clash-ghc-1.4.4: Clash: a functional hardware description language - GHC frontend
Copyright(C) 2017 Google Inc.
LicenseBSD2 (see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerChristiaan Baaij <>
Safe HaskellNone



Call-by-need evaluator based on the evaluator described in:

Maximilian Bolingbroke, Simon Peyton Jones, "Supercompilation by evaluation", Haskell '10, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.



evaluator :: Evaluator Source #

stepVar :: Id -> Step Source #

stepData :: DataCon -> Step Source #

stepLiteral :: Literal -> Step Source #

stepPrim :: PrimInfo -> Step Source #

stepLam :: Id -> Term -> Step Source #

stepTyLam :: TyVar -> Term -> Step Source #

stepApp :: Term -> Term -> Step Source #

stepTyApp :: Term -> Type -> Step Source #

stepLetRec :: [LetBinding] -> Term -> Step Source #

stepCase :: Term -> Type -> [Alt] -> Step Source #

stepCast :: Term -> Type -> Type -> Step Source #

stepTick :: TickInfo -> Term -> Step Source #

ghcStep :: Step Source #

Small-step operational semantics.

newBinder :: [Either TyVar Type] -> Term -> Step Source #

Take a list of types or type variables and create a lambda / type lambda for each one around the given term.

newLetBinding :: TyConMap -> Machine -> Term -> (Machine, Id) Source #

ghcUnwind :: Unwind Source #

Unwind the stack by 1

update :: IdScope -> Id -> Value -> Machine -> Machine Source #

Update the Heap with the evaluated term

apply :: TyConMap -> Value -> Id -> Machine -> Machine Source #

Apply a value to a function

instantiate :: TyConMap -> Value -> Type -> Machine -> Machine Source #

Instantiate a type-abstraction

scrutinise :: Value -> Type -> [Alt] -> Machine -> Machine Source #

Evaluate a case-expression

substInAlt :: DataCon -> [TyVar] -> [Id] -> [Either Term Type] -> Term -> Term Source #

allocate :: [LetBinding] -> Term -> Machine -> Machine Source #

Allocate let-bindings on the heap

letSubst :: PureHeap -> Supply -> Id -> (Supply, (Id, (Id, Term))) Source #

Create a unique name and substitution for a let-binder