module CabalGild.Action.Render where import qualified CabalGild.Extra.FieldLine as FieldLine import qualified CabalGild.Extra.Name as Name import qualified CabalGild.Extra.SectionArg as SectionArg import qualified CabalGild.Type.Block as Block import qualified CabalGild.Type.Chunk as Chunk import qualified CabalGild.Type.Comment as Comment import qualified CabalGild.Type.Line as Line import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString import qualified Distribution.Compat.Lens as Lens import qualified Distribution.Fields as Fields -- | A wrapper around 'toByteString' to allow this to be composed with other -- actions. run :: (Applicative m) => ([Fields.Field [Comment.Comment a]], [Comment.Comment a]) -> m ByteString.ByteString run = pure . uncurry toByteString -- | Renders the given fields and comments to a byte string. toByteString :: [Fields.Field [Comment.Comment a]] -> [Comment.Comment a] -> ByteString.ByteString toByteString fs cs = let i = 0 :: Int in Block.toByteString . Lens.set Block.lineBeforeLens False . Lens.set Block.lineAfterLens True $ fields i fs <> comments i cs -- | Renders the given fields to a block at the given indentation level. fields :: Int -> [Fields.Field [Comment.Comment a]] -> Block.Block fields = foldMap . field -- | Renders the given field to a block at the given indentation level. -- -- If a field only has one line and no comments, then it can be rendered all on -- one line. field :: Int -> Fields.Field [Comment.Comment a] -> Block.Block field i f = case f of Fields.Field n fls -> case fls of [fl] | null $ FieldLine.annotation fl -> comments i (Name.annotation n) <> ( Block.fromLine . Lens.over Line.chunkLens (mappend $ name n <> Chunk.colon) $ fieldLine i fl ) _ -> Lens.set Block.lineAfterLens True $ comments i (Name.annotation n) <> Block.fromLine Line.Line { Line.indent = i, Line.chunk = name n <> Chunk.colon } <> fieldLines (i + 1) fls Fields.Section n sas fs -> Lens.set Block.lineBeforeLens (not $ Name.isElif n || Name.isElse n) . Lens.set Block.lineAfterLens (not $ Name.isIf n || Name.isElif n) $ comments i (Name.annotation n) <> comments i (concatMap SectionArg.annotation sas) <> Block.fromLine Line.Line { Line.indent = i, Line.chunk = Lens.set Chunk.spaceAfterLens True (name n) <> sectionArgs sas } <> Lens.set Block.lineBeforeLens False (fields (i + 1) fs) -- | Renders the given name to a chunk. name :: Fields.Name a -> Chunk.Chunk name = Chunk.fromByteString . Name.value -- | Renders the given field lines to a block at the given indentation level. fieldLines :: Int -> [Fields.FieldLine [Comment.Comment a]] -> Block.Block fieldLines = foldMap . fieldLineC -- | Renders the given field line and its comments to a block at the given -- indentation level. fieldLineC :: Int -> Fields.FieldLine [Comment.Comment a] -> Block.Block fieldLineC i fl = comments i (FieldLine.annotation fl) <> Block.fromLine (fieldLine i fl) -- | Renders the given field line to a line at the given indentation level. fieldLine :: Int -> Fields.FieldLine a -> Line.Line fieldLine i = Line.Line i . Lens.set Chunk.spaceBeforeLens True . Chunk.fromByteString . FieldLine.value -- | Renders the given section arguments to a chunk. Note that comments are -- ignored. In practice this isn't a problem because section arguments can't -- have comments attached anyway. sectionArgs :: [Fields.SectionArg a] -> Chunk.Chunk sectionArgs = Lens.set Chunk.spaceBeforeLens True . foldMap sectionArg -- | Renders the given section argument to a chunk. sectionArg :: Fields.SectionArg a -> Chunk.Chunk sectionArg sa = case sa of Fields.SecArgName _ bs -> Lens.set Chunk.spaceBeforeLens True . Lens.set Chunk.spaceAfterLens True $ Chunk.fromByteString bs Fields.SecArgStr _ bs -> Lens.set Chunk.spaceBeforeLens True . Lens.set Chunk.spaceAfterLens True . Chunk.fromByteString . flip ByteString.snoc 0x22 $ ByteString.cons 0x22 bs Fields.SecArgOther _ bs -> let b = bs /= ByteString.singleton 0x21 -- ! && bs /= ByteString.singleton 0x28 -- ( && bs /= ByteString.singleton 0x29 -- ) in Lens.set Chunk.spaceBeforeLens b . Lens.set Chunk.spaceAfterLens b $ Chunk.fromByteString bs -- | Renders the given comments to a block at the given indentation level. comments :: Int -> [Comment.Comment a] -> Block.Block comments i cs = mempty {Block.lines = fmap (comment i) cs} -- | Renders the given comment to a line at the given indentation level. comment :: Int -> Comment.Comment a -> Line.Line comment i = Line.Line i . Chunk.fromByteString . mappend Comment.delimiter . Comment.value