   Copyright 2016, Dominic Orchard, Andrew Rice, Mistral Contrastin, Matthew Danish

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at


   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, ImplicitParams #-}

{- Provides various data types and type class instances for the Units extension -}

module Extensions.UnitsEnvironment where

import qualified Data.Label
import Data.Label.Mono (Lens)
import Data.Label.Monadic hiding (modify)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict hiding (gets)
import Language.Fortran
import Data.Matrix

type EqualityConstrained = Bool

data Solver = LAPACK | Custom deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
data AssumeLiterals = Poly | Unitless | Mixed deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

{- Represents a constant unit expression (i.e. one without unit variables) for the RHSs of the Gaussian matrix.
    e.g. Unitful [("a", 2/3), ("b",2)] represents the linear term  2/3 log a + 2 log b
         UnitlessC marks unitless i.e., 1
data UnitConstant = Unitful [(MeasureUnit, Rational)] | UnitlessC Rational deriving (Eq, Show)

-- Column of the Guassian matrix associated with a variable
newtype VarCol = VarCol Col deriving (Eq, Show)

-- Map from Variable names to their column paired with any column of their indices
--   e.g., for a(i,k) we have a map from 'a' to its column paired with
--       a two element list of the columns for 'i' and 'j'

newtype VarBinder = VarBinder (Variable, SrcSpan) deriving Show
type VarColEnv = [(VarBinder, (VarCol, [VarCol]))]

data UnitVarCategory = Literal EqualityConstrained | Temporary | Variable | Argument | Magic deriving (Eq, Show)

type DerivedUnitEnv = [(MeasureUnit, UnitConstant)]

type ProcedureNames = (String, Maybe Variable, [Variable])
type Procedure = (Maybe VarCol, [VarCol])
type ProcedureEnv = [(String, Procedure)]

type LinearSystem = (Matrix Rational, [UnitConstant])

type Row = Int
type Col = Int

type DebugInfo = [(Col, (SrcSpan, String))]

data UnitEnv = UnitEnv {
  _report              :: [String],
  _varColEnv           :: VarColEnv,
  _derivedUnitEnv      :: DerivedUnitEnv,
  _procedureEnv        :: ProcedureEnv,
  _calls               :: ProcedureEnv,
  _unitVarCats         :: [UnitVarCategory],
  _reorderedCols       :: [Int],
  _underdeterminedCols :: [Int],
  _linearSystem        :: LinearSystem,
  _debugInfo           :: DebugInfo,
  _tmpRowsAdded        :: [Int],
  _tmpColsAdded        :: [Int],
  _success             :: Bool,
  -- This part of the state is just for some evaluation metrics
  _evUnitsAdded        :: (Int, [String]),
  _evCriticals         :: [Int]
} deriving Show

emptyUnitEnv = UnitEnv { _report              = [],
                         _varColEnv          = [],
                         _derivedUnitEnv      = [],
                         _procedureEnv        = [],
                         _calls               = [],
                         _unitVarCats         = [Magic],
                         _reorderedCols       = [],
                         _underdeterminedCols = [],
                         _linearSystem        = (fromLists [[1]], [Unitful []]),
                         _debugInfo           = [],
                         _tmpRowsAdded        = [],
                         _tmpColsAdded        = [],
                         _success             = True,
                         _evUnitsAdded        = (0, []),
                         _evCriticals         = []

Data.Label.mkLabels [''UnitEnv]

resetTemps :: State UnitEnv ()
resetTemps = do tmpRowsAdded =: []
                tmpColsAdded =: []

trim = filter $ \(unit, r) -> r /= 0

{- Treat 'UnitConstant's as numbers -}
instance Num UnitConstant where
  (Unitful u1) + (Unitful u2) = Unitful $ trim $ merge u1 u2
    where merge [] u2 = u2
          merge u1 [] = u1
          merge ((unit1, r1) : u1) ((unit2, r2) : u2)
            | unit1 == unit2 = (unit1, r1 + r2) : merge u1 u2
            | unit1 <  unit2 = (unit1, r1) : merge u1 ((unit2, r2) : u2)
            | otherwise      = (unit2, r2) : merge ((unit1, r1) : u1) u2
  (UnitlessC n1) + (UnitlessC n2) = UnitlessC (n1 + n2)
  (Unitful units) * (UnitlessC n) = Unitful $ trim [(unit, r * n) | (unit, r) <- units]
  (UnitlessC n) * (Unitful units) = Unitful $ trim [(unit, n * r) | (unit, r) <- units]
  (UnitlessC n1) * (UnitlessC n2) = UnitlessC (n1 * n2)
  negate (Unitful units) = Unitful [(unit, -r) | (unit, r) <- units]
  negate (UnitlessC n) = UnitlessC (-n)
  abs (Unitful units) = Unitful [(unit, abs r) | (unit, r) <- units]
  abs (UnitlessC n) = UnitlessC $ abs n
  signum (Unitful units) = Unitful [(unit, signum r) | (unit, r) <- units]
  signum (UnitlessC n) = UnitlessC $ signum n
  fromInteger = UnitlessC . fromInteger

{- Treat 'UnitConstant's as fractionals -}
instance Fractional UnitConstant where
  (Unitful units) / (UnitlessC n) = Unitful [(unit, r / n) | (unit, r) <- units]
  (UnitlessC n1) / (UnitlessC n2) = UnitlessC (n1 / n2)
  fromRational = UnitlessC . fromRational

data Consistency a = Ok a | Bad a Int (UnitConstant, [Rational]) deriving Show

efmap :: (a -> a) -> Consistency a -> Consistency a
efmap f (Ok x)      = Ok (f x)
efmap f (Bad x l msg) = Bad x l msg

ifDebug :: (?debug :: Bool, Monad m) => m a -> m ()
ifDebug e = if ?debug then e >> return () else return ()