module CabalGild.Type.Flag where import qualified CabalGild.Exception.InvalidOption as InvalidOption import qualified CabalGild.Exception.UnexpectedArgument as UnexpectedArgument import qualified CabalGild.Exception.UnknownOption as UnknownOption import qualified Control.Monad.Catch as Exception import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable import qualified System.Console.GetOpt as GetOpt -- | A flag, which represents a command line option. The values associated with -- the flags are typically not parsed. These just handle the structure of -- command line options. data Flag = Help Bool | Input String | Mode String | Output String | Stdin String | Version Bool deriving (Eq, Show) -- | The command line options the correspond to the flags. options :: [GetOpt.OptDescr Flag] options = [ GetOpt.Option ['h', '?'] ["help"] (GetOpt.NoArg $ Help True) "Shows this help message.", GetOpt.Option [] ["no-help"] (GetOpt.NoArg $ Help False) "", GetOpt.Option ['v'] ["version"] (GetOpt.NoArg $ Version True) "Shows the version number.", GetOpt.Option [] ["no-version"] (GetOpt.NoArg $ Version False) "", GetOpt.Option ['i'] ["input"] (GetOpt.ReqArg Input "FILE") "Sets the input file. Use '-' for standard input (STDIN).\nDefault: '-'", GetOpt.Option ['m'] ["mode"] (GetOpt.ReqArg Mode "MODE") "Sets the mode. Must be either 'check' or 'format'.\nDefault: 'format'", GetOpt.Option ['o'] ["output"] (GetOpt.ReqArg Output "FILE") "Sets the output file. Use '-' for standard output (STDOUT).\nDefault: '-'", GetOpt.Option ['s'] ["stdin"] (GetOpt.ReqArg Stdin "FILE") "Sets the path to the input file when using STDIN.\nDefault: '.'" ] -- | Converts a list of command line arguments into a list of flags. If there -- are any unexpected arguments, invalid options, or unknown options, an -- exception will be thrown. fromArguments :: (Exception.MonadThrow m) => [String] -> m [Flag] fromArguments arguments = do let (flgs, args, opts, errs) = GetOpt.getOpt' GetOpt.Permute options arguments Foldable.traverse_ (Exception.throwM . UnexpectedArgument.fromString) args Foldable.traverse_ (Exception.throwM . InvalidOption.fromString) errs Foldable.traverse_ (Exception.throwM . UnknownOption.fromString) opts pure flgs