module Options ( Command(..) , SearchTerm(..) , getOptions ) where import Options.Applicative import Data.Monoid (mconcat) data Command = CmdGraph { graphHide :: [String] , graphHidePlatform :: Bool , graphPackages :: [String] } | CmdDiff { diffPackage :: String , diffVer1 :: String , diffVer2 :: String } | CmdRevdeps { revdepPackages :: [String] } | CmdInfo { infoPackages :: [String] } | CmdSearch { searchTerm :: SearchTerm , searchValues :: [String] } | CmdLicense { licensePrintTree :: Bool , licensePrintSummary :: Bool , licensePackages :: [String] } | CmdVCS { vcsPackages :: [String] } | CmdBumpable { bumpablePackages :: [String] } | CmdCheckPolicy { checkPolicyPackage :: [String] } | CmdCheckRevdepsPolicy { checkRevdepsPolicyPackage :: [String] } | CmdForAll data SearchTerm = SearchMaintainer | SearchAuthor commands = [ ("graph", cmdGraph, "generate a .dot dependencies graph of all the packages in argument") , ("diff", cmdDiff, "generate a diff between two versions of a package") , ("revdeps", cmdRevdeps, "list all reverse dependencies of a set of packages") , ("info", cmdInfo, "list some information about a set of packages") , ("search-author", cmdSearch SearchAuthor, "search the cabal database by author(s)") , ("search-maintainer", cmdSearch SearchMaintainer, "search the cabal database by maintainer(s)") , ("license", cmdLicense, "list all licenses of a set of packages and their dependencies") , ("vcs", cmdVCS, "list all registered repo URLs for each a set of packages and their dependencies") , ("bumpable", cmdBumpable, "list all dependencies that could receive an upper-bound version bump") , ("check-revdeps-policy", cmdCheckRevdepsPolicy, "check dependencies policy for reverse dependencies of a list of packages") , ("check-policy", cmdCheckPolicy, "check dependencies policy for packages") , ("forall", cmdForAll, "forall packages (debug)") ] where cmdGraph = CmdGraph <$> many (strOption (long "hide" <> short 'h' <> metavar "PACKAGE" <> help "package to hide")) <*> switch (long "hide-platform" <> help "Hide all packages from the platform") <*> packages cmdDiff = CmdDiff <$> argument str (metavar "") <*> argument str (metavar "") <*> argument str (metavar "") cmdRevdeps = CmdRevdeps <$> packages cmdInfo = CmdInfo <$> packages cmdSearch accessor = CmdSearch accessor <$> many (argument str (metavar "")) cmdLicense = CmdLicense <$> switch (short 't' <> long "tree" <> help "show the tree dependencies of license") <*> switch (short 's' <> long "summary" <> help "Show the summary") <*> packages cmdVCS = CmdVCS <$> packages cmdBumpable = CmdBumpable <$> packages cmdCheckRevdepsPolicy = CmdCheckRevdepsPolicy <$> packages cmdCheckPolicy = CmdCheckPolicy <$> packages cmdForAll = pure CmdForAll packages = some (argument str (metavar "")) getOptions :: IO Command getOptions = execParser (info (parseCArgs <**> helper) idm) where parseCArgs = subparser $ mconcat $ map (\(name, v, desc) -> command name (info v (progDesc desc))) commands