{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-error=deprecations #-} {-| Module: Capnp.Untyped Description: Utilities for reading capnproto messages with no schema. The types and functions in this module know about things like structs and lists, but are not schema aware. Each of the data types exported by this module is parametrized over the mutability of the message it contains (see "Capnp.Message"). -} module Capnp.Untyped ( -- * Type-level descriptions of wire representations. Repr(..) , PtrRepr(..) , ListRepr(..) , NormalListRepr(..) , DataSz(..) -- * Mapping representations to value types. , Untyped , UntypedData , UntypedPtr , UntypedSomePtr , UntypedList , UntypedSomeList , IgnoreMut(..) , MaybePtr(..) , Unwrapped -- * Relating the representations of lists & their elements. , Element(..) , ListItem(..) , ElemRepr , ListReprFor -- * Working with pointers , IsPtrRepr(..) , IsListPtrRepr(..) -- * Allocating values , Allocate(..) , AllocateNormalList(..) , Ptr(..), List(..), Struct, ListOf, Cap , structByteCount , structWordCount , structPtrCount , structListByteCount , structListWordCount , structListPtrCount , getData, getPtr , setData, setPtr , copyStruct , copyPtr , copyList , copyCap , getClient , get, index , setIndex , take , rootPtr , setRoot , rawBytes , ReadCtx , RWCtx , HasMessage(..), MessageDefault(..) , allocStruct , allocCompositeList , allocList0 , allocList1 , allocList8 , allocList16 , allocList32 , allocList64 , allocListPtr , appendCap , TraverseMsg(..) ) where import Prelude hiding (length, take) import Data.Bits import Data.Word import Control.Exception.Safe (impureThrow) import Control.Monad (forM_, unless) import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch, MonadThrow(throwM)) import Control.Monad.Catch.Pure (CatchT(runCatchT)) import Control.Monad.Primitive (PrimMonad(..)) import Control.Monad.ST (RealWorld) import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans(lift)) import Data.Coerce (coerce) import Data.Function ((&)) import Data.Kind (Type) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH import Capnp.Address (OffsetError(..), WordAddr(..), pointerFrom, resolveOffset) import Capnp.Bits ( BitCount(..) , ByteCount(..) , Word1(..) , WordCount(..) , bitsToBytesCeil , bytesToWordsCeil , replaceBits , wordsToBytes ) import Capnp.Mutability (MaybeMutable(..), Mutability(..)) import Capnp.TraversalLimit (LimitT, MonadLimit(invoice)) import Internal.BuildPure (PureBuilder) import qualified Capnp.Errors as E import qualified Capnp.Message as M import qualified Capnp.Pointer as P import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable as SMV ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Untyped refernces to values in a message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A an absolute pointer to a value (of arbitrary type) in a message. -- Note that there is no variant for far pointers, which don't make sense -- with absolute addressing. data Ptr mut = PtrCap (Cap mut) | PtrList (List mut) | PtrStruct (Struct mut) -- | A list of values (of arbitrary type) in a message. data List mut = List0 (ListOf ('Data 'Sz0) mut) | List1 (ListOf ('Data 'Sz1) mut) | List8 (ListOf ('Data 'Sz8) mut) | List16 (ListOf ('Data 'Sz16) mut) | List32 (ListOf ('Data 'Sz32) mut) | List64 (ListOf ('Data 'Sz64) mut) | ListPtr (ListOf ('Ptr 'Nothing) mut) | ListStruct (ListOf ('Ptr ('Just 'Struct)) mut) -- | A "normal" (non-composite) list. data NormalList mut = NormalList { nPtr :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(M.WordPtr mut) , nLen :: !Int } data StructList mut = StructList { slFirst :: Struct mut -- ^ First element. data/ptr sizes are the same for -- all elements. , slLen :: !Int -- ^ Number of elements } -- | A list of values with representation 'r' in a message. newtype ListOf r mut = ListOf (ListRepOf r mut) type family ListRepOf (r :: Repr) :: Mutability -> Type where ListRepOf ('Ptr ('Just 'Struct)) = StructList ListRepOf r = NormalList -- | @'ListItem' r@ indicates that @r@ is a representation for elements of some list -- type. Not every representation is covered; instances exist only for @r@ where -- @'ElemRepr' ('ListReprFor' r) ~ r@. class Element r => ListItem (r :: Repr) where -- | Returns the length of a list length :: ListOf r mut -> Int -- underlying implementations of index, setIndex and take, but -- without bounds checking. Don't call these directly. unsafeIndex :: ReadCtx m mut => Int -> ListOf r mut -> m (Unwrapped (Untyped r mut)) unsafeSetIndex :: (RWCtx m s, a ~ Unwrapped (Untyped r ('Mut s))) => a -> Int -> ListOf r ('Mut s) -> m () unsafeTake :: Int -> ListOf r mut -> ListOf r mut checkListOf :: ReadCtx m mut => ListOf r mut -> m () -- | Make a copy of the list, in the target message. copyListOf :: RWCtx m s => ListOf r ('Mut s) -> ListOf r ('Mut s) -> m () {-# INLINE copyListOf #-} copyListOf dest src = forM_ [0..length src - 1] $ \i -> do value <- index i src setIndex value i dest default length :: (ListRepOf r ~ NormalList) => ListOf r mut -> Int length (ListOf nlist) = nLen nlist {-# INLINE length #-} default unsafeIndex :: forall m mut. ( ReadCtx m mut , Integral (Unwrapped (Untyped r mut)) , ListRepOf r ~ NormalList , FiniteBits (Unwrapped (Untyped r mut)) ) => Int -> ListOf r mut -> m (Unwrapped (Untyped r mut)) unsafeIndex i (ListOf nlist) = unsafeIndexBits @(Unwrapped (Untyped r mut)) i nlist {-# INLINE unsafeIndex #-} default unsafeSetIndex :: forall m s a. ( RWCtx m s , a ~ Unwrapped (Untyped r ('Mut s)) , ListRepOf r ~ NormalList , Integral a , Bounded a , FiniteBits a ) => a -> Int -> ListOf r ('Mut s) -> m () unsafeSetIndex value i (ListOf nlist) = unsafeSetIndexBits @(Unwrapped (Untyped r ('Mut s))) value i nlist {-# INLINE unsafeSetIndex #-} default unsafeTake :: ListRepOf r ~ NormalList => Int -> ListOf r mut -> ListOf r mut unsafeTake count (ListOf NormalList{..}) = ListOf NormalList{ nLen = count, .. } {-# INLINE unsafeTake #-} default checkListOf :: forall m mut. ( ReadCtx m mut , ListRepOf r ~ NormalList , FiniteBits (Untyped r mut) ) => ListOf r mut -> m () checkListOf (ListOf l) = checkNormalList l (fromIntegral $ finiteBitSize (undefined :: Untyped r mut)) {-# INLINE checkListOf #-} unsafeIndexBits :: forall a m mut. ( ReadCtx m mut , FiniteBits a , Integral a ) => Int -> NormalList mut -> m a {-# INLINE unsafeIndexBits #-} unsafeIndexBits i nlist = indexNList @a i nlist (64 `div` finiteBitSize (undefined :: a)) unsafeSetIndexBits :: forall a m s. ( RWCtx m s , Bounded a , FiniteBits a , Integral a ) => a -> Int -> NormalList ('Mut s) -> m () {-# INLINE unsafeSetIndexBits #-} unsafeSetIndexBits value i nlist = setNIndex @a i nlist (64 `div` finiteBitSize value) value indexNList :: forall a m mut. (ReadCtx m mut, Integral a) => Int -> NormalList mut -> Int -> m a {-# INLINE indexNList #-} indexNList i (NormalList M.WordPtr{pSegment, pAddr=WordAt{..}} _) eltsPerWord = do let wordIndex' = wordIndex + WordCount (i `div` eltsPerWord) word <- M.read pSegment wordIndex' let shift = (i `mod` eltsPerWord) * (64 `div` eltsPerWord) pure $ fromIntegral $ word `shiftR` shift setNIndex :: forall a m s. (RWCtx m s, Bounded a, Integral a) => Int -> NormalList ('Mut s) -> Int -> a -> m () {-# INLINE setNIndex #-} setNIndex i NormalList{nPtr=M.WordPtr{pSegment, pAddr=WordAt{wordIndex}}} eltsPerWord value = do let eltWordIndex = wordIndex + WordCount (i `div` eltsPerWord) word <- M.read pSegment eltWordIndex let shift = (i `mod` eltsPerWord) * (64 `div` eltsPerWord) M.write pSegment eltWordIndex $ replaceBits value word shift setPtrIndex :: RWCtx m s => Int -> NormalList ('Mut s) -> Ptr ('Mut s) -> P.Ptr -> m () {-# INLINE setPtrIndex #-} setPtrIndex i NormalList{nPtr=nPtr@M.WordPtr{pAddr=addr@WordAt{wordIndex}}} absPtr relPtr = let srcPtr = nPtr { M.pAddr = addr { wordIndex = wordIndex + WordCount i } } in setPointerTo srcPtr (ptrAddr absPtr) relPtr instance ListItem ('Ptr ('Just 'Struct)) where length (ListOf (StructList _ len)) = len {-# INLINE length #-} unsafeIndex i (ListOf (StructList (StructAt ptr@M.WordPtr{pAddr=addr@WordAt{..}} dataSz ptrSz) _)) = do let offset = WordCount $ i * (fromIntegral dataSz + fromIntegral ptrSz) let addr' = addr { wordIndex = wordIndex + offset } return $ StructAt ptr { M.pAddr = addr' } dataSz ptrSz {-# INLINE unsafeIndex #-} unsafeSetIndex value i list = do dest <- unsafeIndex i list copyStruct dest value unsafeTake count (ListOf (StructList s _)) = ListOf (StructList s count) {-# INLINE unsafeTake #-} checkListOf (ListOf (StructList s@(StructAt ptr _ _) len)) = checkPtrOffset ptr (fromIntegral len * structSize s) {-# INLINE checkListOf #-} instance ListItem ('Data 'Sz0) where unsafeIndex _ _ = pure () {-# INLINE unsafeIndex #-} unsafeSetIndex _ _ _ = pure () {-# INLINE unsafeSetIndex #-} checkListOf _ = pure () {-# INLINE checkListOf #-} copyListOf _ _ = pure () {-# INLINE copyListOf #-} instance ListItem ('Data 'Sz1) where unsafeIndex i (ListOf nlist) = do Word1 val <- unsafeIndexBits @Word1 i nlist pure val {-# INLINE unsafeIndex #-} unsafeSetIndex value i (ListOf nlist) = unsafeSetIndexBits @Word1 (Word1 value) i nlist {-# INLINE unsafeSetIndex #-} checkListOf (ListOf l) = checkNormalList l 1 {-# INLINE copyListOf #-} copyListOf (ListOf dest) (ListOf src) = copyDataList dest src 1 instance ListItem ('Data 'Sz8) where {-# INLINE copyListOf #-} copyListOf (ListOf dest) (ListOf src) = copyDataList dest src 8 instance ListItem ('Data 'Sz16) where {-# INLINE copyListOf #-} copyListOf (ListOf dest) (ListOf src) = copyDataList dest src 16 instance ListItem ('Data 'Sz32) where {-# INLINE copyListOf #-} copyListOf (ListOf dest) (ListOf src) = copyDataList dest src 32 instance ListItem ('Data 'Sz64) where {-# INLINE copyListOf #-} copyListOf (ListOf dest) (ListOf src) = copyDataList dest src 64 instance ListItem ('Ptr 'Nothing) where unsafeIndex i (ListOf (NormalList ptr@M.WordPtr{pAddr=addr@WordAt{..}} _)) = get ptr { M.pAddr = addr { wordIndex = wordIndex + WordCount i } } {-# INLINE unsafeIndex #-} unsafeSetIndex value i list@(ListOf nlist) = case value of Just p | message @Ptr p /= message @(ListOf ('Ptr 'Nothing)) list -> do newPtr <- copyPtr (message @(ListOf ('Ptr 'Nothing)) list) value unsafeSetIndex newPtr i list Nothing -> setNIndex i nlist 1 (P.serializePtr Nothing) Just (PtrCap (CapAt _ cap)) -> setNIndex i nlist 1 (P.serializePtr (Just (P.CapPtr cap))) Just p@(PtrList ptrList) -> setPtrIndex i nlist p $ P.ListPtr 0 (listEltSpec ptrList) Just p@(PtrStruct (StructAt _ dataSz ptrSz)) -> setPtrIndex i nlist p $ P.StructPtr 0 dataSz ptrSz {-# INLINABLE unsafeSetIndex #-} checkListOf (ListOf l) = checkNormalList l 64 {-# INLINE checkListOf #-} -- | A Capability in a message. data Cap mut = CapAt (M.Message mut) !Word32 -- | A struct value in a message. data Struct mut = StructAt {-# UNPACK #-} !(M.WordPtr mut) -- Start of struct !Word16 -- Data section size. !Word16 -- Pointer section size. -- | Type (constraint) synonym for the constraints needed for most read -- operations. type ReadCtx m mut = (M.MonadReadMessage mut m, MonadThrow m, MonadLimit m) -- | Synonym for ReadCtx + WriteCtx type RWCtx m s = (ReadCtx m ('Mut s), M.WriteCtx m s) -- | A 'Repr' describes a wire representation for a value. This is -- mostly used at the type level (using DataKinds); types are -- parametrized over representations. data Repr = Ptr (Maybe PtrRepr) -- ^ Pointer type. 'Nothing' indicates an AnyPointer, 'Just' describes -- a more specific pointer type. | Data DataSz -- ^ Non-pointer type. deriving(Show) -- | Information about the representation of a pointer type data PtrRepr = Cap -- ^ Capability pointer. | List (Maybe ListRepr) -- ^ List pointer. 'Nothing' describes an AnyList, 'Just' describes -- more specific list types. | Struct -- ^ A struct (or group). deriving(Show) -- | Information about the representation of a list type. data ListRepr where -- | A "normal" list ListNormal :: NormalListRepr -> ListRepr ListComposite :: ListRepr deriving(Show) -- | Information about the representation of a normal (non-composite) list. data NormalListRepr where NormalListData :: DataSz -> NormalListRepr NormalListPtr :: NormalListRepr deriving(Show) -- | The size of a non-pointer type. @SzN@ represents an @N@-bit value. data DataSz = Sz0 | Sz1 | Sz8 | Sz16 | Sz32 | Sz64 deriving(Show) -- | Wrapper for use with 'Untyped'; see docs for 'Untyped' newtype IgnoreMut a (mut :: Mutability) = IgnoreMut a deriving(Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Num, Real, Integral, Bits, FiniteBits) -- | Wrapper for use with 'Untyped'; see docs for 'Untyped'. newtype MaybePtr (mut :: Mutability) = MaybePtr (Maybe (Ptr mut)) -- | Normalizes types returned by 'Untyped'; see docs for 'Untyped'. type family Unwrapped a where Unwrapped (IgnoreMut a mut) = a Unwrapped (MaybePtr mut) = Maybe (Ptr mut) Unwrapped a = a -- | @Untyped r mut@ is an untyped value with representation @r@ stored in -- a message with mutability @mut@. -- -- Note that the return tyep of this type family has kind -- @'Mutability' -> 'Type'@. This is important, as it allows us -- to define instances on @'Untyped' r@, and use @'Untyped' r@ -- in constraints. -- -- This introduces some awkwardnesses though -- we really want -- this to be @(Maybe (Ptr mut))@ for @'Ptr 'Nothing@, and -- Int types/Bool/() for @'Data sz@. But we can't because these -- are the wrong kind. -- -- So, we hack around this by introducing two newtypes, 'IgnoreMut' -- and 'MaybePtr', and a type family 'Unwrapped', which lets us -- use @'Unwrapped' ('Untyped' r mut)@ as the type we really want -- in some places, though we can't curry it then. -- -- All this is super super awkward, but this is a low level -- mostly-internal API; most users will intract with this through -- the Raw type in "Capnp.Repr", which hides all of this... type family Untyped (r :: Repr) :: Mutability -> Type where Untyped ('Data sz) = IgnoreMut (UntypedData sz) Untyped ('Ptr ptr) = UntypedPtr ptr -- | @UntypedData sz@ is an untyped value with size @sz@. type family UntypedData (sz :: DataSz) :: Type where UntypedData 'Sz0 = () UntypedData 'Sz1 = Bool UntypedData 'Sz8 = Word8 UntypedData 'Sz16 = Word16 UntypedData 'Sz32 = Word32 UntypedData 'Sz64 = Word64 -- | Like 'Untyped', but for pointers only. type family UntypedPtr (r :: Maybe PtrRepr) :: Mutability -> Type where UntypedPtr 'Nothing = MaybePtr UntypedPtr ('Just r) = UntypedSomePtr r -- | Like 'UntypedPtr', but doesn't allow AnyPointers. type family UntypedSomePtr (r :: PtrRepr) :: Mutability -> Type where UntypedSomePtr 'Struct = Struct UntypedSomePtr 'Cap = Cap UntypedSomePtr ('List r) = UntypedList r -- | Like 'Untyped', but for lists only. type family UntypedList (r :: Maybe ListRepr) :: Mutability -> Type where UntypedList 'Nothing = List UntypedList ('Just r) = UntypedSomeList r -- | Like 'UntypedList', but doesn't allow AnyLists. type family UntypedSomeList (r :: ListRepr) :: Mutability -> Type where UntypedSomeList r = ListOf (ElemRepr r) -- | @ElemRepr r@ is the representation of elements of lists with -- representation @r@. type family ElemRepr (rl :: ListRepr) :: Repr where ElemRepr 'ListComposite = 'Ptr ('Just 'Struct) ElemRepr ('ListNormal 'NormalListPtr) = 'Ptr 'Nothing ElemRepr ('ListNormal ('NormalListData sz)) = 'Data sz -- | @ListReprFor e@ is the representation of lists with elements -- whose representation is @e@. type family ListReprFor (e :: Repr) :: ListRepr where ListReprFor ('Data sz) = 'ListNormal ('NormalListData sz) ListReprFor ('Ptr ('Just 'Struct)) = 'ListComposite ListReprFor ('Ptr a) = 'ListNormal 'NormalListPtr -- | 'Element' supports converting between values of representation -- @'ElemRepr' ('ListReprFor' r)@ and values of representation @r@. -- -- At a glance, you might expect this to just be a no-op, but it is actually -- *not* always the case that @'ElemRepr' ('ListReprFor' r) ~ r@; in the -- case of pointer types, @'ListReprFor' r@ can contain arbitrary pointers, -- so information is lost, and it is possible for the list to contain pointers -- of the incorrect type. In this case, 'fromElement' will throw an error. -- -- 'toElement' is more trivial. class Element (r :: Repr) where fromElement :: forall m mut. ReadCtx m mut => M.Message mut -> Unwrapped (Untyped (ElemRepr (ListReprFor r)) mut) -> m (Unwrapped (Untyped r mut)) toElement :: Unwrapped (Untyped r mut) -> Unwrapped (Untyped (ElemRepr (ListReprFor r)) mut) -- | Operations on types with pointer representations. class IsPtrRepr (r :: Maybe PtrRepr) where toPtr :: Unwrapped (Untyped ('Ptr r) mut) -> Maybe (Ptr mut) -- ^ Convert an untyped value of this representation to an AnyPointer. fromPtr :: ReadCtx m mut => M.Message mut -> Maybe (Ptr mut) -> m (Unwrapped (Untyped ('Ptr r) mut)) -- ^ Extract a value with this representation from an AnyPointer, failing -- if the pointer is the wrong type for this representation. -- | Operations on types with list representations. class IsListPtrRepr (r :: ListRepr) where rToList :: UntypedSomeList r mut -> List mut -- ^ Convert an untyped value of this representation to an AnyList. rFromList :: ReadCtx m mut => List mut -> m (UntypedSomeList r mut) -- ^ Extract a value with this representation from an AnyList, failing -- if the list is the wrong type for this representation. rFromListMsg :: ReadCtx m mut => M.Message mut -> m (UntypedSomeList r mut) -- ^ Create a zero-length value with this representation, living in the -- provided message. -- helper function for throwing SchemaViolationError "expected ..." expected :: MonadThrow m => String -> m a expected msg = throwM $ E.SchemaViolationError $ "expected " ++ msg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 'Element' instances ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Element ('Data sz) where fromElement _ = pure toElement = id {-# INLINE fromElement #-} {-# INLINE toElement #-} instance Element ('Ptr ('Just 'Struct)) where fromElement _ = pure toElement = id {-# INLINE fromElement #-} {-# INLINE toElement #-} instance Element ('Ptr 'Nothing) where fromElement _ = pure toElement = id {-# INLINE fromElement #-} {-# INLINE toElement #-} instance Element ('Ptr ('Just 'Cap)) where fromElement = fromPtr @('Just 'Cap) toElement = Just . PtrCap {-# INLINE fromElement #-} {-# INLINE toElement #-} instance IsPtrRepr ('Just ('List a)) => Element ('Ptr ('Just ('List a))) where fromElement = fromPtr @('Just ('List a)) toElement = toPtr @('Just ('List a)) {-# INLINE fromElement #-} {-# INLINE toElement #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 'IsPtrRepr' instances ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance IsPtrRepr 'Nothing where toPtr p = p fromPtr _ = pure {-# INLINE toPtr #-} {-# INLINE fromPtr #-} instance IsPtrRepr ('Just 'Struct) where toPtr s = Just (PtrStruct s) fromPtr msg Nothing = messageDefault @Struct msg fromPtr _ (Just (PtrStruct s)) = pure s fromPtr _ _ = expected "pointer to struct" {-# INLINE toPtr #-} {-# INLINE fromPtr #-} instance IsPtrRepr ('Just 'Cap) where toPtr c = Just (PtrCap c) fromPtr _ Nothing = expected "pointer to capability" fromPtr _ (Just (PtrCap c)) = pure c fromPtr _ _ = expected "pointer to capability" {-# INLINE toPtr #-} {-# INLINE fromPtr #-} instance IsPtrRepr ('Just ('List 'Nothing)) where toPtr l = Just (PtrList l) fromPtr _ Nothing = expected "pointer to list" fromPtr _ (Just (PtrList l)) = pure l fromPtr _ (Just _) = expected "pointer to list" {-# INLINE toPtr #-} {-# INLINE fromPtr #-} instance IsListPtrRepr r => IsPtrRepr ('Just ('List ('Just r))) where toPtr l = Just (PtrList (rToList @r l)) fromPtr msg Nothing = rFromListMsg @r msg fromPtr _ (Just (PtrList l)) = rFromList @r l fromPtr _ (Just _) = expected "pointer to list" {-# INLINE toPtr #-} {-# INLINE fromPtr #-} -- | N.B. this should mostly be considered an implementation detail, but -- it is exposed because it is used by generated code. -- -- 'TraverseMsg' is similar to 'Traversable' from the prelude, but -- the intent is that rather than conceptually being a "container", -- the instance is a value backed by a message, and the point of the -- type class is to be able to apply transformations to the underlying -- message. -- -- We don't just use 'Traversable' for this for two reasons: -- -- 1. While algebraically it makes sense, it would be very unintuitive to -- e.g. have the 'Traversable' instance for 'List' not traverse over the -- *elements* of the list. -- 2. For the instance for WordPtr, we actually need a stronger constraint than -- Applicative in order for the implementation to type check. A previous -- version of the library *did* have @tMsg :: Applicative m => ...@, but -- performance considerations eventually forced us to open up the hood a -- bit. class TraverseMsg f where tMsg :: TraverseMsgCtx m mutA mutB => (M.Message mutA -> m (M.Message mutB)) -> f mutA -> m (f mutB) type TraverseMsgCtx m mutA mutB = ( MonadThrow m , M.MonadReadMessage mutA m , M.MonadReadMessage mutB m ) instance TraverseMsg M.WordPtr where tMsg f M.WordPtr{pMessage, pAddr=pAddr@WordAt{segIndex}} = do msg' <- f pMessage seg' <- M.getSegment msg' segIndex pure M.WordPtr { pMessage = msg' , pSegment = seg' , pAddr } instance TraverseMsg Ptr where tMsg f = \case PtrCap cap -> PtrCap <$> tMsg f cap PtrList l -> PtrList <$> tMsg f l PtrStruct s -> PtrStruct <$> tMsg f s instance TraverseMsg Cap where tMsg f (CapAt msg n) = CapAt <$> f msg <*> pure n instance TraverseMsg Struct where tMsg f (StructAt ptr dataSz ptrSz) = StructAt <$> tMsg f ptr <*> pure dataSz <*> pure ptrSz instance TraverseMsg List where tMsg f = \case List0 l -> List0 <$> tMsg f l List1 l -> List1 <$> tMsg f l List8 l -> List8 <$> tMsg f l List16 l -> List16 <$> tMsg f l List32 l -> List32 <$> tMsg f l List64 l -> List64 <$> tMsg f l ListPtr l -> ListPtr <$> tMsg f l ListStruct l -> ListStruct <$> tMsg f l instance TraverseMsg (ListRepOf r) => TraverseMsg (ListOf r) where tMsg f (ListOf l) = ListOf <$> tMsg f l instance TraverseMsg NormalList where tMsg f NormalList{..} = do ptr <- tMsg f nPtr pure NormalList { nPtr = ptr, .. } instance TraverseMsg StructList where tMsg f StructList{..} = do s <- tMsg f slFirst pure StructList { slFirst = s, .. } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Types whose storage is owned by a message.. class HasMessage (f :: Mutability -> Type) where -- | Get the message in which the value is stored. message :: Unwrapped (f mut) -> M.Message mut -- | Types which have a "default" value, but require a message -- to construct it. -- -- The default is usually conceptually zero-size. This is mostly useful -- for generated code, so that it can use standard decoding techniques -- on default values. class HasMessage f => MessageDefault f where messageDefault :: ReadCtx m mut => M.Message mut -> m (Unwrapped (f mut)) instance HasMessage M.WordPtr where message M.WordPtr{pMessage} = pMessage instance HasMessage Ptr where message (PtrCap cap) = message @Cap cap message (PtrList list) = message @List list message (PtrStruct struct) = message @Struct struct instance HasMessage Cap where message (CapAt msg _) = msg instance HasMessage Struct where message (StructAt ptr _ _) = message @M.WordPtr ptr instance MessageDefault Struct where messageDefault msg = do pSegment <- M.getSegment msg 0 pure $ StructAt M.WordPtr{pMessage = msg, pSegment, pAddr = WordAt 0 0} 0 0 instance HasMessage List where message (List0 list) = message @(ListOf ('Data 'Sz0)) list message (List1 list) = message @(ListOf ('Data 'Sz1)) list message (List8 list) = message @(ListOf ('Data 'Sz8)) list message (List16 list) = message @(ListOf ('Data 'Sz16)) list message (List32 list) = message @(ListOf ('Data 'Sz32)) list message (List64 list) = message @(ListOf ('Data 'Sz64)) list message (ListPtr list) = message @(ListOf ('Ptr 'Nothing)) list message (ListStruct list) = message @(ListOf ('Ptr ('Just 'Struct))) list instance HasMessage (ListOf ('Ptr ('Just 'Struct))) where message (ListOf list) = message @StructList list instance MessageDefault (ListOf ('Ptr ('Just 'Struct))) where messageDefault msg = ListOf <$> messageDefault @StructList msg instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} ListRepOf r ~ NormalList => HasMessage (ListOf r) where message (ListOf list) = message @NormalList list instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} ListRepOf r ~ NormalList => MessageDefault (ListOf r) where messageDefault msg = ListOf <$> messageDefault @NormalList msg instance HasMessage NormalList where message = M.pMessage . nPtr instance MessageDefault NormalList where messageDefault msg = do pSegment <- M.getSegment msg 0 pure NormalList { nPtr = M.WordPtr { pMessage = msg, pSegment, pAddr = WordAt 0 0 } , nLen = 0 } instance HasMessage StructList where message (StructList s _) = message @Struct s instance MessageDefault StructList where messageDefault msg = StructList <$> messageDefault @Struct msg <*> pure 0 -- | Extract a client (indepedent of the messsage) from the capability. getClient :: ReadCtx m mut => Cap mut -> m M.Client {-# INLINABLE getClient #-} getClient (CapAt msg idx) = M.getCap msg (fromIntegral idx) -- | @get ptr@ returns the Ptr stored at @ptr@. -- Deducts 1 from the quota for each word read (which may be multiple in the -- case of far pointers). get :: ReadCtx m mut => M.WordPtr mut -> m (Maybe (Ptr mut)) {-# INLINABLE get #-} {-# SPECIALIZE get :: M.WordPtr ('Mut RealWorld) -> LimitT IO (Maybe (Ptr ('Mut RealWorld))) #-} {-# SPECIALIZE get :: M.WordPtr ('Mut s) -> PureBuilder s (Maybe (Ptr ('Mut s))) #-} get ptr = do word <- M.getWord ptr case P.parsePtr word of Just (P.FarPtr twoWords offset segment) -> getFar ptr twoWords offset segment v -> getNear ptr v getFar :: (M.MonadReadMessage mut m, MonadThrow m) => M.WordPtr mut -> Bool -> Word32 -> Word32 -> m (Maybe (Ptr mut)) getFar M.WordPtr{pMessage} twoWords offset segment = do landingSegment <- M.getSegment pMessage (fromIntegral segment) let addr' = WordAt { wordIndex = fromIntegral offset , segIndex = fromIntegral segment } let landingPtr = M.WordPtr { pMessage , pSegment = landingSegment , pAddr = addr' } landingPad <- M.getWord landingPtr if not twoWords then getNear landingPtr (P.parsePtr landingPad) else do case P.parsePtr landingPad of Just (P.FarPtr False off seg) -> do let segIndex = fromIntegral seg finalSegment <- M.getSegment pMessage segIndex tagWord <- M.getWord M.WordPtr { pMessage , pSegment = landingSegment , M.pAddr = addr' { wordIndex = wordIndex addr' + 1 } } let finalPtr = M.WordPtr { pMessage , pSegment = finalSegment , pAddr = WordAt { wordIndex = fromIntegral off , segIndex } } case P.parsePtr tagWord of Just (P.StructPtr 0 dataSz ptrSz) -> return $ Just $ PtrStruct $ StructAt finalPtr dataSz ptrSz Just (P.ListPtr 0 eltSpec) -> Just . PtrList <$> getList finalPtr eltSpec -- TODO: I'm not sure whether far pointers to caps are -- legal; it's clear how they would work, but I don't -- see a use, and the spec is unclear. Should check -- how the reference implementation does this, copy -- that, and submit a patch to the spec. Just (P.CapPtr cap) -> return $ Just $ PtrCap (CapAt pMessage cap) ptr -> throwM $ E.InvalidDataError $ "The tag word of a far pointer's " ++ "2-word landing pad should be an intra " ++ "segment pointer with offset 0, but " ++ "we read " ++ show ptr ptr -> throwM $ E.InvalidDataError $ "The first word of a far pointer's 2-word " ++ "landing pad should be another far pointer " ++ "(with a one-word landing pad), but we read " ++ show ptr getNear :: (M.MonadReadMessage mut m, MonadThrow m) => M.WordPtr mut -> Maybe P.Ptr -> m (Maybe (Ptr mut)) getNear ptr@M.WordPtr{pMessage, pAddr} = \case Nothing -> return Nothing Just p -> case p of P.CapPtr cap -> return $ Just $ PtrCap (CapAt pMessage cap) P.StructPtr off dataSz ptrSz -> return $ Just $ PtrStruct $ StructAt ptr { M.pAddr = resolveOffset pAddr off } dataSz ptrSz P.ListPtr off eltSpec -> Just . PtrList <$> getList ptr { M.pAddr = resolveOffset pAddr off } eltSpec P.FarPtr{} -> throwM $ E.InvalidDataError "Unexpected far pointer where only near pointers were expected." getList :: (M.MonadReadMessage mut m, MonadThrow m) => M.WordPtr mut -> P.EltSpec -> m (List mut) getList ptr@M.WordPtr{pAddr=addr@WordAt{wordIndex}} eltSpec = case eltSpec of P.EltNormal sz len -> pure $ case sz of P.Sz0 -> List0 (ListOf nlist) P.Sz1 -> List1 (ListOf nlist) P.Sz8 -> List8 (ListOf nlist) P.Sz16 -> List16 (ListOf nlist) P.Sz32 -> List32 (ListOf nlist) P.Sz64 -> List64 (ListOf nlist) P.SzPtr -> ListPtr (ListOf nlist) where nlist = NormalList ptr (fromIntegral len) P.EltComposite _ -> do tagWord <- M.getWord ptr case P.parsePtr' tagWord of P.StructPtr numElts dataSz ptrSz -> pure $ ListStruct $ ListOf $ StructList (StructAt ptr { M.pAddr = addr { wordIndex = wordIndex + 1 } } dataSz ptrSz) (fromIntegral numElts) tag -> throwM $ E.InvalidDataError $ "Composite list tag was not a struct-" ++ "formatted word: " ++ show tag -- | Return the EltSpec needed for a pointer to the given list. listEltSpec :: List msg -> P.EltSpec listEltSpec (ListStruct list@(ListOf (StructList (StructAt _ dataSz ptrSz) _))) = P.EltComposite $ fromIntegral (length list) * (fromIntegral dataSz + fromIntegral ptrSz) listEltSpec (List0 list) = P.EltNormal P.Sz0 $ fromIntegral (length list) listEltSpec (List1 list) = P.EltNormal P.Sz1 $ fromIntegral (length list) listEltSpec (List8 list) = P.EltNormal P.Sz8 $ fromIntegral (length list) listEltSpec (List16 list) = P.EltNormal P.Sz16 $ fromIntegral (length list) listEltSpec (List32 list) = P.EltNormal P.Sz32 $ fromIntegral (length list) listEltSpec (List64 list) = P.EltNormal P.Sz64 $ fromIntegral (length list) listEltSpec (ListPtr list) = P.EltNormal P.SzPtr $ fromIntegral (length list) -- | Return the starting address of the list. listAddr :: List msg -> WordAddr listAddr (ListStruct (ListOf (StructList (StructAt M.WordPtr{pAddr} _ _) _))) = -- pAddr is the address of the first element of the list, but -- composite lists start with a tag word: pAddr { wordIndex = wordIndex pAddr - 1 } listAddr (List0 (ListOf NormalList{nPtr=M.WordPtr{pAddr}})) = pAddr listAddr (List1 (ListOf NormalList{nPtr=M.WordPtr{pAddr}})) = pAddr listAddr (List8 (ListOf NormalList{nPtr=M.WordPtr{pAddr}})) = pAddr listAddr (List16 (ListOf NormalList{nPtr=M.WordPtr{pAddr}})) = pAddr listAddr (List32 (ListOf NormalList{nPtr=M.WordPtr{pAddr}})) = pAddr listAddr (List64 (ListOf NormalList{nPtr=M.WordPtr{pAddr}})) = pAddr listAddr (ListPtr (ListOf NormalList{nPtr=M.WordPtr{pAddr}})) = pAddr -- | Return the address of the pointer's target. It is illegal to call this on -- a pointer which targets a capability. ptrAddr :: Ptr msg -> WordAddr ptrAddr (PtrCap _) = error "ptrAddr called on a capability pointer." ptrAddr (PtrStruct (StructAt M.WordPtr{pAddr}_ _)) = pAddr ptrAddr (PtrList list) = listAddr list -- | @'setIndex value i list@ Set the @i@th element of @list@ to @value@. setIndex :: (RWCtx m s, ListItem r) => Unwrapped (Untyped r ('Mut s)) -> Int -> ListOf r ('Mut s) -> m () {-# INLINE setIndex #-} {-# SPECIALIZE setIndex :: ListItem r => Unwrapped (Untyped r ('Mut RealWorld)) -> Int -> ListOf r ('Mut RealWorld) -> LimitT IO () #-} {-# SPECIALIZE setIndex :: ListItem r => Unwrapped (Untyped r ('Mut s)) -> Int -> ListOf r ('Mut s) -> PureBuilder s () #-} setIndex _ i list | i < 0 || length list <= i = throwM E.BoundsError { E.index = i, E.maxIndex = length list } setIndex value i list = unsafeSetIndex value i list -- | @'setPointerTo' msg srcLoc dstAddr relPtr@ sets the word at @srcLoc@ in @msg@ to a -- pointer like @relPtr@, but pointing to @dstAddr@. @relPtr@ should not be a far pointer. -- If the two addresses are in different segments, a landing pad will be allocated and -- @srcLoc@ will contain a far pointer. setPointerTo :: M.WriteCtx m s => M.WordPtr ('Mut s) -> WordAddr -> P.Ptr -> m () {-# INLINABLE setPointerTo #-} {-# SPECIALIZE setPointerTo :: M.WordPtr ('Mut RealWorld) -> WordAddr -> P.Ptr -> LimitT IO () #-} {-# SPECIALIZE setPointerTo :: M.WordPtr ('Mut s) -> WordAddr -> P.Ptr -> PureBuilder s () #-} setPointerTo M.WordPtr { pMessage = msg , pSegment=srcSegment , pAddr=srcAddr@WordAt{wordIndex=srcWordIndex} } dstAddr relPtr | P.StructPtr _ 0 0 <- relPtr = -- We special case zero-sized structs, since (1) we don't have to -- really point at the correct offset, since they can "fit" anywhere, -- and (2) they cause problems with double-far pointers, where part -- of the landing pad needs to have a zero offset, but that makes it -- look like a null pointer... so we just avoid that case by cutting -- it off here. M.write srcSegment srcWordIndex $ P.serializePtr $ Just $ P.StructPtr (-1) 0 0 | otherwise = case pointerFrom srcAddr dstAddr relPtr of Right absPtr -> M.write srcSegment srcWordIndex $ P.serializePtr $ Just absPtr Left OutOfRange -> error "BUG: segment is too large to set the pointer." Left DifferentSegments -> do -- We need a far pointer; allocate a landing pad in the target segment, -- set it to point to the final destination, an then set the source pointer -- pointer to point to the landing pad. let WordAt{segIndex} = dstAddr M.allocInSeg msg segIndex 1 >>= \case Just M.WordPtr{pSegment=landingPadSegment, pAddr=landingPadAddr} -> case pointerFrom landingPadAddr dstAddr relPtr of Right landingPad -> do let WordAt{segIndex,wordIndex} = landingPadAddr M.write landingPadSegment wordIndex (P.serializePtr $ Just landingPad) M.write srcSegment srcWordIndex $ P.serializePtr $ Just $ P.FarPtr False (fromIntegral wordIndex) (fromIntegral segIndex) Left DifferentSegments -> error "BUG: allocated a landing pad in the wrong segment!" Left OutOfRange -> error "BUG: segment is too large to set the pointer." Nothing -> do -- The target segment is full. We need to do a double-far pointer. -- First allocate the 2-word landing pad, wherever it will fit: M.WordPtr { pSegment = landingPadSegment , pAddr = WordAt { wordIndex = landingPadOffset , segIndex = landingPadSegIndex } } <- M.alloc msg 2 -- Next, point the source pointer at the landing pad: M.write srcSegment srcWordIndex $ P.serializePtr $ Just $ P.FarPtr True (fromIntegral landingPadOffset) (fromIntegral landingPadSegIndex) -- Finally, fill in the landing pad itself. -- -- The first word is a far pointer whose offset is the -- starting address of our target object: M.write landingPadSegment landingPadOffset $ let WordAt{wordIndex, segIndex} = dstAddr in P.serializePtr $ Just $ P.FarPtr False (fromIntegral wordIndex) (fromIntegral segIndex) -- The second word is a pointer of the right "shape" -- for the target, but with a zero offset: M.write landingPadSegment (landingPadOffset + 1) $ P.serializePtr $ Just $ case relPtr of P.StructPtr _ nWords nPtrs -> P.StructPtr 0 nWords nPtrs P.ListPtr _ eltSpec -> P.ListPtr 0 eltSpec _ -> relPtr -- | Make a copy of a capability inside the target message. copyCap :: RWCtx m s => M.Message ('Mut s) -> Cap ('Mut s) -> m (Cap ('Mut s)) {-# INLINABLE copyCap #-} copyCap dest cap = getClient cap >>= appendCap dest -- | Make a copy of the value at the pointer, in the target message. copyPtr :: RWCtx m s => M.Message ('Mut s) -> Maybe (Ptr ('Mut s)) -> m (Maybe (Ptr ('Mut s))) {-# INLINABLE copyPtr #-} {-# SPECIALIZE copyPtr :: M.Message ('Mut RealWorld) -> Maybe (Ptr ('Mut RealWorld)) -> LimitT IO (Maybe (Ptr ('Mut RealWorld))) #-} {-# SPECIALIZE copyPtr :: M.Message ('Mut s) -> Maybe (Ptr ('Mut s)) -> PureBuilder s (Maybe (Ptr ('Mut s))) #-} copyPtr _ Nothing = pure Nothing copyPtr dest (Just (PtrCap cap)) = Just . PtrCap <$> copyCap dest cap copyPtr dest (Just (PtrList src)) = Just . PtrList <$> copyList dest src copyPtr dest (Just (PtrStruct src)) = Just . PtrStruct <$> do destStruct <- allocStruct dest (fromIntegral $ structWordCount src) (fromIntegral $ structPtrCount src) copyStruct destStruct src pure destStruct -- | Make a copy of the list, in the target message. copyList :: RWCtx m s => M.Message ('Mut s) -> List ('Mut s) -> m (List ('Mut s)) {-# INLINABLE copyList #-} {-# SPECIALIZE copyList :: M.Message ('Mut RealWorld) -> List ('Mut RealWorld) -> LimitT IO (List ('Mut RealWorld)) #-} {-# SPECIALIZE copyList :: M.Message ('Mut s) -> List ('Mut s) -> PureBuilder s (List ('Mut s)) #-} copyList dest src = case src of List0 src -> List0 <$> allocList0 dest (length src) List1 src -> List1 <$> copyNewListOf dest src allocList1 List8 src -> List8 <$> copyNewListOf dest src allocList8 List16 src -> List16 <$> copyNewListOf dest src allocList16 List32 src -> List32 <$> copyNewListOf dest src allocList32 List64 src -> List64 <$> copyNewListOf dest src allocList64 ListPtr src -> ListPtr <$> copyNewListOf dest src allocListPtr ListStruct src -> ListStruct <$> do destList <- allocCompositeList dest (fromIntegral $ structListWordCount src) (structListPtrCount src) (length src) copyListOf destList src pure destList copyNewListOf :: (ListItem r, RWCtx m s) => M.Message ('Mut s) -> ListOf r ('Mut s) -> (M.Message ('Mut s) -> Int -> m (ListOf r ('Mut s))) -> m (ListOf r ('Mut s)) {-# INLINE copyNewListOf #-} copyNewListOf destMsg src new = do dest <- new destMsg (length src) copyListOf dest src pure dest -- | @copyDataList dest src bits@ copies n elements of @src@ to @dest@, where n -- is the length of the smaller list. @bits@ is the number of bits per element -- in the two lists. -- -- This should only used for non-pointer types, as it does not do a deep copy and -- just copies the raw bytes. -- -- Warning: if you get the @bits@ argument wrong, you may trample over data outside -- the intended bounds. copyDataList :: RWCtx m s => NormalList ('Mut s) -> NormalList ('Mut s) -> BitCount -> m () copyDataList dest src bits = do let unpack NormalList{nLen, nPtr = M.WordPtr{pSegment, pAddr=WordAt{wordIndex}}} = (nLen, wordIndex, pSegment) (srcLen, srcOff, srcSeg) = unpack src (destLen, destOff, destSeg) = unpack dest len = min destLen srcLen lenWords = fromIntegral len * bits & bitsToBytesCeil & bytesToWordsCeil sliceVec off = SMV.slice (fromIntegral off) (fromIntegral lenWords) srcVec <- M.segToVecMut srcSeg destVec <- M.segToVecMut destSeg SMV.copy (sliceVec destOff destVec) (sliceVec srcOff srcVec) -- | @'copyStruct' dest src@ copies the source struct to the destination struct. copyStruct :: RWCtx m s => Struct ('Mut s) -> Struct ('Mut s) -> m () {-# INLINABLE copyStruct #-} {-# SPECIALIZE copyStruct :: Struct ('Mut RealWorld) -> Struct ('Mut RealWorld) -> LimitT IO () #-} {-# SPECIALIZE copyStruct :: Struct ('Mut s) -> Struct ('Mut s) -> PureBuilder s () #-} copyStruct dest src = do -- We copy both the data and pointer sections from src to dest, -- padding the tail of the destination section with zeros/null -- pointers as necessary. If the destination section is -- smaller than the source section, this will raise a BoundsError. -- -- TODO: possible enhancement: allow the destination section to be -- smaller than the source section if and only if the tail of the -- source section is all zeros (default values). copySection (dataSection dest) (dataSection src) 0 copySection (ptrSection dest) (ptrSection src) Nothing where copySection dest src pad = do -- Copy the source section to the destination section: copyListOf dest src -- Pad the remainder with zeros/default values: forM_ [length src..length dest - 1] $ \i -> setIndex pad i dest -- | @index i list@ returns the ith element in @list@. Deducts 1 from the quota index :: (ReadCtx m mut, ListItem r) => Int -> ListOf r mut -> m (Unwrapped (Untyped r mut)) {-# INLINE index #-} {-# SPECIALIZE index :: ListItem r => Int -> ListOf r 'Const -> LimitT IO (Unwrapped (Untyped r 'Const)) #-} {-# SPECIALIZE index :: ListItem r => Int -> ListOf r ('Mut RealWorld) -> LimitT IO (Unwrapped (Untyped r ('Mut RealWorld))) #-} {-# SPECIALIZE index :: ListItem r => Int -> ListOf r 'Const -> PureBuilder s (Unwrapped (Untyped r 'Const)) #-} {-# SPECIALIZE index :: ListItem r => Int -> ListOf r ('Mut s) -> PureBuilder s (Unwrapped (Untyped r ('Mut s))) #-} index i list | i < 0 || i >= length list = throwM E.BoundsError { E.index = i, E.maxIndex = length list - 1 } | otherwise = unsafeIndex i list -- | Return a prefix of the list, of the given length. {-# INLINABLE take #-} take count list | length list < count = throwM E.BoundsError { E.index = count, E.maxIndex = length list - 1 } | otherwise = pure $ unsafeTake count list -- | The data section of a struct, as a list of Word64 dataSection :: Struct mut -> ListOf ('Data 'Sz64) mut {-# INLINE dataSection #-} dataSection (StructAt ptr dataSz _) = ListOf $ NormalList ptr (fromIntegral dataSz) -- | The pointer section of a struct, as a list of Ptr ptrSection :: Struct mut -> ListOf ('Ptr 'Nothing) mut {-# INLINE ptrSection #-} ptrSection (StructAt ptr@M.WordPtr{pAddr=addr@WordAt{wordIndex}} dataSz ptrSz) = ListOf $ NormalList { nPtr = ptr { M.pAddr = addr { wordIndex = wordIndex + fromIntegral dataSz } } , nLen = fromIntegral ptrSz } -- | Get the size (in words) of a struct's data section. structWordCount :: Struct mut -> WordCount structWordCount (StructAt _ptr dataSz _ptrSz) = fromIntegral dataSz -- | Get the size (in bytes) of a struct's data section. structByteCount :: Struct mut -> ByteCount structByteCount = wordsToBytes . structWordCount -- | Get the size of a struct's pointer section. structPtrCount :: Struct mut -> Word16 structPtrCount (StructAt _ptr _dataSz ptrSz) = ptrSz -- | Get the size (in words) of the data sections in a struct list. structListWordCount :: ListOf ('Ptr ('Just 'Struct)) mut -> WordCount structListWordCount (ListOf (StructList s _)) = structWordCount s -- | Get the size (in words) of the data sections in a struct list. structListByteCount :: ListOf ('Ptr ('Just 'Struct)) mut -> ByteCount structListByteCount (ListOf (StructList s _)) = structByteCount s -- | Get the size of the pointer sections in a struct list. structListPtrCount :: ListOf ('Ptr ('Just 'Struct)) mut -> Word16 structListPtrCount (ListOf (StructList s _)) = structPtrCount s -- | @'getData' i struct@ gets the @i@th word from the struct's data section, -- returning 0 if it is absent. getData :: ReadCtx m msg => Int -> Struct msg -> m Word64 {-# INLINE getData #-} getData i struct | fromIntegral (structWordCount struct) <= i = pure 0 | otherwise = index i (dataSection struct) -- | @'getPtr' i struct@ gets the @i@th word from the struct's pointer section, -- returning Nothing if it is absent. getPtr :: ReadCtx m msg => Int -> Struct msg -> m (Maybe (Ptr msg)) {-# INLINE getPtr #-} getPtr i struct | fromIntegral (structPtrCount struct) <= i = do invoice 1 pure Nothing | otherwise = do ptr <- index i (ptrSection struct) checkPtr ptr invoicePtr ptr pure ptr checkPtr :: ReadCtx m mut => Maybe (Ptr mut) -> m () {-# INLINABLE checkPtr #-} checkPtr Nothing = pure () checkPtr (Just (PtrCap c)) = checkCap c checkPtr (Just (PtrList l)) = checkList l checkPtr (Just (PtrStruct s)) = checkStruct s checkCap :: ReadCtx m mut => Cap mut -> m () {-# INLINABLE checkCap #-} checkCap (CapAt _ _ ) = pure () -- No need to do anything here; an out of bounds index is just treated -- as null. checkList :: ReadCtx m mut => List mut -> m () {-# INLINABLE checkList #-} checkList (List0 l) = checkListOf @('Data 'Sz0) l checkList (List1 l) = checkListOf @('Data 'Sz1) l checkList (List8 l) = checkListOf @('Data 'Sz8) l checkList (List16 l) = checkListOf @('Data 'Sz16) l checkList (List32 l) = checkListOf @('Data 'Sz32) l checkList (List64 l) = checkListOf @('Data 'Sz64) l checkList (ListPtr l) = checkListOf @('Ptr 'Nothing) l checkList (ListStruct l) = checkListOf @('Ptr ('Just 'Struct)) l checkNormalList :: ReadCtx m mut => NormalList mut -> BitCount -> m () {-# INLINABLE checkNormalList #-} checkNormalList NormalList{nPtr, nLen} eltSize = let nBits = fromIntegral nLen * eltSize nWords = bytesToWordsCeil $ bitsToBytesCeil nBits in checkPtrOffset nPtr nWords checkStruct :: ReadCtx m mut => Struct mut -> m () {-# INLINABLE checkStruct #-} checkStruct s@(StructAt ptr _ _) = checkPtrOffset ptr (structSize s) checkPtrOffset :: ReadCtx m mut => M.WordPtr mut -> WordCount -> m () {-# INLINABLE checkPtrOffset #-} checkPtrOffset M.WordPtr{pSegment, pAddr=WordAt{wordIndex}} size = do segWords <- M.numWords pSegment let maxIndex = fromIntegral segWords - 1 unless (wordIndex >= 0) $ throwM E.BoundsError { index = fromIntegral wordIndex, maxIndex } unless (wordIndex + size <= segWords) $ throwM E.BoundsError { index = fromIntegral (wordIndex + size) - 1 , maxIndex } structSize :: Struct mut -> WordCount structSize s = structWordCount s + fromIntegral (structPtrCount s) -- | Invoice the traversal limit for all data reachable via the pointer -- directly, i.e. without following further pointers. -- -- The minimum possible cost is 1, and for lists will always be proportional -- to the length of the list, even if the size of the elements is zero. invoicePtr :: MonadLimit m => Maybe (Ptr mut) -> m () {-# INLINABLE invoicePtr #-} {-# SPECIALIZE invoicePtr :: Maybe (Ptr ('Mut RealWorld)) -> LimitT IO () #-} {-# SPECIALIZE invoicePtr :: Maybe (Ptr ('Mut s)) -> PureBuilder s () #-} invoicePtr p = invoice $! ptrInvoiceSize p ptrInvoiceSize :: Maybe (Ptr mut) -> WordCount {-# INLINABLE ptrInvoiceSize #-} ptrInvoiceSize = \case Nothing -> 1 Just (PtrCap _) -> 1 Just (PtrStruct s) -> structInvoiceSize s Just (PtrList l) -> listInvoiceSize l listInvoiceSize :: List mut -> WordCount {-# INLINABLE listInvoiceSize #-} listInvoiceSize l = max 1 $! case l of List0 l -> fromIntegral $! length l List1 l -> fromIntegral $! length l `div` 64 List8 l -> fromIntegral $! length l `div` 8 List16 l -> fromIntegral $! length l `div` 4 List32 l -> fromIntegral $! length l `div` 2 List64 l -> fromIntegral $! length l ListPtr l -> fromIntegral $! length l ListStruct (ListOf (StructList s len)) -> structInvoiceSize s * fromIntegral len structInvoiceSize :: Struct mut -> WordCount {-# INLINABLE structInvoiceSize #-} structInvoiceSize (StructAt _ dataSz ptrSz) = max 1 (fromIntegral dataSz + fromIntegral ptrSz) -- | @'setData' value i struct@ sets the @i@th word in the struct's data section -- to @value@. {-# INLINE setData #-} setData :: (ReadCtx m ('Mut s), M.WriteCtx m s) => Word64 -> Int -> Struct ('Mut s) -> m () setData value i = setIndex value i . dataSection -- | @'setData' value i struct@ sets the @i@th pointer in the struct's pointer -- section to @value@. setPtr :: (ReadCtx m ('Mut s), M.WriteCtx m s) => Maybe (Ptr ('Mut s)) -> Int -> Struct ('Mut s) -> m () {-# INLINE setPtr #-} setPtr value i = setIndex value i . ptrSection -- | 'rawBytes' returns the raw bytes corresponding to the list. rawBytes :: ReadCtx m 'Const => ListOf ('Data 'Sz8) 'Const -> m BS.ByteString {-# INLINABLE rawBytes #-} -- TODO: we can get away with a more lax context than ReadCtx, maybe even make -- this non-monadic. rawBytes (ListOf (NormalList M.WordPtr{pSegment, pAddr=WordAt{wordIndex}} len)) = do let bytes = M.toByteString pSegment let ByteCount byteOffset = wordsToBytes wordIndex pure $ BS.take len $ BS.drop byteOffset bytes -- | Returns the root pointer of a message. rootPtr :: ReadCtx m mut => M.Message mut -> m (Struct mut) {-# INLINABLE rootPtr #-} rootPtr msg = do seg <- M.getSegment msg 0 root <- get M.WordPtr { pMessage = msg , pSegment = seg , pAddr = WordAt 0 0 } checkPtr root invoicePtr root case root of Just (PtrStruct struct) -> pure struct Nothing -> messageDefault @Struct msg _ -> throwM $ E.SchemaViolationError "Unexpected root type; expected struct." -- | Make the given struct the root object of its message. setRoot :: M.WriteCtx m s => Struct ('Mut s) -> m () {-# INLINABLE setRoot #-} setRoot (StructAt M.WordPtr{pMessage, pAddr=addr} dataSz ptrSz) = do pSegment <- M.getSegment pMessage 0 let rootPtr = M.WordPtr{pMessage, pSegment, pAddr = WordAt 0 0} setPointerTo rootPtr addr (P.StructPtr 0 dataSz ptrSz) -- | An instace of @'Allocate'@ specifies how to allocate a value with a given representation. -- This only makes sense for pointers of course, so it is defined on PtrRepr. Of the well-kinded -- types, only @'List 'Nothing@ is missing an instance. class Allocate (r :: PtrRepr) where -- | Extra information needed to allocate a value: -- -- * For structs, the sizes of the sections. -- * For capabilities, the client to attach to the messages. -- * For lists, the length, and for composite lists, the struct sizes as well. type AllocHint r -- | Allocate a value of the given type. alloc :: RWCtx m s => M.Message ('Mut s) -> AllocHint r -> m (Unwrapped (UntypedSomePtr r ('Mut s))) instance Allocate 'Struct where type AllocHint 'Struct = (Word16, Word16) alloc msg = uncurry (allocStruct msg) instance Allocate 'Cap where type AllocHint 'Cap = M.Client alloc = appendCap instance Allocate ('List ('Just 'ListComposite)) where type AllocHint ('List ('Just 'ListComposite)) = (Int, AllocHint 'Struct) alloc msg (len, (nWords, nPtrs)) = allocCompositeList msg nWords nPtrs len instance AllocateNormalList r => Allocate ('List ('Just ('ListNormal r))) where type AllocHint ('List ('Just ('ListNormal r))) = Int alloc = allocNormalList @r -- | Like 'Allocate', but specialized to normal (non-composite) lists. -- -- Instead of an 'AllocHint' type family, the hint is always an 'Int', -- which is the number of elements. class AllocateNormalList (r :: NormalListRepr) where allocNormalList :: RWCtx m s => M.Message ('Mut s) -> Int -> m (UntypedSomeList ('ListNormal r) ('Mut s)) instance AllocateNormalList ('NormalListData 'Sz0) where allocNormalList = allocList0 instance AllocateNormalList ('NormalListData 'Sz1) where allocNormalList = allocList1 instance AllocateNormalList ('NormalListData 'Sz8) where allocNormalList = allocList8 instance AllocateNormalList ('NormalListData 'Sz16) where allocNormalList = allocList16 instance AllocateNormalList ('NormalListData 'Sz32) where allocNormalList = allocList32 instance AllocateNormalList ('NormalListData 'Sz64) where allocNormalList = allocList64 instance AllocateNormalList 'NormalListPtr where allocNormalList = allocListPtr -- | Allocate a struct in the message. allocStruct :: M.WriteCtx m s => M.Message ('Mut s) -> Word16 -> Word16 -> m (Struct ('Mut s)) {-# INLINABLE allocStruct #-} allocStruct msg dataSz ptrSz = do let totalSz = fromIntegral dataSz + fromIntegral ptrSz ptr <- M.alloc msg totalSz pure $ StructAt ptr dataSz ptrSz -- | Allocate a composite list. allocCompositeList :: M.WriteCtx m s => M.Message ('Mut s) -- ^ The message to allocate in. -> Word16 -- ^ The size of the data section -> Word16 -- ^ The size of the pointer section -> Int -- ^ The length of the list in elements. -> m (ListOf ('Ptr ('Just 'Struct)) ('Mut s)) {-# INLINABLE allocCompositeList #-} allocCompositeList msg dataSz ptrSz len = do let eltSize = fromIntegral dataSz + fromIntegral ptrSz ptr@M.WordPtr{pSegment, pAddr=addr@WordAt{wordIndex}} <- M.alloc msg (WordCount $ len * eltSize + 1) -- + 1 for the tag word. M.write pSegment wordIndex $ P.serializePtr' $ P.StructPtr (fromIntegral len) dataSz ptrSz let firstStruct = StructAt ptr { M.pAddr = addr { wordIndex = wordIndex + 1 } } dataSz ptrSz pure $ ListOf $ StructList firstStruct len -- | Allocate a list of capnproto @Void@ values. allocList0 :: M.WriteCtx m s => M.Message ('Mut s) -> Int -> m (ListOf ('Data 'Sz0) ('Mut s)) {-# INLINABLE allocList0 #-} -- | Allocate a list of booleans allocList1 :: M.WriteCtx m s => M.Message ('Mut s) -> Int -> m (ListOf ('Data 'Sz1) ('Mut s)) {-# INLINABLE allocList1 #-} -- | Allocate a list of 8-bit values. allocList8 :: M.WriteCtx m s => M.Message ('Mut s) -> Int -> m (ListOf ('Data 'Sz8) ('Mut s)) {-# INLINABLE allocList8 #-} -- | Allocate a list of 16-bit values. allocList16 :: M.WriteCtx m s => M.Message ('Mut s) -> Int -> m (ListOf ('Data 'Sz16) ('Mut s)) {-# INLINABLE allocList16 #-} -- | Allocate a list of 32-bit values. allocList32 :: M.WriteCtx m s => M.Message ('Mut s) -> Int -> m (ListOf ('Data 'Sz32) ('Mut s)) {-# INLINABLE allocList32 #-} -- | Allocate a list of 64-bit words. allocList64 :: M.WriteCtx m s => M.Message ('Mut s) -> Int -> m (ListOf ('Data 'Sz64) ('Mut s)) {-# INLINABLE allocList64 #-} -- | Allocate a list of pointers. allocListPtr :: M.WriteCtx m s => M.Message ('Mut s) -> Int -> m (ListOf ('Ptr 'Nothing) ('Mut s)) {-# INLINABLE allocListPtr #-} allocList0 msg len = ListOf <$> allocNormalList' 0 msg len allocList1 msg len = ListOf <$> allocNormalList' 1 msg len allocList8 msg len = ListOf <$> allocNormalList' 8 msg len allocList16 msg len = ListOf <$> allocNormalList' 16 msg len allocList32 msg len = ListOf <$> allocNormalList' 32 msg len allocList64 msg len = ListOf <$> allocNormalList' 64 msg len allocListPtr msg len = ListOf <$> allocNormalList' 64 msg len -- | Allocate a NormalList allocNormalList' :: M.WriteCtx m s => Int -- ^ The number bits per element -> M.Message ('Mut s) -- ^ The message to allocate in -> Int -- ^ The number of elements in the list. -> m (NormalList ('Mut s)) {-# INLINABLE allocNormalList' #-} allocNormalList' bitsPerElt msg len = do -- round 'len' up to the nearest word boundary. let totalBits = BitCount (len * bitsPerElt) totalWords = bytesToWordsCeil $ bitsToBytesCeil totalBits ptr <- M.alloc msg totalWords pure NormalList { nPtr = ptr, nLen = len } appendCap :: M.WriteCtx m s => M.Message ('Mut s) -> M.Client -> m (Cap ('Mut s)) {-# INLINABLE appendCap #-} appendCap msg client = do i <- M.appendCap msg client pure $ CapAt msg (fromIntegral i) instance MaybeMutable (ListRepOf r) => MaybeMutable (ListOf r) where thaw (ListOf l) = ListOf <$> thaw l freeze (ListOf l) = ListOf <$> freeze l unsafeThaw (ListOf l) = ListOf <$> unsafeThaw l unsafeFreeze (ListOf l) = ListOf <$> unsafeFreeze l ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Helpers generated MaybeMutable instances ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- trivial wrapaper around CatchT, so we can add a PrimMonad instance. newtype CatchTWrap m a = CatchTWrap { runCatchTWrap :: CatchT m a } deriving(Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadTrans, MonadThrow, MonadCatch) instance PrimMonad m => PrimMonad (CatchTWrap m) where type PrimState (CatchTWrap m) = PrimState m primitive = lift . primitive -- | @runCatchImpure m@ runs @m@, and if it throws, raises the -- exception with 'impureThrow'. runCatchImpure :: Monad m => CatchTWrap m a -> m a {-# INLINABLE runCatchImpure #-} runCatchImpure m = do res <- runCatchT $ runCatchTWrap m pure $ case res of Left e -> impureThrow e Right v -> v ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generated MaybeMutable instances ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- do let mkWrappedInstance name = let f = pure $ TH.ConT name in [d|instance MaybeMutable $f where thaw = runCatchImpure . tMsg thaw freeze = runCatchImpure . tMsg freeze unsafeThaw = runCatchImpure . tMsg unsafeThaw unsafeFreeze = runCatchImpure . tMsg unsafeFreeze |] concat <$> traverse mkWrappedInstance [ ''Ptr , ''List , ''Cap , ''Struct , ''NormalList , ''StructList ] do let mkIsListPtrRepr (r, listC, str) = [d| instance IsListPtrRepr $r where rToList = $(pure $ TH.ConE listC) rFromList $(pure $ TH.ConP listC [TH.VarP (TH.mkName "l")]) = pure l rFromList _ = expected $(pure $ TH.LitE $ TH.StringL $ "pointer to " ++ str) rFromListMsg = messageDefault @(Untyped ('Ptr ('Just ('List ('Just $r))))) |] concat <$> traverse mkIsListPtrRepr [ ( [t| 'ListNormal ('NormalListData 'Sz0) |] , 'List0 , "List(Void)" ) , ( [t| 'ListNormal ('NormalListData 'Sz1) |] , 'List1 , "List(Bool)" ) , ( [t| 'ListNormal ('NormalListData 'Sz8) |] , 'List8 , "List(UInt8)" ) , ( [t| 'ListNormal ('NormalListData 'Sz16) |] , 'List16 , "List(UInt16)" ) , ( [t| 'ListNormal ('NormalListData 'Sz32) |] , 'List32 , "List(UInt32)" ) , ( [t| 'ListNormal ('NormalListData 'Sz64) |] , 'List64 , "List(UInt64)" ) , ( [t| 'ListNormal 'NormalListPtr |] , 'ListPtr , "List(AnyPointer)" ) , ( [t| 'ListComposite |] , 'ListStruct , "composite list" ) ] instance MaybeMutable (IgnoreMut a) where thaw = pure . coerce freeze = pure . coerce instance MaybeMutable MaybePtr where thaw (MaybePtr p) = MaybePtr <$> traverse thaw p freeze (MaybePtr p) = MaybePtr <$> traverse freeze p unsafeThaw (MaybePtr p) = MaybePtr <$> traverse unsafeThaw p unsafeFreeze (MaybePtr p) = MaybePtr <$> traverse unsafeFreeze p