypes.IsBootInterface notBoot = UnitTypes.NotBoot #else notBoot :: Bool notBoot = False #endif runIfl :: GHC.GhcMonad m => GHC.Module -> TcRnTypes.IfL a -> m a runIfl modName action = do let localEnv = TcRnTypes.IfLclEnv { TcRnTypes.if_mod = modName , TcRnTypes.if_boot = notBoot , TcRnTypes.if_loc = text "runIfl" , TcRnTypes.if_nsubst = Nothing , TcRnTypes.if_implicits_env = Nothing , TcRnTypes.if_tv_env = UniqFM.emptyUFM , TcRnTypes.if_id_env = UniqFM.emptyUFM } globalEnv = TcRnTypes.IfGblEnv { TcRnTypes.if_doc = text "Clash.runIfl" #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,4,0) , TcRnTypes.if_rec_types = emptyKnotVars #else , TcRnTypes.if_rec_types = Nothing #endif } hscEnv <- GHC.getSession MonadUtils.liftIO $ TcRnMonad.initTcRnIf 'r' hscEnv globalEnv localEnv action loadDecl :: IfaceSyn.IfaceDecl -> TcRnTypes.IfL GHC.TyThing loadDecl = TcIface.tcIfaceDecl False #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,4,0) loadIface :: GHC.HscEnv -> GHC.Module -> IO (Maybe GHC.ModIface) loadIface env foundMod = do #else loadIface :: GHC.Module -> TcRnTypes.IfL (Maybe GHC.ModIface) loadIface foundMod = do #endif #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,4,0) ifaceFailM <- LoadIface.findAndReadIface env (Outputable.text "loadIface") (fst (Module.getModuleInstantiation foundMod)) foundMod UnitTypes.NotBoot #elif MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,0,0) ifaceFailM <- LoadIface.findAndReadIface (Outputable.text "loadIface") (fst (Module.getModuleInstantiation foundMod)) foundMod UnitTypes.NotBoot #else ifaceFailM <- LoadIface.findAndReadIface (Outputable.text "loadIface") (fst (Module.splitModuleInsts foundMod)) foundMod False #endif case ifaceFailM of Maybes.Succeeded (modInfo,_) -> return (Just modInfo) Maybes.Failed msg -> let msg' = concat [ $(curLoc) , "Failed to load interface for module: " , showPprUnsafe foundMod , "\nReason: " #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,8,0) , showSDocUnsafe (missingInterfaceErrorDiagnostic defaultOpts msg) #else , showSDocUnsafe msg #endif ] in traceIf True msg' (return Nothing) -- | Given a list of top-level binders, recursively load all the binders, -- primitives, and type classes it is using. (Exported function.) loadExternalBinders :: GHC.GhcMonad m => HDL -> [CoreSyn.CoreBndr] -> m LoadedBinders loadExternalBinders hdl bndrs = flip execStateT emptyLb $ mapM_ (loadExprFromIface hdl) bndrs -- Given a list of binds, recursively load all its binders, primitives, and -- type classes it is using. (Exported function.) loadExternalExprs :: GHC.GhcMonad m => HDL -> [CoreSyn.CoreBind] -> m LoadedBinders loadExternalExprs hdl binds0 = flip execStateT initLb $ mapM_ (\(b, e) -> addBndrM hdl b (Just e)) binds1 where -- 'lbBinders' is preinitialized with all binders in given binds, as the given -- binders can't be loaded from precompiled modules initLb = emptyLb{lbBinders=Map.fromList binds1} binds1 = CoreSyn.flattenBinds binds0 -- | Try to fetch a IfaceDecl from a 'DeclCache'. If a module has not been loaded -- before, load it using GHC. Additionally, add annotations mentioned in the -- module to 'LoadedBinders'. getIfaceDeclM :: forall m. GHC.GhcMonad m => HDL -> -- | Binder to load CoreSyn.CoreBndr -> -- | Declaration, if found LoadedBinderT m (Maybe (GHC.Module, IfaceSyn.IfaceDecl)) getIfaceDeclM hdl bndr = do let modM = Name.nameModule_maybe bndrName join <$> mapM go modM where bndrName = Var.varName bndr go :: GHC.Module -> LoadedBinderT m (Maybe (GHC.Module, IfaceSyn.IfaceDecl)) go nameMod = do LoadedBinders{lbCache} <- get case Map.lookup nameMod lbCache of Nothing -> do -- Not loaded before #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,4,0) env <- lift GHC.getSession ifaceM <- lift (liftIO (loadIface env nameMod)) #else ifaceM <- lift (runIfl nameMod (loadIface nameMod)) #endif case ifaceM of Just iface -> do -- Add binder : decl map to cache let decls = map snd (GHC.mi_decls iface) names = map IfaceSyn.ifName decls let declMap = Just (Map.fromList (zip names decls)) modify (\lb -> lb{lbCache=Map.insert nameMod declMap lbCache}) -- Load annotations and add them to state loadAnnotationsM hdl nameMod iface Nothing -> -- XXX: 'runIfl' should probably error hard if this happens? modify (\lb -> lb{lbCache=Map.insert nameMod Nothing lbCache}) -- Update cache and try again go nameMod Just Nothing -> -- Loaded before, but couldn't find decl pure Nothing Just (Just declMap) -> -- Loaded before, decl found pure ((nameMod,) <$> Map.lookup bndrName declMap) loadAnnotationsM :: GHC.GhcMonad m => HDL -> GHC.Module -> GHC.ModIface -> StateT LoadedBinders m () loadAnnotationsM hdl modName iface = do anns <- lift (runIfl modName (TcIface.tcIfaceAnnotations (GHC.mi_anns iface))) primFPs <- loadPrimitiveAnnotations hdl anns let reprs = loadCustomReprAnnotations anns modify $ \lb@LoadedBinders{..} -> lb { lbPrims = lbPrims <> Seq.fromList primFPs , lbReprs = lbReprs <> Seq.fromList reprs } loadExprFromIface :: GHC.GhcMonad m => HDL -> CoreSyn.CoreBndr -> LoadedBinderT m () loadExprFromIface hdl bndr = do namedDeclM <- getIfaceDeclM hdl bndr case namedDeclM of Nothing -> addBndrM hdl bndr Nothing Just (nameMod, namedDecl) -> do tyThing <- lift (runIfl nameMod (loadDecl namedDecl)) addBndrM hdl bndr (loadExprFromTyThing bndr tyThing) loadCustomReprAnnotations :: [Annotations.Annotation] -> [DataRepr'] loadCustomReprAnnotations anns = mapMaybe go $ catMaybes $ zipWith filterNameless anns reprs where env = Annotations.mkAnnEnv anns deserialize = GhcPlugins.deserializeWithData :: [Word8] -> DataReprAnn #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,4,0) (mEnv, nEnv) = Annotations.deserializeAnns deserialize env reprs = ModuleEnv.moduleEnvElts mEnv <> NameEnv.nonDetNameEnvElts nEnv #elif MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,0,0) (mEnv, nEnv) = Annotations.deserializeAnns deserialize env reprs = ModuleEnv.moduleEnvElts mEnv <> NameEnv.nameEnvElts nEnv #else reprs = UniqFM.eltsUFM (Annotations.deserializeAnns deserialize env) #endif filterNameless :: Annotation -> [DataReprAnn] -> Maybe (Name.Name, [DataReprAnn]) filterNameless (Annotation ann_target _) reprs' = (,reprs') <$> getAnnTargetName_maybe ann_target go :: (Name.Name, [DataReprAnn]) -> Maybe DataRepr' go (_name, []) = Nothing go (_name, [repr]) = Just $ dataReprAnnToDataRepr' repr go (name, reprs') = error [I.i| Multiple DataReprAnn annotations for same type: #{showPprUnsafe name} Reprs: #{reprs'} |] loadPrimitiveAnnotations :: MonadIO m => HDL -> [Annotations.Annotation] -> m [Either UnresolvedPrimitive FilePath] loadPrimitiveAnnotations hdl anns = concat <$> mapM (getUnresolvedPrimitives hdl) prims where prims = mapMaybe filterPrim anns filterPrim (Annotations.Annotation target value) = (target,) <$> deserialize value deserialize = GhcPlugins.fromSerialized (GhcPlugins.deserializeWithData :: [Word8] -> Primitive) getUnresolvedPrimitives :: MonadIO m => HDL -> (Annotations.CoreAnnTarget, Primitive) -> m [Either UnresolvedPrimitive FilePath] getUnresolvedPrimitives hdl (target, prim) | hdl `elem` primHdls prim = case prim of Primitive _ fp -> pure [Right fp] InlineYamlPrimitive _ contentOrFp -> case target of -- Module annotation, can house many primitives Annotations.ModuleTarget _ -> liftIO (decodeOrErrYaml contentOrFp <$> BL.readFile contentOrFp) Annotations.NamedTarget targetName0 -> let targetName1 = Text.unpack (qualifiedNameString' targetName0) primOrErr = decodeOrErrYaml targetName1 (BLU.fromString contentOrFp) primName = Text.unpack (name primOrErr) in if primName /= targetName1 then inlineNameError targetName1 primName else pure [Left primOrErr] InlinePrimitive _ contentOrFp -> case target of -- Module annotation, can house many primitives Annotations.ModuleTarget _ -> liftIO (decodeOrErrJson contentOrFp <$> BL.readFile contentOrFp) Annotations.NamedTarget targetName0 -> let targetName1 = Text.unpack (qualifiedNameString' targetName0) primOrErr = case decodeOrErrJson targetName1 (BLU.fromString contentOrFp) of [] -> error $ "No annotations found for " ++ targetName1 ++ " even though it had an InlinePrimitive annotation." [p] -> p _ -> error $ "Multiple primitive definitions found in " ++ "InlinePrimitive annotation for " ++ targetName1 ++ ". " ++ "Expected a single one." primName = Text.unpack (name primOrErr) in if primName /= targetName1 then inlineNameError targetName1 primName else pure [Left primOrErr] where inlineNameError targetName primName = error $ concat [ "Function " ++ targetName ++ " was annotated with an inline " , "primitive for " ++ primName ++ ". These names " , "should be the same." ] primHdls = \case Primitive hdls _ -> hdls InlinePrimitive hdls _ -> hdls InlineYamlPrimitive hdls _ -> hdls getUnresolvedPrimitives _ _ = return [] loadExprFromTyThing :: CoreSyn.CoreBndr -> GHC.TyThing -> Maybe CoreSyn.CoreExpr loadExprFromTyThing bndr tyThing = case tyThing of GHC.AnId _id | Var.isId _id -> let _idInfo = Var.idInfo _id #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,4,0) unfolding = IdInfo.realUnfoldingInfo _idInfo #else unfolding = IdInfo.unfoldingInfo _idInfo #endif in case unfolding of CoreSyn.CoreUnfolding {} -> Just (CoreSyn.unfoldingTemplate unfolding) CoreSyn.DFunUnfolding dfbndrs dc es -> Just (MkCore.mkCoreLams dfbndrs (MkCore.mkCoreConApps dc es)) CoreSyn.NoUnfolding #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,4,0) | Demand.isDeadEndSig $ IdInfo.dmdSigInfo _idInfo #elif MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,0,0) | Demand.isDeadEndSig $ IdInfo.strictnessInfo _idInfo #else | Demand.isBottomingSig $ IdInfo.strictnessInfo _idInfo #endif -> do let noUnfoldingErr = "no_unfolding " ++ showPprUnsafe bndr Just (MkCore.mkAbsentErrorApp (Var.varType _id) noUnfoldingErr) _ -> Nothing _ -> Nothing #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,0,0) -- | Get the 'name' of an annotation target if it exists. getAnnTargetName_maybe :: Annotations.AnnTarget name -> Maybe name getAnnTargetName_maybe (Annotations.NamedTarget nm) = Just nm getAnnTargetName_maybe _ = Nothing #endif