{-# LANGUAGE NegativeLiterals #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-} -- | Examples of chart construction. module Chart.Examples ( unitExample, svgOptionsExample, hudOptionsExample, rectExample, textExample, glyphsExample, lineExample, barExample, waveExample, lglyphExample, glinesExample, compoundExample, textLocalExample, labelExample, legendExample, surfaceExample, rosenbrock, arcExample, arcFlagsExample, ellipseExample, quadExample, cubicExample, pathExample, vennExample, arrowExample, writeAllExamples, ) where import Chart import Control.Lens import Data.Text (Text, pack) import qualified Data.Text as Text import GHC.OverloadedLabels import NumHask.Prelude hiding (lines) -- $setup -- >>> import Chart -- >>> import Control.Lens -- | unit example -- -- ![unit example](other/unit.svg) unitExample :: ChartSvg unitExample = mempty & #chartList .~ [Chart (RectA defaultRectStyle) [one]] -- | 'HudOptions' example -- -- ![hudoptions example](other/hudoptions.svg) hudOptionsExample :: ChartSvg hudOptionsExample = mempty & #hudOptions .~ colourHudOptions dark defaultHudOptions & #chartList .~ [Chart BlankA [one]] -- | 'SvgOptions' example. -- -- ![svgoptions example](other/svgoptions.svg) svgOptionsExample :: ChartSvg svgOptionsExample = mempty & #svgOptions %~ #chartAspect .~ FixedAspect 0.7 & #chartList .~ zipWith (\s d -> Chart (LineA s) (fmap PointXY d)) lopts ls -- | rect example -- -- ![rect example](other/rect.svg) rectExample :: ChartSvg rectExample = mempty & #hudOptions .~ (defaultHudOptions & #hudAxes .~ [defaultAxisOptions]) & #chartList .~ zipWith Chart (RectA <$> ropts) (fmap RectXY <$> rss) rss :: [[Rect Double]] rss = [ gridR (\x -> exp (-(x ** 2) / 2)) (Range -5 5) 50, gridR (\x -> 0.5 * exp (-(x ** 2) / 8)) (Range -5 5) 50 ] ropts :: [RectStyle] ropts = [ blob (palette1 1), blob (palette1 2) ] -- | line example -- -- Example in cabal file -- -- This 'lineExample' provides a bit more detail for testing huds. -- -- Simplified example: -- -- >>> :set -XOverloadedLabels -- >>> import Chart -- >>> let xs = fmap (fmap (uncurry Point)) [[(0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0), (2.0, 5.0)], [(0.0, 0.0), (3.2, 3.0)], [(0.5, 4.0), (0.5, 0)]] :: [[Point Double]] -- >>> xs -- [[Point 0.0 1.0,Point 1.0 1.0,Point 2.0 5.0],[Point 0.0 0.0,Point 3.2 3.0],[Point 0.5 4.0,Point 0.5 0.0]] -- -- >>> let anns = zipWith (\w c -> LineA (defaultLineStyle & #width .~ w & #color .~ c)) [0.015, 0.03, 0.01] palette1_ -- >>> anns -- [LineA (LineStyle {width = 1.5e-2, color = Colour 0.69 0.35 0.16 1.00, linecap = Nothing, linejoin = Nothing, dasharray = Nothing, dashoffset = Nothing}),LineA (LineStyle {width = 3.0e-2, color = Colour 0.65 0.81 0.89 1.00, linecap = Nothing, linejoin = Nothing, dasharray = Nothing, dashoffset = Nothing}),LineA (LineStyle {width = 1.0e-2, color = Colour 0.12 0.47 0.71 1.00, linecap = Nothing, linejoin = Nothing, dasharray = Nothing, dashoffset = Nothing})] -- -- >>> let lineExample = mempty & (#chartList .~ zipWith Chart anns (fmap (fmap PointXY) xs)) & #hudOptions .~ defaultHudOptions & #svgOptions .~ defaultSvgOptions :: ChartSvg -- >>> :t lineExample -- lineExample :: ChartSvg -- -- > writeChartSvg "other/line.svg" lineExample -- -- ![line example](other/line.svg) lineExample :: ChartSvg lineExample = mempty & #svgOptions . #chartAspect .~ CanvasAspect 1.5 & #hudOptions .~ exampleLineHudOptions "Line Chart" (Just "An example from chart-svg") (Just (defaultLegendOptions, zip (LineA <$> lopts) ["hockey", "line", "vertical"])) & #chartList .~ zipWith (\s d -> Chart (LineA s) (fmap PointXY d)) lopts ls ls :: [[Point Double]] ls = fmap (uncurry Point) <$> [ [(0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0), (2.0, 5.0)], [(0.0, 0.0), (2.8, 3.0)], [(0.5, 4.0), (0.5, 0)] ] lopts :: [LineStyle] lopts = [ defaultLineStyle & #color .~ palette1 0 & #width .~ 0.015, defaultLineStyle & #color .~ palette1 1 & #width .~ 0.03, defaultLineStyle & #color .~ palette1 2 & #width .~ 0.01 ] exampleLineHudOptions :: Text -> Maybe Text -> Maybe (LegendOptions, [(Annotation, Text)]) -> HudOptions exampleLineHudOptions t1 t2 legends' = defaultHudOptions & #hudTitles .~ ( [ defaultTitle t1 & #style . #size .~ 0.08 ] <> foldMap ( \x -> [ defaultTitle x & #style . #size .~ 0.05 & #place .~ PlaceBottom & #anchor .~ AnchorEnd ] ) t2 ) & #hudLegend .~ legends' & #hudAxes %~ fmap (#axisTick . #tstyle .~ TickRound (FormatFixed (Just 1)) 8 TickExtend) -- | text example -- -- ![text example](other/text.svg) textExample :: ChartSvg textExample = mempty & #chartList .~ zipWith Chart (TextA (defaultTextStyle & (#color .~ dark) & (#size .~ (0.05 :: Double))) . (: []) . fst <$> ts) ((: []) . PointXY . snd <$> ts) where ts :: [(Text, Point Double)] ts = zip (fmap Text.singleton ['a' .. 'y']) [Point (sin (x * 0.1)) x | x <- [0 .. 25]] -- | glyphs example -- -- ![glyphs example](other/glyphs.svg) glyphsExample :: ChartSvg glyphsExample = mempty & #svgOptions . #svgHeight .~ 50 & #chartList .~ zipWith ( \(sh, bs) p -> Chart ( GlyphA ( defaultGlyphStyle & #size .~ (0.1 :: Double) & #borderSize .~ bs & #shape .~ sh ) ) [p] ) [ (CircleGlyph, 0.01 :: Double), (SquareGlyph, 0.01), (RectSharpGlyph 0.75, 0.01), (RectRoundedGlyph 0.75 0.01 0.01, 0.01), (EllipseGlyph 0.75, 0), (VLineGlyph 0.005, 0.01), (HLineGlyph 0.005, 0.01), (TriangleGlyph (Point 0.0 0.0) (Point 1 1) (Point 1 0), 0.01), (PathGlyph "M0.05,-0.03660254037844387 A0.1 0.1 0.0 0 1 0.0,0.05 0.1 0.1 0.0 0 1 -0.05,-0.03660254037844387 0.1 0.1 0.0 0 1 0.05,-0.03660254037844387 Z", 0.01) ] [P x 0 | x <- [0 .. (8 :: Double)]] -- | Example data for Bar chart barDataExample :: BarData barDataExample = BarData [[1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 0, -2, 11, 2, 1], [1 .. 10]] (Just (("row " <>) . pack . show <$> ([1 .. 11] :: [Int]))) (Just (("column " <>) . pack . show <$> ([1 .. 2] :: [Int]))) -- | Bar chart example. -- -- ![bar example](other/bar.svg) barExample :: ChartSvg barExample = barChart defaultBarOptions barDataExample -- | A reminder that Text scale is at representation level, and so doesn't scale compared with other chart elements, such as a rectangle. -- -- ![text local example](other/textlocal.svg) textLocalExample :: ChartSvg textLocalExample = mempty & #chartList .~ [ t1, t2, Chart (RectA rs) [RectXY (padBox $ styleBox t1)], Chart (RectA rs) [RectXY (padBox $ styleBox t2)] ] where rs = defaultRectStyle & #color %~ setOpac 0.1 t1 = Chart ( TextA (defaultTextStyle & #anchor .~ AnchorStart & #hsize .~ 0.5 & #size .~ 0.08) ["a pretty long piece of text"] ) [zero] t2 = Chart ( TextA (defaultTextStyle & #anchor .~ AnchorStart & #hsize .~ 0.5 & #size .~ 0.08) ["another pretty long piece of text"] ) [P 1 1] -- | compound chart gopts3 :: [GlyphStyle] gopts3 = zipWith ( \x y -> (#color .~ x) . (#borderColor .~ x) . (#borderSize .~ 0.005) . (#shape .~ y) . (#size .~ 0.08) $ defaultGlyphStyle ) palette1_ [EllipseGlyph 1.5, SquareGlyph, CircleGlyph] -- | Glyph + Lines -- -- ![glines example](other/glines.svg) glinesExample :: ChartSvg glinesExample = mempty & #chartList .~ (cs <> gs) where cs = zipWith (\d s -> Chart (LineA s) (PointXY <$> d)) ls lopts gs = zipWith (\d s -> Chart (GlyphA s) (PointXY <$> d)) ls gopts3 lgdata :: [(Text, Point Double)] lgdata = (\p@(Point x y) -> (pack (show x <> "," <> show y), fromIntegral <$> p)) <$> (Point <$> [0 .. 5] <*> [0 .. 5] :: [Point Int]) -- | Labelled Glyphs -- -- ![lglyph example](other/lglyph.svg) lglyphExample :: ChartSvg lglyphExample = mempty & #chartList .~ (txt <> gly) where txt = ( \(t, p) -> Chart ( TextA ( defaultTextStyle & #color %~ setOpac 0.2 ) [t] ) (PointXY <$> [p + Point 0 0.2]) ) <$> lgdata gly = ( \d -> Chart ( GlyphA ( defaultGlyphStyle & #size .~ 0.01 & #borderSize .~ 0 & #color .~ palette1 2 ) ) (PointXY <$> [d]) ) <$> (snd <$> lgdata) -- | mappend of lglyph and glines examples -- -- ![compound example](other/compound.svg) compoundExample :: ChartSvg compoundExample = lglyphExample <> glinesExample -- | label example. -- -- ![label example](other/label.svg) labelExample :: ChartSvg labelExample = mempty & #chartList .~ [Chart (TextA (defaultTextStyle & #rotation ?~ -pi / 4) ["text at (1,1) rotated by -(pi/4) radians"]) [PointXY (Point 1.0 1.0)]] -- | legend test -- -- ![legend example](other/legend.svg) legendExample :: ChartSvg legendExample = mempty & #hudOptions .~ ( defaultHudOptions & #hudLegend ?~ ( defaultLegendOptions & #lscale .~ 0.3 & #lplace .~ PlaceAbsolute (Point 0.0 0.0) & #lsize .~ 0.12 & #ltext . #size .~ 0.16, l1 ) ) where l1 = [ (GlyphA defaultGlyphStyle, "glyph"), (RectA defaultRectStyle, "rect"), (TextA (defaultTextStyle & #anchor .~ AnchorStart) ["content"], "text"), (LineA defaultLineStyle, "line"), (GlyphA defaultGlyphStyle, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), (BlankA, "blank") ] -- | wave example -- -- ![wave example](other/wave.svg) waveExample :: ChartSvg waveExample = mempty & #chartList .~ [Chart (GlyphA defaultGlyphStyle) (PointXY <$> gridP sin (Range 0 (2 * pi)) 30)] -- | venn diagram -- -- ![venn diagram](other/venn.svg) vennExample :: ChartSvg vennExample = mempty & #chartList .~ zipWith (\c x -> Chart (PathA (defaultPathStyle & #color .~ setOpac 0.2 c) (fst <$> x)) (PointXY . snd <$> x)) palette1_ (toPathXYs . parsePath <$> vennSegs) & #svgOptions .~ (defaultSvgOptions & #chartAspect .~ FixedAspect 1) & #hudOptions .~ defaultHudOptions {- These were originally based on: [ ("origin", Point 0 0), -- origin ("circle1", Point 0.5 (-0.5 + cos (pi / 6))), -- center of circle 1 ("circle2", Point 0 -0.5), -- center of circle 2 ("circle3", Point -0.5 (-0.5 + cos (pi / 6))), -- center of circle 3 ("corner1", Point 0 (-0.5 + 2 * cos (pi / 6))), -- corner 1 ("corner2", Point 1 -0.5), -- corner 2 ("corner3", Point -1 -0.5) -- corner 3 ] -} vennSegs :: [Text] vennSegs = [ "M0.0,-1.2320508075688774 A0.5 0.5 0.0 1 1 1.0,0.5 1.0 1.0 0.0 0 0 0.5,-0.3660254037844387 1.0 1.0 0.0 0 0 0.0,-1.2320508075688774 Z", "M-1.0,0.5 A0.5 0.5 0.0 1 0 1.0,0.5 1.0 1.0 0.0 0 1 0.0,0.5 1.0 1.0 0.0 0 1 -1.0,0.5 Z", "M-1.0,0.5 A0.5 0.5 0.0 1 1 0.0,-1.2320508075688774 1.0 1.0 0.0 0 0 -0.5,-0.3660254037844387 1.0 1.0 0.0 0 0 -1.0,0.5 Z", "M0.5,-0.3660254037844387 A1.0 1.0 0.0 0 1 1.0,0.5 1.0 1.0 0.0 0 1 0.0,0.5 1.0 1.0 0.0 0 0 0.5,-0.3660254037844387 Z", "M0.0,0.5 A1.0 1.0 0.0 0 1 -1.0,0.5 1.0 1.0 0.0 0 1 -0.5,-0.3660254037844387 1.0 1.0 0.0 0 0 0.0,0.5 Z", "M0.0,-1.2320508075688774 A1.0 1.0 0.0 0 1 0.5,-0.3660254037844387 1.0 1.0 0.0 0 0 -0.5,-0.3660254037844387 1.0 1.0 0.0 0 1 0.0,-1.2320508075688774 Z", "M0.5,-0.3660254037844387 A1.0 1.0 0.0 0 1 0.0,0.5 1.0 1.0 0.0 0 1 -0.5,-0.3660254037844387 1.0 1.0 0.0 0 1 0.5,-0.3660254037844387 Z" ] -- | Compound path example. -- -- ![path test](other/path.svg) pathExample :: ChartSvg pathExample = mempty & #chartList .~ [path', c0] & #hudOptions .~ defaultHudOptions & #svgOptions %~ ( (#outerPad ?~ 0.1) . (#chartAspect .~ ChartAspect) ) where ps = [ (StartI, Point 0 0), (LineI, Point 1 0), (CubicI (Point 0.2 0) (Point 0.25 1), Point 1 1), (QuadI (Point -1 2), Point 0 1), (ArcI (ArcInfo (Point 1 1) (-pi / 6) False False), Point 0 0) ] path' = Chart (PathA (defaultPathStyle & #color .~ setOpac 0.1 (palette1 2) & #borderColor .~ Colour 0.2 0.8 0.4 0.3) (fst <$> ps)) (PointXY . snd <$> ps) c0 = Chart (GlyphA defaultGlyphStyle) (PointXY . snd <$> ps) -- | ellipse example -- -- (ArcPosition (Point 1 0) (Point 0 1) (ArcInfo (Point 1.5 1) 0 True True)) -- -- ![ellipse example](other/ellipse.svg) ellipseExample :: ChartSvg ellipseExample = mempty & #chartList .~ [ell, ellFull, c0, bbox, xradii, yradii] & #hudOptions .~ defaultHudOptions & #svgOptions %~ ((#outerPad .~ Nothing) . (#chartAspect .~ UnadjustedAspect)) where p@(ArcPosition p1 p2 _) = ArcPosition (Point 1 0) (Point 0 1) (ArcInfo (Point 1.5 1) (pi / 3) True True) (ArcCentroid c r phi' ang0 angd) = arcCentroid p ellFull = Chart (LineA $ defaultLineStyle & #width .~ 0.002 & #color .~ palette1 1) (PointXY . ellipse c r phi' . (\x -> 2 * pi * x / 100.0) <$> [0 .. 100]) ell = Chart (LineA $ defaultLineStyle & #width .~ 0.002 & #color .~ palette1 1) (PointXY . ellipse c r phi' . (\x -> ang0 + angd * x / 100.0) <$> [0 .. 100]) c0 = Chart (GlyphA defaultGlyphStyle) (PointXY <$> [c, p1, p2]) bbox = Chart (RectA $ defaultRectStyle & #borderSize .~ 0.002 & #color .~ Colour 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.1 & #borderColor .~ Colour 0.5 0.5 0.5 1) [RectXY (arcBox p)] xradii = Chart (LineA $ defaultLineStyle & #color .~ Colour 0.9 0.2 0.02 1 & #width .~ 0.005 & #dasharray .~ Just [0.03, 0.01] & #linecap .~ Just LineCapRound) (PointXY <$> [ellipse c r phi' 0, ellipse c r phi' pi]) yradii = Chart (LineA $ defaultLineStyle & #color .~ Colour 0.9 0.9 0.02 1 & #width .~ 0.005 & #dasharray .~ Just [0.03, 0.01] & #linecap .~ Just LineCapRound) (PointXY <$> [ellipse c r phi' (pi / 2), ellipse c r phi' (3 / 2 * pi)]) -- | arc example -- -- ![arc example](other/arc.svg) arcExample :: ChartSvg arcExample = mempty & #chartList .~ [arc, ell, c0, bbox] & #hudOptions .~ defaultHudOptions & #svgOptions %~ ((#outerPad .~ Nothing) . (#chartAspect .~ FixedAspect 1)) where p1 = ArcPosition (Point 1.0 0.0) (Point 0.0 1.0) (ArcInfo (Point 1.0 0.5) 0 False True) ps = singletonArc p1 (ArcCentroid c r phi' ang0 angd) = arcCentroid p1 arc = Chart (PathA (defaultPathStyle & #color .~ setOpac 0.1 (palette1 2) & #borderColor .~ transparent) (fst <$> ps)) (PointXY . snd <$> ps) ell = Chart (LineA $ defaultLineStyle & #width .~ 0.002 & #color .~ palette1 1) (PointXY . ellipse c r phi' . (\x -> ang0 + angd * x / 100.0) <$> [0 .. 100]) c0 = Chart (GlyphA defaultGlyphStyle) [PointXY c] bbox = Chart (RectA $ defaultRectStyle & #borderSize .~ 0.002 & #color .~ Colour 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.1 & #borderColor .~ Colour 0.5 0.5 0.5 1) [RectXY (arcBox p1)] -- | Reproduction of the flag explanation chart in -- -- ![arc flags example](other/arcflags.svg) arcFlagsExample :: ChartSvg arcFlagsExample = mempty & #chartList .~ vert 0.02 [ hori 0.02 [ [ Chart BlankA [R -0.4 0.4 -1 5], Chart (TextA (defaultTextStyle & #size .~ 0.6 & #rotation .~ Just (pi / 2)) ["Sweep"]) [P 0.1 2] ], vert 0.02 [ [ Chart BlankA [R -0.25 0.25 -1 2], Chart (TextA (defaultTextStyle & #size .~ 0.4 & #rotation .~ Just (pi / 2)) ["True"]) [P 0.1 0.5] ], [ Chart BlankA [R -0.25 0.25 -1 2], Chart (TextA (defaultTextStyle & #size .~ 0.4 & #rotation .~ Just (pi / 2)) ["False"]) [P 0.1 0.5] ] ], vert 0.02 [ checkFlags False True (setOpac 0.3 dark) & view #chartList, checkFlags False False (setOpac 0.3 dark) & view #chartList, [ Chart BlankA [R -1 2 -0.25 0.25], Chart (TextA (defaultTextStyle & #size .~ 0.4) ["False"]) [P 0.5 -0.1] ] ], vert 0.02 [ checkFlags True True (setOpac 0.3 dark) & view #chartList, checkFlags True False (setOpac 0.3 dark) & view #chartList, [ Chart BlankA [R -1 2 -0.25 0.25], Chart (TextA (defaultTextStyle & #size .~ 0.4) ["True"]) [P 0.5 -0.1] ] ] ], [ Chart BlankA [R 0 9 -2.75 -3.25], Chart (TextA (defaultTextStyle & #size .~ 0.6) ["Large"]) [P 5.5 -3.0] ] ] & #hudOptions .~ mempty & #svgOptions %~ ((#outerPad .~ Nothing) . (#chartAspect .~ UnadjustedAspect)) checkFlags :: Bool -> Bool -> Colour -> ChartSvg checkFlags large sweep co = mempty & #hudOptions .~ defaultHudOptions & #svgOptions . #chartAspect .~ UnadjustedAspect & #chartList .~ [c1, c2, ell, arc1] where c = Point 1.0 1.0 p1 = ArcPosition (Point 0.0 1.0) (Point 1.0 0.0) (ArcInfo (Point 1.0 1.0) 0 large sweep) ps1 = singletonPie' c p1 (ArcCentroid c' r phi' ang0 angd) = arcCentroid p1 arc1 = Chart (PathA (defaultPathStyle & #color .~ co & #borderColor .~ setOpac 0.5 dark) (fst <$> ps1)) (PointXY . snd <$> ps1) c1 = Chart (LineA $ defaultLineStyle & #width .~ 0.02 & #color .~ setOpac 0.2 dark) (PointXY . ellipse (Point 1.0 1.0) (Point 1.0 1.0) 0 . (\x -> 0 + 2 * pi * x / 100.0) <$> [0 .. 100]) c2 = Chart (LineA $ defaultLineStyle & #width .~ 0.02 & #color .~ setOpac 0.2 dark) (PointXY . ellipse (Point 0.0 0.0) (Point 1.0 1.0) 0 . (\x -> 0 + 2 * pi * x / 100.0) <$> [0 .. 100]) ell = Chart (LineA $ defaultLineStyle & #width .~ 0.05 & #color .~ setOpac 0.5 co) (PointXY . ellipse c' r phi' . (\x -> ang0 + angd * x / 100.0) <$> [0 .. 100]) -- | quad example -- -- ![quad example](other/quad.svg) quadExample :: ChartSvg quadExample = mempty & #chartList .~ [path', curve, c0, bbox] & #hudOptions .~ defaultHudOptions & #svgOptions %~ ((#outerPad ?~ 0.05) . (#chartAspect .~ ChartAspect)) where p@(QuadPosition start end control) = QuadPosition (Point 0 0) (Point 1 1) (Point 2 -1) ps = singletonQuad p path' = Chart (PathA (defaultPathStyle & #color .~ setOpac 0.1 (palette1 2) & #borderColor .~ transparent) (fst <$> ps)) (PointXY . snd <$> ps) curve = Chart (LineA $ defaultLineStyle & #width .~ 0.002 & #color .~ palette1 1) (PointXY . quadBezier p . (/ 100.0) <$> [0 .. 100]) c0 = Chart (GlyphA defaultGlyphStyle) (PointXY <$> [start, end, control]) bbox = Chart (RectA $ defaultRectStyle & #borderSize .~ 0.002 & #color .~ Colour 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.1 & #borderColor .~ Colour 0.5 0.5 0.5 1) [RectXY (quadBox p)] -- | cubic example -- -- ![cubic example](other/cubic.svg) cubicExample :: ChartSvg cubicExample = mempty & #chartList .~ [path', curve, c0, bbox] & #hudOptions .~ mempty & #svgOptions %~ ((#outerPad ?~ 0.02) . (#chartAspect .~ ChartAspect)) where p@(CubicPosition start end control1 control2) = CubicPosition (Point 0 0) (Point 1 1) (Point 1 0) (Point 0 1) ps = singletonCubic p path' = Chart (PathA (defaultPathStyle & #color .~ setOpac 0.1 (palette1 2) & #borderColor .~ transparent) (fst <$> ps)) (PointXY . snd <$> ps) curve = Chart (LineA $ defaultLineStyle & #width .~ 0.002 & #color .~ palette1 1) (PointXY . cubicBezier p . (/ 100.0) <$> [0 .. 100]) c0 = Chart (GlyphA defaultGlyphStyle) (PointXY <$> [start, end, control1, control2, cubicBezier p 0.8]) bbox = Chart (RectA $ defaultRectStyle & #borderSize .~ 0.002 & #color .~ Colour 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.1 & #borderColor .~ Colour 0.5 0.5 0.5 1) [RectXY (cubicBox p)] -- | The common way to create a surface chart is usually a grid over a function. -- -- ![surface example](other/surface.svg) surfaceExample :: ChartSvg surfaceExample = mempty & #hudList .~ hs & #chartList .~ cs & #svgOptions .~ (defaultSvgOptions & #cssOptions .~ UseCssCrisp) where t = "rosenbrock" grain = Point 20 20 r = one f = fst . bimap (-1.0 *) (-1.0 .*) . rosenbrock 1 10 (cs, hs) = surfacefl f ( defaultSurfaceOptions & #soGrain .~ grain & #soRange .~ r & #soStyle . #surfaceColors .~ (palette1 <$> [0 .. 5]) ) ( defaultSurfaceLegendOptions t & #sloStyle . #surfaceColors .~ (palette1 <$> [0 .. 5]) ) -- | arrow example -- -- Which happens to be the gradient of the surface example. -- -- ![arrow example](other/arrow.svg) arrowExample :: ChartSvg arrowExample = mempty & #hudOptions .~ (defaultHudOptions & #hudAxes %~ fmap (#axisTick . #ltick .~ Nothing)) & #chartList .~ ((\p -> chart (tail . f $ p) (angle . f $ p) p) <$> ps) & #svgOptions .~ defaultSvgOptions where f = snd . bimap (-1.0 *) (-1.0 .*) . rosenbrock 1 10 ps = grid MidPos (one :: Rect Double) (Point 10 10 :: Point Int) :: [Point Double] arrow = PathGlyph "M -1 0 L 1 0 M 1 0 L 0.4 0.3 M 1 0 L 0.4 -0.3" gs s r' = defaultGlyphStyle & #borderSize .~ 0.05 & #size .~ s & #borderColor .~ dark & #rotation .~ Just r' & #shape .~ arrow chart s r' p = Chart (GlyphA (gs s r')) [PointXY p] tail :: Point Double -> Double tail = max 0.05 . min 0.02 . (* 0.01) . (/ avmag) . norm avmag = sum (norm . f <$> ps) / fromIntegral (length ps) -- | function for testing -- -- > f(x,y) = (a-x)^2 + b * (y - x^2)^2 -- > = a^2 - 2ax + x^2 + b * y^2 - b * 2 * y * x^2 + b * x ^ 4 -- > f'x = -2a + 2 * x - b * 4 * y * x + 4 * b * x ^ 3 -- > f'y = 2 * b * y - 2 * b * x^2 -- > f a b (Point x y) = (a^2 - 2ax + x^2 + b * y^2 - b * 2 * y * x^2 + b * x^4, Point (-2a + 2 * x - b * 4 * y * x + 4 * b * x ^ 3), 2 * b * y - 2 * b * x^2) rosenbrock :: Double -> Double -> Point Double -> (Double, Point Double) rosenbrock a b (Point x y) = (a ^ 2 - 2 * a * x + x ^ 2 + b * y ^ 2 - b * 2 * y * x ^ 2 + b * x ^ 4, Point (-2 * a + 2 * x - b * 4 * y * x + 4 * b * x ^ 3) (2 * b * y - 2 * b * x ^ 2)) -- | Run this to refresh haddock example SVGs. writeAllExamples :: IO () writeAllExamples = do -- charts in Chart docs writeChartSvg "other/unit.svg" unitExample writeChartSvg "other/rect.svg" rectExample writeChartSvg "other/text.svg" textExample writeChartSvg "other/glyphs.svg" glyphsExample writeChartSvg "other/line.svg" lineExample writeChartSvg "other/svgoptions.svg" svgOptionsExample writeChartSvg "other/hudoptions.svg" hudOptionsExample writeChartSvg "other/legend.svg" legendExample -- charts in Chart.Bar docs writeChartSvg "other/bar.svg" barExample -- charts in Chart.Surface docs writeChartSvg "other/surface.svg" surfaceExample -- extra Charts writeChartSvg "other/wave.svg" waveExample writeChartSvg "other/lglyph.svg" lglyphExample writeChartSvg "other/glines.svg" glinesExample writeChartSvg "other/compound.svg" compoundExample writeChartSvg "other/textlocal.svg" textLocalExample writeChartSvg "other/label.svg" labelExample writeChartSvg "other/venn.svg" vennExample writeChartSvg "other/path.svg" pathExample writeChartSvg "other/arc.svg" arcExample writeChartSvg "other/arcflags.svg" arcFlagsExample writeChartSvg "other/ellipse.svg" ellipseExample writeChartSvg "other/quad.svg" quadExample writeChartSvg "other/cubic.svg" cubicExample writeChartSvg "other/arrow.svg" arrowExample putStrLn "ok"