{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} module Clash.GHCi.UI.Exception(printGhciException, GHCiMessage(..)) where import GHC.Prelude import GHC.Driver.Config.Diagnostic import GHC.Driver.Errors import GHC.Driver.Errors.Types import GHC.Driver.Session import GHC.Iface.Errors.Ppr import GHC.Iface.Errors.Types import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt import GHC.Tc.Errors.Ppr import GHC.Tc.Errors.Types import GHC.Types.Error import GHC.Types.SourceError import GHC.Unit.State import GHC.Utils.Logger import GHC.Utils.Outputable import Control.Monad.IO.Class -- | Print the all diagnostics in a 'SourceError'. Specialised for GHCi error reporting -- for some error messages. printGhciException :: (HasLogger m, MonadIO m, HasDynFlags m) => SourceError -> m () printGhciException err = do dflags <- getDynFlags logger <- getLogger let !diag_opts = initDiagOpts dflags !print_config = initPrintConfig dflags liftIO $ printMessages logger print_config diag_opts (GHCiMessage <$> (srcErrorMessages err)) newtype GHCiMessage = GHCiMessage { _getGhciMessage :: GhcMessage } instance Diagnostic GHCiMessage where type DiagnosticOpts GHCiMessage = DiagnosticOpts GhcMessage diagnosticMessage opts (GHCiMessage msg) = ghciDiagnosticMessage opts msg diagnosticReason (GHCiMessage msg) = diagnosticReason msg diagnosticHints (GHCiMessage msg) = ghciDiagnosticHints msg diagnosticCode (GHCiMessage msg) = diagnosticCode msg -- | Modifications to hint messages which we want to display in GHCi. ghciDiagnosticHints :: GhcMessage -> [GhcHint] ghciDiagnosticHints msg = map modifyHintForGHCi (diagnosticHints msg) where modifyHintForGHCi :: GhcHint -> GhcHint modifyHintForGHCi = \case SuggestExtension extHint -> SuggestExtension $ modifyExtHintForGHCi extHint hint -> hint modifyExtHintForGHCi :: LanguageExtensionHint -> LanguageExtensionHint modifyExtHintForGHCi = \case SuggestSingleExtension doc ext -> SuggestSingleExtension (suggestSetExt [ext] doc False) ext SuggestExtensionInOrderTo doc ext -> SuggestExtensionInOrderTo (suggestSetExt [ext] doc False) ext SuggestAnyExtension doc exts -> SuggestAnyExtension (suggestSetExt exts doc True ) exts SuggestExtensions doc exts -> SuggestExtensions (suggestSetExt exts doc False) exts -- Suggest enabling extension with :set -X -- SuggestAnyExtension will be on multiple lines so the user can select which to enable without editing suggestSetExt :: [LangExt.Extension] -> SDoc -> Bool -> SDoc suggestSetExt exts doc enable_any = doc $$ hang header 2 exts_cmds where header = text "You may enable" <+> which <+> text "language extension" <> plural exts <+> text "in GHCi with:" which | [ _ext ] <- exts = text "this" | otherwise = if enable_any then text "these" else text "all of these" exts_cmds | enable_any = vcat $ map (\ext -> text ":set -X" <> ppr ext) exts | otherwise = text ":set" <> hcat (map (\ext -> text " -X" <> ppr ext) exts) -- Modifications to error messages which we want to display in GHCi ghciDiagnosticMessage :: GhcMessageOpts -> GhcMessage -> DecoratedSDoc ghciDiagnosticMessage ghc_opts msg = case msg of GhcTcRnMessage tc_msg -> case tcRnMessage (tcMessageOpts ghc_opts) tc_msg of Nothing -> diagnosticMessage ghc_opts msg Just sdoc -> sdoc GhcDriverMessage (DriverInterfaceError err) -> case ghciInterfaceError err of Just sdoc -> mkSimpleDecorated sdoc Nothing -> diagnosticMessage ghc_opts msg GhcDriverMessage {} -> diagnosticMessage ghc_opts msg GhcPsMessage {} -> diagnosticMessage ghc_opts msg GhcDsMessage {} -> diagnosticMessage ghc_opts msg GhcUnknownMessage {} -> diagnosticMessage ghc_opts msg where tcRnMessage tc_opts tc_msg = case tc_msg of TcRnInterfaceError err -> mkSimpleDecorated <$> (ghciInterfaceError err) TcRnMessageWithInfo unit_state msg_with_info -> case msg_with_info of TcRnMessageDetailed err_info wrapped_msg -> messageWithInfoDiagnosticMessage unit_state err_info (tcOptsShowContext tc_opts) <$> tcRnMessage tc_opts wrapped_msg TcRnWithHsDocContext ctxt wrapped_msg -> messageWithHsDocContext tc_opts ctxt <$> tcRnMessage tc_opts wrapped_msg _ -> Nothing opts = tcOptsIfaceOpts (tcMessageOpts ghc_opts) ghciInterfaceError (Can'tFindInterface err looking_for) = hangNotEmpty (lookingForHerald looking_for) 2 <$> ghciMissingInterfaceErrorDiagnostic err ghciInterfaceError _ = Nothing ghciMissingInterfaceErrorDiagnostic reason = case reason of CantFindErr us module_or_interface cfi -> Just (pprWithUnitState us $ cantFindErrorX pkg_hidden_hint may_show_locations module_or_interface cfi) _ -> Nothing where may_show_locations = mayShowLocations ":set -v" (ifaceShowTriedFiles opts) pkg_hidden_hint = pkgHiddenHint hidden_msg (ifaceBuildingCabalPackage opts) where hidden_msg pkg = text "You can run" <+> quotes (text ":set -package " <> ppr (unitPackageName pkg)) <+> text "to expose it." $$ text "(Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.)"