-- | This module manages OpenGL contexts in Caramia.
-- Caramia does not actually have any functionality about creating OpenGL
-- contexts. You need to tell it about them with this module.
-- `giveContext` is the most important function in this module. You also want
-- to `runPendingFinalizers` regularly to make sure OpenGL resources are
-- garbage collected.

{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude, ScopedTypeVariables, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}

module Graphics.Caramia.Context
    -- * Running with an OpenGL context
    -- * Viewport size
    , setViewportSize
    -- * Context IDs
    , currentContextID
    , ContextID
    -- * Finalization
    , runPendingFinalizers
    , scheduleFinalizer
    -- * Context local data
    , storeContextLocalData
    , retrieveContextLocalData
    -- * Exceptions
    , TooOldOpenGL(..) )

import Graphics.Caramia.Prelude
import Graphics.Caramia.Internal.ContextLocalData
import Graphics.Caramia.Internal.OpenGLCApi
import Graphics.Caramia.Internal.OpenGLDebug

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Catch
import System.IO.Unsafe
import System.Environment
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Storable

import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM

-- | An exception that is thrown when the OpenGL version is too old for this
-- library.
data TooOldOpenGL = TooOldOpenGL
                    { wantedVersion :: (Int, Int) -- ^ The OpenGL version this
                                                  --   library needs.
                    , reportedVersion :: (Int, Int)
                    -- ^ The OpenGL version reported by current OpenGL
                    --   context.
                    deriving ( Eq, Show, Read, Typeable )

instance Exception TooOldOpenGL

-- | Tell Caramia the current thread has an OpenGL context active.
-- When the given IO action returns, Caramia will think that the OpenGL context
-- is now gone. It is probably best to actually close the context because this
-- also means OpenGL finalizers will not be run (Caramia thinks they were all
-- released when the OpenGL context went away).
-- The context in the IO action is referred to as \'Caramia context\' in this
-- documentation to distinguish it from OpenGL context.
-- If the environment variable \'CARAMIA_OPENGL_DEBUG\' is set, then, if
-- \'GL_KHR_debug\' extension is supported, OpenGL debug output is written.
-- Note that you might need a debug OpenGL context for there to be any
-- messages.
-- If the window size changes while the context is active, you should call
-- `setViewportSize` with the new dimensions. There is no mechanism from
-- OpenGL's side to automatically detect if size has changed.
-- Throws `TooOldOpenGL` if the code detects a context that does not provide
-- OpenGL 3.3.
giveContext :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m)
            => m a -> m a
giveContext action = mask $ \restore -> do
    liftIO $ do
        is_bound_thread <- isCurrentThreadBound
        unless is_bound_thread $
            error $ "giveContext: current thread is not bound. How can it have " <>
                   "an OpenGL context?"

        v@(major, minor) <- getGLVersion
        unless (major > 3 ||
                (major == 3 && minor >= 3)) $
                TooOldOpenGL { wantedVersion = (3, 3)
                             , reportedVersion = v

        cid <- newContextID
        tid <- myThreadId
        atomicModifyIORef' runningContexts $ \old_map ->
            ( M.insert tid cid old_map, () )
    finally (restore $ insides >> action) (flushDebugMessages >> scrapContext)
    insides = liftIO $ do
        should_activate_debug_mode <- isJust <$> lookupEnv "CARAMIA_OPENGL_DEBUG"
        when should_activate_debug_mode activateDebugMode

        -- Enable sRGB framebuffers
        -- There seems to be no reason not to enable it; you can turn off sRGB
        -- handling in other ways.
        glEnable GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB
        glEnable GL_BLEND

    getGLVersion = alloca $ \major_ptr -> alloca $ \minor_ptr -> do
        -- in case glGetIntegerv is completely broken, set initial values for
        -- major and minor pointers
        poke major_ptr 0
        poke minor_ptr 0
        glGetIntegerv GL_MAJOR_VERSION major_ptr
        glGetIntegerv GL_MINOR_VERSION minor_ptr
        major <- fromIntegral <$> peek major_ptr
        minor <- fromIntegral <$> peek minor_ptr
        return (major, minor)

-- | Sets the new viewport size. You should call this if the display size has
-- changed; otherwise your rendering may look twisted and stretched.
setViewportSize :: MonadIO m
                => Int    -- ^ Width
                -> Int    -- ^ Height
                -> m ()
setViewportSize w h = do
    cid <- currentContextID
    when (isNothing cid) $ error "setViewportSize: not in a context."
    glViewport 0 0 (safeFromIntegral w) (safeFromIntegral h)

-- | Scraps the current context.
-- Not public API.
scrapContext :: MonadIO m => m ()
scrapContext = liftIO $ mask_ $ do
    maybe_cid <- currentContextID
    tid <- myThreadId
    case maybe_cid of
        Nothing -> return ()
        Just (ContextID cid) -> do
            atomicModifyIORef' runningContexts $ \old_map ->
                ( M.delete tid old_map, () )
            atomicModifyIORef' pendingFinalizers $ \old_map ->
                ( IM.delete cid old_map, () )
            atomicModifyIORef' contextLocalData $ \old_map ->
                ( IM.delete cid old_map, () )

-- | Run any pending finalizers in the current Caramia context.
-- Does nothing if current thread does not have a Caramia context or there are
-- no pending finalizers.
-- If any finalizer throws an exception (asynchronous or synchronous), the
-- Caramia context dies and that exception is propagated upwards.
-- `runPendingFinalizers` itself runs `mask_` to run the finalizers with
-- exceptions masked but you might still receive asynchronous exceptions with,
-- for example, the `MVar` functions.
-- A good place to call this is right after or before swapping buffers.
runPendingFinalizers :: MonadIO m => m ()
runPendingFinalizers = liftIO $ mask_ $ do
    maybe_cid <- currentContextID
    case maybe_cid of
        Nothing -> return ()
        Just (ContextID cid) -> do
            finalizers <- atomicModifyIORef' pendingFinalizers $
                IM.delete cid &&&
                IM.findWithDefault (return ())

            -- We scrap the Caramia context if any of these finalizers throw an
            -- exception. The reason is that we cannot expect the OpenGL state
            -- to be consistent anymore.
            result <- try finalizers
            case result of
                Left exc -> scrapContext >> throwM (exc :: SomeException)
                Right () -> return ()

-- | Schedules a finalizer to be run in a Caramia context.
-- Does nothing if given context is not alive anymore.
-- This is typically called from Haskell garbage collector finalizers because
-- they cannot do finalization there (Haskell finalizers are running in the
-- wrong operating system thread).
scheduleFinalizer :: MonadIO m => ContextID -> IO () -> m ()
scheduleFinalizer (ContextID cid) finalizer =
    liftIO $ atomicModifyIORef' pendingFinalizers $ \old ->
        ( IM.insertWith
            (flip (>>))
            old, () )

-- these are the pending OpenGL finalizers that wait for a time they can be
-- safely run.
pendingFinalizers :: IORef (IM.IntMap (IO ()))
pendingFinalizers = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef IM.empty
{-# NOINLINE pendingFinalizers #-}