{-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main (main) where import Citeproc import Citeproc.CslJson import Data.Semigroup import Data.Algorithm.DiffContext import System.TimeIt (timeIt) import Control.Monad (unless) import Control.Monad.Trans.State import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import System.Environment (getArgs) import System.Exit import System.Directory (getDirectoryContents, doesFileExist) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as Pretty import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO import Data.List (foldl', isInfixOf, intersperse, sortOn, sort) import Data.Containers.ListUtils (nubOrdOn) import Data.Char (isDigit, isLetter, toLower) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import qualified Data.Aeson as A import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8) import System.FilePath import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Text.Printf (printf) data CiteprocTest a = CiteprocTest { name :: Text , path :: FilePath , category :: Text , mode :: Text , result :: Text , csl :: ByteString , input :: [Reference a] , bibentries :: Maybe A.Value , bibsection :: Maybe A.Value , citeItems :: Maybe [Citation a] , citations :: Maybe [Citation a] , abbreviations :: Maybe Abbreviations , skipReason :: Maybe Text } deriving (Show) data TestResult = Passed | Skipped Text | Failed Text Text | Errored CiteprocError deriving (Show, Eq) runTest :: CiteprocTest (CslJson Text) -> StateT Counts IO TestResult runTest test = do let cites = case citations test of Just cs -> cs Nothing -> case citeItems test of Nothing | mode test == "citation" -> [referencesToCitation (nubOrdOn referenceId (input test))] | otherwise -> map (referencesToCitation . (:[])) (nubOrdOn referenceId (input test)) Just cs -> cs let doError err = do modify $ \st -> st{ errored = category test : errored st } liftIO $ do TIO.putStrLn $ "[ERRORED] " <> T.pack (path test) TIO.putStrLn $ T.pack $ show err TIO.putStrLn "" return $ Errored err let doSkip reason = do modify $ \st -> st{ skipped = category test : skipped st } liftIO $ do TIO.putStrLn $ "[SKIPPED] " <> T.pack (path test) -- TIO.putStrLn $ T.strip reason TIO.putStrLn "" return $ Skipped reason case skipReason test of Just reason -> doSkip reason Nothing -> case parseStyle (const Nothing) (decodeUtf8 $ csl test) of Nothing -> doError $ CiteprocParseError "Could not fetch independent parent" Just (Left err) -> doError err Just (Right style') -> do let style = style'{ styleAbbreviations = abbreviations test } let loc = mergeLocales Nothing style let actual = citeproc defaultCiteprocOptions style Nothing (input test) cites unless (null (resultWarnings actual)) $ do liftIO $ do TIO.putStrLn $ "[WARNING] " <> T.pack (path test) mapM_ (TIO.putStrLn . ("==> " <>)) $ resultWarnings actual case mode test of "citation" -> compareTest test (T.intercalate "\n" $ map (renderCslJson' loc) (resultCitations actual)) "bibliography" -> compareTest test (T.intercalate "\n" (addDivs $ map (renderCslJson' loc . snd) (resultBibliography actual))) _ -> doSkip $ "unknown mode " <> mode test renderCslJson' :: Locale -> CslJson Text -> Text renderCslJson' loc x = if T.null res then "[CSL STYLE ERROR: reference with no printed form.]" else res where res = renderCslJson True loc x addDivs :: [Text] -> [Text] addDivs ts = "
" : map addItemDiv ts ++ ["
"] where addItemDiv t | "\n " <> t <> "\n " | "" `T.isSuffixOf` t = "
" <> t <> "\n
" | otherwise = "
" <> t <> "
" referencesToCitation :: [Reference a] -> Citation a referencesToCitation rs = Citation { citationId = Nothing , citationNoteNumber = Nothing , citationItems = map (\r -> CitationItem{ citationItemId = referenceId r , citationItemLabel = Nothing , citationItemLocator = Nothing , citationItemType = NormalCite , citationItemPrefix = Nothing , citationItemSuffix = Nothing }) rs } -- remove >>[0] or ..[1] removeCitationNums :: Text -> Text removeCitationNums = T.intercalate "\n" . map removeNum . T.lines where removeNum = T.dropWhile (== ' ') . T.dropWhile (\c -> c == '>' || c == '.' || c == '[' || c == ']' || isDigit c) compareTest :: CiteprocTest (CslJson Text) -> Text -> StateT Counts IO TestResult compareTest test actual = do let expected = case citations test of Just _ -> removeCitationNums $ result test Nothing -> result test if actual == expected then do modify $ \st -> st{ passed = category test : passed st } -- suppress PASSED messages -- liftIO $ TIO.putStrLn $ "[PASSED] " <> path test return Passed else do modify $ \st -> st{ failed = category test : failed st } liftIO $ do TIO.putStrLn $ "[FAILED] " <> T.pack (path test) showDiff expected actual return $ Failed actual expected splitSections :: ByteString -> [(Text, ByteString)] splitSections = snd . foldl' go startingState . B.lines . removeBOM where removeBOM bs = if "\xef\xbb\xbf" `B.isPrefixOf` bs then B.drop 3 bs else bs startingState :: (Maybe (Text, [ByteString]), [(Text, ByteString)]) startingState = (Nothing, mempty) go (Nothing, accum) t | ">>==" `B.isPrefixOf` t = let secname = T.toLower $ T.filter (\c -> isLetter c || c == '-') $ decodeUtf8 t in (Just (secname, mempty), accum) | otherwise = (Nothing, accum) go (Just (sec, buffer), accum) t | "<<==" `B.isPrefixOf` t = (Nothing, (sec, mconcat $ intersperse "\n" (reverse buffer)) : accum) | otherwise = (Just (sec, t:buffer), accum) loadTestCase :: FilePath -> IO (CiteprocTest (CslJson Text)) loadTestCase fp = do sections <- splitSections <$> B.readFile fp let cslBs = fromMaybe mempty $ lookup "csl" sections let fromJSON field x = case A.eitherDecode (L.fromStrict x) of Left e -> error $ "JSON decoding error " <> " in " <> fp <> " (" <> field <> ")\n" <> show e Right z -> z reason <- do exists <- doesFileExist (fp <> ".skip") if exists then Just <$> TIO.readFile (fp <> ".skip") else return Nothing return CiteprocTest { name = T.pack $ dropExtension $ takeBaseName fp , path = fp , category = T.takeWhile (/='_') $ T.pack $ takeBaseName fp , mode = maybe mempty decodeUtf8 $ lookup "mode" sections , result = maybe mempty decodeUtf8 $ lookup "result" sections , csl = cslBs , input = maybe (error "No INPUT") (fromJSON "INPUT") $ lookup "input" sections , bibentries = fromJSON "BIBENTRIES" <$> lookup "bibentries" sections , bibsection = fromJSON "BIBSECTION" <$> lookup "bibsection" sections , citeItems = fromJSON "CITATION-ITEMS" <$> lookup "citation-items" sections , citations = removeDuplicates . fromJSON "CITATIONS" <$> lookup "citations" sections -- need appropriate fromjson instance: -- fromJSON "CITATION" <$> lookup "citation-items" sections , abbreviations = fromJSON "ABBREVIATIONS" <$> lookup "abbreviations" sections , skipReason = reason } -- for motivation see e.g. test/csl/collapse_CitationNumberRangesInsert.txt -- Later Citations can replace earlier ones with the same citationId. removeDuplicates :: [Citation a] -> [Citation a] removeDuplicates [] = [] removeDuplicates (c:cs) = case citationId c of Just cid -> if any (\cit -> citationId cit == Just cid) cs then removeDuplicates cs else c : removeDuplicates cs Nothing -> c : removeDuplicates cs testDir :: FilePath testDir = "test" "csl" overrideDir :: FilePath overrideDir = "test" "overrides" extraDir :: FilePath extraDir = "test" "extra" main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs let matchesPattern x = takeExtension x == ".txt" && case args of [] -> True _ -> any (\arg -> map toLower arg `isInfixOf` map toLower x) args overrides <- if any ('/' `elem`) args then return [] else filter matchesPattern <$> getDirectoryContents overrideDir let addDir fp = if fp `elem` overrides then overrideDir fp else testDir fp testFiles <- if any ('/' `elem`) args then return args else do cslTests <- map addDir . filter matchesPattern <$> getDirectoryContents testDir extraTests <- map (extraDir ) . filter matchesPattern <$> getDirectoryContents extraDir return $ cslTests ++ extraTests testCases <- sortOn name <$> mapM loadTestCase testFiles (_,counts) <- timeIt $ runStateT (mapM_ runTest testCases) Counts{ failed = [] , errored = [] , passed = [] , skipped = [] } putStrLn "" let categories = sort $ Set.toList $ foldr (Set.insert . category) mempty testCases putStrLn $ printf "%-15s %6s %6s %6s %6s" ("CATEGORY" :: String) ("PASS" :: String) ("FAIL" :: String) ("ERROR" :: String) ("SKIP" :: String) let resultsFor cat = do let p = length . filter (== cat) . passed $ counts let f = length . filter (== cat) . failed $ counts let e = length . filter (== cat) . errored $ counts let s = length . filter (== cat) . skipped $ counts let percent = (fromIntegral p / fromIntegral (p + f + e) :: Double) putStrLn $ printf "%-15s %6d %6d %6d %6d |%-20s|" (T.unpack cat) p f e s (replicate (floor (percent * 20.0)) '+') mapM_ resultsFor categories putStrLn $ printf "%-15s %6s %6s %6s %6s" ("-------------" :: String) ("-----" :: String) ("-----" :: String) ("-----" :: String) ("-----" :: String) putStrLn $ printf "%-15s %6d %6d %6d %6d" ("(all)" :: String) (length (passed counts)) (length (failed counts)) (length (errored counts)) (length (skipped counts)) case length (failed counts) + length (errored counts) of 0 -> exitSuccess n | n <= 67 -> do putStrLn "We have passed all the CSL tests we expect to..." exitSuccess | otherwise -> exitWith $ ExitFailure n data Counts = Counts { failed :: [Text] , errored :: [Text] , passed :: [Text] , skipped :: [Text] } deriving (Show) showDiff :: Text -> Text -> IO () showDiff expected actual = do -- Use this to see unicode characters (e.g. dashes) better -- let f = mconcat . map -- (\c -> if isAscii c -- then T.singleton c -- else T.pack (printf "[U+%04X]" (ord c))) . T.unpack putStrLn $ Pretty.render $ prettyContextDiff (Pretty.text "expected") (Pretty.text "actual") (Pretty.text . T.unpack) $ getContextDiff 1 (T.lines expected) (T.lines actual)