-- |
-- Module      :  Test.Chuchu
-- Copyright   :  (c) Marco TĂșlio Pimenta Gontijo <marcotmarcot@gmail.com> 2012
-- License     :  Apache 2.0 (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Marco TĂșlio Pimenta Gontijo <marcotmarcot@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  unstable
-- Portability :  non-portable (DeriveDataTypeable)
-- Chuchu is a system similar to Ruby's Cucumber for Behaviour Driven
-- Development.  It works with a language similar to Cucumber's Gherkin, which
-- is parsed using package abacate.
-- This module provides the main function for a test file based on Behaviour
-- Driven Development for Haskell.
-- Example for a Stack calculator:
-- @calculator.feature@:
-- @
--Feature: Division
--  In order to avoid silly mistakes
--  Cashiers must be able to calculate a fraction
--  Scenario: Regular numbers
--    Given that I have entered 3 into the calculator
--    And that I have entered 2 into the calculator
--    When I press divide
--    Then the result should be 1.5 on the screen
-- @
-- @calculator.hs@:
-- @
--import Control.Applicative
--import Control.Monad.IO.Class
--import Control.Monad.Trans.State
--import Test.Chuchu
--import Test.HUnit
--type CalculatorT m = StateT \[Double\] m
--enterNumber :: Monad m => Double -> CalculatorT m ()
--enterNumber = modify . (:)
--getDisplay :: Monad m => CalculatorT m Double
--  = do
--    ns <- get
--    return $ head $ ns ++ [0]
--divide :: Monad m => CalculatorT m ()
--divide = do
--  (n1:n2:ns) <- get
--  put $ (n2 / n1) : ns
--defs :: Chuchu (CalculatorT IO)
--  = do
--    Given
--      ("that I have entered " *> number <* " into the calculator")
--      enterNumber
--    When "I press divide" $ const divide
--    Then ("the result should be " *> number <* " on the screen")
--      $ \\n
--        -> do
--          d <- getDisplay
--          liftIO $ d \@?= n
--main :: IO ()
--main = chuchuMain defs (\`evalStateT\` [])
-- @

  (chuchuMain, module Test.Chuchu.Types, module Test.Chuchu.Parser)

-- base
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.IO

-- transformers
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader

-- parsec
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Text

-- cmdargs
import System.Console.CmdArgs

-- abacate
import Language.Abacate hiding (StepKeyword (..))

-- chuchu
import Test.Chuchu.Types
import Test.Chuchu.Parser

-- | The main function for the test file.  It expects the @.feature@ file as the
-- first parameter on the command line.  If you want to use it inside a library,
-- consider using 'withArgs'.
chuchuMain :: MonadIO m => Chuchu m -> (m () -> IO ()) -> IO ()
chuchuMain cc runMIO
  = do
    path <- getPath
    parsed <- parseFile path
    case parsed of
      (Right abacate)
        -> runMIO
          $ runReaderT
              code <- processAbacate abacate
              unless code $ liftIO exitFailure)
          $ runChuchu cc
      (Left e) -> error $ "Could not parse " ++ path ++ ": " ++ show e

type CM m a = ReaderT (Parser (m ())) m a

processAbacate :: MonadIO m => Abacate -> CM m Bool
processAbacate feature
  = do
      <- case fBackground feature of
        Nothing -> return True
        Just background -> processBasicScenario background
    feCode <- processFeatureElements $ fFeatureElements feature
    return $ bCode && feCode

processFeatureElements :: MonadIO m => FeatureElements -> CM m Bool
processFeatureElements featureElements
  = do
    codes <- mapM processFeatureElement featureElements
    return $ and codes

processFeatureElement :: MonadIO m => FeatureElement -> CM m Bool
processFeatureElement (FESO _)
  = liftIO (hPutStrLn stderr "Scenario Outlines are not supported yet.")
    >> return False
processFeatureElement (FES sc) = processBasicScenario $ scBasicScenario sc

processBasicScenario :: MonadIO m => BasicScenario -> CM m Bool
processBasicScenario = processSteps . bsSteps

processSteps :: MonadIO m => Steps -> CM m Bool
processSteps steps
  = do
    codes <- mapM processStep steps
    return $ and codes

processStep :: MonadIO m => Step -> CM m Bool
processStep step
  = do
    cc <- ask
    case parse cc "processStep" $ stBody step of
      Left e
        -> do
            $ hPutStrLn stderr
            $ "The step "
              ++ show (stBody step)
              ++ " doesn't match any step definitions I know."
              ++ show e
          return False
      Right m -> lift m >> return True

data Options
  = Options {file_ :: FilePath}
    deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Data)

getPath :: IO FilePath
  = do
    progName <- getProgName
      <$> cmdArgs
        (Options (def &= typ "PATH" &= argPos 0)
          &= program progName
          &= details
            ["Run test scenarios specified on the abacate file at PATH."])