{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} -- | -- Module : Commands.Spec -- Copyright : (C) 2007-2008 Bryan O'Sullivan -- (C) 2012-2016 Jens Petersen -- -- Maintainer : Jens Petersen -- Stability : alpha -- Portability : portable -- -- Explanation: Generates an RPM spec file from a .cabal file. -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. module Commands.Spec ( createSpecFile, createSpecFile_, detectDistro, Distro(..) ) where import Dependencies (notInstalled, packageDependencies, showDep, testsuiteDependencies) import PackageUtils (getPkgName, isScmDir, PackageData (..), packageName, packageVersion) import Setup (RpmFlags (..)) import SysCmd ((+-+), cmd) import Control.Monad (filterM, unless, void, when) import Data.Char (toLower, toUpper) import Data.List (groupBy, intercalate, isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf, sort, (\\)) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime) import Data.Time.Format (formatTime) import Data.Version (showVersion) import Distribution.License (License (..)) import Distribution.Simple.Utils (notice, warn) import Distribution.PackageDescription (BuildInfo (..), PackageDescription (..), Executable (..), exeName, hasExes, hasLibs) --import Distribution.Version (VersionRange, foldVersionRange') import System.Directory (doesFileExist, getDirectoryContents) import System.IO (IOMode (..), hClose, hPutStrLn, openFile) #if defined(MIN_VERSION_time) && MIN_VERSION_time(1,5,0) import Data.Time.Format (defaultTimeLocale) #else import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale) #endif import System.FilePath (dropFileName, takeBaseName, takeDirectory, ()) import qualified Paths_cabal_rpm (version) defaultRelease :: FilePath -> Distro -> IO String defaultRelease cabalPath distro = do let pkgDir = takeDirectory cabalPath scmRepo <- isScmDir pkgDir if scmRepo then do now <- getCurrentTime return $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "0.%Y%m%d" now else return $ if (distro == SUSE) then "0" else "1" rstrip :: (Char -> Bool) -> String -> String rstrip p = reverse . dropWhile p . reverse createSpecFile :: PackageData -> RpmFlags -> Maybe FilePath -> IO FilePath createSpecFile pkgdata flags mdest = do let mspec = specFilename pkgdata cabalPath = cabalFilename pkgdata pkgDesc = packageDesc pkgdata pkg = package pkgDesc name = packageName pkg verbose = rpmVerbosity flags hasExec = hasExes pkgDesc hasLib = hasLibs pkgDesc (pkgname, binlib) <- getPkgName mspec pkgDesc (rpmBinary flags) let pkg_name = if pkgname == name then "%{name}" else "%{pkg_name}" basename | binlib = "%{pkg_name}" | hasExecPkg = name | otherwise = "ghc-%{pkg_name}" specFile = fromMaybe "" mdest pkgname ++ ".spec" hasExecPkg = binlib || (hasExec && not hasLib) -- run commands before opening file to prevent empty file on error -- maybe shell commands should be in a monad or something (deps, tools, clibs, pkgcfgs, selfdep) <- packageDependencies pkgDesc let testsuiteDeps = testsuiteDependencies pkgDesc name missTestDeps <- filterM notInstalled testsuiteDeps specAlreadyExists <- doesFileExist specFile let specFile' = specFile ++ if not (rpmForce flags) && specAlreadyExists then ".cblrpm" else "" if specAlreadyExists then notice verbose $ specFile +-+ "exists:" +-+ if rpmForce flags then "forcing overwrite" else "creating" +-+ specFile' else do let realdir dir = ("cblrpm." `isPrefixOf` takeBaseName dir) when (maybe True realdir mdest) $ putStrLn pkgname h <- openFile specFile' WriteMode let putHdr hdr val = hPutStrLn h (hdr ++ ":" ++ padding hdr ++ val) padding hdr = replicate (14 - length hdr) ' ' ++ " " putNewline = hPutStrLn h "" put = hPutStrLn h putDef v s = put $ "%global" +-+ v +-+ s ghcPkg = if binlib then "-n ghc-%{name}" else "" ghcPkgDevel = if binlib then "-n ghc-%{name}-devel" else "devel" distro <- detectDistro if distro /= SUSE then put "# https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:Haskell" else do now <- getCurrentTime let year = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y" now put "#" put $ "# spec file for package " ++ pkgname put "#" put $ "# Copyright (c) " ++ year ++ " SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany." put "#" put "# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties" put "# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed" put "# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the" put "# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the" put "# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which" put "# case the license is the MIT License). An \"Open Source License\" is a" put "# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)" put "# published by the Open Source Initiative." putNewline put "# Please submit bugfixes or comments via http://bugs.opensuse.org/" put "#" putNewline -- Some packages conflate the synopsis and description fields. Ugh. let syn = synopsis pkgDesc when (null syn) $ warn verbose "this package has no synopsis." let initialCapital (c:cs) = toUpper c:cs initialCapital [] = [] let syn' = if null syn then "Haskell" +-+ name +-+ "package" else (unwords . lines . initialCapital) syn let summary = rstrip (== '.') syn' when (length ("Summary : " ++ syn') > 79) $ warn verbose "this package has a long synopsis." let descr = description pkgDesc when (null descr) $ warn verbose "this package has no description." let descLines = (formatParagraphs . initialCapital . filterSymbols . finalPeriod) $ if null descr then syn' else descr finalPeriod cs = if last cs == '.' then cs else cs ++ "." filterSymbols (c:cs) = if c `notElem` "@\\" then c: filterSymbols cs else case c of '@' -> '\'': filterSymbols cs '\\' -> head cs: filterSymbols (tail cs) _ -> c: filterSymbols cs filterSymbols [] = [] when hasLib $ do putDef "pkg_name" name putNewline unless (null testsuiteDeps) $ do put $ "%bcond_" ++ (if null missTestDeps then "without" else "with") +-+ "tests" putNewline -- let eCsources = concatMap (cSources . buildInfo) $ executables pkgDesc -- let lCsources = concatMap (cSources . libBuildInfo) $ maybeToList $ library pkgDesc -- when (null $ eCsources ++ lCsources) $ do -- put "# no useful debuginfo for Haskell packages without C sources" -- putDef "debug_package" "%{nil}" -- putNewline defRelease <- defaultRelease cabalPath distro let version = packageVersion pkg release = fromMaybe defRelease (rpmRelease flags) putHdr "Name" (if binlib then "%{pkg_name}" else basename) putHdr "Version" version putHdr "Release" $ release ++ (if distro == SUSE then [] else "%{?dist}") putHdr "Summary" summary case distro of SUSE -> putHdr "Group" (if binlib then "Development/Languages/Other" else "System/Libraries") RHEL5 -> putHdr "Group" (if binlib then "Development/Languages" else "System Environment/Libraries") _ -> return () putNewline putHdr "License" $ (showLicense distro . license) pkgDesc putHdr "Url" $ "https://hackage.haskell.org/package/" ++ pkg_name putHdr "Source0" $ "https://hackage.haskell.org/package/" ++ pkg_name ++ "-%{version}/" ++ pkg_name ++ "-%{version}.tar.gz" case distro of Fedora -> return () _ -> putHdr "BuildRoot" "%{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build" putNewline putHdr "BuildRequires" "ghc-Cabal-devel" putHdr "BuildRequires" "ghc-rpm-macros" let isa = if distro == SUSE then "" else "%{?_isa}" let alldeps = sort $ deps ++ tools ++ map (++ isa) clibs ++ pkgcfgs let extraTestDeps = sort $ testsuiteDeps \\ deps unless (null $ alldeps ++ extraTestDeps) $ do put "# Begin cabal-rpm deps:" mapM_ (putHdr "BuildRequires") alldeps when (distro /= SUSE && any (\ d -> d `elem` map showDep ["template-haskell", "hamlet"]) deps) $ putHdr "ExclusiveArch" "%{ghc_arches_with_ghci}" unless (null extraTestDeps) $ do put "%if %{with tests}" mapM_ (putHdr "BuildRequires") extraTestDeps put "%endif" put "# End cabal-rpm deps" putNewline put "%description" mapM_ put descLines putNewline let wrapGenDesc = wordwrap (79 - max 0 (length pkgname - length pkg_name)) when hasLib $ do when binlib $ do put $ "%package" +-+ ghcPkg putHdr "Summary" $ "Haskell" +-+ pkg_name +-+ "library" case distro of SUSE -> putHdr "Group" "System/Libraries" RHEL5 -> putHdr "Group" "System Environment/Libraries" _ -> return () putNewline put $ "%description" +-+ ghcPkg put $ wrapGenDesc $ "This package provides the Haskell" +-+ pkg_name +-+ "shared library." putNewline put $ "%package" +-+ ghcPkgDevel putHdr "Summary" $ "Haskell" +-+ pkg_name +-+ "library development files" case distro of RHEL5 -> putHdr "Group" "Development/Libraries" SUSE -> putHdr "Group" "Development/Libraries/Other" _ -> return () unless (distro == SUSE) $ putHdr "Provides" $ (if binlib then "ghc-%{name}" else "%{name}") ++ "-static = %{version}-%{release}" putHdr "Requires" "ghc-compiler = %{ghc_version}" putHdr "Requires(post)" "ghc-compiler = %{ghc_version}" putHdr "Requires(postun)" "ghc-compiler = %{ghc_version}" putHdr "Requires" $ (if binlib then "ghc-%{name}" else "%{name}") ++ isa +-+ "= %{version}-%{release}" unless (null $ clibs ++ pkgcfgs) $ do put "# Begin cabal-rpm deps:" mapM_ (putHdr "Requires") $ sort $ map (++ isa) clibs ++ pkgcfgs put "# End cabal-rpm deps" putNewline put $ "%description" +-+ ghcPkgDevel put $ wrapGenDesc $ "This package provides the Haskell" +-+ pkg_name +-+ "library development files." putNewline put "%prep" put $ "%setup -q" ++ (if pkgname /= name then " -n %{pkg_name}-%{version}" else "") putNewline putNewline put "%build" let pkgType = if hasLib then "lib" else "bin" put $ "%ghc_" ++ pkgType ++ "_build" putNewline putNewline put "%install" put $ "%ghc_" ++ pkgType ++ "_install" let execs = sort $ map exeName $ filter isBuildable $ executables pkgDesc when selfdep $ do putNewline put $ "%ghc_fix_dynamic_rpath" +-+ intercalate " " (map (\ p -> if p == name then "%{pkg_name}" else p) execs) let licensefiles = #if defined(MIN_VERSION_Cabal) && MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,20,0) licenseFiles pkgDesc #else if null (licenseFile pkgDesc) then [] else [licenseFile pkgDesc] #endif unless (null licensefiles || distro /= Fedora) $ do putNewline put $ "rm %{buildroot}%{ghc_pkgdocdir}/" ++ case length licensefiles of 1 -> head licensefiles _ -> "{" ++ intercalate "," licensefiles ++ "}" putNewline putNewline unless (null testsuiteDeps) $ do put "%check" put "%if %{with tests}" put "%cabal test" put "%endif" putNewline putNewline when hasLib $ do let putInstallScript = do put "%ghc_pkg_recache" putNewline putNewline put $ "%post" +-+ ghcPkgDevel putInstallScript put $ "%postun" +-+ ghcPkgDevel putInstallScript docs <- findDocs cabalPath licensefiles let license_macro = if (distro == Fedora) then "%license" else "%doc" when hasExecPkg $ do put "%files" when (distro /= Fedora) $ put "%defattr(-,root,root,-)" -- Add the license file to the main package only if it wouldn't -- otherwise be empty. mapM_ (\ l -> put $ license_macro +-+ l) licensefiles unless (null docs) $ put $ "%doc" +-+ unwords docs mapM_ (\ p -> put $ "%{_bindir}/" ++ (if p == name then "%{name}" else p)) execs unless (null (dataFiles pkgDesc)) $ put "%{_datadir}/%{name}-%{version}" putNewline putNewline when hasLib $ do let baseFiles = if binlib then "-f ghc-%{name}.files" else "-f %{name}.files" develFiles = if binlib then "-f ghc-%{name}-devel.files" else "-f %{name}-devel.files" put $ "%files" +-+ ghcPkg +-+ baseFiles when (distro /= Fedora) $ put "%defattr(-,root,root,-)" mapM_ (\ l -> put $ license_macro +-+ l) licensefiles -- be strict for now -- unless (null (dataFiles pkgDesc) || binlib) $ -- put "%{_datadir}/%{pkg_name}-%{version}" putNewline putNewline put $ "%files" +-+ ghcPkgDevel +-+ develFiles when (distro /= Fedora) $ put "%defattr(-,root,root,-)" unless (null docs) $ put $ "%doc" +-+ unwords docs when (not binlib) $ mapM_ (\ p -> put $ "%{_bindir}/" ++ (if p == name then "%{pkg_name}" else p)) execs putNewline putNewline put "%changelog" unless (distro == SUSE) $ do now <- getCurrentTime let date = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%a %b %e %Y" now put $ "*" +-+ date +-+ "Fedora Haskell SIG - " ++ version ++ "-" ++ release put $ "- spec file generated by cabal-rpm-" ++ showVersion Paths_cabal_rpm.version hClose h return specFile' createSpecFile_ :: PackageData -> RpmFlags -> Maybe FilePath -> IO () createSpecFile_ pkgFiles flags mdest = void (createSpecFile pkgFiles flags mdest) isBuildable :: Executable -> Bool isBuildable exe = buildable $ buildInfo exe findDocs :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> IO [FilePath] findDocs cabalPath licensefiles = do contents <- getDirectoryContents $ dropFileName cabalPath let docs = filter likely contents return $ if null licensefiles then docs else filter unlikely $ filter (`notElem` licensefiles) docs where names = ["author", "copying", "doc", "example", "licence", "license", "readme", "todo"] likely name = let lowerName = map toLower name in any (`isPrefixOf` lowerName) names unlikely name = not $ any (`isSuffixOf` name) ["~"] showLicense :: Distro -> License -> String showLicense SUSE (GPL Nothing) = "GPL-1.0+" showLicense _ (GPL Nothing) = "GPL+" showLicense SUSE (GPL (Just ver)) = "GPL-" ++ showVersion ver ++ "+" showLicense _ (GPL (Just ver)) = "GPLv" ++ showVersion ver ++ "+" showLicense SUSE (LGPL Nothing) = "LGPL-2.0+" showLicense _ (LGPL Nothing) = "LGPLv2+" showLicense SUSE (LGPL (Just ver)) = "LGPL-" ++ [head $ showVersion ver] ++ "+" showLicense _ (LGPL (Just ver)) = "LGPLv" ++ [head $ showVersion ver] ++ "+" showLicense SUSE BSD3 = "BSD-3-Clause" showLicense _ BSD3 = "BSD" showLicense SUSE BSD4 = "BSD-4-Clause" showLicense _ BSD4 = "BSD" showLicense _ MIT = "MIT" showLicense SUSE PublicDomain = "SUSE-Public-Domain" showLicense _ PublicDomain = "Public Domain" showLicense SUSE AllRightsReserved = "SUSE-NonFree" showLicense _ AllRightsReserved = "Proprietary" showLicense _ OtherLicense = "Unknown" showLicense _ (UnknownLicense l) = "Unknown" +-+ l #if defined(MIN_VERSION_Cabal) && MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,16,0) showLicense SUSE (Apache Nothing) = "Apache-2.0" showLicense _ (Apache Nothing) = "ASL ?" showLicense SUSE (Apache (Just ver)) = "Apache-" +-+ showVersion ver showLicense _ (Apache (Just ver)) = "ASL" +-+ showVersion ver #endif #if defined(MIN_VERSION_Cabal) && MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,18,0) showLicense _ (AGPL Nothing) = "AGPLv?" showLicense _ (AGPL (Just ver)) = "AGPLv" ++ showVersion ver #endif #if defined(MIN_VERSION_Cabal) && MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,20,0) showLicense _ BSD2 = "BSD" showLicense _ (MPL ver) = "MPLv" ++ showVersion ver #endif #if defined(MIN_VERSION_Cabal) && MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,22,0) showLicense _ ISC = "ISC" showLicense _ UnspecifiedLicense = "Unspecified license!" #endif -- from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/930675/functional-paragraphs -- using split would be: map unlines . (Data.List.Split.splitWhen null) paragraphs :: [String] -> [String] paragraphs = map (unlines . filter (not . null)) . groupBy (const $ not . null) -- http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Word_wrap#Haskell wordwrap :: Int -> String -> String wordwrap maxlen = wrap_ 0 False . words where wrap_ _ _ [] = "\n" wrap_ pos eos (w:ws) -- at line start: put down the word no matter what | pos == 0 = w ++ wrap_ (pos + lw) endp ws | pos + lw + 1 > maxlen - 9 && eos = '\n':wrap_ 0 endp (w:ws) | pos + lw + 1 > maxlen = '\n':wrap_ 0 endp (w:ws) | otherwise = " " ++ w ++ wrap_ (pos + lw + 1) endp ws where lw = length w endp = last w == '.' formatParagraphs :: String -> [String] formatParagraphs = map (wordwrap 79) . paragraphs . lines data Distro = Fedora | RHEL5 | SUSE deriving (Eq) -- for now assume Fedora if no /etc/SuSE-release detectDistro :: IO Distro detectDistro = do suse <- doesFileExist "/etc/SuSE-release" if suse then return SUSE else do dist <- cmd "rpm" ["--eval", "%{?dist}"] -- RHEL5 does not have macros.dist return $ if null dist || dist == ".el5" then RHEL5 else Fedora