{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-} module Chart.Examples where import Chart import Control.Lens import Data.List ((!!)) import qualified Data.Text as Text import NumHask.Prelude import Web.Rep data Ex = Ex { excss :: SvgOptions, exhc :: HudOptions, exmaxcs :: Int, exanns :: [Annotation], exspots :: [[Spot Double]] } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) makeExample :: HudOptions -> [Chart Double] -> Ex makeExample hs cs = Ex defaultSvgOptions hs (length cs) (view #annotation <$> cs) (fmap (fmap realToFrac) . view #spots <$> cs) repEx :: (Monad m) => Ex -> SharedRep m (Text, Text) repEx (Ex css hc maxcs anns xs) = repChartsWithStaticData css hc maxcs (zipWith Chart anns xs) writeChartExample :: FilePath -> Ex -> IO () writeChartExample fp (Ex css' hc' _ anns' spots') = writeHudOptionsChart fp css' hc' [] (zipWith Chart anns' spots') -- | minimal example memptyExample :: Ex memptyExample = Ex defaultSvgOptions mempty 1 [] [] -- | unit example unitExample :: Ex unitExample = Ex defaultSvgOptions mempty 1 [RectA defaultRectStyle] [[SpotRect unitRect]] -- | hud example hudExample :: Ex hudExample = Ex defaultSvgOptions defaultHudOptions 1 [] [] -- | rect example rectExample :: Ex rectExample = Ex defaultSvgOptions (defaultHudOptions & set #hudAxes [defaultAxisOptions]) 2 (RectA <$> ropts) (fmap SpotRect <$> rss) rss :: [[Rect Double]] rss = [ gridR (\x -> exp (- (x ** 2) / 2)) (Range (-5) 5) 50, gridR (\x -> 0.5 * exp (- (x ** 2) / 8)) (Range (-5) 5) 50 ] ropts :: [RectStyle] ropts = [ blob (fromRGB (palette !! 0) 0.4), blob (fromRGB (palette !! 5) 0.4) ] -- | line example lineExample :: Ex lineExample = Ex defaultSvgOptions ( exampleLineHudOptions "Line Chart" (Just "An example from chart-svg") (Just (legopts, zip (LineA <$> lopts) ["hockey", "line", "vertical"])) ) 3 (LineA <$> lopts) (fmap SpotPoint <$> ls) ls :: [[Point Double]] ls = fmap (uncurry Point) <$> [ [(0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0), (2.0, 5.0)], [(0.0, 0.0), (2.8, 3.0)], [(0.5, 4.0), (0.5, 0)] ] lopts :: [LineStyle] lopts = [ defaultLineStyle & #color .~ (palette1 !! 0) & #width .~ 0.015, defaultLineStyle & #color .~ (palette1 !! 1) & #width .~ 0.03, defaultLineStyle & #color .~ (palette1 !! 5) & #width .~ 0.01 ] legopts :: LegendOptions legopts = defaultLegendOptions & #lsize .~ 0.2 & #ltext . #size .~ 0.25 & #innerPad .~ 0.05 & #lscale .~ 0.25 & #lplace .~ PlaceAbsolute (Point 0.5 (-0.3)) exampleLineHudOptions :: Text -> Maybe Text -> Maybe (LegendOptions, [(Annotation, Text)]) -> HudOptions exampleLineHudOptions t1 t2 legends' = defaultHudOptions & #hudTitles .~ ( [ defaultTitle t1 & #style . #size .~ 0.08 ] <> maybe [] ( \x -> [ defaultTitle x & #style . #size .~ 0.05 & #place .~ PlaceBottom & #anchor .~ AnchorEnd ] ) t2 ) & #hudLegend .~ legends' -- | text example textExample :: Ex textExample = Ex defaultSvgOptions defaultHudOptions 26 (TextA (defaultTextStyle & (#size .~ (0.05 :: Double))) . (: []) . fst <$> ts) ((: []) . SpotPoint . snd <$> ts) where ts :: [(Text, Point Double)] ts = zip (fmap Text.singleton ['a' .. 'y']) [Point (sin (x * 0.1)) x | x <- [0 .. 25]] -- | glyph example glyphExample :: Ex glyphExample = makeExample mempty glyphs glyphs :: [Chart Double] glyphs = zipWith ( \(sh, bs) p -> Chart ( GlyphA ( defaultGlyphStyle & #size .~ (0.1 :: Double) & #borderSize .~ bs & #shape .~ sh ) ) [p] ) [ (CircleGlyph, 0.01 :: Double), (SquareGlyph, 0.01), (RectSharpGlyph 0.75, 0.01), (RectRoundedGlyph 0.75 0.01 0.01, 0.01), (EllipseGlyph 0.75, 0), (VLineGlyph 0.005, 0.01), (HLineGlyph 0.005, 0.01), (TriangleGlyph (Point 0.0 0.0) (Point 1 1) (Point 1 0), 0.01), (PathGlyph "M0.05,-0.03660254037844387 A0.1 0.1 0.0 0 1 0.0,0.05 0.1 0.1 0.0 0 1 -0.05,-0.03660254037844387 0.1 0.1 0.0 0 1 0.05,-0.03660254037844387 Z", 0.01) ] [SpotPoint (Point x 0) | x <- [0 .. (8 :: Double)]] -- | bar example barDataExample :: BarData barDataExample = BarData [[1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 0, -2, 11, 2, 1], [1 .. 10]] (Just (("row " <>) . pack . show <$> [1 .. 11])) (Just (("column " <>) . pack . show <$> [1 .. 2])) barExample :: Ex barExample = makeExample hc cs where (hc, cs) = barChart defaultBarOptions barDataExample -- | pixel example pixelEx :: ([Chart Double], [Hud Double]) pixelEx = pixelfl f1 (defaultPixelOptions & #poGrain .~ Point 100 100 & #poRange .~ Rect 1 2 1 2) (defaultPixelLegendOptions "pixel test") f1 :: (TrigField a) => Point a -> a f1 (Point x y) = sin (cos (tan x)) * sin (cos (tan y)) -- * stuff boundTextBug :: [Chart Double] boundTextBug = [ t1, t2, Chart BlankA [SpotRect (Rect 0 0.1 (-0.5) 0.5)], Chart (RectA defaultRectStyle) [SpotRect (defRectS $ styleBox t1)], Chart (RectA defaultRectStyle) [SpotRect (defRectS $ styleBox t2)] ] where t1 = Chart ( TextA (defaultTextStyle & #anchor .~ AnchorStart & #hsize .~ 0.45 & #size .~ 0.08) ["a pretty long piece of text"] ) [SpotPoint (Point 0.0 0.0)] t2 = Chart ( TextA (defaultTextStyle & #anchor .~ AnchorStart & #hsize .~ 0.45 & #size .~ 0.08) ["another pretty long piece of text"] ) [SpotPoint (Point 1 1)] -- | compound chart gopts3 :: [GlyphStyle] gopts3 = zipWith ( \x y -> (#color .~ x) . (#borderColor .~ x) . (#borderSize .~ 0.005) . (#shape .~ y) . (#size .~ 0.08) $ defaultGlyphStyle ) palette1 [EllipseGlyph 1.5, SquareGlyph, CircleGlyph] glines :: [Chart Double] glines = cs <> gs where cs = zipWith (\d s -> Chart (LineA s) (SpotPoint <$> d)) ls lopts gs = zipWith (\d s -> Chart (GlyphA s) (SpotPoint <$> d)) ls gopts3 lgdata :: [(Text, Point Double)] lgdata = (\p@(Point x y) -> (pack (show x <> "," <> show y), fromIntegral <$> p)) <$> (Point <$> [0 .. 5] <*> [0 .. 5] :: [Point Int]) lglyph :: [Chart Double] lglyph = txt <> gly where txt = ( \(t, p) -> Chart ( TextA ( defaultTextStyle & #translate ?~ Point 0 0.04 & #color %~ setOpac 0.2 ) [t] ) (SpotPoint <$> [p]) ) <$> lgdata gly = ( \d -> Chart ( GlyphA ( defaultGlyphStyle & #size .~ 0.01 & #borderSize .~ 0 & #color .~ black ) ) (SpotPoint <$> [d]) ) <$> (snd <$> lgdata) -- | label example labelExample :: Ex labelExample = Ex defaultSvgOptions defaultHudOptions 1 (annotation <$> label) (spots <$> label) placedLabel :: (Real a) => Point a -> a -> Text -> Chart a placedLabel p d t = Chart (TextA (defaultTextStyle & #rotation ?~ realToFrac d) [t]) [SpotPoint p] label :: [Chart Double] label = [placedLabel (Point (1.0 :: Double) 1.0) (45.0 :: Double) "text at (1,1) rotated by 45 degrees"] -- | legend test legendTest :: HudOptions legendTest = defaultHudOptions & #hudLegend .~ Just ( defaultLegendOptions & #lscale .~ 0.3 & #lplace .~ PlaceAbsolute (Point 0.0 0.0) & #lsize .~ 0.12 & #ltext . #size .~ 0.16, l1 ) where l1 = [ (GlyphA defaultGlyphStyle, "glyph"), (RectA defaultRectStyle, "rect"), (TextA (defaultTextStyle & #anchor .~ AnchorStart) ["content"], "text"), (LineA defaultLineStyle, "line"), (GlyphA defaultGlyphStyle, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), (BlankA, "blank") ] -- | main example mainExample :: Ex mainExample = makeExample defaultHudOptions [Chart (GlyphA defaultGlyphStyle) (SpotPoint <$> gridP sin (Range 0 (2 * pi)) 30)] writeAllExamples :: IO () writeAllExamples = do -- haddocks let ls' = fmap (SpotPoint . uncurry Point) <$> [ [(0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0), (2.0, 5.0 :: Double)], [(0.0, 0.0), (3.0, 3.0)], [(0.5, 4.0), (0.5, 0)] ] let anns = LineA <$> [ defaultLineStyle & #color .~ (palette1 !! 0) & #width .~ 0.015, defaultLineStyle & #color .~ (palette1 !! 1) & #width .~ 0.03, defaultLineStyle & #color .~ (palette1 !! 5) & #width .~ 0.01 ] let lines' = zipWith Chart anns ls' writeCharts "other/lines.svg" lines' writeHudOptionsChart "other/linehud.svg" defaultSvgOptions defaultHudOptions [] lines' writeCharts "other/unit.svg" [Chart (RectA defaultRectStyle) [SpotRect (unitRect::Rect Double)]] let t = zipWith (\x y -> Chart (TextA (defaultTextStyle & (#size .~ (0.05 :: Double))) [x]) [SpotPoint y]) (fmap Text.singleton ['a' .. 'y']) [Point (sin (x * 0.1)) x | x <- [0 .. 25]] writeCharts "other/text.svg" t writeCharts "other/glyph.svg" glyphs writeHudOptionsChart "other/pixel.svg" defaultSvgOptions defaultHudOptions (snd pixelEx) (fst pixelEx) writeChartsWith "other/svgoptions.svg" (defaultSvgOptions & #svgAspect .~ ManualAspect 0.7) lines' writeHudOptionsChart "other/hud.svg" defaultSvgOptions defaultHudOptions [] [] -- basics writeCharts "other/mempty.svg" [] writeChartExample "other/bar.svg" barExample writeCharts "other/boundText.svg" boundTextBug writeHudOptionsChart "other/legend.svg" defaultSvgOptions legendTest [] [] putStrLn (" 👍" :: Text)