chapelure: A diagnostics library for Haskell

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Chapelure is a diagnostics library for Haskell.

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Dependencies ansi-terminal (>=0.11 && <0.12), base (>=4.14 && <4.18), colour (>=2.3 && <2.4), containers (>=0.6 && <0.7), hsluv-haskell (>=0.1 && <0.2), nonempty-vector (>=0.2 && <0.3), optics-core (>=0.4 && <0.5), prettyprinter (>=1.7 && <1.8), text (>=1.2 && <1.3), text-display (>=0.0 && <0.1), vector (>=0.12 && <0.13) [details]
License MIT
Author Hécate Moonlight
Maintainer Hécate Moonlight
Category Pretty Printer
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Source repo head: git clone
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Readme for chapelure-

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Chapelure CI-badge simple-haskell

⚠ The 0.0.* series is experimental.


chapelure is a diagnostic library for Haskell, based on the miette library by Kat Marchán


$ cabal build 


You can provide snippets to be annotated and highlighted:

[L342]: Error: 
3│ add :: Int
 │        ╰┬╯
 │         ╰ Return type is an “Int”
4│ add = 1 + True
 │           ╰┬─╯
 │            ╰ You tried to pass a “Bool”
 │ Did you check all the types of your arguments?
 │ https://localhost:8888/help/code/L342

And you can even put multiple highlights per line:

[L342]: Error: 
3│ add :: Int
 │        ╰┬╯
 │         ╰ Return type is “Int”
4│ add = 1 + True
 │         ┬
 │         ╰ This takes an “Int”
 │           ╰┬─╯
 │            ╰ But you passed a “Bool”
 │ Did you check all the types of your arguments?
 │ https://localhost:8888/help/code/L342

To generate such a diagnostic, build the appropriate structures and pass it to the renderer:

import Data.Vector.NonEmpty as NEVec
import Chapelure.Types

let helpMessage = "Did you check all the types of your arguments?"
let highlights = NEVec.fromList [
           Source{ label = Just "Return type is “Int”"
                 , line = Line 3
                 , startColumn = Column 8
                 , endColumn = Column 10
         , Source{ label = Just "This takes an “Int”"
                 , line = Line 4
                 , startColumn = Column 9
                 , endColumn = Column 9
         , Source{ label = Just "But you passed a “Bool”"
                 , line = Line 4
                 , startColumn = Column 11
                 , endColumn = Column 14
let snip = Snippet { location = ("Code.hs", Line 3, Column 1)
                   , highlights = highlights
                   , content = Vec.fromList $ T.lines $ T.pack "add :: Int\nadd = 1 + True"
let diagnostic = Diagnostic { code = Just "L342"
                            , severity = Error
                            , link = Just "https://localhost:8888/help/code/L342"
                            , help = Just helpMessage
                            , snippets = Just . NEVec.singleton $ snip

It even outputs in colour!

Colourful terminal output


  • Kat Marchán
  • Geoffroy Couprie