% Testing the `cflp` Package % Sebastian Fischer (sebf@informatik.uni-kiel.de) This module defines auxiliary functions for the test suite.
> {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
> module CFLP.Tests where
> import CFLP
> import CFLP.Strategies
> import Test.HUnit
We use HUnit for testing because we need to test IO actions and want to use errors when testing laziness.
> assertResults :: (Generic a, Show a, Eq a)
>               => Computation a -> [a] -> Assertion
> assertResults = assertResultsLimit Nothing
> assertResultsN :: (Generic a, Show a, Eq a)
>                => Int -> Computation a -> [a] -> Assertion
> assertResultsN = assertResultsLimit . Just
> assertResultsLimit :: (Generic a, Show a, Eq a)
>                    => Maybe Int -> Computation a -> [a] -> Assertion
> assertResultsLimit limit op expected = do
>   actual <- eval (dfs ()) op
>   maybe id take limit actual @?= expected
We provide auxiliary assertions `assertResults...` that compute (a possibly limited number of) non-deterministic results of a functional logic computation in depth-first order and compare them with a list of given expected results.