{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-} module Chart.Page ( repChartStaticData, repAnnotation, repRectStyle, repTextStyle, repGlyphStyle, repLineStyle, repPlace, repAnchor, repBar, repAdjustments, repTitle, repHudOptions, repAxisOptions, repSvgOptions, repData, repFormatN, repTickStyle, repTick, repPoint, repPointI, repRect, repRectOne, repRounded, repTriple, repGlyphShape, repLegendOptions, repChartsWithSharedData, repChartsWithStaticData, debugHtml, debugFlags, repHudOptionsDefault, repBarOptions, repBarData, repBarChart, repPixelOptions, repPixelLegendOptions, repPixelChart, repNoData, ) where import Chart.Bar import Chart.Pixel import Chart.Render (renderHudOptionsChart) import Chart.Types import Control.Lens import Data.Attoparsec.Text import qualified Data.Text as Text import Lucid import NumHask.Prelude import NumHask.Space import Text.Pretty.Simple (pShowNoColor) import Web.Rep pShow' :: (Show a) => a -> Text pShow' = toStrict . pShowNoColor repChartStaticData :: (Monad m) => Chart a -> SharedRep m (Chart a) repChartStaticData c = do ann <- repAnnotation (c ^. #annotation) pure $ Chart ann (c ^. #spots) repAnnotation :: (Monad m) => Annotation -> SharedRep m Annotation repAnnotation initann = bimap hmap mmap rann <<*>> rs <<*>> ts <<*>> gs <<*>> ls <<*>> ps where rann = dropdownSum takeText id (Just "Chart Annotation") ["RectA", "TextA", "GlyphA", "LineA", "BlankA", "PixelA"] (annotationText initann) rs = repRectStyle defRectStyle ts = repTextStyle defText gs = repGlyphStyle defGlyph ls = repLineStyle defLine ps = repPixelStyle defPixel hmap ann rs ts gs ls ps = ann <> subtype rs (annotationText initann) "RectA" <> subtype ts (annotationText initann) "TextA" <> subtype gs (annotationText initann) "GlyphA" <> subtype ls (annotationText initann) "LineA" <> subtype ps (annotationText initann) "PixelA" mmap ann rs ts gs ls ps = case ann of "RectA" -> RectA rs "TextA" -> TextA ts texts "GlyphA" -> GlyphA gs "LineA" -> LineA ls "BlankA" -> BlankA "PixelA" -> PixelA ps _ -> BlankA defRectStyle = case initann of RectA s -> s _ -> defaultRectStyle defPixel = case initann of PixelA s -> s _ -> defaultPixelStyle (defText, texts) = case initann of TextA s xs -> (s, xs) _ -> (defaultTextStyle, Text.singleton <$> ['a' .. 'z']) defGlyph = case initann of GlyphA s -> s _ -> defaultGlyphStyle defLine = case initann of LineA s -> s _ -> defaultLineStyle repRectStyle :: (Monad m) => RectStyle -> SharedRep m RectStyle repRectStyle s = do bs <- slider (Just "border size") 0.0 0.1 0.001 (s ^. #borderSize) bc <- colorPicker (Just "border color") (hex $ s ^. #borderColor) bo <- slider (Just "border opacity") 0 1 0.1 (opac $ s ^. #borderColor) c <- colorPicker (Just "color") (hex $ s ^. #color) o <- slider (Just "opacity") 0 1 0.1 (opac $ s ^. #color) pure $ RectStyle bs (fromRGB (unsafeFromHex bc) bo) (fromRGB (unsafeFromHex c) o) repPixelStyle :: (Monad m) => PixelStyle -> SharedRep m PixelStyle repPixelStyle cfg = bimap hmap mmap (unsafeFromHex <$> pcmin) <<*>> pomin <<*>> (unsafeFromHex <$> pcmax) <<*>> pomax <<*>> pd <<*>> prs <<*>> pt where pcmax = colorPicker (Just "high color") (toHex $ cfg ^. #pixelColorMax) pcmin = colorPicker (Just "low color") (toHex $ cfg ^. #pixelColorMin) pomax = slider (Just "high opacity") 0.0 1.0 0.001 (opac $ cfg ^. #pixelColorMax) pomin = slider (Just "low opacity") 0.0 1.0 0.001 (opac $ cfg ^. #pixelColorMin) pd = slider (Just "gradient direction") 0.0 (2 * pi) 0.001 (cfg ^. #pixelGradient) prs = repRectStyle (cfg ^. #pixelRectStyle) pt = textbox (Just "texture id") (cfg ^. #pixelTextureId) hmap pcmin' pomin' pcmax' pomax' pd' prs' pt' = pcmin' <> pomin' <> pcmax' <> pomax' <> pd' <> prs' <> pt' mmap pcmin' pomin' pcmax' pomax' pd' prs' pt' = PixelStyle (fromRGB pcmin' pomin') (fromRGB pcmax' pomax') pd' prs' pt' repGlyphStyle :: (Monad m) => GlyphStyle -> SharedRep m GlyphStyle repGlyphStyle gs = first (\x -> cardify (mempty, [style_ "width: 10 rem;"]) Nothing (x, [])) $ do sh <- repGlyphShape (gs ^. #shape) sz <- slider (Just "Size") 0 0.2 0.001 (gs ^. #size) gc <- colorPicker (Just "Color") (toHex $ gs ^. #color) go <- slider (Just "Opacity") 0 1 0.1 (opac $ gs ^. #color) bsz <- slider (Just "Border Size") 0 0.02 0.001 (gs ^. #borderSize) gbc <- colorPicker (Just "Border Color") (toHex $ gs ^. #borderColor) gbo <- slider (Just "Border Opacity") 0 1 0.1 (opac $ gs ^. #borderColor) tr <- maybeRep (Just "rotation") (isJust (gs ^. #rotation)) (slider (Just "rotation") (-180) 180 10 (fromMaybe 0 (gs ^. #rotation))) tt <- maybeRep (Just "translate") (isJust (gs ^. #translate)) ( repPoint (Point (Range 0 1) (Range 0 1)) (Point 0.001 0.001) (Point 0 0) ) pure (GlyphStyle sz (fromRGB (unsafeFromHex gc) go) (fromRGB (unsafeFromHex gbc) gbo) bsz sh tr tt) repTextStyle :: (Monad m) => TextStyle -> SharedRep m TextStyle repTextStyle s = do ts <- slider (Just "size") 0.02 0.2 0.01 (s ^. #size) tc <- colorPicker (Just "color") (toHex $ s ^. #color) to' <- slider (Just "opacity") 0 1 0.1 (opac $ s ^. #color) ta <- repAnchor (s ^. #anchor) th <- slider (Just "hsize") 0.2 1 0.05 (s ^. #hsize) tv <- slider (Just "vsize") 0.5 2 0.05 (s ^. #vsize) tn <- slider (Just "nudge1") (-0.5) 0.5 0.05 (s ^. #nudge1) tr <- maybeRep (Just "rotation") (isJust (s ^. #rotation)) (slider (Just "rotation") (-180) 180 10 (fromMaybe 0 (s ^. #rotation))) tt <- maybeRep (Just "translate") (isJust (s ^. #translate)) ( repPoint (Point (Range 0 1) (Range 0 1)) (Point 0.001 0.001) (Point 0 0) ) tm <- checkbox (Just "mathjax") (s ^. #hasMathjax) pure $ TextStyle ts (fromRGB (unsafeFromHex tc) to') ta th tv tn tr tt tm repLineStyle :: (Monad m) => LineStyle -> SharedRep m LineStyle repLineStyle s = do w <- slider (Just "width") 0.000 0.05 0.001 (s ^. #width) c <- colorPicker (Just "color") (toHex $ s ^. #color) o <- slider (Just "opacity") 0 1 0.1 (opac $ s ^. #color) pure $ LineStyle w (fromRGB (unsafeFromHex c) o) repPlace :: (Monad m) => Place -> SharedRep m Place repPlace initpl = bimap hmap mmap rplace <<*>> rp where rplace = dropdownSum takeText id (Just "Placement") [ "Bottom", "Left", "Top", "Right", "Absolute" ] (placeText initpl) rp = repPoint (Point (Range 0 1) (Range 0 1)) (Point 0.01 0.01) (defPoint initpl) defPoint pl = case pl of PlaceAbsolute p -> p _ -> Point 0.0 0.0 hmap rplace rp = div_ ( rplace <> subtype rp (placeText initpl) "Absolute" ) mmap rplace rp = case rplace of "Top" -> PlaceTop "Bottom" -> PlaceBottom "Left" -> PlaceLeft "Right" -> PlaceRight "Absolute" -> PlaceAbsolute rp _ -> PlaceBottom repAnchor :: (Monad m) => Anchor -> SharedRep m Anchor repAnchor a = toAnchor <$> dropdown takeText id (Just "Anchor") (fromAnchor <$> [AnchorStart, AnchorMiddle, AnchorEnd]) (fromAnchor a) repDirection :: (Monad m) => Direction -> SharedRep m Direction repDirection a = toDirection <$> dropdown takeText id (Just "Direction") (fromDirection <$> [Vert, Hori]) (fromDirection a) repBar :: (Monad m) => Bar -> SharedRep m Bar repBar cfg = do r <- repRectStyle (cfg ^. #rstyle) w <- slider (Just "width") 0 0.04 0.001 (cfg ^. #wid) b <- slider (Just "buffer") 0 0.08 0.001 (cfg ^. #buff) pure $ Bar r w b repAdjustments :: (Monad m) => Adjustments -> SharedRep m Adjustments repAdjustments a = do maxx <- slider (Just "maximum x ratio") 0.000 0.2 0.001 (a ^. #maxXRatio) maxy <- slider (Just "maximum y ratio") 0.000 0.2 0.001 (a ^. #maxYRatio) angle <- slider (Just "angle ratio") 0.000 1 0.001 (a ^. #angledRatio) diag <- checkbox (Just "allow diagonal text") (a ^. #allowDiagonal) pure $ Adjustments maxx maxy angle diag repTitle :: (Monad m) => Title -> SharedRep m Title repTitle cfg = do ttext <- textbox (Just "text") (cfg ^. #text) ts <- repTextStyle (cfg ^. #style) tp <- repPlace (cfg ^. #place) ta <- repAnchor (cfg ^. #anchor) b <- slider (Just "buffer") 0 0.2 0.01 (cfg ^. #buff) pure $ Title ttext ts tp ta b repHudOptions :: (Monad m) => Int -> Int -> Int -> AxisOptions -> Title -> LegendOptions -> [(Annotation, Text)] -> Annotation -> Text -> HudOptions -> SharedRep m HudOptions repHudOptions naxes ntitles nlegendRows defaxis deftitle deflegend deflrs defann deflabel cfg = bimap hmap (\a b c d -> HudOptions a b c d) can <<*>> ts <<*>> axs <<*>> l where can = maybeRep (Just "canvas") (isJust (cfg ^. #hudCanvas)) $ repRectStyle (fromMaybe defaultCanvas (cfg ^. #hudCanvas)) ts = listRep (Just "titles") "tz" (checkbox Nothing) repTitle ntitles deftitle (cfg ^. #hudTitles) axs = listRep (Just "axes") "axz" (checkbox Nothing) repAxisOptions naxes defaxis (cfg ^. #hudAxes) labelsc = listRep (Just "labelsc") "labelscz" (checkbox Nothing) (textbox Nothing) nlegendRows deflabel (snd <$> deflrs) anns = listRep (Just "annotations") "annsz" (checkbox Nothing) repAnnotation nlegendRows defann (fst <$> deflrs) l = maybeRep (Just "legend") (isJust $ cfg ^. #hudLegend) ( (,) <$> repLegendOptions (maybe deflegend fst (cfg ^. #hudLegend)) <*> (zip <$> anns <*> labelsc) ) hmap can' ts' axs' l' = accordion_ "accc" Nothing [ ("Axes", axs'), ("Canvas", can'), ("Titles", ts'), ("Legend", l') ] repAxisOptions :: (Monad m) => AxisOptions -> SharedRep m AxisOptions repAxisOptions cfg = bimap hmap AxisOptions b <<*>> adj <<*>> t <<*>> p where b = maybeRep (Just "axis bar") (isJust (cfg ^. #abar)) (repBar (fromMaybe defaultBar (cfg ^. #abar))) adj = maybeRep (Just "adjustments") (isJust (cfg ^. #adjust)) (repAdjustments (fromMaybe defaultAdjustments (cfg ^. #adjust))) t = repTick (cfg ^. #atick) p = repPlace (cfg ^. #place) hmap b' hauto' t' p' = accordion_ "accaxis" Nothing [ ("Bar", b'), ("Auto", hauto'), ("Ticks", t'), ("Place", p') ] repSvgAspect :: (Monad m) => SvgAspect -> Double -> SharedRep m SvgAspect repSvgAspect sa ddef = bimap hmap toSvgAspect sa' <<*>> td where sa' = dropdownSum takeText id (Just "Aspect") [ "ManualAspect", "ChartsAspect" ] (fromSvgAspect sa) td = slider (Just "aspect scale") 0 10 0.01 (defD ddef) defD d' = case sa of ManualAspect d -> d ChartAspect -> d' hmap sa'' td' = div_ ( sa'' <> subtype td' (fromSvgAspect sa) "ManualAspect" ) repSvgOptions :: (Monad m) => SvgOptions -> SharedRep m SvgOptions repSvgOptions s = bimap hmap SvgOptions h' <<*>> op' <<*>> ip <<*>> fr <<*>> esc <<*>> csso <<*>> scalec <<*>> svga where svga = repSvgAspect (s ^. #svgAspect) 1.33 h' = slider (Just "height") 1 1000 1 (s ^. #svgHeight) op' = maybeRep (Just "outer pad") (isJust (s ^. #outerPad)) (slider Nothing 0 0.1 0.01 (fromMaybe 1 (s ^. #outerPad))) ip = maybeRep (Just "inner pad") (isJust (s ^. #innerPad)) (slider Nothing 0 0.1 0.01 (fromMaybe 1 (s ^. #innerPad))) fr = maybeRep (Just "frame") (isJust (s ^. #chartFrame)) (repRectStyle (fromMaybe defaultSvgFrame (s ^. #chartFrame))) esc = bool NoEscapeText EscapeText <$> checkbox (Just "escape text") (EscapeText == s ^. #escapeText) csso = bool NoCssOptions UseCssCrisp <$> checkbox (Just "Use CssCrisp") (UseCssCrisp == s ^. #useCssCrisp) scalec = bool NoScaleCharts ScaleCharts <$> checkbox (Just "Scale Charts") (ScaleCharts == s ^. #scaleCharts') hmap h' op'' ip' fr' esc' csso' scalec' svga' = accordion_ "accsvg" Nothing [ ("Aspect", svga' <> h'), ("Padding", op'' <> ip'), ("Frame", fr'), ("Escape", esc'), ("Css", csso'), ("Scale", scalec') ] repData :: (Monad m) => Text -> SharedRep m [Spot Double] repData d = do a <- dropdown takeText id (Just "type") [ "sin", "line", "one", "dist" ] d pure ( case a of "sin" -> SpotPoint <$> gridP sin (Range 0 (2 * pi)) 30 "line" -> SpotPoint . uncurry Point <$> [(0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0), (2.0, 5.0)] "one" -> [SpotRect (Rect 0 1 0 1)] "dist" -> SpotRect <$> gridR (\x -> exp (- (x ** 2) / 2)) (Range (-5) 5) 50 _ -> SpotPoint <$> gridP sin (Range 0 (2 * pi)) 30 ) repFormatN :: (Monad m) => FormatN -> SharedRep m FormatN repFormatN tf = bimap hmap mmap tformat <<*>> tcommas <<*>> tfixed <<*>> texpt <<*>> tpercent where tformat = dropdownSum takeText id (Just "Format") [ "Comma", "Fixed", "Expt", "Dollar", "Percent", "None" ] (fromFormatN tf) tcommas = sliderI (Just "prec") 0 8 1 (defInt tf) tfixed = sliderI (Just "prec") 0 8 1 (defInt tf) texpt = sliderI (Just "prec") 0 8 1 (defInt tf) tpercent = sliderI (Just "prec") 0 8 1 (defInt tf) defInt tf' = case tf' of FormatComma n -> n FormatFixed n -> n _ -> 3 hmap tformat' tcommas' tfixed' texpt' tpercent' = div_ ( tformat' <> subtype tcommas' (fromFormatN tf) "Comma" <> subtype tfixed' (fromFormatN tf) "Fixed" <> subtype texpt' (fromFormatN tf) "Expt" <> subtype tpercent' (fromFormatN tf) "Percent" ) mmap tformat' tcommas' tfixed' texpt' tpercent' = case tformat' of "Comma" -> FormatComma tcommas' "Fixed" -> FormatFixed tfixed' "Expt" -> FormatExpt texpt' "Dollar" -> FormatDollar "Percent" -> FormatPercent tpercent' "None" -> FormatNone _ -> FormatNone repTickStyle :: (Monad m) => TickStyle -> SharedRep m TickStyle repTickStyle cfg = bimap hmap mmap ts <<*>> ls <<*>> tr <<*>> te <<*>> tplaced where ts = dropdownSum takeText id (Just "Tick Style") ["TickNone", "TickLabels", "TickRound", "TickExact", "TickPlaced"] (tickStyleText cfg) ls = accordionList (Just "tick labels") "tick-style-labels" Nothing (textbox . Just) (defaultListLabels (length defLabels)) defLabels tr = (,,) <$> sliderI (Just "Number of ticks") 0 20 1 defTn <*> repFormatN defTf <*> ( bool NoTickExtend TickExtend <$> checkbox (Just "extend") defExtend ) te = (,) <$> sliderI (Just "Number of ticks") 0 20 1 defTn <*> repFormatN defTf tplaced = accordionList (Just "placed ticks") "tick-style-placed" Nothing dt (defaultListLabels (length dtDef)) dtDef hmap ts' ls' tr' te' tplaced' = div_ ( ts' <> subtype ls' (tickStyleText cfg) "TickLabels" <> subtype tr' (tickStyleText cfg) "TickRound" <> subtype te' (tickStyleText cfg) "TickExact" <> subtype tplaced' (tickStyleText cfg) "TickPlaced" ) mmap ts' ls' (tri, trf, tre) (tei, tef) tplaced' = case ts' of "TickNone" -> TickNone "TickLabels" -> TickLabels ls' "TickRound" -> TickRound trf tri tre "TickExact" -> TickExact tef tei "TickPlaced" -> TickPlaced tplaced' _ -> TickNone dtDef = case cfg of TickPlaced x -> x _ -> zip [0 .. 5] (pack . show <$> [0 .. 5 :: Int]) dt _ (x, l) = (,) <$> slider (Just "placement") 0 1 0.01 x <*> textbox (Just "label") l defLabels = case cfg of TickLabels xs -> xs _ -> replicate 5 "" defTn = case cfg of TickRound _ x _ -> x TickExact _ x -> x _ -> 8 defTf = case cfg of TickRound x _ _ -> x TickExact x _ -> x _ -> FormatComma 2 defExtend = case cfg of TickRound _ _ e -> e == TickExtend _ -> True repTick :: (Monad m) => Tick -> SharedRep m Tick repTick cfg = bimap hmap Tick ts <<*>> gt <<*>> tt <<*>> lt where hmap ts' gt' tt' lt' = accordion_ "acctick" Nothing [ ("style", ts'), ("glyph", gt'), ("text", tt'), ("line", lt') ] ts = repTickStyle (cfg ^. #tstyle) gt = maybeRep Nothing (isJust (cfg ^. #gtick)) $ bimap (<>) (,) (repGlyphStyle (maybe defaultGlyphTick fst (cfg ^. #gtick))) <<*>> slider (Just "buffer") 0 0.05 0.001 (maybe 0.05 snd (cfg ^. #gtick)) tt = maybeRep Nothing (isJust (cfg ^. #ttick)) $ bimap (<>) (,) (repTextStyle (maybe defaultTextTick fst (cfg ^. #ttick))) <<*>> slider (Just "buffer") 0 0.05 0.001 (maybe 0.05 snd (cfg ^. #ttick)) lt = maybeRep Nothing (isJust (cfg ^. #ltick)) $ bimap (<>) (,) (repLineStyle (maybe defaultLineTick fst (cfg ^. #ltick))) <<*>> slider (Just "buffer") (-0.1) 0.1 0.001 (maybe 0 snd (cfg ^. #ltick)) repPoint :: (Monad m) => Point (Range Double) -> Point Double -> Point Double -> SharedRep m (Point Double) repPoint (Point (Range xmin xmax) (Range ymin ymax)) (Point xstep ystep) (Point x y) = bimap (<>) Point (slider (Just "x") xmin xmax xstep x) <<*>> slider (Just "y") ymin ymax ystep y repPointI :: (Monad m) => Point (Range Int) -> Point Int -> Point Int -> SharedRep m (Point Int) repPointI (Point (Range xmin xmax) (Range ymin ymax)) (Point xstep ystep) (Point x y) = bimap (<>) Point (sliderI (Just "x") xmin xmax xstep x) <<*>> sliderI (Just "y") ymin ymax ystep y repRect :: (Monad m) => Rect (Range Double) -> Rect Double -> Rect Double -> SharedRep m (Rect Double) repRect (Rect (Range xmin xmax) (Range zmin zmax) (Range ymin ymax) (Range wmin wmax)) (Rect xstep zstep ystep wstep) (Rect x z y w) = bimap (\a b c d -> a <> b <> c <> d) Rect (slider (Just "x") xmin xmax xstep x) <<*>> slider (Just "z") zmin zmax zstep z <<*>> slider (Just "y") ymin ymax ystep y <<*>> slider (Just "w") wmin wmax wstep w repRectOne :: (Monad m) => Rect Double -> SharedRep m (Rect Double) repRectOne a = repRect (Rect (Range 0 1) (Range 0 1) (Range 0 1) (Range 0 1)) (Rect 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01) a repRounded :: (Monad m) => (Double, Double, Double) -> SharedRep m (Double, Double, Double) repRounded (a, b, c) = bimap (\a' b' c' -> a' <> b' <> c') (,,) (slider Nothing 0 1 0.001 a) <<*>> slider Nothing 0 1 0.001 b <<*>> slider Nothing 0 1 0.001 c repTriple :: (Monad m) => (a, a, a) -> (a -> SharedRep m a) -> SharedRep m (a, a, a) repTriple (a, b, c) sr = bimap (\a' b' c' -> a' <> b' <> c') (,,) (sr a) <<*>> sr b <<*>> sr c repGlyphShape :: (Monad m) => GlyphShape -> SharedRep m GlyphShape repGlyphShape sh = bimap hmap mmap sha <<*>> ell <<*>> rsharp <<*>> rround <<*>> tri <<*>> p <<*>> lwidth where sha = dropdownSum takeText id Nothing [ "Circle", "Square", "Triangle", "Ellipse", "RectSharp", "RectRounded", "VLine", "HLine", "Path" ] (glyphText sh) ell = slider Nothing 0.5 2 0.01 defRatio rsharp = slider Nothing 0.5 2 0.01 defRatio rround = repRounded defRounded lwidth = slider (Just "width") 0.001 0.02 0.001 defLwidth tri = repTriple defTriangle ( repPoint (Point (Range 0 1) (Range 0 1)) (Point 0.001 0.001) ) p = textbox (Just "path") defP hmap sha' ell' rsharp' rround' tri' p' lwidth' = sha' <> subtype ell' (glyphText sh) "Ellipse" <> subtype rsharp' (glyphText sh) "RectSharp" <> subtype rround' (glyphText sh) "RectRounded" <> subtype tri' (glyphText sh) "Triangle" <> subtype lwidth' (glyphText sh) "VLine" <> subtype lwidth' (glyphText sh) "HLine" <> subtype p' (glyphText sh) "Path" mmap sha' ell' rsharp' rround' tri' p' lwidth' = case sha' of "Circle" -> CircleGlyph "Square" -> SquareGlyph "Ellipse" -> EllipseGlyph ell' "RectSharp" -> RectSharpGlyph rsharp' "RectRounded" -> (\(a, b, c) -> RectRoundedGlyph a b c) rround' "Triangle" -> (\(a, b, c) -> TriangleGlyph a b c) tri' "VLine" -> VLineGlyph lwidth' "HLine" -> HLineGlyph lwidth' "Path" -> PathGlyph p' _ -> CircleGlyph defP = case sh of PathGlyph p -> p _ -> mempty defRatio = case sh of EllipseGlyph r -> r RectSharpGlyph r -> r _ -> 1.5 defLwidth = case sh of VLineGlyph r -> r HLineGlyph r -> r _ -> 0.005 defRounded = case sh of RectRoundedGlyph a b c -> (a, b, c) _ -> (0.884, 2.7e-2, 5.0e-2) defTriangle = case sh of TriangleGlyph a b c -> (a, b, c) _ -> (Point 0.0 0.0, Point 1 1, Point 1 0) repLegendOptions :: (Monad m) => LegendOptions -> SharedRep m LegendOptions repLegendOptions initl = bimap hmap LegendOptions lsize' <<*>> vgap' <<*>> hgap' <<*>> ltext' <<*>> lmax' <<*>> innerPad' <<*>> outerPad' <<*>> legendFrame' <<*>> lplace' <<*>> scale' where lsize' = slider (Just "element size") 0.000 1 0.001 (initl ^. #lsize) hgap' = slider (Just "horizontal gap") 0.000 0.5 0.001 (initl ^. #hgap) vgap' = slider (Just "vertical gap") 0.000 0.5 0.001 (initl ^. #vgap) ltext' = repTextStyle (initl ^. #ltext) lmax' = sliderI (Just "max entries") 0 10 1 (initl ^. #lmax) innerPad' = slider (Just "inner padding") 0 0.2 0.001 (initl ^. #innerPad) outerPad' = slider (Just "outer padding") 0 0.2 0.001 (initl ^. #outerPad) legendFrame' = maybeRep (Just "frame") (isJust (initl ^. #legendFrame)) (repRectStyle (fromMaybe defaultSvgFrame (initl ^. #legendFrame))) lplace' = repPlace (initl ^. #lplace) scale' = slider (Just "scale") 0.01 1 0.001 (initl ^. #lscale) hmap lsize'' vgap'' hgap'' ltext'' lmax'' innerPad'' outerPad'' legendFrame'' lplace'' scale'' = accordion_ "accleg" Nothing [ ("Scale", scale'' <> lsize''), ("Pads", innerPad'' <> outerPad'' <> vgap'' <> hgap''), ("Text", ltext''), ("Frame", legendFrame''), ("Place", lplace''), ("Max Elements", lmax'') ] repChartsWithSharedData :: (Monad m) => SvgOptions -> HudOptions -> Int -> [Chart Double] -> ([[Spot Double]] -> SharedRep m [[Spot Double]]) -> SharedRep m (Text, Text) repChartsWithSharedData css' hc' maxcs' cs' sspots = bimap hmap mmap cssr <<*>> annsr <<*>> sspots spots' <<*>> hr <<*>> debugFlags where spots' = view #spots <$> cs' anns' = view #annotation <$> cs' hr = repHudOptions 2 3 5 defaultAxisOptions (defaultTitle "default") (maybe defaultLegendOptions fst (hc' ^. #hudLegend)) (maybe [] snd (hc' ^. #hudLegend)) BlankA "" hc' cssr = repSvgOptions css' annsr = listRep (Just "Annotations") "annz" (checkbox Nothing) repAnnotation maxcs' BlankA anns' mmap css'' ann' d' h' debug' = let ch = zipWith Chart ann' d' in ( renderHudOptionsChart css'' h' [] ch, debugHtml debug' css'' h' ch ) hmap css'' ann' _ h' debug' = accordion_ "acca" Nothing [ ("Svg", css''), ("Annotations", ann'), ("Hud", h'), ("Debug", debug') ] repChartsWithStaticData :: (Monad m) => SvgOptions -> HudOptions -> Int -> [Chart Double] -> SharedRep m (Text, Text) repChartsWithStaticData css' hc' maxcs' cs' = repChartsWithSharedData css' hc' maxcs' cs' (bipure mempty) debugHtml :: (Bool, Bool, Bool) -> SvgOptions -> HudOptions -> [Chart Double] -> Text debugHtml debug css hc cs = bool mempty ( mconcat $ (\x -> "

" <> x <> "

") <$> [ "

config values

", pShow' css, pShow' hc ] ) ((\(a, _, _) -> a) debug) <> bool mempty ( mconcat $ [ "

chart svg

", "", renderHudOptionsChart css hc [] cs, "" ] ) ((\(_, a, _) -> a) debug) <> bool mempty ( mconcat $ (\x -> "

" <> x <> "

") <$> [ "

chart value

", pack $ show cs ] ) ((\(_, _, a) -> a) debug) debugFlags :: (Monad m) => SharedRepF m (Html ()) (Bool, Bool, Bool) debugFlags = bimap (\a b c -> a <> b <> c) (,,) (checkbox (Just "show hudOptions values") False) <<*>> checkbox (Just "show chart svg") False <<*>> checkbox (Just "show Chart values") False repHudOptionsDefault :: Monad m => HudOptions -> SharedRep m HudOptions repHudOptionsDefault hc = repHudOptions 2 3 5 defaultAxisOptions (defaultTitle "default") defaultLegendOptions [] BlankA "" hc repBarOptions :: (Monad m) => Int -> RectStyle -> TextStyle -> BarOptions -> SharedRep m BarOptions repBarOptions nrows defrs defts cfg = bimap hmap BarOptions rs <<*>> ts <<*>> og <<*>> ig <<*>> tg <<*>> tgn <<*>> dv <<*>> fn <<*>> av <<*>> or <<*>> ho where rs = listRep (Just "bar styles") "rs" (checkbox Nothing) repRectStyle nrows defrs (cfg ^. #barRectStyles) ts = listRep (Just "text styles") "ts" (checkbox Nothing) repTextStyle nrows defts (cfg ^. #barTextStyles) og = slider (Just "outer gap") 0.0 1.0 0.001 (cfg ^. #outerGap) ig = slider (Just "inner gap") (-1.0) 1 0.001 (cfg ^. #innerGap) tg = slider (Just "text gap") (-0.05) 0.05 0.001 (cfg ^. #textGap) tgn = slider (Just "neg. text gap") 0 0.1 0.001 (cfg ^. #textGapNegative) dv = checkbox (Just "display values") (cfg ^. #displayValues) fn = repFormatN (cfg ^. #valueFormatN) av = checkbox (Just "accumulate values") (cfg ^. #accumulateValues) or = repDirection (cfg ^. #barOrientation) ho = repHudOptions 2 3 5 defaultAxisOptions (defaultTitle "bar options") (maybe defaultLegendOptions fst (cfg ^. #barHudOptions . #hudLegend)) (maybe [] snd (cfg ^. #barHudOptions . #hudLegend)) BlankA "" (cfg ^. #barHudOptions) hmap rs' ts' og' ig' tg' tgn' dv' fn' av' or' ho' = accordion_ "accbo" Nothing [ ("Bar Styles", rs'), ("Text Styles", ts'), ("Gaps", og' <> ig' <> tg' <> tgn'), ("Style", dv' <> fn' <> av' <> or'), ("Hud", ho') ] repBarData :: (Monad m) => BarData -> SharedRep m BarData repBarData initbd = bimap hmap BarData bd <<*>> rl <<*>> cl where rl = maybeRep Nothing (isJust (initbd ^. #barRowLabels)) ( either (const []) id <$> readTextbox (Just "row labels") (fromMaybe [] (initbd ^. #barRowLabels)) ) cl = maybeRep Nothing (isJust (initbd ^. #barColumnLabels)) ( either (const []) id <$> readTextbox (Just "column labels") (fromMaybe [] (initbd ^. #barColumnLabels)) ) bd = either (const (pure [])) id <$> readTextbox (Just "bar data") (initbd ^. #barData) hmap rl' cl' bd' = rl' <> cl' <> bd' repPixelOptions :: (Monad m) => PixelOptions -> SharedRep m PixelOptions repPixelOptions cfg = bimap hmap PixelOptions ps <<*>> pg <<*>> pr where ps = repPixelStyle (cfg ^. #poStyle) pg = repPointI (Point (Range 1 100) (Range 1 100)) (Point 1 1) (cfg ^. #poGrain) pr = repRect (Rect (Range 0 5) (Range 0 5) (Range 0 5) (Range 0 5)) (Rect 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01) (cfg ^. #poRange) hmap ps' pg' pr' = accordion_ "accpixel" Nothing [ ("Grain", pg'), ("Range", pr'), ("Style", ps') ] repPixelLegendOptions :: (Monad m) => PixelLegendOptions -> SharedRep m PixelLegendOptions repPixelLegendOptions cfg = bimap hmap PixelLegendOptions ps <<*>> pt <<*>> pw <<*>> pa <<*>> pl where ps = repPixelStyle (cfg ^. #ploStyle) pt = textbox (Just "title") (cfg ^. #ploTitle) pw = slider (Just "width") 0.0 0.3 0.001 (cfg ^. #ploWidth) pa = repAxisOptions (cfg ^. #ploAxisOptions) pl = repLegendOptions (cfg ^. #ploLegendOptions) hmap ps' pt' pw' pa' pl' = accordion_ "accplo" Nothing [ ("Style", ps'), ("Title", pt'), ("Width", pw'), ("Axis", pa'), ("Legend", pl') ] repBarChart :: (Monad m) => SvgOptions -> BarData -> BarOptions -> SharedRep m (Text, Text) repBarChart css bd bo = bimap hmap mmap rcss <<*>> rbd <<*>> rbo <<*>> debugFlags where rcss = repSvgOptions css rbo = repBarOptions 5 defaultRectStyle defaultTextStyle bo rbd = repBarData bd barchartsvg css' bd' bo' = let (hc', cs') = barChart bo' bd' in renderHudOptionsChart css' hc' [] cs' mmap css' bd' bo' debug = ( barchartsvg css' bd' bo', debugHtml debug css' (bo' ^. #barHudOptions) (bars bo' bd') ) hmap css' bd' bo' debug = accordion_ "accbc" Nothing [ ("Svg", css'), ("Bar Data", bd'), ("Bar Options", bo'), ("Debug", debug) ] repPixelChart :: (Monad m) => (SvgOptions, PixelOptions, HudOptions, PixelLegendOptions, Point Double -> Double) -> SharedRep m (Text, Text) repPixelChart (css, po, hc, plo, f) = bimap hmap mmap rcss <<*>> rpo <<*>> rhc <<*>> rplo <<*>> debugFlags where rcss = repSvgOptions css rpo = repPixelOptions po rhc = repHudOptionsDefault hc rplo = repPixelLegendOptions plo mmap rcss' rpo' rhc' rplo' debug = let (cs, hs) = pixelfl f rpo' rplo' in ( renderHudOptionsChart rcss' rhc' hs cs, debugHtml debug rcss' rhc' [] ) hmap rcss' rpo' rhc' rplo' debug = accordion_ "accpc" Nothing [ ("Svg", rcss'), ("Hud", rhc'), ("Pixel Options", rpo'), ("Pixel Legend Options", rplo'), ("Debug", debug) ] repNoData :: (Monad m) => SvgOptions -> Annotation -> HudOptions -> SharedRep m (Text, Text) repNoData css ann hc = repChartsWithStaticData css hc 10 [Chart ann [SpotRect (Rect (-0.5) 0.5 (-0.5) 0.5)]]