module CLasH.VHDL.Constants where -- VHDL Imports import qualified Language.VHDL.AST as AST -- | A list of all builtin functions. Partly duplicates the name table -- in VHDL.Generate, but we can't use that map everywhere due to -- circular dependencie. builtinIds = [ exId, replaceId, headId, lastId, tailId, initId, takeId, dropId , selId, plusgtId, ltplusId, plusplusId, mapId, zipWithId, foldlId , foldrId, zipId, unzipId, shiftIntoLId, shiftIntoRId, rotlId, rotrId , concatId, reverseId, iteratenId, iterateId, generatenId, generateId , emptyId, singletonId, copynId, copyId, lengthTId, nullId , hwxorId, hwandId, hworId, hwnotId, equalityId, inEqualityId, ltId , lteqId, gtId, gteqId, boolOrId, boolAndId, plusId, timesId , negateId, minusId, fromSizedWordId, fromIntegerId, resizeWordId , resizeIntId, sizedIntId, smallIntegerId, fstId, sndId, blockRAMId , splitId, minimumId, fromRangedWordId, xorId, shiftLId , shiftRId , u2bvId, s2bvId, bv2sId, bv2uId, maxIndexId ] -------------- -- Identifiers -------------- u2bvId, s2bvId, bv2sId, bv2uId :: String u2bvId = "u2bv" s2bvId = "s2bv" bv2sId = "bv2s" bv2uId = "bv2u" maxIndexId :: String maxIndexId = "maxIndex" -- | reset and clock signal identifiers in String form resetStr, clockStr :: String resetStr = "resetn" clockStr = "clock" -- | reset and clock signal identifiers in basic AST.VHDLId form resetId, clockId :: AST.VHDLId resetId = AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId resetStr clockId = AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId clockStr integerId :: AST.VHDLId integerId = AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId "integer" -- | \"types\" identifier typesId :: AST.VHDLId typesId = AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId "types" -- | work identifier workId :: AST.VHDLId workId = AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId "work" -- | std identifier stdId :: AST.VHDLId stdId = AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId "std" -- | textio identifier textioId :: AST.VHDLId textioId = AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId "textio" -- | range attribute identifier rangeId :: AST.VHDLId rangeId = AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId "range" -- | high attribute identifier highId :: AST.VHDLId highId = AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId "high" -- | range attribute identifier imageId :: AST.VHDLId imageId = AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId "image" -- | event attribute identifie eventId :: AST.VHDLId eventId = AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId "event" -- | default function identifier defaultId :: AST.VHDLId defaultId = AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId "default" -- FSVec function identifiers -- | ex (operator ! in original Haskell source) function identifier exId :: String exId = "!" -- | sel (function select in original Haskell source) function identifier selId :: String selId = "vselect" -- | ltplus (function (<+) in original Haskell source) function identifier ltplusId :: String ltplusId = "<+" -- | plusplus (function (++) in original Haskell source) function identifier plusplusId :: String plusplusId = "<++>" -- | empty function identifier emptyId :: String emptyId = "empty" -- | plusgt (function (+>) in original Haskell source) function identifier plusgtId :: String plusgtId = "+>" -- | singleton function identifier singletonId :: String singletonId = "singleton" -- | length attribute identifier lengthId :: String lengthId = "length" -- | isnull (function null in original Haskell source) function identifier nullId :: String nullId = "vnull" -- | replace function identifier replaceId :: String replaceId = "vreplace" -- | head function identifier headId :: String headId = "vhead" -- | last function identifier lastId :: String lastId = "vlast" -- | init function identifier initId :: String initId = "vinit" -- | tail function identifier tailId :: String tailId = "vtail" -- | minimum ftp function identifier minimumId :: String minimumId = "minimum" -- | take function identifier takeId :: String takeId = "vtake" -- | drop function identifier dropId :: String dropId = "vdrop" -- | shiftl function identifier shiftIntoLId :: String shiftIntoLId = "+>>" -- | shiftr function identifier shiftIntoRId :: String shiftIntoRId = "<<+" -- | rotl function identifier rotlId :: String rotlId = "vrotl" -- | reverse function identifier rotrId :: String rotrId = "vrotr" -- | concatenate the vectors in a vector concatId :: String concatId = "vconcat" -- | reverse function identifier reverseId :: String reverseId = "vreverse" -- | iterate function identifier iterateId :: String iterateId = "viterate" -- | iteraten function identifier iteratenId :: String iteratenId = "viteraten" -- | iterate function identifier generateId :: String generateId = "vgenerate" -- | iteraten function identifier generatenId :: String generatenId = "vgeneraten" -- | copy function identifier copyId :: String copyId = "vcopy" -- | copyn function identifier copynId :: String copynId = "vcopyn" -- | map function identifier mapId :: String mapId = "vmap" -- | zipwith function identifier zipWithId :: String zipWithId = "vzipWith" -- | foldl function identifier foldlId :: String foldlId = "vfoldl" -- | foldr function identifier foldrId :: String foldrId = "vfoldr" -- | zip function identifier zipId :: String zipId = "vzip" -- | unzip function identifier unzipId :: String unzipId = "vunzip" -- | hwxor function identifier hwxorId :: String hwxorId = "hwxor" -- | hwor function identifier hworId :: String hworId = "hwor" -- | hwnot function identifier hwnotId :: String hwnotId = "hwnot" -- | hwand function identifier hwandId :: String hwandId = "hwand" xorId :: String xorId = "xor" shiftLId :: String shiftLId = "shiftL" shiftRId :: String shiftRId = "shiftR" lengthTId :: String lengthTId = "vlengthT" fstId :: String fstId = "fst" sndId :: String sndId = "snd" splitId :: String splitId = "vsplit" -- Equality Operations equalityId :: String equalityId = "==" inEqualityId :: String inEqualityId = "/=" gtId :: String gtId = ">" ltId :: String ltId = "<" gteqId :: String gteqId = ">=" lteqId :: String lteqId = "<=" boolOrId :: String boolOrId = "||" boolAndId :: String boolAndId = "&&" boolNot :: String boolNot = "not" -- Numeric Operations -- | plus operation identifier plusId :: String plusId = "+" -- | times operation identifier timesId :: String timesId = "*" -- | negate operation identifier negateId :: String negateId = "negate" -- | minus operation identifier minusId :: String minusId = "-" -- | convert sizedword to ranged fromSizedWordId :: String fromSizedWordId = "fromUnsigned" fromRangedWordId :: String fromRangedWordId = "fromIndex" toIntegerId :: String toIntegerId = "to_integer" fromIntegerId :: String fromIntegerId = "fromInteger" toSignedId :: String toSignedId = "to_signed" toUnsignedId :: String toUnsignedId = "to_unsigned" resizeId :: String resizeId = "resize" resizeWordId :: String resizeWordId = "resizeUnsigned" resizeIntId :: String resizeIntId = "resizeSigned" smallIntegerId :: String smallIntegerId = "smallInteger" sizedIntId :: String sizedIntId = "Signed" tfvecId :: String tfvecId = "Vector" blockRAMId :: String blockRAMId = "blockRAM" -- | output file identifier (from std.textio) showIdString :: String showIdString = "show" showId :: AST.VHDLId showId = AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId showIdString -- | write function identifier (from std.textio) writeId :: AST.VHDLId writeId = AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId "write" -- | output file identifier (from std.textio) outputId :: AST.VHDLId outputId = AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId "output" ------------------ -- VHDL type marks ------------------ -- | The Bit type mark bitTM :: AST.TypeMark bitTM = AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId "Bit" -- | Stardard logic type mark std_logicTM :: AST.TypeMark std_logicTM = AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId "std_logic" -- | boolean type mark booleanTM :: AST.TypeMark booleanTM = AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId "boolean" -- | fsvec_index AST. TypeMark tfvec_indexTM :: AST.TypeMark tfvec_indexTM = AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId "tfvec_index" -- | natural AST. TypeMark naturalTM :: AST.TypeMark naturalTM = AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId "natural" -- | integer TypeMark integerTM :: AST.TypeMark integerTM = AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId "integer" -- | signed TypeMark signedTM :: AST.TypeMark signedTM = AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId "signed" -- | unsigned TypeMark unsignedTM :: AST.TypeMark unsignedTM = AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId "unsigned" -- | string TypeMark stringTM :: AST.TypeMark stringTM = AST.unsafeVHDLBasicId "string" -- | tup VHDLName suffix tupVHDLSuffix :: AST.VHDLId -> AST.Suffix tupVHDLSuffix id = AST.SSimple id