## 1.1.1 (Sept 24, 2021) * Fix Flint interface for Windows * Update to fortran-src 0.6.0 * Improve COMMON block elimination (array type support) ## 1.1.0 (July 06, 2021) * Update fortran-src ## 1.0.1 (March 08, 2021) * Update fortran-src, verifiable-expressions versions * Require minimum Vinyl 0.9 (`RMap` etc. type classes) * Support at least GHC 8.6, 8.8, 8.10 (on Linux) * Fix an issue caused by SBV version update ## 1.0 (August 29, 2019) * Update to new fortran-src version 0.4.0. * New command: basic-checks, which runs a series of other checks in Simple.hs. * Add max-lines threshold for snippets output, currently 5. * Rename units-compile to units-summarise/summarize. * Bring over same command-line flexibility to units-compile as 'fortran-src -c', can specify multiple files-or-directories. * Use ModGraph functionality to allow units-summarise to build dependency graphs and summarise in build-order. * Search includedir recursively for mod-files, like fortran-src. * Numerous changes to increase strictness and reduce memory usage: use Pipes, avoid constructing needlessly large graphs. ## 0.906 (June 13, 2019) * Update to new fortran-src version 0.3.0. * Add array-check, alloc-check, use-check, fp-check and implicit-none features. * A collection of sanity checks on Fortran code looking for common issues, possible problems or potential inefficiencies. * Introduce a divide-and-conquer methodology for solving units-inference problems, reducing the size of the matrices and taking advantage of SMP where available. * Treat constant-expressions and parameter variables as literals, for units-inference purposes, making it easier to retrofit units annotations onto existing programs. * Add 'units-infer --show-ast' feature, which decorates the displayed AST (internal data structure) with units information on each expression. * Made assorted efficiency improvements to the units solver and other features, especially for large projects with many files. * Add 'units-check --dump-mod-file' feature that lets you view an 'fsmod' file's contents with regard to units info. * Allow override of Fortran version used by parser using -F option. ## 0.905 (May 18, 2018) * Greatly improved units-of-measure support * Separate verification of modules * Prototype invariants checking feature * Implicit-none check on program units * Fortran 95 support