module Math.NumberTheory.Canon.Internals (
CanonRep_, CR_,
crValidIntegral, crValidIntegralViaUserFunc,
crValidRational, crValidRationalViaUserFunc,
crFromInteger, crFromI,
crToInteger, crToI,
crMod, crModI,
pattern PZero,
pattern PZeroBad,
pattern POne,
pattern PNeg,
pattern PNotPos,
pattern PN1,
pattern PIntNeg,
pattern PIntNPos,
pattern PIntPos,
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Factorisation (factorise, factorise')
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Testing (isPrime)
import GHC.Real (Ratio(..))
type CanonElement_ = (Integer,Integer)
type CanonRep_ = [CanonElement_]
type CR_ = CanonRep_
pattern POne :: forall t. [t]
pattern POne = []
pattern PZero :: forall a a1. (Num a, Num a1, Eq a, Eq a1) => [(a1, a)]
pattern PZero = [(0,1)]
pattern PN1 :: forall a a1. (Num a, Num a1, Eq a, Eq a1) => [(a1, a)]
pattern PN1 = [(0,1)]
pattern PZeroBad :: forall t a. (Num a, Eq a) => [(a, t)]
pattern PZeroBad <- ((0,_):_)
pattern PNotPos :: forall t a. (Num a, Ord a) => [(a, t)]
pattern PNotPos <- ( (compare 1 -> GT, _):_ )
pattern PIntNeg :: forall a. (Num a, Ord a) => a
pattern PIntNeg <- (compare 0 -> GT)
pattern PIntPos :: forall a. (Num a, Ord a) => a
pattern PIntPos <- (compare 0 -> LT)
pattern PIntNPos :: forall a. (Num a, Ord a) => a
pattern PIntNPos <- (compare 1 -> GT)
creN1, cre0 :: CanonElement_
creN1 = (1,1)
cre0 = (0,1)
crN1, cr0, cr1 :: CanonRep_
crN1 = [creN1]
cr0 = [cre0]
cr1 = []
pattern PNeg :: forall a a1. (Num a, Num a1, Eq a, Eq a1) => [(a1, a)]
pattern PNeg <- ((1,1):_)
crNegative, crPositive :: CR_ -> Bool
crNegative PNeg = True
crNegative _ = False
crPositive PZero = False
crPositive x = not $ crNegative x
crValid :: CR_ -> (Integer -> Bool) -> Bool -> Bool
crValid POne _ _ = True
crValid PZero _ _ = True
crValid PZeroBad _ _ = False
crValid c bp ef
| crNegative c = f (tail c) 1
| otherwise = f c 1
where f POne _ = True
f ((cp,ce):cs) n | cp <= n || not (expPred ef ce) || not (bp cp) = False
| otherwise = f cs cp
f _ _ = error "Logic error in crValid'. Issue with pattern matching?"
expPred b e = if b then (e > 0) else (e /= 0)
crValidIntegral, crValidRational :: CR_ -> Bool
crValidIntegralViaUserFunc, crValidRationalViaUserFunc :: CR_ -> (Integer -> Bool) -> Bool
crValidIntegral n = crValid n isPrime True
crValidIntegralViaUserFunc n f = crValid n f True
crValidRational n = crValid n isPrime False
crValidRationalViaUserFunc n f = crValid n f False
crFromInteger, crFromI :: Integer -> CR_
crFromInteger 0 = cr0
crFromInteger n = map (\(p, e) -> (p, toInteger e)) $ sortBy sf $ factorise n
where sf (p1, _) (p2, _) | p1 < p2 = LT
| otherwise = GT
crFromI n = crFromInteger n
crToInteger, crToI :: CR_ -> Integer
crToInteger POne = 1
crToInteger PZero = 0
crToInteger c | (head c) == creN1 = 1 * (crToInteger $ tail c)
| otherwise = product $ map (\(x,y) -> x ^ y) c
crToI = crToInteger
crModI :: CR_ -> Integer -> Integer
crModI _ 0 = error "Divide by zero error when computing n mod 0"
crModI _ 1 = 0
crModI _ (1) = 0
crModI POne PIntPos = 1
crModI PZero _ = 0
crModI c m | cn && mn = 1 * crModI (crAbs c) am
| (cn && not mn) ||
(mn && not cn) = (signum m) * (am f (crAbs c) am)
| otherwise = f c m
where cn = crNegative c
mn = m < 0
am = abs m
f c' m' = mod (product $ map (\(x,y) -> pmI x (mmt y) m') c') m'
mmt e | e >= 1 = mod e $ totient m
| otherwise = error "Negative exponents are not allowed in crModI"
crMod :: CR_ -> CR_ -> CR_
crMod c m = crFromI $ crModI c (crToI m)
ceShow :: CanonElement_ -> String
ceShow (p,e) = show p ++ if e == 1 then ""
else "^" ++ (if e < 0 then "(" ++ se ++ ")" else se)
where se = show e
crShow, crShowRational :: CR_ -> String
crShow POne = show (1 :: Integer)
crShow x | null (tail x) = ceShow $ head x
| otherwise = concat $ intersperse " * " $ map ceShow x
crShowRational c | d == cr1 = crShow n
| otherwise = crShow n ++ "\n/\n" ++ crShow d
where (n, d) = crSplit c
crNegate, crAbs, crSignum :: CR_ -> CR_
crNegate PZero = cr0
crNegate x | crNegative x = tail x
| otherwise = creN1 : x
crAbs x | crNegative x = tail x
| otherwise = x
crSignum PZero = cr0;
crSignum x | crNegative x = crN1
| otherwise = cr1
crCmp :: CR_ -> CR_ -> Ordering
crCmp POne y = crCmp1 y True
crCmp x POne = crCmp1 x False
crCmp x y | x == y = EQ
| xN && yN = crCmp (tail y) (tail x)
| xN = LT
| yN = GT
| eqZero x = LT
| eqZero y = GT
| otherwise = case compare (crLogDouble x) (crLogDouble y) of
EQ -> compare (crLog x) (crLog y)
cmp -> cmp
where xN = crNegative x
yN = crNegative y
eqZero PZero = True;
eqZero _ = False
crCmp1 :: CR_ -> Bool -> Ordering
crCmp1 PNeg b = if b then GT else LT
crCmp1 PZero b = if b then GT else LT
crCmp1 _ b = if b then LT else GT
crMin, crMax :: CR_ -> CR_ -> CR_
crMin x y = case crCmp x y of
GT -> y
_ -> x
crMax x y = case crCmp x y of
LT -> y
_ -> x
divisionError, divByZeroError, zeroDivZeroError, negativeLogError :: String
divisionError = "For this function, the dividend must be a multiple of the divisor."
divByZeroError = "Division by zero error!"
zeroDivZeroError = "Zero divided by zero is undefined!"
negativeLogError = "The log of a negative number is undefined!"
crDivStrict :: CR_ -> CR_ -> CR_
crDivStrict x y = case crDiv x y of
Left errorMsg -> error errorMsg
Right quotient -> quotient
crDiv :: CR_ -> CR_ -> Either String CR_
crDiv PZero PZero = Left zeroDivZeroError
crDiv PZero _ = Right cr0
crDiv _ PZero = Left divByZeroError
crDiv x' y' = f x' y'
f x POne = Right x
f POne _ = Left divisionError
f x y | crNegative y = f (crNegate x) (crAbs y)
| otherwise = case compare xp yp of
LT -> case f xs y of
Left _ -> Left divisionError
Right r -> Right ((xp, xe):r)
EQ| (xe > ye) -> case f xs ys of
Left _ -> Left divisionError
Right r -> Right ((xp,xeye):r)
EQ| (xe == ye) -> f xs ys
_ -> Left divisionError
where ((xp,xe):xs) = x
((yp,ye):ys) = y
crMult, crDivRational, crGCD, crLCM :: CR_ -> CR_ -> CR_
crMult PZero _ = cr0
crMult _ PZero = cr0
crMult POne y = y
crMult x POne = x
crMult x y = case compare xp yp of
LT -> xh : crMult xs y
EQ -> if crNegative x || expSum == 0 then r
else (xp, expSum) : r
where r = crMult xs ys
GT -> yh : crMult x ys
where (xh@(xp,xe):xs) = x
(yh@(yp,ye):ys) = y
expSum = xe + ye
crDivRational x y = crMult (crRecip y) x
crGCD PZero y = y
crGCD x PZero = x
crGCD x y | crNegative x || crNegative y = f (crAbs x) (crAbs y)
| otherwise = f x y
where f POne _ = cr1
f _ POne = cr1
f x' y' = case compare xp yp of
LT -> f xs y'
EQ -> (xp, min xe ye) : f xs ys
GT -> f x' ys
where ((xp,xe):xs) = x'
((yp,ye):ys) = y'
crLCM PZero y = y
crLCM x PZero = x
crLCM x y | crNegative x || crNegative y = f (crAbs x) (crAbs y)
| otherwise = f x y
where f POne y' = y'
f x' POne = x'
f x' y' = case compare xp yp of
LT -> xh : f xs y'
EQ -> (xp, max xe ye) : f xs ys
GT -> yh : f x' ys
where (xh@(xp,xe):xs) = x'
(yh@(yp,ye):ys) = y'
crRecip :: CR_ -> CR_
crRecip x = crExp x (1) True
rootError :: CR_ -> Integer -> String
rootError c r = "crRoot: All exponents must be multiples of " ++ (show r) ++ ". Not so with " ++ (show c)
crRoot :: CR_ -> Integer -> CR_
crRoot _ PIntNeg = error "r-th roots are not allowed when r <= 0"
crRoot POne _ = cr1
crRoot c r
| crNegative c = if mod r 2 == 1 then creN1 : crRoot (crAbs c) r
else error "Imaginary numbers not allowed: Even root of negative number requested"
| otherwise = if mod ce r == 0 then (cp, div ce r) : crRoot cs r
else error $ rootError c r
where ((cp,ce):cs) = c
crMaxRoot :: CR_ -> Integer
crMaxRoot c = foldr (\x -> flip gcd $ snd x) 0 c
crExp :: CR_ -> Integer -> Bool -> CR_
crExp _ PIntNeg False = error "Per param flag, negative exponentiation is not allowed here."
crExp PZero PIntNPos _ = error "0^e where e <= 0 is either undefined or illegal"
crExp PZero _ _ = cr0
crExp POne _ _ = cr1
crExp _ 0 _ = cr1
crExp c em _ = ce c
where ce c' | crNegative c' = if mod em 2 == 1 then creN1 : absTail
else absTail
| otherwise = map (\(p,e) -> (p, e * em)) c'
where absTail = ce $ crAbs c'
crLog :: CR_ -> Rational
crLog PNeg = error negativeLogError
crLog c = sum $ map (\(p,e) -> (toRational $ logDouble $ fromIntegral p) * (fromIntegral e)) c
where logDouble :: Double -> Double
logDouble n = log n
crLogDouble :: CR_ -> Double
crLogDouble PNeg = error negativeLogError
crLogDouble c = sum $ map (\(x,y) -> log (fromIntegral x) * fromIntegral y) c
crNumer, crDenom, crRadical :: CR_ -> CR_
crNumer c = filter (\(_,e) -> e > 0) c
crDenom c = map (\(p,e) -> (p, (1) * e)) $ filter (\(_,e) -> e < 0) c
crIntegral :: CR_ -> Bool
crIntegral x = all (\(_,e) -> e > 0) x
crSplit :: CR_ -> (CR_, CR_)
crSplit c = (crNumer c, crDenom c)
crToRational :: CR_ -> Rational
crToRational c = (crToI $ crNumer c) :% (crToI $ crDenom c)
crRadical n = map (\(p,_) -> (p, 1)) n
integerApply :: (Integer -> Integer -> Integer) -> CR_ -> CR_ -> Integer
integerApply op x y = op (crToI x) (crToI y)
crSimpleApply :: (Integer -> Integer -> Integer) -> CR_ -> CR_ -> CR_
crSimpleApply op x y = crFromI $ integerApply op x y
pattern PPrime :: forall a a1. (Eq a, Num a, Num a1, Ord a1) => [(a1, a)]
pattern PPrime <- [(compare 1 -> LT, 1)]
crPrime, crHasSquare :: CR_ -> Bool
crPrime PPrime = True
crPrime _ = False
crHasSquare = any (\(_,e) -> e > 1)
crNumDivisors, crTau, crTotient, crPhi :: CR_ -> Integer
crNumDivisors cr = product $ map (\(_,e) -> 1 + e) cr
crTau = crNumDivisors
crTotient cr = product $ map (\(p,e) -> (p1) * p^(e1)) cr
crPhi = crTotient
crNthDivisor :: Integer -> CR_ -> CR_
crNthDivisor 0 _ = cr1
crNthDivisor _ POne = error "Bad div num requested"
crNthDivisor n c | m == 0 = r
| otherwise = (cb,m) : r
where (cb,ce):cs = c
r = crNthDivisor (div n (ce + 1)) cs
m = mod n (ce + 1)
crWhichDivisor :: CR_ -> CR_ -> Integer
crWhichDivisor d c | crPositive d == False ||
crPositive c == False = error "crWhichDivisor: Both params must be positive"
| otherwise = f d c
where f POne _ = 0
f _ POne = error "Not a valid divisor"
f d' c' | dp < cp ||
(dp == cp && de > ce) = error "Not a valid divisor"
| dp == cp = de + (ce + 1) * (f ds cs)
| otherwise = (ce + 1) * (f d cs)
where ((dp, de):ds) = d'
((cp, ce):cs) = c'
crDivisors :: CR_ -> [CR_]
crDivisors c = foldr1 cartProd $ map pwrDivList c
where cartProd xs ys = [x ++ y | y <- ys, x <- xs]
pwrDivList (n,e) = [if y == 0 then cr1 else [(n,y)] | y <- [0..(fromInteger e)]]
crDivsPlus :: CR_ -> [(CR_, Integer)]
crDivsPlus c = foldr1 cartProd (map pwrDivList c)
where cartProd xs ys = [(xl ++ yl, xv * yv) | (yl, yv) <- ys, (xl, xv) <- xs]
pwrDivList (e,n) = map tr $ pwrList e n
powers x = 1 : map (* x) (powers x)
pwrList n e = [(n,y) | y <- zip [0..e] (take (e'+1) $ powers n)]
where e' = fromInteger e
tr (a,b) = (if fb == 0 then cr1 else [(a, fb)], sb)
where (fb, sb) = b
totient :: Integer -> Integer
totient n
| n < 1 = error "Totient only defined for positive numbers"
| n == 1 = 1
| otherwise = product $ map (\(p,e) -> (p1) * p ^ (e1)) $ factorise' n
pmI :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer
pmI x p m | x < 1 || p < 0 || m < 1 = error "pmI (powerModInteger) requires: x >= 1 &&, p >= 0, m >= 1"
| otherwise = f p 1 (mod x m)
where f q w e | w == 0 || q == 0 = w
| q == 1 = mod (w*e) m
| otherwise = f (div q 2) nw (mod (e*e) m)
where nw | mod q 2 == 1 = mod (w*e) m
| otherwise = w