{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} -- | bar charts module Chart.Bar ( BarOptions (..), defaultBarOptions, BarData (..), barDataLowerUpper, barRange, bars, barChart, ) where import Chart.Color import Chart.Format import Chart.Hud import Chart.Types import Control.Lens import Data.Bifunctor import Data.Bool import Data.Generics.Labels () import Data.List (scanl', transpose) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty import Data.Maybe import Data.Semigroup import Data.Text (Text, pack) import GHC.Exts import GHC.Generics import NumHask.Space import Prelude -- | the usual bar chart eye-candy data BarOptions = BarOptions { barRectStyles :: [RectStyle], barTextStyles :: [TextStyle], outerGap :: Double, innerGap :: Double, textGap :: Double, displayValues :: Bool, valueFormatN :: FormatN, accumulateValues :: Bool, orientation :: Orientation, barHudOptions :: HudOptions } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) defaultBarOptions :: BarOptions defaultBarOptions = BarOptions gs ts 0.1 0 0.04 True (FormatFixed 0) False Hori ( defaultHudOptions & #hudAxes .~ [ defaultAxisOptions & #atick . #ltick .~ Nothing, defaultAxisOptions & #place .~ PlaceLeft ] & #hudTitles .~ [defaultTitle "Default Bar Chart"] & #hudLegend .~ Just ( defaultLegendOptions & #lplace .~ PlaceRight & #lsize .~ 0.12 & #vgap .~ 0.16 & #hgap .~ 0.14 & #ltext . #size .~ 0.16 & #lscale .~ 0.33, [] ) ) where gs = (\x -> RectStyle 0.002 grey 1 x 0.5) <$> chartPalette ts = (\x -> defaultTextStyle & #color .~ x & #size .~ 0.04 & #opacity .~ 0.5) <$> chartPalette -- | imagine a data frame ... data BarData = BarData { barData :: [[Double]], barRowLabels :: Maybe [Text], barColumnLabels :: Maybe [Text] } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) -- | Convert BarData to rectangles barRects :: BarOptions -> [[Double]] -> [[Rect Double]] barRects (BarOptions _ _ ogap igap _ _ _ add orient _) bs = rects'' orient where bs' = bool bs (appendZero bs) add rects'' Hori = rects' rects'' Vert = fmap (\(Rect x z y w) -> Rect y w x z) <$> rects' rects' = zipWith batSet [0 ..] (barDataLowerUpper add bs') batSet z ys = zipWith ( \x (yl, yh) -> abs ( Rect (x + (ogap / 2) + z * bstep) (x + (ogap / 2) + z * bstep + bstep - igap') yl yh ) ) [0 ..] ys n = fromIntegral (length bs') bstep = (1 - (1 + 1) * ogap + (n - 1) * igap') / n igap' = igap * (1 - (1 + 1) * ogap) -- | convert data to a range assuming a zero bound -- a very common but implicit assumption in a lot of bar charts barDataLowerUpper :: Bool -> [[Double]] -> [[(Double, Double)]] barDataLowerUpper add bs = case add of False -> fmap (0,) <$> bs True -> fmap (0,) <$> accRows bs -- | calculate the Rect range of a bar data set. barRange :: [[Double]] -> Rect Double barRange [] = Rect 0 0 0 0 barRange ys'@(y : ys) = Rect 0 (fromIntegral $ maximum (length <$> ys')) (min 0 l) u where (Range l u) = sconcat $ space1 <$> (y NonEmpty.:| ys) -- | A bar chart without hud trimmings. bars :: BarOptions -> BarData -> [Chart Double] bars bo bd = zipWith (\o d -> Chart (RectA o) d) (bo ^. #barRectStyles) (fmap SpotRect <$> barRects bo (bd ^. #barData)) <> [Chart BlankA [SR (x - (bo ^. #outerGap)) (z + (bo ^. #outerGap)) y w]] where (Rect x z y w) = fromMaybe unitRect $ foldRect $ catMaybes $ foldRect <$> barRects bo (bd ^. #barData) maxRows :: [[Double]] -> Int maxRows [] = 0 maxRows xs = maximum $ length <$> xs appendZero :: [[Double]] -> [[Double]] appendZero xs = (\x -> take (maxRows xs) (x <> repeat 0)) <$> xs accRows :: [[Double]] -> [[Double]] accRows xs = transpose $ drop 1 . scanl' (+) 0 <$> transpose xs barTicks :: BarData -> TickStyle barTicks bd | bd ^. #barData == [] = TickNone | isNothing (bd ^. #barRowLabels) = TickLabels $ pack . show <$> [1 .. maxRows (bd ^. #barData)] | otherwise = TickLabels $ take (maxRows (bd ^. #barData)) $ fromMaybe [] (bd ^. #barRowLabels) <> repeat "" flipAllAxes :: Orientation -> [AxisOptions] -> [AxisOptions] flipAllAxes o = fmap (bool id flipAxis (o == Vert)) tickFirstAxis :: BarData -> [AxisOptions] -> [AxisOptions] tickFirstAxis _ [] = [] tickFirstAxis bd (x : xs) = (x & #atick . #tstyle .~ barTicks bd) : xs barLegend :: BarData -> BarOptions -> [(Annotation, Text)] barLegend bd bo | bd ^. #barData == [] = [] | isNothing (bd ^. #barColumnLabels) = [] | otherwise = zip (RectA <$> bo ^. #barRectStyles) $ take (length (bd ^. #barData)) $ fromMaybe [] (bd ^. #barColumnLabels) <> repeat "" -- | A bar chart with hud trimmings. -- -- By convention only, the first axis (if any) is the bar axis. barChart :: BarOptions -> BarData -> (HudOptions, [Chart Double]) barChart bo bd = ( bo ^. #barHudOptions & #hudLegend %~ fmap (second (const (barLegend bd bo))) & #hudAxes %~ tickFirstAxis bd . flipAllAxes (bo ^. #orientation), bars bo bd <> bool [] (barTextCharts bo bd) (bo ^. #displayValues) ) -- | convert data to a text and Point barDataTP :: Bool -> FormatN -> Double -> [[Double]] -> [[(Text, Double)]] barDataTP add fn d bs = zipWith (zipWith (\x y' -> (formatN fn x, drop' y'))) bs' (bool bs' (accRows bs') add) where drop' x = bool (x - (d * (w - y))) (x + (d * (w - y))) (x >= 0) bs' = appendZero bs (Rect _ _ y w) = barRange bs' -- | Convert BarData to text barTexts :: BarOptions -> [[Double]] -> [[(Text, Point Double)]] barTexts (BarOptions _ _ ogap igap tgap _ fn add orient _) bs = zipWith zip (fmap fst <$> barDataTP add fn tgap bs') (txs'' orient) where bs' = bool bs (appendZero bs) add txs'' Hori = txs' txs'' Vert = fmap (\(Point x y) -> Point y x) <$> txs' txs' = zipWith addX [0 ..] (fmap snd <$> barDataTP add fn tgap bs') addX z y = zipWith ( \x y' -> Point (x + (ogap / 2) + z * bstep + bstep / 2 - igap' / 2) y' ) [0 ..] y n = fromIntegral (length bs') bstep = (1 - (1 + 1) * ogap + (n - 1) * igap') / n igap' = igap * (1 - (1 + 1) * ogap) barTextCharts :: BarOptions -> BarData -> [Chart Double] barTextCharts bo bd = zipWith (\o d -> Chart (TextA o (fst <$> d)) (SpotPoint . snd <$> d)) (bo ^. #barTextStyles) (barTexts bo (bd ^. #barData))