{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-} -- | Various common chart patterns. module Chart.Various ( -- * sub-chart patterns xify, xify', yify, yify', addLineX, addLineY, stdLineChart, stdLines, lineLegend, tsAxes, titlesHud, gpalette, gpaletteStyle, blendMidLineStyles, -- * chart patterns quantileChart, digitChart, scatterChart, histChart, quantileHistChart, digitSurfaceChart, tableChart, ) where import Chart import Control.Lens import Data.Bifunctor import Data.Foldable import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import Data.Maybe import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Time (UTCTime (..)) import NumHask.Prelude (one) import NumHask.Space -- | convert from [a] to [Point a], by adding the index as the x axis xify :: [Double] -> [Point Double] xify ys = zipWith Point [0 ..] ys -- | convert from [a] to [XY a], by adding the index as the x axis xify' :: [Double] -> [XY Double] xify' ys = zipWith P [0 ..] ys -- | convert from [a] to [Point a], by adding the index as the y axis yify :: [Double] -> [Point Double] yify xs = zipWith Point xs [0 ..] -- | convert from [a] to [XY a], by adding the index as the y axis yify' :: [Double] -> [XY Double] yify' xs = zipWith P xs [0 ..] -- | add a horizontal line at y addLineX :: Double -> LineStyle -> [Chart Double] -> [Chart Double] addLineX y ls cs = cs <> [l] where l = Chart (LineA ls) (PointXY <$> [Point lx y, Point ux y]) (Rect lx ux _ _) = fromMaybe one $ foldRect $ mconcat $ fmap toRect . xys <$> cs -- | add a verticle line at x addLineY :: Double -> LineStyle -> [Chart Double] -> [Chart Double] addLineY x ls cs = cs <> [zeroLine] where zeroLine = Chart (LineA ls) (PointXY <$> [Point x ly, Point x uy]) (Rect _ _ ly uy) = fromMaybe one $ foldRect $ mconcat $ fmap toRect . xys <$> cs -- | interpret a [[Double]] as a series of lines with x coordinates of [0..] stdLineChart :: Double -> [Colour] -> [[Double]] -> [Chart Double] stdLineChart w p xss = zipWith ( \c xs -> Chart (LineA (defaultLineStyle & #color .~ c & #width .~ w)) (xify' xs) ) p xss -- | Can of the main palette stdLines :: Double -> [LineStyle] stdLines w = (\c -> defaultLineStyle & #color .~ c & #width .~ w) <$> palette1_ -- | Legend template for a line chart. lineLegend :: Double -> [Text] -> [Colour] -> (LegendOptions, [(Annotation, Text)]) lineLegend w rs cs = ( defaultLegendOptions & #ltext . #size .~ 0.3 & #lplace .~ PlaceBottom & #legendFrame .~ Just (RectStyle 0.02 (palette1 5) (palette1 4)), zipWith (\a r -> (LineA a, r)) ((\c -> defaultLineStyle & #color .~ c & #width .~ w) <$> cs) rs ) -- | Create a hud that has time as the x-axis, based on supplied days, and a rounded yaxis. tsAxes :: [UTCTime] -> [AxisOptions] tsAxes ds = [ defaultAxisOptions & #axisTick . #tstyle .~ TickRound (FormatPrec (Just 3)) 6 TickExtend & #place .~ PlaceLeft, defaultAxisOptions & #axisTick . #tstyle .~ TickPlaced ( first fromIntegral <$> makeTickDates PosIncludeBoundaries Nothing 8 ds ) ] -- | common pattern of chart title, x-axis title and y-axis title titlesHud :: Text -> Text -> Text -> HudOptions titlesHud t x y = defaultHudOptions & #hudTitles .~ [ defaultTitle t, defaultTitle x & #place .~ PlaceBottom & #style . #size .~ 0.08, defaultTitle y & #place .~ PlaceLeft & #style . #size .~ 0.08 ] -- | GlyphStyle palette gpaletteStyle :: Double -> [GlyphStyle] gpaletteStyle s = zipWith (\c g -> defaultGlyphStyle & #size .~ s & #color .~ c & #shape .~ fst g & #borderSize .~ snd g) palette1_ gpalette -- | Glyph palette gpalette :: [(GlyphShape, Double)] gpalette = [ (CircleGlyph, 0.01 :: Double), (SquareGlyph, 0.01), (RectSharpGlyph 0.75, 0.01), (RectRoundedGlyph 0.75 0.01 0.01, 0.01), (EllipseGlyph 0.75, 0), (VLineGlyph 0.005, 0.01), (HLineGlyph 0.005, 0.01), (TriangleGlyph (Point 0.0 0.0) (Point 1 1) (Point 1 0), 0.01), (PathGlyph "M0.05,-0.03660254037844387 A0.1 0.1 0.0 0 1 0.0,0.05 0.1 0.1 0.0 0 1 -0.05,-0.03660254037844387 0.1 0.1 0.0 0 1 0.05,-0.03660254037844387 Z", 0.01) ] -- * charts -- | Chart template for quantiles. quantileChart :: Text -> [Text] -> [LineStyle] -> [AxisOptions] -> [[Double]] -> ChartSvg quantileChart title names ls as xs = mempty & #hudOptions .~ hudOptions & #chartList .~ chart' where hudOptions = defaultHudOptions & #hudTitles .~ [defaultTitle title] & ( #hudLegend .~ Just ( defaultLegendOptions & #ltext . #size .~ 0.1 & #vgap .~ 0.05 & #innerPad .~ 0.2 & #lplace .~ PlaceRight, extractAnns names chart' ) ) & #hudAxes .~ as extractAnns = zipWith (\t c -> (c ^. #annotation, t)) chart' = zipWith (\l c -> Chart (LineA l) c) ls (zipWith P [0 ..] <$> xs) -- | /blendMidLineStyle n w/ produces n lines of width w interpolated between two colors. blendMidLineStyles :: Int -> Double -> (Colour, Colour) -> [LineStyle] blendMidLineStyles l w (c1, c2) = lo where m = (fromIntegral l - 1) / 2 :: Double cs = (\x -> 1 - abs (fromIntegral x - m) / m) <$> [0 .. (l - 1)] bs = (\x -> blend x c1 c2) <$> cs lo = (\c -> defaultLineStyle & #width .~ w & #color .~ c) <$> bs -- | No idea what this is really. digitChart :: Text -> [UTCTime] -> [Double] -> ChartSvg digitChart title utcs xs = mempty & #hudOptions .~ hudOptions & #chartList .~ [c] where hudOptions = defaultHudOptions & #hudTitles .~ [defaultTitle title] & #hudAxes .~ tsAxes utcs c = Chart ( GlyphA ( defaultGlyphStyle & #color .~ Colour 0 0 1 1 & #shape .~ CircleGlyph & #size .~ 0.01 ) ) (xify' xs) -- | scatter chart scatterChart :: [[Point Double]] -> [Chart Double] scatterChart xss = zipWith (\gs xs -> Chart (GlyphA gs) (PointXY <$> xs)) (gpaletteStyle 0.02) xss -- | histogram chart histChart :: Text -> Maybe [Text] -> Range Double -> Int -> [Double] -> ChartSvg histChart title names r g xs = barChart defaultBarOptions barData & (#hudOptions . #hudTitles .~ [defaultTitle title]) where barData = BarData [hr] names Nothing hcuts = grid OuterPos r g h = fill hcuts xs hr = (\(Rect x x' _ _) -> (x + x') / 2) <$> makeRects (IncludeOvers (NumHask.Space.width r / fromIntegral g)) h -- | a chart drawing a histogram based on quantile information quantileHistChart :: Text -> Maybe [Text] -> -- | quantiles [Double] -> -- | quantile values [Double] -> ChartSvg quantileHistChart title names qs vs = mempty & #hudOptions .~ hudOptions & #chartList .~ [chart'] where hudOptions = defaultHudOptions & #hudTitles .~ [defaultTitle title] & #hudAxes .~ [ maybe ( defaultAxisOptions & #axisTick . #tstyle .~ TickRound (FormatPrec (Just 3)) 8 TickExtend ) ( \x -> defaultAxisOptions & #axisTick . #tstyle .~ TickPlaced (zip vs x) ) names ] chart' = Chart (RectA defaultRectStyle) (RectXY <$> hr) hr = zipWith (\(y, w) (x, z) -> Rect x z 0 ((w - y) / (z - x))) (zip qs (drop 1 qs)) (zip vs (drop 1 vs)) -- | pixel chart of digitized vs digitized counts digitSurfaceChart :: SurfaceStyle -> SurfaceLegendOptions -> (Text, Text, Text) -> [Text] -> [(Int, Int)] -> [Chart Double] digitSurfaceChart pixelStyle plo ts names ps = runHud (aspect 1) (hs0 <> hs1) (cs0 <> cs1) where l = length names pts = Point l l gr :: Rect Double gr = fromIntegral <$> Rect 0 l 0 l mapCount = foldl' (\m x -> HashMap.insertWith (+) x 1.0 m) HashMap.empty ps f :: Point Double -> Double f (Point x y) = fromMaybe 0 $ HashMap.lookup (floor x, floor y) mapCount (hs0, cs0) = makeHud gr (qvqHud ts names) (cs1, hs1) = surfacefl f (SurfaceOptions pixelStyle pts gr) plo -- style helpers qvqHud :: (Text, Text, Text) -> [Text] -> HudOptions qvqHud ts labels = defaultHudOptions & #hudTitles .~ makeTitles ts & #hudAxes .~ [ defaultAxisOptions & #axisTick . #tstyle .~ TickPlaced (zip ((0.5 +) <$> [0 ..]) labels) & #place .~ PlaceLeft, defaultAxisOptions & #axisTick . #tstyle .~ TickPlaced (zip ((0.5 +) <$> [0 ..]) labels) & #place .~ PlaceBottom ] makeTitles :: (Text, Text, Text) -> [Title] makeTitles (t, xt, yt) = reverse [ defaultTitle t, defaultTitle xt & #place .~ PlaceBottom & #style . #size .~ 0.06, defaultTitle yt & #place .~ PlaceLeft & #style . #size .~ 0.06 ] -- | Chart for double list of Text. tableChart :: [[Text]] -> [Chart Double] tableChart tss = zipWith (\ts x -> Chart (TextA defaultTextStyle ts) (P x <$> take (length ts) [0 ..])) tss [0 ..]