{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} -- | bar charts module Chart.Bar ( BarOptions (..), defaultBarOptions, BarData (..), barDataLowerUpper, barRange, bars, barChart, ) where import Chart.Types import Control.Lens import Data.Colour import Data.FormatN import Data.Generics.Labels () import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty import NumHask.Prelude import NumHask.Space -- $setup -- -- >>> :set -XOverloadedLabels -- >>> :set -XNoImplicitPrelude -- >>> -- import NumHask.Prelude -- >>> import Control.Lens -- | the usual bar chart eye-candy -- -- ![bar chart example](other/bar.svg) data BarOptions = BarOptions { barRectStyles :: [RectStyle], barTextStyles :: [TextStyle], outerGap :: Double, innerGap :: Double, textGap :: Double, textGapNegative :: Double, displayValues :: Bool, valueFormatN :: FormatN, accumulateValues :: Bool, barOrientation :: Direction, barHudOptions :: HudOptions } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) -- | The official bar options. defaultBarOptions :: BarOptions defaultBarOptions = BarOptions gs ts 0.1 0 0.04 0.1 True (FormatComma (Just 2)) False Hori ( defaultHudOptions & #hudAxes .~ [ defaultAxisOptions & #atick . #ltick .~ Nothing, defaultAxisOptions & #place .~ PlaceLeft ] & #hudTitles .~ [] & #hudLegend .~ Just ( defaultLegendOptions & #lplace .~ PlaceRight & #lsize .~ 0.12 & #vgap .~ 0.4 & #hgap .~ 0.14 & #ltext . #size .~ 0.12 & #lscale .~ 0.4, [] ) ) where gs = (\x -> RectStyle 0.002 x x) <$> palette1 ts = (\x -> defaultTextStyle & #color .~ x & #size .~ 0.04) <$> palette1 -- | imagine a dataframe you get in other languages: -- -- - definietly some [[Double]] -- -- - maybe some row names -- -- - maybe some column names data BarData = BarData { barData :: [[Double]], barRowLabels :: Maybe [Text], barColumnLabels :: Maybe [Text] } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) -- | Convert BarData to rectangles -- -- >>> barRects defaultBarOptions [[1,2],[2,3]] -- [[Rect 5.0e-2 0.45 0.0 1.0,Rect 1.05 1.4500000000000002 0.0 2.0],[Rect 0.45 0.8500000000000001 0.0 2.0,Rect 1.4500000000000002 1.85 0.0 3.0]] -- -- FIXME: slows! barRects :: BarOptions -> [[Double]] -> [[Rect Double]] barRects (BarOptions _ _ ogap igap _ _ _ _ add orient _) bs = rects'' orient where bs' = bool bs (appendZero bs) add rects'' Hori = rects' rects'' Vert = fmap (\(Rect x z y w) -> Rect y w x z) <$> rects' rects' = zipWith batSet [0 ..] (barDataLowerUpper add bs') batSet z ys = zipWith ( \x (yl, yh) -> abs ( Rect (x + (ogap / 2) + z * bstep) (x + (ogap / 2) + z * bstep + bstep - igap') yl yh ) ) [0 ..] ys n = fromIntegral (length bs') bstep = (1 - (1 + 1) * ogap + (n - 1) * igap') / n igap' = igap * (1 - (1 + 1) * ogap) -- | convert data to a range assuming a zero bound -- a very common but implicit assumption in a lot of bar charts -- -- >>> barDataLowerUpper False [[1,2],[2,3]] -- [[(0.0,1.0),(0.0,2.0)],[(0.0,2.0),(0.0,3.0)]] barDataLowerUpper :: Bool -> [[Double]] -> [[(Double, Double)]] barDataLowerUpper add bs = case add of False -> fmap (0,) <$> bs True -> fmap (0,) <$> accRows bs -- | calculate the Rect range of a bar data set. -- -- >>> barRange [[1,2],[2,3]] -- Rect 0.0 2.0 0.0 3.0 barRange :: [[Double]] -> Rect Double barRange [] = Rect 0 0 0 0 barRange ys'@(y : ys) = Rect 0 (fromIntegral $ maximum (length <$> ys')) (min 0 l) u where (Range l u) = sconcat $ space1 <$> (y NonEmpty.:| ys) -- | A bar chart without hud trimmings. -- -- >>> bars defaultBarOptions (BarData [[1,2],[2,3]] Nothing Nothing) -- [Chart {annotation = RectA (RectStyle {borderSize = 2.0e-3, borderColor = RGBA 0.65 0.81 0.89 1.00, color = RGBA 0.65 0.81 0.89 1.00}), xys = [RectXY Rect 5.0e-2 0.45 0.0 1.0,RectXY Rect 1.05 1.4500000000000002 0.0 2.0]},Chart {annotation = RectA (RectStyle {borderSize = 2.0e-3, borderColor = RGBA 0.12 0.47 0.71 1.00, color = RGBA 0.12 0.47 0.71 1.00}), xys = [RectXY Rect 0.45 0.8500000000000001 0.0 2.0,RectXY Rect 1.4500000000000002 1.85 0.0 3.0]},Chart {annotation = BlankA, xys = [RectXY Rect -5.0e-2 1.9500000000000002 0.0 3.0]}] bars :: BarOptions -> BarData -> [Chart Double] bars bo bd = zipWith (\o d -> Chart (RectA o) d) (bo ^. #barRectStyles) (fmap RectXY <$> barRects bo (bd ^. #barData)) <> [Chart BlankA [RectXY (Rect (x - (bo ^. #outerGap)) (z + (bo ^. #outerGap)) y w)]] where (Rect x z y w) = fromMaybe one $ foldRect $ catMaybes $ foldRect <$> barRects bo (bd ^. #barData) maxRows :: [[Double]] -> Int maxRows [] = 0 maxRows xs = maximum $ length <$> xs appendZero :: [[Double]] -> [[Double]] appendZero xs = (\x -> take (maxRows xs) (x <> repeat 0)) <$> xs accRows :: [[Double]] -> [[Double]] accRows xs = transpose $ drop 1 . scanl' (+) 0 <$> transpose xs -- | sensible ticks barTicks :: BarData -> TickStyle barTicks bd | bd ^. #barData == [] = TickNone | isNothing (bd ^. #barRowLabels) = TickLabels $ pack . show <$> [0 .. (maxRows (bd ^. #barData) - 1)] | otherwise = TickLabels $ take (maxRows (bd ^. #barData)) $ fromMaybe [] (bd ^. #barRowLabels) <> repeat "" tickFirstAxis :: BarData -> [AxisOptions] -> [AxisOptions] tickFirstAxis _ [] = [] tickFirstAxis bd (x : xs) = (x & #atick . #tstyle .~ barTicks bd) : xs -- | bar legend barLegend :: BarData -> BarOptions -> [(Annotation, Text)] barLegend bd bo | bd ^. #barData == [] = [] | isNothing (bd ^. #barColumnLabels) = [] | otherwise = zip (RectA <$> bo ^. #barRectStyles) $ take (length (bd ^. #barData)) $ fromMaybe [] (bd ^. #barColumnLabels) <> repeat "" -- | A bar chart with hud trimmings. -- -- By convention only, the first axis (if any) is the bar axis. barChart :: BarOptions -> BarData -> (HudOptions, [Chart Double]) barChart bo bd = ( bo ^. #barHudOptions & #hudLegend %~ fmap (second (const (barLegend bd bo))) & #hudAxes %~ tickFirstAxis bd . flipAllAxes (barOrientation bo), bars bo bd <> bool [] (barTextCharts bo bd) (bo ^. #displayValues) ) flipAllAxes :: Direction -> [AxisOptions] -> [AxisOptions] flipAllAxes o = fmap (bool id flipAxis (o == Vert)) barDataTP :: Bool -> FormatN -> Double -> Double -> [[Double]] -> [[(Text, Double)]] barDataTP add fn d negd bs = zipWith (zipWith (\x y' -> (formatN fn x, drop' y'))) bs' (bool bs' (accRows bs') add) where drop' x = bool (x - (negd * (w - y))) (x + (d * (w - y))) (x >= 0) bs' = appendZero bs (Rect _ _ y w) = barRange bs' -- | Convert BarData to text barTexts :: BarOptions -> [[Double]] -> [[(Text, Point Double)]] barTexts (BarOptions _ _ ogap igap tgap tgapneg _ fn add orient _) bs = zipWith zip (fmap fst <$> barDataTP add fn tgap tgapneg bs') (txs'' orient) where bs' = bool bs (appendZero bs) add txs'' Hori = txs' txs'' Vert = fmap (\(Point x y) -> Point y x) <$> txs' txs' = zipWith addX [0 ..] (fmap snd <$> barDataTP add fn tgap tgapneg bs') addX z y = zipWith ( \x y' -> Point (x + (ogap / 2) + z * bstep + bstep / 2 - igap' / 2) y' ) [0 ..] y n = fromIntegral (length bs') bstep = (1 - (1 + 1) * ogap + (n - 1) * igap') / n igap' = igap * (1 - (1 + 1) * ogap) -- | text, hold the bars barTextCharts :: BarOptions -> BarData -> [Chart Double] barTextCharts bo bd = zipWith (\o d -> Chart (TextA o (fst <$> d)) (PointXY . snd <$> d)) (bo ^. #barTextStyles) (barTexts bo (bd ^. #barData))