# capability: effects, extensionally [![Build status](https://badge.buildkite.com/a44574059e13fc443caa437226af5ae5e67b6a5ae012534712.svg?branch=master)](https://buildkite.com/tweag-1/capability) A capability is a type class that says explicitly which effects a function is allowed to use. The [`mtl`][mtl] works like this too. But unlike the `mtl`, this library decouples effects from their implementation. What this means in practice: - You can implement large sets of capabilities using the efficient [`ReaderT` pattern][readert], rather than a slow monad transformer stack. - Capabilities compose well: e.g. it's easy to have multiple reader effects. - You can use a writer effect without implementing it as a writer monad (which is known to [leak space][writer-space-leak]). - You can reason about effects. For instance, if a monad provides a reader effect at type `IORef A`, it also provides a state effect at type `A` For more on these, you may want to read the announcement [blog post][blog]. This library is an alternative to the [`mtl`][mtl]. It defines a set of standard, reusable capability type classes, such as the `HasReader` and `HasState` type classes, which provide the standard reader and state effects, respectively. Where `mtl` instances only need to be defined once and for all, capability-style programming has traditionally suffered from verbose boilerplate: rote instance definitions for every new implementation of the capability. Fortunately GHC 8.6 introduced the [`DerivingVia`][deriving-via] language extension. We use it to remove the boilerplate, turning capability-style programming into an appealing alternative to `mtl`-style programming. The [`generic-lens`][generic-lens] library is used to access fields of structure in the style of the [`ReaderT` pattern][readert]. An additional benefit of separating capabilities from their implementation is that they avoid a pitfall of the `mtl`. In the `mtl`, two different `MonadState` are disambiguated by their types, which means that it is difficult to have two `MonadState Int` in the same monad stack. Capability type classes are parameterized by a name (also known as a *tag*). This makes it possible to combine multiple versions of the same capability. For example, ```haskell twoStates :: (HasState "a" Int m, HasState "b" Int m) => m () ``` Here, the tags `"a"` and `"b"` refer to different state spaces. In summary, compared to the `mtl`: - capabilities represent what effects a function can use, rather than how the monad is constructed; - capabilities are named, rather than disambiguated by type; - capabilites are discharged with deriving-via combinators and [`generic-lens`][generic-lens], rather than with instance resolution. An example usage looks like this: ``` haskell testParity :: (HasReader "foo" Int m, HasState "bar" Bool m) => m () testParity = do num <- ask @"foo" put @"bar" (even num) data Ctx = Ctx { foo :: Int, bar :: IORef Bool } deriving Generic newtype M a = M { runM :: Ctx -> IO a } deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad) via ReaderT Ctx IO -- Use DerivingVia to derive a HasReader instance. deriving (HasReader "foo" Int) via -- Pick the field foo from the Ctx record in the ReaderT environment. Field "foo" "ctx" (MonadReader (ReaderT Ctx IO)) -- Use DerivingVia to derive a HasState instance. deriving (HasState "bar" Bool) via -- Convert a reader of IORef to a state capability. ReaderIORef (Field "bar" "ctx" (MonadReader (ReaderT Ctx IO))) example :: IO () example = do rEven <- newIORef False runM testParity (Ctx 2 rEven) readIORef rEven >>= print runM testParity (Ctx 3 rEven) readIORef rEven >>= print ``` For more complex examples, see the [Examples section](#examples) and the [`examples` subtree](./examples). API documentation can be found on [Hackage](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/capability). [circleci]: https://circleci.com/gh/tweag/capabilities-via/tree/master [mtl]: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/mtl [blog]: https://www.tweag.io/posts/2018-10-04-capability.html [deriving-via]: https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/8.6.1/docs/html/users_guide/glasgow_exts.html#deriving-via [generic-lens]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/generic-lens [readert]: https://www.fpcomplete.com/blog/2017/06/readert-design-pattern [writer-space-leak]: https://blog.infinitenegativeutility.com/2016/7/writer-monads-and-space-leaks ## Examples An example is provided in [`WordCount`](examples/WordCount.hs). Execute the following commands to try it out: ``` $ nix-shell --pure --run "cabal configure --enable-tests" $ nix-shell --pure --run "cabal repl examples" ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings ghci> wordAndLetterCount "ab ba" Letters 'a': 2 'b': 2 Words "ab": 1 "ba": 1 ``` To execute all examples and see if they produce the expected results run ``` $ nix-shell --pure --run "cabal test examples --show-details=streaming --test-option=--color" ``` ## Build instructions ### Nix Shell A development environment with all dependencies in scope is defined in [`shell.nix`](shell.nix). ### Build The build instructions assume that you have [Nix][nix] installed. Execute the following command to build the library. ``` $ nix-shell --pure --run "cabal configure" $ nix-shell --pure --run "cabal build" ``` [nix]: https://nixos.org/nix/