{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Text.CSL.Style
-- Copyright   :  (c) Andrea Rossato
-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Andrea Rossato <andrea.rossato@unitn.it>
-- Stability   :  unstable
-- Portability :  unportable
-- The Style types

module Text.CSL.Style where

import Data.List ( nubBy, isPrefixOf )
import Data.Generics ( Typeable, Data, everywhere
                     , everywhere', everything, mkT, mkQ)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Text.JSON
import Text.Pandoc.Definition ( Inline, Target )

-- | The representation of a parsed CSL style.
data Style
    = Style
      { styleVersion       ::  String
      , styleClass         ::  String
      , styleInfo          ::  Maybe CSInfo
      , styleDefaultLocale ::  String
      , styleLocale        :: [Locale]
      , styleAbbrevs       :: [Abbrev]
      , csOptions          :: [Option]
      , csMacros           :: [MacroMap]
      , citation           ::  Citation
      , biblio             ::  Maybe Bibliography
      } deriving ( Show, Read, Typeable, Data )

data Locale
    = Locale
      { localeVersion :: String
      , localeLang    :: String
      , localeOptions :: [Option]
      , localeTermMap :: [TermMap]
      , localeDate    :: [Element]
      } deriving ( Show, Read, Eq, Typeable, Data )

-- | With the 'defaultLocale', the locales-xx-XX.xml loaded file and
-- the parsed 'Style' cs:locale elements, produce the final 'Locale'
-- as the only element of a list, taking into account CSL locale
-- prioritization.
mergeLocales :: String -> Locale -> [Locale] -> [Locale]
mergeLocales s l ls = doMerge list
      list = filter ((==) s . localeLang) ls ++
             filter ((\x -> x /= [] && x `isPrefixOf` s) . localeLang) ls ++
             filter ((==) [] . localeLang) ls
      doMerge x = return l { localeOptions = newOpt     x
                           , localeTermMap = newTermMap x
                           , localeDate    = newDate    x
      newOpt     x = nubBy (\a b -> fst a == fst b) (concatMap localeOptions x ++ localeOptions l)
      newTermMap x = nubBy (\a b -> fst a == fst b) (concatMap localeTermMap x ++ localeTermMap l)
      newDate    x = nubBy (\(Date _ a _ _ _ _)
                             (Date _ b _ _ _ _) -> a == b) (concatMap localeDate x ++ localeDate l)

type Abbrev
    = (String, [(String, M.Map String String)])

type TermMap
    = ((String,Form),(String,String))

type MacroMap
    = (String,[Element])

data Citation
    = Citation
      { citOptions :: [Option]
      , citSort    :: [Sort]
      , citLayout  ::  Layout
      } deriving ( Show, Read, Typeable, Data )

data Bibliography
    = Bibliography
      { bibOptions :: [Option]
      , bibSort    :: [Sort]
      , bibLayout  ::  Layout
      } deriving ( Show, Read, Typeable, Data )

type Option = (String,String)

mergeOptions :: [Option] -> [Option] -> [Option]
mergeOptions os = nubBy (\x y -> fst x == fst y) . (++) os

data Layout
    = Layout
      { layFormat ::  Formatting
      , layDelim  ::  Delimiter
      , elements  :: [Element]
      } deriving ( Show, Read, Typeable, Data )

data Element
    = Choose       IfThen    [IfThen]    [Element]
    | Macro        String                 Formatting
    | Const        String                 Formatting
    | Variable    [String]    Form        Formatting Delimiter
    | Term         String     Form        Formatting Bool
    | Label        String     Form        Formatting Plural
    | Number       String     NumericForm Formatting
    | Names       [String]   [Name]       Formatting Delimiter [Element]
    | Substitute  [Element]
    | Group        Formatting Delimiter  [Element]
    | Date        [String]    DateForm    Formatting Delimiter [DatePart] String
      deriving ( Show, Read, Eq, Typeable, Data )

data IfThen
    = IfThen Condition Match [Element]
      deriving ( Eq, Show, Read, Typeable, Data )

data Condition
    = Condition
      { isType          :: [String]
      , isSet           :: [String]
      , isNumeric       :: [String]
      , isUncertainDate :: [String]
      , isPosition      :: [String]
      , disambiguation  :: [String]
      , isLocator       :: [String]
      } deriving ( Eq, Show, Read, Typeable, Data )

type Delimiter = String

data Match
    = Any
    | All
    | None
      deriving ( Show, Read, Eq, Typeable, Data )

match :: Match -> [Bool] -> Bool
match All  = and
match Any  = or
match None = and . map not

data DatePart
    = DatePart
      { dpName       :: String
      , dpForm       :: String
      , dpRangeDelim :: String
      , dpFormatting :: Formatting
      } deriving ( Show, Read, Eq, Typeable, Data )

defaultDate :: [DatePart]
    = [ DatePart "year"  "" "-" emptyFormatting
      , DatePart "month" "" "-" emptyFormatting
      , DatePart "day"   "" "-" emptyFormatting]

data Sort
    = SortVariable String Sorting
    | SortMacro    String Sorting Int Int String
      deriving ( Eq, Show, Read, Typeable, Data )

data Sorting
    = Ascending  String
    | Descending String
      deriving ( Read, Show, Eq, Typeable, Data )

instance Ord Sorting where
    compare (Ascending  []) (Ascending  []) = EQ
    compare (Ascending  []) (Ascending   _) = GT
    compare (Ascending   _) (Ascending  []) = LT
    compare (Ascending   a) (Ascending   b) = compare' a b
    compare (Descending []) (Descending []) = EQ
    compare (Descending []) (Descending  _) = GT
    compare (Descending  _) (Descending []) = LT
    compare (Descending  a) (Descending  b) = compare' b a
    compare              _               _  = EQ

compare' :: String -> String -> Ordering
compare' x y
    = case (head x, head y) of
        ('-','-') -> compare y x
        ('-', _ ) -> LT
        (_  ,'-') -> GT
        _         -> compare x y

data Form
    = Long
    | Short
    | Count
    | Verb
    | VerbShort
    | Symbol
    | NotSet
      deriving ( Eq, Show, Read, Typeable, Data )

data NumericForm
    = Numeric
    | Ordinal
    | Roman
    | LongOrdinal
      deriving ( Eq, Show, Read, Typeable, Data )

data DateForm
    = TextDate
    | NumericDate
    | NoFormDate
      deriving ( Eq, Show, Read, Typeable, Data )

data Plural
    = Contextual
    | Always
    | Never
      deriving ( Eq, Show, Read, Typeable, Data )

data Name
    = Name      Form Formatting NameAttrs Delimiter [NamePart]
    | NameLabel Form Formatting Plural
    | EtAl           Formatting String
      deriving ( Eq, Show, Read, Typeable, Data )

type NameAttrs = [(String, String)]

data NamePart
    = NamePart String Formatting
      deriving ( Show, Read, Eq, Typeable, Data )

isPlural :: Plural -> Int -> Bool
isPlural p l
    = case p of
        Always     -> True
        Never      -> False
        Contextual -> l > 1

isName :: Name -> Bool
isName x = case x of Name {} -> True; _ -> False

isNames :: Element -> Bool
isNames x = case x of Names {} -> True; _ -> False

hasEtAl :: [Name] -> Bool
hasEtAl = not . null . query getEtAl
    where getEtAl n
              | EtAl _ _ <- n = [n]
              | otherwise     = []

data Formatting
    = Formatting
      { prefix         :: String
      , suffix         :: String
      , fontFamily     :: String
      , fontStyle      :: String
      , fontVariant    :: String
      , fontWeight     :: String
      , textDecoration :: String
      , verticalAlign  :: String
      , textCase       :: String
      , display        :: String
      , quotes         :: Bool
      , stripPeriods   :: Bool
      , noCase         :: Bool
      , noDecor        :: Bool
      } deriving ( Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data )

instance Show Formatting where show _ = "emptyFormatting"

emptyFormatting :: Formatting
    = Formatting [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] False False False False

unsetAffixes :: Formatting -> Formatting
unsetAffixes f = f {prefix = [], suffix = []}

mergeFM :: Formatting -> Formatting -> Formatting
mergeFM (Formatting aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an)
        (Formatting ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn) =
                   Formatting (ba `betterThen` aa)
                              (bb `betterThen` ab)
                              (bc `betterThen` ac)
                              (bd `betterThen` ad)
                              (be `betterThen` ae)
                              (bf `betterThen` af)
                              (bg `betterThen` ag)
                              (bh `betterThen` ah)
                              (bi `betterThen` ai)
                              (bj `betterThen` aj)
                              (bk || ak)
                              (bl || al)
                              (bm || am)
                              (bn || an)

data CSInfo
    = CSInfo
      { csiTitle      :: String
      , csiAuthor     :: CSAuthor
      , csiCategories :: [CSCategory]
      , csiId         :: String
      , csiUpdated    :: String
      } deriving ( Show, Read, Typeable, Data )

data CSAuthor   = CSAuthor   String String String deriving ( Show, Read, Eq, Typeable, Data )
data CSCategory = CSCategory String String String deriving ( Show, Read, Eq, Typeable, Data )

-- | The formatted output, produced after post-processing the
-- evaluated citations.
data FormattedOutput
    = FO          Formatting [FormattedOutput]          -- ^ List of 'FormatOutput' items
    | FN   String Formatting                            -- ^ Formatted number
    | FS   String Formatting                            -- ^ Formatted string
    | FDel String                                       -- ^ Delimeter string
    | FUrl Target Formatting                            -- ^ Formatted URL
    | FPan [Inline]                                     -- ^ Pandoc inline elements
    | FNull                                             -- ^ Null formatting item
      deriving ( Eq, Show )

-- | The 'Output' generated by the evaluation of a style. Must be
-- further processed for disambiguation and collapsing.
data Output
    = ONull
    | OSpace
    | OPan    [Inline]
    | ODel     String                                   -- ^ A delimiter string.
    | OStr     String             Formatting            -- ^ A simple 'String'
    | ONum     Int                Formatting            -- ^ A number (used to count contributors)
    | OCitNum  Int                Formatting            -- ^ The citation number
    | ODate   [Output]                                  -- ^ A (possibly) ranged date
    | OYear    String    String   Formatting            -- ^ The year and the citeId
    | OYearSuf String    String   [Output]   Formatting -- ^ The year suffix, the citeId and a holder for collision data
    | OName    String   [Output] [[Output]]  Formatting -- ^ A (family) name with the list of given names.
    | OContrib String    String   [Output] [Output] [[Output]] -- ^ The citation key, the role (author, editor, etc.), the contributor(s),
                                                        -- the output needed for year suf. disambiguation, and everything used for
                                                        -- name disambiguation.
    | OUrl    Target              Formatting            -- ^ An URL
    | OLoc    [Output]            Formatting            -- ^ The citation's locator
    | Output  [Output]            Formatting            -- ^ Some nested 'Output'
      deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable, Data )

data Affix
    = PlainText String
    | PandocText [Inline]
      deriving ( Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data )

-- | Needed for the test-suite.
instance JSON Affix where
    showJSON (PlainText  s) = JSString . toJSString $ s
    showJSON (PandocText i) = JSString . toJSString $ show i
    readJSON jv
        | JSString js <- jv
        , [(x,"")] <- reads (fromJSString js) = Ok x
        | otherwise                           = Ok $ PlainText []

type Citations = [[Cite]]
data Cite
    = Cite
      { citeId         :: String
      , citePrefix     :: Affix
      , citeSuffix     :: Affix
      , citeLabel      :: String
      , citeLocator    :: String
      , citeNoteNumber :: String
      , citePosition   :: String
      , nearNote       :: Bool
      , authorInText   :: Bool
      , suppressAuthor :: Bool
      , citeHash       :: Int
      } deriving ( Show, Eq, Typeable, Data )

emptyAffix :: Affix
emptyAffix = PlainText []

emptyCite :: Cite
emptyCite  = Cite [] emptyAffix emptyAffix [] [] [] [] False False False 0

-- | A citation group: the first list has a single member when the
-- citation group starts with an "author-in-text" cite, the
-- 'Formatting' to be applied, the 'Delimiter' between individual
-- citations and the list of evaluated citations.
data CitationGroup = CG [(Cite, Output)] Formatting Delimiter [(Cite, Output)] deriving ( Show, Eq, Typeable, Data )

data BiblioData
    = BD
      { citations    :: [[FormattedOutput]]
      , bibliography :: [[FormattedOutput]]
      } deriving ( Show )

-- | A record with all the data to produce the 'FormattedOutput' of a
-- citation: the citation key, the part of the formatted citation that
-- may be colliding with other citations, the form of the citation
-- when a year suffix is used for disambiguation , the data to
-- disambiguate it (all possible contributors and all possible given
-- names), and, after processing, the disambiguated citation and its
-- year, initially empty.
data CiteData
    = CD
      { key        ::   String
      , collision  ::  [Output]
      , disambYS   ::  [Output]
      , disambData :: [[Output]]
      , disambed   ::  [Output]
      , sameAs     ::  [String]
      , citYear    ::   String
      } deriving ( Show, Typeable, Data )

instance Eq CiteData where
    (==) (CD ka ca _ _ _ _ _)
         (CD kb cb _ _ _ _ _) = ka == kb && ca == cb

data NameData
    = ND
      { nameKey        ::   String
      , nameCollision  ::  [Output]
      , nameDisambData :: [[Output]]
      , nameDataSolved ::  [Output]
      } deriving ( Show, Typeable, Data )

instance Eq NameData where
    (==) (ND ka ca _ _)
         (ND kb cb _ _) = ka == kb && ca == cb

formatOutputList :: [Output] -> [FormattedOutput]
formatOutputList = filterUseless . map formatOutput
      filterUseless [] = []
      filterUseless (o:os)
          | FO _ [] <- o =                          filterUseless os
          | FO f xs <- o
          , isEmpty f    =      filterUseless xs ++ filterUseless os
          | FO f xs <- o = case filterUseless xs of
                             []      ->             filterUseless os
                             xs'     -> FO  f xs' : filterUseless os
          | FNull   <- o =                          filterUseless os
          | otherwise    =                      o : filterUseless os
            isEmpty f = f == emptyFormatting

-- | Convert evaluated 'Output' into 'FormattedOutput', ready for the
-- output filters.
formatOutput :: Output -> FormattedOutput
formatOutput o
    | OSpace             <- o = FDel " "
    | OPan     i         <- o = FPan i
    | ODel     []        <- o = FNull
    | ODel     s         <- o = FDel s
    | OStr     []      _ <- o = FNull
    | OStr     s       f <- o = FS s         f
    | ODate    os        <- o = FO emptyFormatting (format os)
    | OYear    s _     f <- o = FS s         f
    | OYearSuf s _ _   f <- o = FS s         f
    | ONum     i       f <- o = FS (show  i) f
    | OCitNum  i       f <- o = FN (add00 i) f
    | OUrl     s       f <- o = FUrl s       f
    | OName  _ s _     f <- o = FO f               (format  s)
    | OContrib _ _ s _ _ <- o = FO emptyFormatting (format  s)
    | OLoc     os      f <- o = FO f               (format os)
    | Output   os      f <- o = FO f               (format os)
    | otherwise               = FNull
      format = map formatOutput
      add00  = reverse . take 5 . flip (++) (repeat '0') . reverse . show

-- | Map the evaluated output of a citation group.
mapGroupOutput :: (Output -> [a]) -> CitationGroup -> [a]
mapGroupOutput f (CG _ _ _ os) = concatMap f $ map snd os

-- | A generic processing function.
proc :: (Typeable a, Data b) => (a -> a) -> b -> b
proc f = everywhere (mkT f)

-- | A generic processing function: process a data structure in
-- top-down manner.
proc' :: (Typeable a, Data b) => (a -> a) -> b -> b
proc' f = everywhere' (mkT f)

-- | A generic query function.
query :: (Typeable a, Data b) => (a -> [c]) -> b -> [c]
query f = everything (++) ([] `mkQ` f)

-- | Removes all given names form a 'OName' element with 'proc'.
rmGivenNames :: Output -> Output
rmGivenNames o
    | OName i s _ f <- o = OName i s [] f
    | otherwise          = o

rmNameHash :: Output -> Output
rmNameHash o
    | OName _ s ss f <- o = OName [] s ss f
    | otherwise           = o

-- | Add, with 'proc', a give name to the family name. Needed for
-- disambiguation.
addGivenNames :: [Output] -> [Output]
    = addGN True
      addGN _ [] = []
      addGN b (o:os)
          | OName i _ xs f <- o
          , xs /= []  = if b then OName i (head xs) (tail xs) f : addGN False os else o:os
          | otherwise = o : addGN b os

-- | Add the year suffix to the year. Needed for disambiguation.
addYearSuffix :: Output -> Output
addYearSuffix o
    | OYear y k     f <- o = Output [OYear y k emptyFormatting,OYearSuf [] k [] emptyFormatting] f
    | ODate  (x:xs)   <- o = if or $ map hasYear xs
                             then Output (x : [addYearSuffix $ ODate xs]) emptyFormatting
                             else addYearSuffix (Output (x:xs) emptyFormatting)
    | Output (x:xs) f <- o = if or $ map hasYearSuf (x : xs)
                             then Output (x : xs) f
                             else if hasYear x
                                  then Output (addYearSuffix x : xs) f
                                  else Output (x : [addYearSuffix $ Output xs emptyFormatting]) f
    | otherwise            = o

hasYear :: Output -> Bool
hasYear = not . null . query getYear
    where getYear o
              | OYear _ _ _ <- o = [o]
              | otherwise        = []

hasYearSuf :: Output -> Bool
hasYearSuf = not . null . query getYearSuf
    where getYearSuf o
              | OYearSuf _ _ _ _ <- o = ["a"]
              | otherwise             = []

betterThen :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
betterThen a b = if a == [] then b else a